----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ~♥Reality~
Much Love and Respect to
Paradigm Shifter: You and I are one
& Movidyn and EarthMama
The Hopi Prophecy: Land of No Time
The Raven through Kahu Fred Sterling
* www.kirael.com/ *
Here I am, my friends, to watch your change. I choose to share these words: You will be the ones who decide, not the fate of Mother Earth, not the fate of humankind, but your own individual fates. You will walk from this room free again. You will know who you are and why you are here.
To each who selects which God to worship, to each who chooses the words to praise your Creator, choose from your heart to know that your Creator is your love of light and your light of love. In that you will find peace and harmony within you. I suggest that each of you who sits in council with us feel your brothers and sisters beside, behind and in front of you as they fill this beautiful place, for they come from the spirit world this night to be with you. They come to dance your dance, breathe your breath and tell you that all is well. If you open your hearts and feel the presence of who you are then a light will be lit within.
Many of you with illnesses will be free of them as you walk from this space. To all who have heavy hearts, who think you have lost your way, I come to light your heart light so that you will begin a new journey. When you walk from this beautiful place you will know that Mother Earth is safe and secure in the light of those in the world of the Native American. Each of you here has passed through that world and been touched by the light of the Raven. I have seen to that myself. Tonight I awaken you again, for peace on your Earth depends on each who hears this message.
I speak as well to those who are not here this night, yet who will hear my voice. Close your eyes and feel, be and hear what you have not been able to feel, be and hear. See what you have chosen not to see. Most of all, feel what you have frozen from your heart. Let yourself feel love. Each of you, feel with me now.
Look at your own known history. Think of those who have left you behind and have gone to the great beyond. Think of their faces and imagine the most beautiful sight you can. Imagine them sitting with you, holding your hand, cherished by your light, knowing that one day you will join them. Today you have chosen the responsibility to hug Mother Earth back to life, to belie the prophecy that says all is lost. Look into the eyes of those who have gone to the great beyond. Notice a tear as they pray that you see them. You will not walk from this building saying, "I didn't see anything." They're praying hard, as we speak. You can feel their breath on your chest as they raise their heads and look into your eyes, but you deny them. Do not deny them, my friends. Let your brethren-your aunties, your uncles, your fathers, your sisters, your brothers, your friends from the other world-be with you. Look into their eyes. See the love they bring from the other world and know in your hearts that you can feel them, hear them and see them with your eyes closed.
I ask my brethren, all of my sisters and brothers, to take this long-awaited opportunity to look into the spirit eyes of those who have gone before you. I see a young man in the back of the room who was once called John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He looks into the eyes of a young woman and speaks to her from his heart. He says, "Pen my message this day, beautiful woman. Though you may not know me in this lifetime, I served your world well. I died in the cause of awakening. I want you to give my message to the Raven. I want you to speak from your heart and tell him my message. He will know who I am, he will not cry, he will celebrate each of you."
Just for a moment, forget you are human and realize your great spiritual light. Draw before you any who will come in light, then listen for their message, for a great reverence is among us now. As the Raven, I open your world to cross the boundaries into the world of spirit, and I open the spirit world that they may come to you. Feel the breath now, as they shine upon you. Know, my friends, that you are in the presence of your elders, for they are spirit, they are the light.
Some may have already disappeared; some may still be here. It is your choice to see what you see, feel what you feel and hear what you hear. To each who chooses to say the words, "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I feel nothing," my heart sings this song for you. Let your world be open, my friends. Hear the song I sing: a song of the heart that dances with all the rhythm and all the light of your brothers of the other world to bring you back to this room. I ask you each to share what you have seen, felt and heard with every brother, sister, elder and newborn baby. Share with the world that peace can reign on Mother Earth. In that is the greatest hope. The lightworker has arrived.
Those of you who have come across great cloud-banks from other worlds to be here are challenged now by the Raven's light to be the healer, to be the lightworker. You are not too old, you are not too young; you are the light. Share it with the world. Tell everyone you know that it is not too late. It is time to awaken as one light force-lightworkers united-without regard to color, age or wisdom. I shall not sing my song twice in this lifetime, for you have heard it and it is my hope that you felt it and that it has awakened the light within you. If any of you has questions, please come forth and let us speak to each other.
