Monday, June 04, 2007

Wiser Than You Know

From: Dani

From: karing4U


Wiser Than You Know!

By Steve Goodier

In many areas you are knowledgeable.
But do you know that you are wise, too?
Perhaps far wiser than you realize.

Wisdom is more than knowledge. Wisdom is the product of lessons learned in the school of life. Wisdom can be hard won; for it is often birthed in the ashes of failure.

Theodore Levitt, of the Harvard Business School, said, "Experience comes from what we have done. Wisdom comes from what we have done badly." If that is true, I am wiser than I ever imagined!

One man tells of sitting next to a "wise" woman on a flight to Florida. He was preparing his notes for one of the parent-education seminars he conducted as an educational psychologist. Bessie, an older woman sitting next to him, explained that she was returning to Miami after having spent two weeks visiting her six children, 18 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren in Boston.

Then she inquired what he did for a living. The man explained that he was a doctor psychologist specializing in children. He dreaded telling her this, as he fully expected her to question him for free professional advice during the three-hour flight. Instead, she sat back, picked up a magazine and said, "So doctor, if there's anything you want to know, just ask me."

Bessie's years of parenting and grand-parenting gave her what no professional degrees could -- wisdom. And though her comment may have been made in jest, she probably could have added much to the seminar.

Don't dismiss those mistakes and tough times you have suffered. Don't --- your many life experiences. You paid a high price for them. And if you learned well, they brought you something priceless -- wisdom! For everything you have done -- EVERYTHING -- has given you experience. And if it did not all go as well as you'd hoped, then you also gained some wisdom. This wisdom, the progeny of your setbacks and difficulties, may be your most valuable asset!

Who will benefit from your wisdom today?

a free newsletter
sharing life, love and laughter,
published by Steve Goodier.

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From: JaneBond

“I’m going to die alone with 33 cats. And I don't even like cats."

I overheard this comment while I was waiting for my juice at the local juice bar. And with a statement like that, I just had to turn to look at the speaker. She was a beautiful woman probably in her late 20’s sitting at a nearby table with one of her girlfriends.

From what I could gather, this lovely young woman had once again freaked when someone got too interested in her and had ended a relationship.

“I don’t know why I do this,” she groaned to her friend.

Normally, I don’t listen to other people’s conversations but sometimes it happens. I mean really, is it my fault that the only unoccupied table happened to be the one next to them? Anyway, interestingly enough, they then started discussing her recent trip to visit her family and how she felt that they’d almost completely ignored her the entire time. She’d travelled a long way to visit them and in return they’d left her at home to watch tv while they went out. It had been devastatingly hurtful to her.

“Bingo,” I thought. “Her past is haunting her future. That’s most likely why she’s having relationship problems.” My guess is that she feels her family doesn’t value her so how could anyone else think she’s wonderful when they don’t? Rejection by family is especially hard because that is the one relationship you tend to believe is unconditional. A hundred people could tell you, "you are the most incredible person in the world" but it is that one rejection by a family member that you will hold on to for your self image. You end up subconsciously thinking it’s better to push others away before they discover that terrible secret that only your family knows. That you’re not worth it. Of course this isn’t true but once the ideas are formed in your mind it’s difficult to move beyond them.

My guess would be that she’s never forgiven her parents for how she feels they’ve treated her and for her low self esteem. I’m sure the incident she spoke of was just one in many such events throughout her life. Her whole self image is now wrapped up in this resentment that she holds. I didn’t say it to her but the sad thing is that she’s doomed to continue following the same pattern in all her relationships until she changes herself through her thoughts. No guy is ever going to make it past her barriers until she does. It’s not her actions that will change the situation, it is her thoughts. And in order to change her thinking, she needs to start with forgiveness.

Forgiveness is Critical For Your Self Image

You need to forgive everyone who’s ever done anything to you for which you still feel resentment. This is something you do for yourself, not the other person. When you think about it, whatever that person did to you wasn’t about you at all. It was totally about them and how they view the world. Just like in the above example, her parents’ behaviour didn’t have anything to do with her. It was about them. They were doing what they thought was the right thing to do. Just like in whatever you do, you do it because you think it’s the correct decision at that moment. Later on, you might think it wasn’t the best choice, but at that particular point in time, it was what you thought was the best action to take. You were doing your best in the situation with whatever knowledge you had at the time. This is what everyone does. So, even though, we may not agree with it, they’re doing their best. And she may not like how her parents treat her but they are doing the best that they know how. Parents aren’t perfect yet we want them to be. They’re where we got our self image from, they need to be perfect. It’s a big shift in consciousness when you realize someone else actions and opinions do not make you the person you are. Only you can do that. You get to decide what you think about yourself but until you forgive that other person, you won’t be able to get beyond the initial resentment.

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Stepping Out of Our Story

From: Linda

From: Intuition

Stepping out of your story

Stepping Out of Your Story
by Neale Donald Walsch

Our "story" can literally run our lives. Indeed, for most
people it is the only thing that does. We come from our
story when we face incoming data, and we go to our
story when we send outgoing data.

Take our "story" away and we all but disappear.

Here is a typical example of a "story": Marilyn was
eight years old when she was molested by her
stepfather the first time.

It happened again, until she turned 14, when it finally
stopped, for reasons about which she was never clear.

She kept her stepfather's behavior a secret from her
entire family, and especially her mother, until she was 16.

Then, she quietly and tearfully took her
mother aside and told her everything.

Her mother didn't believe her.

Her mother called Marilyn a liar and a dirty little tramp
who was just so angry at her stepfather for the rules
he was laying down around the house that she was
willing to stop at nothing, at no allegation or exaggeration,
to hurt him, to get him out of the house and out of her life.

Marilyn has been "coming from" this "story" ever since.

How this shows up in her life is a deep disregard and
distrust of all males, and also as a continual wariness
about confiding in or trusting anybody.

She looks to all people who are close to her (that is,
if she can even allow herself to get close to people)
to betray her sooner or later, and this mars and terribly
complicates her relationships with everyone.

She also feels and relives the damage from the original
offense, and soothes the unhealed places in herself
with various kinds of "acting out", including drug and
alcohol abuse and, ironically, a kind of sexual addiction
that has her enter into all sorts of liaisons with men,
allowing them to fall in love with her, only then to drop
them like hot potatoes, leaving them reeling with hurt
and anger -- all as a "pay back" for their being "male".

This is just an example.

Everyone has a story they are coming
from as they encounter the world.

Some stories are more serious in their ramifications
than others, but all stories play their effect on
the day-to-day living of individual lives...
until they don't anymore.

The time comes when people simply decide that they
no longer wish to identity themselves with their "story",
but now wish to "come from" a new set of data
when they engage life itself.

This process of "dropping their story" is
not an easy one, but it can be done.

It is a matter of stepping aside from the story
and realizing that "that was then, and this is now".

It is a matter of actively choosing to never
again mortgage a future moment to a past one.

The trick to stepping outside of your story is to
drop the need for any story altogether.

This could only occur if you were
completely clear about Who You Are....

You would have to understand that you are,
indeed, a local manifestation of Divinity.

You would have to understand that there is
no disconnection between you and God.

You would have to be aware that you are a
Soul traveling through life with your body,
but that you are not the body itself.

Once you identify yourself in this fashion you will
easily see that there is nothing you need to be
perfectly happy, completely at peace, and embracing
always the joy and the wonder of your True Self.

Then you will have no need to continue living inside
of your story, because you will see clearly that it is
bringing you emotional rewards and psychological
content that you no longer need or require.

This will create a huge shift in your ground of
being and will alter your experience of life forever.

Home with God in a Life That Never Ends, the final book
in the Conversations with God cosmology, says that
death is a process of re-identification. It also says that
one does not have to wait until death for this process to begin.
You may undertake the process whenever you wish during
your lifetime. The process starts with the dropping of your
personal story. One reason that some people have
great trouble in letting go of their past data is that they
have created an entire persona around that data. Everyone
thinks and assumes that this is "who they really are", when,
in truth, it has nothing to do with their True Identity at all.

