Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cosmic Event Affirmations Starter

Here's some intents/affirmational examples that will help to get you in the most advantageous mindset to utilise the "Cosmic Trigger Event" day of 17th October 2006.

A divine state of grace operates within my life.
All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.
All my energy is coming to a higher order
All my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity, and vision.
All my feelings are a part of myself. I accept all of them.
All my relationships are harmonious
All powers reside in my inner being, as do all riches and all answers. I go forward on the path of discovering this inner world, listening to my intuition and avoiding the mind games of ego.
All that I need is coming to me now.
All that I need is within me, waiting to be released.
Answers come to me when I need them.
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
As I value life, life values me.
As my soul automatically activates my lightbodies and clarifies my crystalline physical form, I am able to hold so much more light
As the uplifting energies come into our reality I feel more and more Oneness with all other Beings.
Compassion and gratitude enables me to transmute the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed, both in my individual life and all around the globe.
Daily I am spiritually preparing for this era of unprecedented changes on Earth.
Divine Will flows through me. I know when to take action and when to surrender.
Each and every one of my cells is constantly regenerating and radiating Light. I attune to the divine love within me and let it flow through every cell of my body.
Each day I am living my higher purpose.
Each day more of the Love which truly I am is revealed to me.
Each moment is a spiritual experience. I stand within each moment and fully open myself to it.
Each moment is an occasion to live in gratitude.
Each moment is an opportunity to witness the rich uniqueness of everything and everyone and to experience the blessing that is life.
Eating healthfully is easy and fun. I love taking care of myself.
Eating healthfully makes me feel so good inside and fills me full of energy. I love taking care of myself.
Every challenge makes me stronger. Every obstacle strengthens my resolve. Every setback teaches me how to move forward in faith.
Every day I am absorbing greater amounts of light within my form and field, which greatly assists me in transitioning density.
Every day in every way I am experiencing more and more love in my life.
Every day in every way I am learning to love life more and more.
Every day in every way I am receiving more and more refined light and the rarified vibrational frequencies of the higher realms.
Every day in every way I continue the rediscovering of my Divine nature.
Everyday I am releasing more and more layers of density and illusion related to the game of Duality.
Everyday I increase the amount of light that I can hold and radiate.
Everyday in every way I am learning to love my life more.
Everyday in every way I am noticing more and more of the miracles in my life.
Everyday in every way I'm filled and distilled with light.
Everything always happens for my higher good.
Everything I do adds beauty, harmony, order, and light to the universe.
Everything I do contributes to the higher good of myself and others.
Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give I receive.
Everything is exactly as it should be in this moment.
Good things always come easily to me.
I absolutely love to spend time in communion with nature.
I accept and cherish all the uniqueness of others
I accept and cherish my own uniqueness
I accept and love all people for who they are.
I accept and love myself completely for who I am right now.
I accept and love myself exactly as I am in this moment. I accept and love my life exactly as it is.
I accept greater amounts of love into my life.
I accept my talents and abilities and take joy in exploring them to their fullest potential.
I accept prosperity and abundance into all areas of my life.
I accept this moment and myself within it, in its completeness and in its perfection. I embrace it deeply and feel myself melding into oneness.
I accept what life brings with grace and gratitude.
I acknowledge and accept that I am a powerful, loving, wonderful being.
I acknowledge and appreciate all of my good qualities.
I acknowledge my divinity as a co-creator with our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator to assist in the manifestation of heaven
I acknowledge my own beauty and wonder. I know that I am worthwhile. I know that I am enough, more than enough, for my lifetime.
I align with the divine in everything I say, do, and see.
I allow life to flow easily and observe the unfolding of events, new and surprising and full of wonder.
I allow my soul's vision and strength to come into my being.
I allow myself to receive love from the people in my life. I know as I open to receive I empower them to love more. The more I receive, the more I have to give.
I allow myself to think and dream in limitless ways.
I allow people to be any way they want to be. I accept and love all others unconditionally.
I always consciously learn from all of my experiences.
I always do my very best.
I always feel an uplifting vibrational shift when I deliberately begin to feel love, joy and gratitude for the abundance I already have in my life, which includes the love of self, family and friends.
I always have the ability to look inward and find answers.
I always have the will and wisdom that I need to move me into the next level of spiritual awareness.
I always have time to exercise.
I always naturally honor and give thanks for the energy that goes into the items from which I gain my physical nourishment.
I am a beacon of light and love. I glow with tolerance and acceptance. My belief in love is absolute and I embrace its power fully.
I am a column of light constantly connecting with the crystalline grid.
I am a conduit of love and light
I am a creative, insightful person.
I am a good person.
I am a healer through my words, thoughts, and deeds.
I am a light to the world. I shine. I am.
I am a light. I am full of love and power. I am deeply peaceful in my inner core. I am.
I am a part of all that is. I am deeply connected to this moment and all that it holds. Every opportunity, every possibility, is a deep part of me.
I am a radiant being of light.
I am a soul manifested in this life for a brief time. I am a part of something larger than what I see and which goes on forever and ever.
I am a special and unique person.
I am a spiritual force in the body of God, gathering unto itself the raw materials of love and harmony, for the making of All That Is.
I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.
I am a treasured person, my own best friend.
I am a valuable contribution to this time/space reality & people benefit when they interact with me.
I am a valuable person. My path is important.
I am able to see clearly and make effective decisions in all areas of my life.
I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path
I am acutely aware and open to the wonderful new information and opportunities that flow to me minute by minute.
I am alight with love. My heart opens wider and wider to embrace all others. There is room in my heart for all of humanity.
I am all that I need to be right now, and becoming so much more with each and every passing day
I am all that I need to be right now.
I am always aware of the messages my guides are sending me.
I am always being guided to the higher solution.
I am always in the right place at the right time.
I am always intuitively guided as to the right way to respond to every situation, for the Highest Good of all.
I am always patient with myself and others.
I am always right where I need to be
I am an emissary of love and light
I am an objective observer
I am anchoring the light upon the Earth and becoming grounded within the Goddess Gaia.
I am appreciating more and more my moment-by-moment experiences of life.
I am at peace, deeply centered and connected. I am all that I need to be. I am.
I am at peace. I walk my path with in love and joy.
I am attuned to All That Is, deeply connected to the higher purpose of my own higher self and that of the universe.
I am awaken now activating all my lightbodies in this process of ascension.
I am awakening spiritually to my fullest potential.
I am challenged. I learn. I win.
I am commited to loving myself unconditionally
I am commited to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.
I am committed to all that I came here to do.
I am committed to making healthy choices. I deserve to feel good and eat only the foods that elevate my mood.
I am committed to making healthy choices. I deserve to feel good.
I am completely open to fresh and new impressions of the life I have created. I see it anew, without any preconceptions of what it is like.
I am completely peaceful in being who I am.
I am confident and courageous.
I am connecting with my child-like sense of wonder.
I am consciously aware of the will of my soul.
I am consciously connected to my highest self.
I am consciously connected to my soul
I am consciously connecting with the higher forces of the universe.
I am consciously receiving impressions from my soul and higher self.
I am constantly seeking new ways to bring harmony and unity to the planet.
I am continually building a bridge of light to my higher self.
I am continually developing new, expansive thoughts about every area of my life.
I am continually finding appreciative ways of acknowledging my daily life.
I am continually taking many steps to make my life get better and better
I am deeply blessed with opportunity.
I am deeply connected in the present moment and in communion with All That Is.
I am deeply connected to what is. I ride the flow of life, just as it is.
I am deeply connected with everyone around me. I know that I am a part of all that is and everyone is a part of me.
I am deeply connected with my own higher self, my own higher truth. I am at peace. I am.
I am deeply engaged in life. I accept each challenge with a steadfast and courageous heart, knowing that every time I continue in spite of obstacles, I am becoming stronger and wiser and more vitally connected to my own life and that of others.
I am deeply grateful for this moment, right here, right now.
I am deeply loved and surrounded by help. I am made of love. I am full of faith. I am love. I am peace. I am.
I am deserving of good things in your life and receive the abundance that is my divine right
I am deserving.
I am doing what I love from moment to moment.
I am enough, exactly as I am. I love everything about myself. I love my body, my mind and my soul. I embrace myself and my place in this wondrous world.
I am eternally grateful to Mother Nature for all the delicious and nutritious foods that I love eat.
I am experiencing new growth daily
I am filled with light
I am filled with love and light.
I am flexible and open to new ideas.
I am forgiving.
I am full of confidence and courage.
I am full of courage.
I am full of faith and connection and a deep knowing that I am deeply loved and treasured, just as I am.
I am full of faith that the answers will come to me, that the right choices and decisions are deep within my truth and will present themselves to me.
I am full of faith. I am open to the guidance and help which surrounds me at all times. I am deeply connected to my higher self and to all that is.
I am full of gratitude.
I am full of light.
I am full of love, peace and joy.
I am full of love. I am full of light.
I am full of peaceful acceptance. I am.
I am fully present in now, this moment. I am deeply engaged in this adventure which I am living right now.
I am generous with my love.
I am glad to be alive and have a loving appreciation for all of life.
I am good enough just as I am.
I am grateful for each day. At the end of the day, I'm aware that I will never live this particular day again. For this gift, I'm truly grateful.
I am grateful for my wonderful, supportive friends.
I am grateful for the opportunities my challenging circumstances give me to learn more about my capabilities, and become more compassionate towards others.
I am grounding the higher energies being beamed to Earth from the Central Sun of this Universe.
I am guided by the knowledge of my higher self, a knowledge that encompasses my deep connection to all that is.
I am healthy and filled with energy.
I am highly capable and can handle any challenges which face me on my path.
I am honored being me.
I am important and special.
I am in awe of the magnificence of creation, and I delight with enjoyment while discovering its many facets.
I am in charge of my destiny, and relish being the builder of my life.
I am in control of all my thoughts, words, and deeds
I am in full alignment with my higher knowing
I am independent observer of other people's life drama
I am intelligent, talented and creative.
I am joy.
I am linked to my higher self
I am living a life that I love.
I am living my passion
I am lovable exactly as I am right here, right now.
I am lovable just as I am right now.
I am love completely.
I am love. It is who and what I am. I am made of love and everything I am is love.
I am loved. I am lovable. I am loving.
I am more beautiful with each and every passing day.
I am my favourite friend
I am my own best friend. I love myself completely and absolutely, exactly as I am.
I am naturally attracted to eat food that is alive with the energy of the sun and earth.
I am naturally drawn to the foods that my body needs to be healthy.
I am now committing to my connecting with and communing with my inner guidance
I am now eating the perfect food for energy, health, and vitality.
I am now remembering who I truly am. I am an extension of divinity
I am on the perfect path for me right now.
I am one with all of Life. I am one with All That Is.
I am one with All That Is, right now.
I am one with my body. I am one with my mind. I am one with my soul.
I am open and receptive, willing to try new things and allow newness into my life.
I am open to my higher self and allow the power and glory which is me to flow down into me and light my inner fires.
I am open to receive all the gifts the universe has to give me.
I am open to receive.
I am open to receiving loving, nurturing support.
I am open, receptive and flowing. I am deeply connected to what is.
I am part of life and my power comes from being completely present in each moment as it unfolds.
I am pleased to be me.
I am proud of my strength.
I am proud of who I am.
I am raising my vibration by accepting my divinity.
I am reaching levels of consciousness beyond anything I imagined possible.
I am really in the flow with my Inner Being and ideas come to me so easily
I am receptive to the Central Sun energies
I am relaxed and confidently believe in who I am.
I am responsible for everything that I think, say, feel and do.
I am responsible for my life.
I am strong and capable, easily rising to the challenges of my life, full of courage and full of love.
I am surrounded by information and opportunities to learn and grow.
I am thankful for all the good that has come and continues to come into my life.
I am the creator of my life. What I dream, I can create. I am the source of my abundance.
I am tolerant of other people's realities.
I am totally lovable just as I am right now.
I am truly dedicated to my soul growth.
I am truly lovable exactly as I am right now.
I am vital and alive. I feel the vibrant energy of life flowing through me and I am one with All That Is
I am willing to allow myself to be loved completely. I invite the love of the universe to come to me now.
I am willing to live without knowing what the next moment may hold. I greet each moment with joy and allow it to unfold around me.
I am worthy of all that I desire
I and my higher self are in charge of my destiny.
I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.
I appreciate myself and give thanks for my wonderful life.
I appreciate this moment for its wonder and beauty, exactly as it is.
I automatically radiate love and light to everyone I meet.
I automatically think in positive ways. I love my thoughts, because they are naturally loving.
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I believe in myself and my path. I am a valuable person. My path is important.
I benefit from all contrast because I'm gaining more thought to what I'm really want from my reality experience.
I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.
I care about myself.
I celebrate life
I change the world around me by changing myself.
I choose exclusively positive, uplifting and self-empowering thoughts to put into my mind.
I choose my higher path from moment to moment.
I choose peace.
I choose positive, uplifting thoughts to put into my mind.
I choose to be around people who contribute to my feelings of aliveness.
I choose to follow my higher path every single day.
I choose to habitually think thoughts that make me feel good.
I choose to live an abundant life.
I choose to live in love with life.
I choose to live this day to the fullest and cultivate my garden of happiness within.
I choose to stand in love, to act from love. I honor and respect myself in every choice I make.
I choose to think positively about every situation in my life.
I claim my own power to create my reality experience
I commit to expressing appreciation to all those that I love
I commit to my spiritual growth. It is my highest priority.
I commit to serving in any way I can knowing that I am adding to the Light quotient of reality.
I concentrate on my blessings and the positive things in my life and worry disappears.
I congratulate myself often.
I connect actively with life and accept my power and my responsibility for the creation of my life, every day and every moment.
I consistently see life through the eyes of my soul.
I continually receive impressions from my soul and higher self.
I create my own reality, and the present is my point of power.
I daily honor my worth.
I demonstrate love with actions every day.
I deserve a positive, nurturing, and harmonious environment, and I now have it.
I deserve to feel good and so I choose to think only those thoughts that make me feel good.
I draw in an unlimited supply of universal energy right now. I am recharging myself with energy and light. I have all the energy I need.
I draw in light with every breath I take.
I draw in my soul's light and power.
I drink plenty of clean, pure water.
I easily adapt to changing situations.
I easily and effortlessly maintain a healthy way of eating.
I easily and lovingly release what no longer works for me, so that I maintain a state of balance and honor in all of my "nows."
I easily recognize the patterns of purpose unfolding in my life from day to day.
I easily remain neutral around others.
I easily sustain a positive lifestyle.
I eat food that is alive with the energy of the sun and earth.
I eat foods that nurture me.
I embrace all humanity with unconditional love.
I embrace challenge and life-long learning as vital to creativity and excellence in all that I do.
I embrace my life and it embraces me.
I embrace my oneness with All That Is.
I embrace the beauty of now.
I embrace this life in its beauty and wonder. I am beauty. I am wonder. I am love. I am life.
I embrace this moment just as it is.
I emerge triumphant and stronger from every test and challenge I face.
I enjoy learning new things.
I enjoy opening myself to new experiences as I learn to stretch and grow beyond my old boundaries.
I enjoy spreading love and happiness everywhere I go and to everyone I meet.
I expand my aliveness through contact with nature.
I experience continuous opportunity for joy and play in my life.
I explore life with enthusiastic wonder and feel good each time I learn something new.
I feel blessed by all of the abundance I already have in all areas of my life.
I feel deeply fulfilled in all that I do.
I feel energized by all that I do.
I feel honored being who I am.
I feel life as it flows within me, and I fill with gratitude, with thanks for being able to be me, exactly as I am, here, now, just as things are.
I feel life running through my veins, vibrant and alive. I am deeply grateful to be a part of this adventure and I open my arms and my heart to life and embrace it fully.
I feel my own brightness increasing, and my own sense of joy growing larger as I speak words of encouragement to all I come across.
I feel my power, here, right now. I feel my connection to what is. I feel the energy of this moment as it flows through me, around me and to me. I am one with all that is. I am one with the flow of life.
I feel my power. I believe in myself completely.
I feel the deep connection I have with All That Is and know myself as a part of the greatness and wonder that is life.
I feel tolerance, compassion, and love for all people myself included.
I feel united with all of life.
I feel vibrantly alive and healthy.
I find my life's work by looking within rather than without.
I find reasons to offer words of praise - to self and others.
I focus on what is good and beautiful in my life. As I do, all that is good and beautiful increases.
I go with the flow of life. I embrace the evolving and changing nature of myself. I am at peace with All That Is, exactly as it is. I love myself and my life, right now.
I have a deep love for myself and for life itself.
I honor all others for being who they are, in this moment.
I honor all people for who they are.
I honor who I am, just as I am, exactly as I am.
I know I have an unlimited capacity and divinely given right to create whatever I want.
I look forward to a life of joy and happiness that is no longer limited to my past experiences.
I love and approve of myself in this moment, exactly as I am.
I love myself deeply and have complete faith in myself and my place in the universe.
I love to eat delicious, nutritious foods.
I lovingly embrace all of my daily opportunities to realize my full potential.
I make the most of every moment appreciative of the fact that I am an eternal spirit that has choosen to inhabit this body for only a short and once only period of time.
I now allow all good things to come into my life.
I now allow myself to discover the infinite possibilities that open before me.
I trust life. Every event in my life is there for a reason.
I welcome all that life brings my way.
Iam connecting with the source of infinite Love and Light within me.
My energy field is filled with the light of compassion and wisdom.
My heart is filled with courage, belief and a deep love of life.
My higher self and soul constantly show me answers and solutions.
My thoughts are naturally loving and positive.
My world is full of possibility and opportunity, sparkling all around me.
The unending love of the universe flows into me and fills me so completely. I feel its healing power within me.
What is not of the Light is dissolving and disappearing daily as the love energies are exponetially increasing upon the Earth plane

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