Thursday, May 03, 2007

Let Go or Get Dragged

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From: Tony

Thanks! ~ indigowindchime

Let Go or Get Dragged
by Lama Surya Das

A friend of mine named Eva, who manages a Buddhist retreat center in the mountains of Switzerland, has a yellow sticky hanging above her mouse pad as a reminder. It says: “Let go or get dragged.” That about sums it up for me.

I have been thinking a lot lately about acceptance, and how it actually changes things. For example: have you ever noticed how hard it is to change your mate, while a little more acceptance goes a long way towards transforming your relationship? Ultimately, I can change myself; that is about as far as it goes, although the ripple effect definitely filters further outwards. In a deeper sense, transforming myself transforms the world. That is why Buddha said: “When I was enlightened, all were enlightened, even the rocks and the trees.”

Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das

Acceptance has its own transformative magic. Letting go means letting be. Cultivating this panaceic inner virtue has helped me become far more patient, tolerant, empathic and open-minded. And lord knows, we could use a little more of that in this violent, strife-torn world!

The Buddhist PeaceMaster Shantideva said, long ago:
“Anger is the greatest evil.
Patient forbearance is the hardest practice.”

Patient forbearance is the third transcendental virtue and transformative power (“paramita”) of the Bodhisattva, the peaceful spiritual warrior. Cultivating inner discipline and integrity raises our standard for living and brings purpose and meaning to our lives. Facing our difficulties with courage and fortitude can bring us spiritual satisfaction and riches beyond measure. This is a time in our history to become sacred warriors for peace, not warmongers or mere worriers. