Why Esther Uses Abraham
From the Quarterly Journal Jan/Feb/Mar 1997 (pdf)
JERRY: A man came in this morning—an outsider—while I was setting up the room and started plying me with questions, and he finally says, “Why Abraham. Why not just let Esther get up and do seminars and don’t mention the Abraham part?”
ABRAHAM: Here is the reason that the Abraham part of this experience can be beneficial, initially. Sometimes, in fact, quite often, someone will write wanting permission to utilize the material, that has come through Esther, in their own generic fashion. And they will say to you, “The world isn’t ready to hear about Abraham, and so, I want to condense it into a sort of human generic philosophy, because that way people can receive the information without resisting the process.” Well, all of that is fine, but the thing that we most want you to hear is that until you are able to help an individual understand the connection between their physical expression and their Core Energy—then you have not introduced them to their true power or reason for being here.
Until you are able to understand,
that as physical beings you are an extension of this Energy,
then you cannot consciously connect to this Energy,
and you cannot add to the whole of that which you are
in the way that you have intended it to be.
Unless you are able to help them understand that their Guidance System, the very emotions that they feel, are their barometer to let them know that they are in harmony with Source or not, then you’ve given them no lasting instruction. You’ve just given them another list of do’s and don’ts, and you have so many lists of do’s and don’ts.
As Esther is now understanding about inclusion/exclusion, we are hearing her many times a day...her passion, her newfound passion is, “I want to vibrate in pure vibrational harmony with Abraham all of the time whether I am expressing in a seminar setting or whether I’m talking to my daughter at the office.” In other words, “I’m wanting to, all of the time, be the uplifter that Abraham is.” “I am wanting,” Esther would say, “to observe less and to vibrationally match Abraham’s Energy more.” All she’s saying is, “I want to be all that I can be. I want to be who I really am. I want to be the uplifter that I was born to be.” You all have such patterns of thought about yourself… Listen to the way people have been talking to us here today. You are so patterned at explaining who you are and why you’re where you are. “My husband and I always spend more money than we earn.” “I was born early, and I was a too much oxygen baby.” (quoting from earlier comments by some participants in this workshop) You’ve practiced your patterns of limitation so profusely that it’s not likely that any of you, without some new way of looking at this, are going to suddenly begin seeing yourself in a different eye. And so, the weirdness of Abraham is a bridge that will help you to discover the trueness of Esther, as individuals.
A teacher, an instructor of language, recently related to us that in the process of teaching language, she discovered that if the students were given a new identity, they learned faster. So when they came to the class, they were given a new name, a new occupation, a new marital status, a new birth place, and from that day forward those were the name tags that were on those people, and those people that were given new identities learned the language substantially faster than those who came with their old names and their old limitations, and this is the same sort of thing.
Hear us, and play with this, and understand that that’s what we mean by “leading edge”. A desire erupting is really what the leading edge is, and if you’re not willing to introduce yourself to contrast, you’re not ever going to come up with a new desire. Physical beings often think that the goal is to get everybody to agree with me, and so “let’s take all the ideas that exist here in this human realm and let’s whittle them down to just a few good ideas and when we are all in agreement, then we’ll have good life.” and we say, if you could do that, it wouldn’t be good, it would be endedness. Instead, what you said was “Let’s go forth into this sea of contrast, and as the contrast bounces off each other, we’ll come up with new ideas of what is wanted, and as that new idea erupts, we’ll connect with the Energy that creates worlds—and we’ll take thought beyond that which it has been before.”
If you can imagine it,
the Universe can deliver it to you.
No big idea ever comes forth. It’s always a series of little ideas. It’s always a response to the now. It’s always in response to what I am living in the now. But most humans never tap into the power of that, because what they are living in the now is “I want this, but I’m getting this. I want money, but I don’t have enough. I want that, but I’m getting this.” It’s a rare human that ever takes that powerful contrasting experience and says, “I don’t want that! I don’t want that! What I want is, and this is the reason I want it, and this is what it would feel like, and this is the way it would play out!”
What we want for you is that you take so much pleasure in your imagery
that the physical reality is not so important --
and when you take pleasure in your imagery,
the physical reality will follow your imagery.
What we are asking of you
is to observe less and imagine more.
It’s a rare human that ever uses your power of imagination today—and that’s what you’re here for. The contrast helps you to decide. Your imagination carries you beyond.
Imagine an efficient government. Imagine a government that is really working for the people. Imagine a government that is wanting to be lean and efficient.
But if you join the masses in complaining about the bulky government tied up in red tape...then you’ve given nothing. You’re just regurgitating, as is everyone else, and your thought is not leading edge.
We make too much about all of this. Life is much easier than you all let it be. A very wise teacher said to you, “Follow your bliss.” That is the key—it really is. Find a thought that feels good and spend your time there, and if you stumble by accident or by habit on a thought that doesn’t feel good, recognize that you just mucked up your Energy and reach for a thought that feels better. That is really all there is to fulfilling your purpose, living your reason for being here, adding to this time/space reality in a powerful way.
A woman said to us, “Abraham, I think” (she was really mad at us) “I think that what you really want for me is that I just imagine my lover coming to me so clearly that I am satisfied in my imagination, and that you don’t really care if he ever really comes.” And we said, “That’s right. Because in your imagination you will have bliss, and in your imagination you will offer a vibration, and as you offer the vibration he cannot not come.”
Two or three years ago, while Jerry and Esther were in Key West, Florida, they found a magnificent statute, a fountain, a mermaid, made of bronze. And they thought she would be lovely sitting on the edge of the pool dropping water into the pool, but the pool was not ready for her, and so they took a picture of her and took the picture home and put it in the kitchen drawer, and often Esther would get it out and Jerry and Esther would talk about her and they would imagine her there or there or there. And last January they went to Key West and she was still there, and so they bought her and they had her shipped to Texas and she has been installed, and now she sits on the edge of the pool dropping her water into the swimming pool. And the first day she was there, Esther and Jerry sat at the dining room table, and Esther looked out and took pleasure in her, and then she said, “You know, I think I’m getting what Abraham is talking about, because I’ve taken such pleasure from my imagination about this mermaid sitting there at the edge of the pool that now she’s really there it doesn’t feel any different than it felt for the last two years.” No great celebration. No great hurrah. No “Hey everybody, do you want to come over and see her?” It was just a normal extension. The imagination was so real and so fulfilling that the physical manifestation is nice and fulfilling, but it’s not that much different from the pleasure that they have already been receiving from the power of their imagination
Take pleasure from your vision. You all keep demanding that the now give you something to observe that makes you feel good. That’s not Creation. That’s regurgitation.You keep wanting people to line up and be good so that when you observe them you can feel better. That’s not Creation. That’s observation. A part of Creation but not the main part. The main part is, directing thought so that it matches the power of your desire.
Criminalizing Adventure Populates Prisons
JERRY: Abraham, it seems like only yesterday, I could drive down the road on my motorcycle without my helmet at 120 miles and hour in Montana and be ingesting some kind of thing that made me feel strange, and so on, and not being in any major trouble over it all. It was just a way of life. I could get on planes with people who hadn’t been inspected for bombs and weapons...And I wasn’t being protected, so tremendously. It seems that the more we’re being protected against having adventure, the more people are having adventure by doing things that now get them involved with prisons or with law enforcement. Is that something inherent in us? The question is, tell me about adventure, or the sense of adventure.
These are freedom-seeking beings of immense proportion coming forth.
The generations that are being born today are perhaps 200% more
in their seeking of freedom and adventure than the generation past
or beyond that or beyond that.
ABRAHAM: There is something very important that we want to talk about, and that is, can you feel how the more they attempt to protect you, the more they try to help you exclude unwanted things from your experience, the less free you are? When you want freedom and a good life and joy and you’re pushing against danger and crime and things that go wrong, can you feel how that attempt at excluding is eroding or watering down your sense of freedom? Can you feel why it’s not working? Your question is about the sense of adventure?
JERRY: Is the sense of adventure, a positive sense or a drive within us?
ABRAHAM: Oh, yes, you are born with it. It is a synonym to freedom.
JERRY: You mean, taking chances with our lives and well-being?
ABRAHAM: Oh, coming forth into the physical experience is beyond physical description of adventure. Coming forth into this sea of contrast is the freedom-seeking adventure of all life times. You are born pioneers. Look at these little babies when they come forth. Can’t you see it. They want to eat everything. They want to smell everything. They want to touch everything. They want to see everything. They want to be with everything. And you’re saying, “No. No. No. Be careful.”
JERRY: So adventure is a natural part of our being, then, the sense of adventure?
ABRAHAM: Oh, it is the most natural sense. It is that Nonphysical attitude of more, more, more, more!
JERRY: So, does my observation that our prisons are becoming more filled with beings, have something to do with people continuing to have adventure, even though now it’s relative to the people in the uniforms with the badges and weapons?
ABRAHAM: Yes. Yes. Yes. You’re on to something, because your prisons will get more and more and more and more because the Nonphysical Energies that are coming forth are wanting more.
JERRY: We thought that the teenagers were rebelling more against us “good people.” (group laughs) So then it’s not that they are rebelling so much, it’s just that that is who they are, people with really strong wanting?
ABRAHAM: Now, here’s the cycle. They wouldn’t push against you if you weren’t pushing against them. If, when they come forth and they said, “I want it all. I want to do it all,” you said, “Good. It’s here for you.” If, when they came forth, they said to you, “I want to explore this,” instead of you saying, “That’s not marketable. You can never make a living at that...” If they weren’t being squelched at every turn, they wouldn’t push against those who are squelching them. They are born with enthusiasm. You try to slow them down. As you try to slow them down, they try to show you that they can’t be stopped. As they try to show you that they can’t be stopped, you try to show them they can be stopped. And so, you are both pushing against each other.
You are all pushing against each other, and in the process, you are all disconnected from your Source Energy and blaming each other because you don’t feel good. And you’re saying, “If you’d stop doing that, then life would be good.” And we say that’s not allowing. That’s not unconditional love.
Unconditional love says, “I want so much to feel good that, in spite of these conditions, I will find a thought that matches my desire. So these conditions can still exist—and I will still feel good. I will still remain connected to my Source Energy.”
Conditional love is saying, “I’m an observer. I don’t know how to visualize and I can’t feel good as long as you’re doing that, so you’ve got to stop doing that so that I can feel good.” But you can’t get them to stop doing that. You can’t even get them to agree on what they should or should not do.
As an individual, acknowledge that everyone is coming forth from the same Energy and that the diversity of your intentions is well planned and that the more diverse you are, the more powerful you are as individuals or as a group. And that if there weren’t those wanting different things, you could not begin to clarify what you want.
Your children cannot learn without exploring contrast.
They cannot even desire without exploring contrast.
So you must joyously and trustingly release them to life experience,
which is their teacher, and hold an image that,
through the contrast, their true desire will erupt
and that they will find a way of finding
vibrational harmony with it.
And their odds of doing that is very, very good,
especially if you have found
vibrational harmony with your own desire.
Acknowledge that its a big enough place for all of you to create whatever it is that any of you are wanting. That there is no shortage of space or Energy. There’s no shortage of any sort of resources. There’s no shortage of anything. You don’t have to fight anymore over land or over money or over property or over gods. There’s enough of everything for everybody, and as you as individuals, discover that, you will be joyful in any environment. You don’t have to wait for the rest of them to figure it out in order for you to be joyful. In the moment you stop pushing against them, you will have your joy.
A million people could push against you and it would not negatively affect you at all unless you push back. It is in your pushing back that you disallow your Stream.
What About The Teens?
GUEST: And what about teenagers?
ABRAHAM: What about what about them?
GUEST: Well, with drugs and… What I find happens is, like we moved here from another state and it’s like you’re taking them out of one environment and putting them in another environment. But they still have choices. It seems like at the beginning of the school year, it goes really, really well, and then towards the end things kind of fall apart. And then you’re back together as a family in the summer and then they start a whole new year of that cycle.
ABRAHAM: Well, here is the thing that we’ve noticed most about parents and their children. Most parents are afraid that their children will make all the mistakes that they made. In other words, you remember your feeling of gay abandon. You remember your feeling of invincibility. You remember your feeling of not being afraid of anything. And now you’re afraid your children will feel the same way. And we say to you, “They do.” Because life has not beaten them down in the way that it has beaten you down. They’re not yet ready to roll over and die. They still feel Life Force flowing through them, and they still want to project it in some way.
And so, if you worry about your children, in the moment of your worrying, can you not feel your diminishment of your Energy? Your goal is that they grow up and live happily ever after. Your goal is that they find something that they like to do and they focus upon it. Your goal as a parent is that they find something that holds their interest long enough that Life Force flows through them toward the successful fruition of it. But as you worry that they might not find that, now you hold them as an object of attention that doesn’t match your own desire. So you can not positively influence them because you’re already observing what-is or what you think is, rather than holding the clear vision of what you are wanting.
And so, when a parent asks a question like this, we know that what they’re wanting us to tell them is what to do with their child or what to say to the child. That hasn’t got anything to do with you. What we want to give you is information that will help you keep yourself in alignment with your own desire. If your child is in trouble or your child is unhappy or if your child is doing things that you don’t want your child to do and you’re observing it, you just joined that vibration. You have no way of influencing otherwise. So you have to step back from that and know that this kid’s all right. Know that all is well. Know that this child is just finding his or her way. Know that they are just collecting the data and coming to some new decisions. You must trust that that which comes forth from them will eventually triumph.
Most parents would like to live their lives for their children in order to protect their children from anything that might go wrong. But when your child wants his first bicycle, do you ride it for him? Do you say, “No. You’re going to get hurt. Watch me. This is how it’s done.” And he says, “Okay. I want to get on.” And you say, “No. You might hurt yourself. Just watch me.”?
If you are a mother who panics over everything, if you’re a mother who watches with great scrutiny, all you manage to do is teach your child to be deceptive. Because their natural desire will keep coming forth, and they will keep doing what they feel the impulse to do. They just will do it in a way that you cannot see it. They’ll try to protect you from it but they won’t stop doing it.
So you might as well just relax and acknowledge that all is really well. Fast forward through this time that you are worrying about, imagining them graduating and feeling wonderful and thriving and shining and knowing that they’ve got a happy home. Imagine them walking and running. Imagine them walking away from you, and you can tell by the lilt in their step that they are turned on, tapped in, feeling great. See them surrounded by other people. See them feeling success. Feel or hear the enthusiasm in their voice. And if you don’t have that in your now reality, you have to pretend it—but when you pretend it, you will be a vibrational match to your own desire, and when you are a vibrational match to your own desire, you will inspire them to it.
Rebellion and independence
are opposite ends of the stick.
Have you heard the expression… Jerry used to teach it often. “People will raise or lower to meet the vibration of your expectation.” So if you think you’ve got a kid in trouble, and that is your vibration, they have a very difficult time bucking your current. Haven’t you ever found yourself saying something that you didn’t mean to say, and after it was over you said, “I don’t know what came over me.” What came over you was somebody else’s expectation just sucked it from you. It doesn’t mean that they can create in your experience, but if somebody has a very strong opinion of you and it resonates with any part of opinion that you have of yourself, that’s a very strong current.
So what we are saying to you, as a parent, is you are wanting to align your conscious energies with your Nonphysical knowing of these children. That’s powerful influence. Don’t worry.
Forbidden Belly Button Ring
GUEST: I don’t get along with my father very well. He has very contradictory ideas about what I want to do, and I was wondering, if he wants something very strongly… Well, I want to pierce my belly button and he does not want me to do that. It’s like a sin, and so if he is wanting very much for me to have a whole complete belly button without any holes or anything, and I am wanting to have a belly ring, how will that work out?
ABRAHAM: All right, now, let us show you what’s happening here. Teenagers are the one example in all of the Universe that defies the Law of Attraction as we know it to be. (group laughs) We are having fun with you. What happens with any two groups or two armies or any two people that are wanting something different from the other...what happens is, as your father knows clearly what he does not want and gives that his attention, he is disempowered, which makes him mad at you, because it is his attention to you that makes him feel so bad. As you see your father as someone big and strong and in your way from what you want, you are disempowered, which makes you want to blame him for the way you feel. You’re both using each other as your excuse to not be connected to your Energy Stream.
So as each of you, independently from each other, focuses upon what you don’t want, momentarily, because that’s always the best way to identify what you do want… So your father would say, “Well I know what I don’t want. I don’t want her puncturing her body. I know what I don’t want. I don’t want her wearing something that is a symbol of something that I don’t feel comfortable with. It could mean any number of things. But it is representation of something that I am not at one with. I don’t want her getting a belly button ring because I wouldn’t get one. I don’t want her getting a belly ring because it makes her appear to be something other than what I want her to appear to be.” Now, having said that, his desire may be erupting within him, and so then he could begin saying, “What I want to include, relative to my daughter, is I want her to be so at one with who she is that she acknowledges that all is well with her. I want her to feel so self-sufficient about who she is that she doesn’t have to do anything faddish in order to fit in. I want her to feel so confident and so comfortable and so connected to who she is that she just radiates the essence of that and doesn’t feel any desire to go the way of the fad. I want her to acknowledge that her magnificent body is young and beautiful and delicious, and I want her desire to be to hold it in that place forevermore.” Now, if your father is saying those kinds of things to you, we don’t think you’d feel so much resistance about it. When he taps into the pure essence of his Nonphysical Energy and expresses that to you, you would not feel nearly so much resistance.
Bless your negative emotion.
Appreciate your sensitivity to it,
and when you are aware of your excluding,
stop and acknowledge what it is you want to include.
Now, let’s say that you’re saying, “I don’t want somebody telling me what I can and cannot do. I don’t want somebody else making their decisions for me. I don’t want somebody else making the decisions about what I do with my own body.” So you know what you don’t want. And then you begin making your statements of inclusion. “I want my daddy to realize that I’m all grown up. I want him to know that I really know what I’m doing. I want to be self-sufficient. I want to be...”
All of a sudden, when you both start including, you find yourself saying the same kinds of things. In other words, you are in absolute harmony about what you want. And the belly ring is superfluous to any of it. Get it or don’t get it. It doesn’t matter. You can both still have what you want.
What you want is knowledge that this is your body. What this desire for this belly ring is, more than anything, and believe us, we’ve seen a lot of them, we know why people are getting belly rings. It’s a protest that says, “I can’t control what you’re doing in Washington. I can’t control what’s happening with the government. And I can’t control what’s happening in the Middle East. And I can’t control what you’re doing with our finances in our family. But I damn well can control what happens to my own belly button!” That’s what you’re saying, isn’t it? It’s your statement of acknowledgment that “I am free to be.” Now we promise you that your father does not disagree with that. As a parent, he wants your independence. But on a very deep level, he knows that independence is not about rebellion. He’s been there, too, you see.
What we would encourage you to do is don’t take action on it right away. Give it a little time. Maybe thirty days. And over the next thirty days, think about why you want it. Really get into that place of inclusion, because we know that the statement that you’re really making to your father is, “I just want to be grown up, and I just want to make more of my own decisions.” And as you vibrate there and don’t do something… You see what happens?
It’s tricky, isn’t it. Because, in your desire for more independence, you do something very radical that makes him push all the harder against. You feel less free with this new decision on the table than you’ve felt in a long time. Don’t you? And so, don’t take any action. Just smooth it all out in Energy and watch what happens.
It won’t be very long before the kinds of things that you’ll be hearing from your father sound more like, “Well, kiddo, I wouldn’t do it if I were you, but it’s not me and I have to trust you. This is your life.” Those are the words you long to hear from him, but until you are in vibrational harmony with that, you can’t attract those words from him. As long as you see him as someone that’s in your way, you’re not ever going hear those words. You have to pretend him there. You have to envision him there. You have to achieve vibrational harmony with that image—and we promise you, you will evoke more of that kind of thing from him.
GUEST: Thank you very much.
Words For Uniting Couple
GUEST: I’m going to get married in a couple of weeks, and I’m just looking for advice or suggestions on how to take your best steps when you do make a change in your life together.
ABRAHAM: Well, you’ve heard us say today in many different ways that you’re wanting to line up the Energy first before you take any action. And we say to you, you’ve already done that. You’ve done a very good job of that. You’ve imagined very clearly this wonderful experience that is before you. If you’re wanting to launch this in a very powerful and poignant way, these are the kind of things that we would say to each other if we were a couple that were uniting.
We would say, “I look forward to all that is before us. I look forward to our differences. And I look forward to our samenesses. It is my promise to you that I will do my best to mind my own business and keep myself as happy as I possibly can. If I see a flaw within you, you will not hear it from me. I will do my very best to take my attention from it. I will not achieve vibrational harmony with anything within you that does not please me. For I know that surely in doing that, I will not be in vibrational harmony with my own desire, and that is the only thing that could bring me any sort of grief. I am emphatically excited about what is before us. I look forward to us being together. It is my promise to you that I will be as nice to myself as possible, and in being nice to myself, I will be as nice to you as possible.”
Say to your mate, “One thing that I’ve decided, I’m going to be as selfish as I can be. I’m going to be so selfish that I am literally unwilling to hold any thought that does not feel good. This is the gift that I give to you. I’m going to be so selfish, I’m going to stay connected to Core Energy so that I will be an uplifting influence in your physical experience.”
Go into the relationship looking for it to be an opportunity in which you can flow Energy. When you go into a relationship to see what you can get from another, you get off kilter right away. If you go into the relationship looking for opportunities to flow the radiant joy that is you, you will live happily ever after. Good.
We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. It is delicious to come together with those like you who are wanting and who are discovering how to consciously allow who you really are to flow into this physical time and place. There are wonderful times before you.
In the next few days, negative emotion is going to be your best friend, because it’s going to help you be aware that you are in the mode of excluding, which means it’s letting you know you are including in your vibration something that you do not want.
If there is anything that we are wanting for you, it’s for you to develop your skills of imagination. We encourage you to get together with one another and talk about things. Get together and talk about how good it is. If you already have a mate, spend time talking about what is coming and how much fun it will be. If you are waiting for that mate, begin pretending in your own mind, “What would I do if my mate were with me? What would we do tonight? Where would we go? What would we eat? What kinds of things would we say? How would that feel?” Goose up your power of imagination and watch how quickly the Universe responds to the power of your dynamic thought. There is great love here for you. We are complete.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
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