In 1992, the Hopi elders visited the United Nations, and there was a lunar eclipse the night after their presentation. Torrential rain and flooding occurred in New York City. The storm abated after the Hopi elders created a circle of prayer. Could you share your insights into this event?
In 1992, your Hopi brothers stood before the councils of the great white men and prayed that their words about what could be done to save your world would be heard. For the most part, the Hopi were ignored, but they were told not to give up, for when they knocked four times and sang three times the world would listen. Mother Earth would hear.
They were turned away, and the circle could not form. Mother Earth, who was listening, shook in Tibet where the Tibetan Indians raised their energy and chanted a great chant. Soon there was a lunar eclipse, and great torrential rains came. The rains would have lasted until all of New York City was under water, but your brethren circled their lights again and prayed with those from Tibet, and the torrential rains stopped.
The Tibetan language mirrors the Hopi language, and vice versa. These two tribes are brethren beyond the veil, and that day in 1992 the third dimension saw closure of the duality spectrum, if but for a short time, as the two tribes joined forces as one.
I had the chance to see the prophecy inscribed upon Prophecy Rock in Old Oraibi, and it showed two paths: the path of the people of the one heart and the path of the people of the two hearts. Human beings have been following the path of the people of the two hearts. I have read that here on Mother Earth there are actually two vibrations that may be splitting in the same way, that they will diverge and go different ways. Would you elaborate on this?
I sat in great council so that I might answer this question, my elder friend. I know that you already know the answer but wish to share it with the people who have come together in honor of light. You will feel my answer, for it is the same prophecy told in a different tone. The prophecy says that when you come to the end of the path you have to make a choice: two hearts or one. Mother Earth, in the beautiful light of her core, is now coming to the same choice. She has come, as you have said, to the point where she will split her path in half. She will move the poles so that the North becomes the South and the South becomes the North. She has come with that great awareness and she will always have that in her alignment, but the Hopi prophecy says that the choice still belongs to the human light. Hence, Mother Earth will hold back a short time longer in the hope that the human world can awaken to one heart. If the human world does not awaken to one heart then Mother Earth will split her axis.
The Hopi prophecy also speaks of two brothers who parted many moons ago. The white brother was to return to the Hopi, who have been guarding the Earth. Would you elaborate on how that unfolded?
The first time it unfolded with your brothers of the Hopi tribe, who saw the white man coming back from the south. The Hopi thought this white man was the one they had been waiting for, the one who would bring them the answer: the missing piece to their stone tablets. The missing piece was the circle of the great brothers, the circle that shows no end to the beginning and no beginning to the end. As they looked upon these white energy brothers of that time, the Hopi gave their great trust to them. Most of you know that history.
Let us move to the Now, where you speak of the greater unfolding of the prophecies. The white energy is willing to expend all energies to prove its inheritance of Mother Earth, who cannot be inherited. To those of you in this room, no matter your color, no matter where you went-north, south, east or west, to the four corners of the world-you understand that the prophecy is that the white people shall be part of the brothers of all light. That is the Hopi prophecy unveiled, my friend. No human will be held in disregard, whether from the south, north, east or west, for man will join the colors to become one color again. That is the prophecy, my friend.
The Hopi prophecy speaks of how the human has lost the balance of life. Can you share with us tonight the shaman's way of living a life in balance?
My friend, it is important to live life in balance. In your world, you believe that you live in a system that is referred to as a duality. Whatever you might consider your world to be, realize that to live in balance you must live on three points at one time. As my great teacher Kirael has told us so many moons past, to sit upon a stool with two legs surely means that you will fall, but to sit on one with three legs means that you will find balance. This is the balance of the trinity.
The prophecies of the Hopis, the Apaches and all the tribes lost to you state that if you balance yourself on a stick in the water you will fall. Even today, when you try to balance your life between being mad and being happy, or being in love and being hateful, or being greedy and being spiritual the cost is dear, for balance does not exist when you compare opposites. Love is the only true balance. In order to have love you must conclude that each word you speak must be truth. You must learn to have the faith of your Creator. You must have the desire and the passion to be free. You must have the light of love. So speak not with forked tongue. Speak only in the light of the Creator. Surround your life with that love and you will find what you seek. Look for balance in the three-sided spectrum of light and you will come to know your truth. Find your balance in the trinity of truth, trust and passion.
Regardless of our so-called heritage, how can we tap into the Native American wisdom in our cellular consciousness to help us heal?
If you walk across a beautiful earthen floor and a great thirst comes upon you, you cannot reach into the trees to get a drink and you cannot look to the animal world and drink of their life. You must let yourself fall deep into the well, where the waters of spirit live, and dip into these spiritual worlds. You will learn the way of the shaman. You will learn that, in order to find your depth, you must be willing to go within. You are like the well, my friend. Look deep within and you will find that spiritual light. Light that light, live that light, and the world is yours.
Hence, if you have great thirst and no water can be found, like the shaman you will dig deep within and feel the water cross your tongue into your throat and merge into your light so that it spreads throughout your embodiment.
How are the Anasazi, the Navajo and the Hopi related?
By the Creator. I'm sorry, my friend, that wasn't meant to be funny. It is the truth of truth that all of you are related by one Source. It is only by the act of your Creator that you have chosen different hues, different colors. When the medium tells you of the colors of your light you can still see that you are not different, but are one and the same. So it is truth that you are each brethren of the Creator. There is but one force of light, and you are the Creator's force of light.
The Navajos seem to have a dimmer energy than the Hopi's-more anger and frustration. Would you give me some clarity on that?
To speak of one energy as dimmer than another is an expression of prejudice. It is as though you have deemed one race to have an energy pattern not of an equal level as another race. I suggest, my friend, that in all races there are those who choose not to find their balance. There are those who choose to live out karmic lives or who choose to act not in the light. They act as dimmed energy so that you
might recognize what it is like to be light. It is a way to remind you not to let your energy dim. Do not speak of the Navajo or the Hopi as tribes or cultures. Know that there are those among them both who live in the light of dimness. When all is said and done, my friend, in the purest light, you will never ask that question again because you will know that each particle of energy that lives in the form of human is of one light and thereby will choose to find its way back to love. The great white brother, the elder brother, as I call him-who wasn't white, by the way-who was on your Earth some two thousand years ago said, "Speak not of anything but love and you will find your world a pleasant place."
I have lived my life in love, yet I still have illnesses. It seems contradictory to me, but perhaps not. Would you help me understand that?
I would, my sister of light. Hear me clearly, for it will be a short answer that will impact your love. Deep in your physical frame you have carried the memory of these great illnesses. Each time you have had the opportunity in other lifetimes to make them vanish, they have not completely disappeared, and some parts of you still remember those same things. You're cleansing as I speak to you, and the cleansing is allowing those memories to surface so that you may discard them, so that they are no longer a part of you. Celebrate each one as a passing light and know that it has no grip on you, for you are a sister of the light, practicing love. The Creator will hold you. I shine the light of the Raven upon you and ask you to have the greatest faith and let love fell the presentation of this energy. Each of these illnesses or sicknesses that emerges from your consciousness will pass through you. Do not let them become part of you, and you will quickly see that you have run out of illnesses to experience. Then you will experience the love you have shared with all of the world. You will feel inner peace, the love of your light, and you will walk with your brothers and sisters of light, the lightworkers of this Earth.
Would you help me understand how to awaken the oneness between the religious and the spiritual?
At one time a great eagle soared through the sky. He could ride the winds forever, dive to the depths of your oceans, stand upon Mother Earth and be heard by all. He brought a great energy force just by waving his wings. He was the great eagle who almost returned to spirit, who almost lost his life, almost perished from your skies and your mountaintops until he prayed from the perch upon which he sat. He raised his beautiful golden chest to the Creator and said in his own way, "Creator, I cannot exist without your love. I no longer find a reason to fly over this Earth of my Mother. In my heart I am lost to your words." A beautiful voice sang to him that night and said, "My eagle friend, only when you close the door and let no one enter will you not feel the presence of love, but when you throw open both doors-front and back, left and right-to the four winds, you will feel united in your own cause." The eagle spoke unto the Creator's light and asked not for forgiveness or repentance or gifts but to feel the presence of light, and for that reason the eagle will fly no matter what the human does. The eagle has learned that no one is an island unto himself. No one can live without the light of his brother. Do not speak of religions, spiritualism or any "isms." Just be we-the-people and you will discover one Creator, one eagle and one life to live.
How would you respond to those who feel that war is the only answer to the atrocities practiced by some governments?
I would call the leaders of these governments to my council and have them sit across the table from one another. I would have great food and waters brought to them. I would then surround them with hawks, eagles, falcons and ravens, and not allow them to leave until they came to a peaceful solution. They would eat well, drink well and die well if they couldn't come to a solution. That would be my council. You cannot force them to come to the table. So to each human being who hears this, I say pray from the heart every day until peace prevails. Pray that you will be joined by another and another and another. Every day in every way, you could pray to the light to find the solution. One of you will bring the solution to the table and that will be the end of the war.
In your time were the "ten principles of consciously creating" part of your life?
The ten principles are my life. For you to live in this world and find all that you search for, you must use the ten principles the way Master Kirael has chosen to share them with you. You look at them and they frighten you. Others will oppose your use of the principles, because the principles are the awakening of the light. Your Creator experiences you as a human being through the principles. I have not lived of, by or for the principles. Rather, the principles are my life. I live only in the world of these principles. The world will rock when the principles are fully brought forth onto the Earth plane. When those with the most fear step away and let the principles come to light, the principles will spread like wildfire.
How can a lightworker live his or her daily life in a healing space from one moment to the next?
I offer you this statement, my young princess friend: When you arise tomorrow morning, walk out and stand upon Mother Earth. Let your foot tap, tap, tap, tap. Say, "I have arrived. I await your answer. Please appear within my thoughts that I may have the answer to turn my world to the space I want it to be." You will have just that answer.
I am very sensitive to the Earth changes. When Mother Earth shakes and her winds blow, I have a hard time getting out of bed. What advice
can you give me?
You must know that you cannot live in your den like the great black bear, who must forage and refill its light and its love. When next you feel the emergence of Mother Earth and her shining light, when you feel that she will shake your world, come from the den. Fill yourself with so much love and light that she can no longer hold on to you. Mother Earth must be allowed to shake and you must honor her for it. When next you feel her shake, instead of shying away, celebrate. Dance with me; sing with me. Chant my song when you feel Mother Earth shake, and know that you must fulfill her love. Celebrate her. Dance with her. Be her.
I have read of an event of cosmic significance to the planet and to the galaxy: an event described in different ways as the unlocking of the fifth gate or the unlocking of the seal. Would you explain more about the significance of the unlocking of the fifth seal and how we might prepare for it?
It is the prophecy that this is the day many of you have waited for, the day the fish will jump from the rivers and lie upon the banks before you. This is the day when the corn will spread by sinking into the ground and nurturing itself into the biggest stalks you have ever seen. This is the day when the Moon will appear gold. If you speak truth, trust the flight of the arrow and use the passion of the bubbling brook, then this is the day you will find your peace and your abundance. So look closely at this day. Don't let anyone scare you from it. Stand before it and sing your highest tune. Sing the song I sang for you this night and you will see that this day is the brightest one.
Do you have a closing statement for us?
The flight you each are looking for is your flight. You will sprout your wings again like mine and you will fly into the skies. You are the journey; you are the light of Creator. You walk its presence on this beautiful place called Mother Earth. Without you the Creator Source would be short in its own light, but with you It is honored by your presence, for you extend Its light into the world. Never let the words "I don't know" pass your lips. Let not one sentence be interrupted by the word "but" and you will find that your light is the most beautiful and brilliant you could have ever dreamed possible. This is your life, my friends. You have chosen to walk as human. Now choose to live without limits. Fly with me this night. Fly with me to the horizons and beyond.
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