Here is a little exercise that you might enjoy: start off
tomorrow morning by entering your day as if you had
no prior data about any aspect of your life whatsoever.

Pretend that you know nothing about your past --
especially any aspect of your past that you once
perceived to have caused you injury or damage.

Move through the day as if nothing that is happening Right
Now has anything to do with anything that happened Before.

Even if something that is occurring right in front of your face
reminds you greatly of a previous encounter with life,
ignore the Old Data and move forward through the
present moment without judgment or any reaction
to the prior experience.

See if this is possible for you to do.

If it is, you have learned Detachment, and
that is a very good skill to acquire.

Every sunrise, indeed, every new moment of every day is
truly a New Beginning in which you may, just as the book
says, re-create yourself anew in the next grandest version
of the greatest vision ever you held about who you are.

You may begin life over again Right Now, and nothing
is stopping you from doing that except yourself.

The process is actually easier done than said!


Love and Gratitude for sharing




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[ my additions ]

LOVE*UNITY visions
♥Thanks! ~
Divine Love
tHe "I" oF rIa


Everyone needs a partner.
It's a universal proposition.
It's the way souls operate best and therefore
becomes a human need.

When we were babies, our partners were our parents.
Feeding, bathing, diaper changing,
we needed a mom or a dad, and contrarily,
they needed us.

They needed to feel the special love babies provide,
to feel the joy of life renewed.

As we grew, friends gradually took the place
of parents as our partners.

A special friend to go on long bike rides with.
Someone to share secrets and dreams with.

Teenagers no longer need their parents,
except for money or a ride to the mall.

By our late teens or early twenties,
we're looking for a long-term partner,
someone to share a life with.

No other joy surpasses finding the perfect partner,
and creating a life together.

Sometimes it's difficult to find the right person.
Usually, it's necessary to become the right person first.

Sometimes partnerships are dissolved
through divorce or death.

After my grandfather died,
my grandmother was fortunate to share
her remaining years with another wonderful partner.

The two of them brought a great deal of joy to each other
and both their extended families.

It takes work to keep our partnerships vibrant.
Time, effort and a lot of love are required.

Many believe the journey to spiritual enlightenment
is one taken alone. [ and can be ]

This doesn't work at all for me. [ and for some ]

Certainly individual growth is required,
each person must make their own effort.

But a wonderful person
can make the trip much more enjoyable.

I'm not sure there is a final destination
on our journey to become like God.

[ but a good example of "all being as one"
and "whole"
is seen up close with a great partner ]

Whatever the case, it should be a wonderful trip.

It takes silent meditation, it takes action,
but most of all it takes a wonderful partner.

blessing and love to~
& Originally posted by
tHe "I" oF rIa

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Words Have Weight

From: LOVE*UNITY visions


Words Have Weight

Words carry energy and this gives language its power and its potential to heal or hurt. Most of us can remember a time that someone sent a word our way, and it stuck with us. It may have been the first time we received a truly accurate compliment, or the time a friend or sibling called us a name, but either way it stuck. This experience reminds us that what we say has weight and power and that being conscious means being aware of how we use words.

The more conscious we become, the more we deepen our relationship to the words we use so that we speak from a place of actually feeling what we are saying. We begin to recognize that words are not abstract, disconnected entities used only to convey meaning; they are powerful transmitters of feeling. For the next few days, you might want to practice noticing how the words you say and hear affect your body and your emotional state. Notice how the different communication styles of the people in your life make you feel. Also, watch closely to see how your own words come out and what affect they have on the people around you.

You may notice that when we speak quickly, without thinking, or rush to get our ideas across, our words don't carry the same power as when we speak slowly and confidently, allowing those receiving our words time and space to take them in. When we carefully listen to others before we speak, our words have more integrity, and when we take time to center ourselves before speaking, we truly begin to harness the power of speech. Then our words can be intelligent messengers of healing and light, transmitting deep and positive feelings to those who receive them.

Daily Om

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