Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Gateways To Consciousness

From: MotherPeace

Gateways of Consciousness

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Gateways of Consciousness
in the Human Energy System

The memes observed are much more than the result of a sociological study. They have their roots in the very design of the universe, in the way that human consciousness was designed to operate.

Science today, for the most part, shelters itself inside the safe harbor of materialism. However, excluding an appreciation of the works of the Creator from scientific inquiry can slow the progress of research considerably. When you base your assumptions upon the idea of the universe as an intelligent creation, then it becomes much easier to find the answers to many perplexing questions.

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If humans are progressing through twelve memes of experience, then could there be a fundamental phenomenon of consciousness which supports this segmentation of consciousness into twelve distinct phases? Are memes just some odd coincidence, or are they a built-in design feature of human consciousness?

The Keyboard of Consciousness

Musical keyboards include several octaves. Octaves are sets of notes which run, for example,
from C through D, E, F, G, A, B and up to the next C note,
which also forms the start of the next octave.

In music, the word ‘octave’ literally means ‘eight notes.’
The C-octave is performed by playing the note C
along with the next C above it, eight white keys higher.
The higher C note is also the start of the next octave higher.

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New Discoveries
about the Chakras

To summarize the new information

1. The Twelve Chakra Faces and the Musical C Octave

The twelve faces of the chakras resonate exactly with the twelve keyboard keys within the C-octave. Each front-facing chakra face is separated from its back-facing opposite by exactly one half-tone.

2. Frequency Differences Between Chakra Faces

Each back-facing chakra resonates a half-tone higher than its front partner. The front face is therefore the lower frequency face of each chakra pair. For example, if you add one half-tone to the front face of the solar plexus chakra, you have the exact frequency of the back face of the solar plexus chakra. If you add another half-tone, you have the frequency of the front face of the heart chakra. Adding yet another half-tone, you have the frequency of the back-facing heart chakra, and so on.

3. Spinal Connections

The back-facing chakras connect into the etheric equivalent of the spine approximately 1.25 inches (3 cm) above where their front-facing partners connect.

4. The Yin-Yang Relationship of Chakra Pairs

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Super Symmetry –
Chakras, Music and Memes

The memes of Spiral Dynamics,
the notes within an octave, and the system of twelve chakra faces all perfectly match one another.

This illustrates how the rise of civilization has passed through a sequence of memes which are directly related to the human chakra system.

A Glimpse Into the Future

While The Shift is primarily a quantum leap into the second tier of six memes, the future will be filled with much more than just the consciousness of meme number 7.
The other memes in the second tier, 8 through 12,
will be beckoning to the trendsetters and pioneers in society.

Memes 8 and 9 will open up a huge wave of constructive creativity for many people. This stage of consciousness contains the vision and the ability for people to begin remaking the world as a place of deep and lasting beauty.

Constraints that we take for granted today will begin to dissolve.
For example, as we discover the secrets
of instantaneous travel through space,
we will gain enormous freedom of movement.

Memes 10 and 11 are the memes of enlightened wisdom.
Even glimpses of this rarefied level of consciousness during deep meditation allow much wisdom to flow into the awareness.
The achievement of meme 12 is the ultimate, long sought-after state of cosmic consciousness, which is the true pinnacle of human potential.

As you can see, stepping forward into the second tier of consciousness opens up much more than just the next step in consciousness.
It opens up a whole new stairway of
exciting expansion towards the
ultimate in human potential.

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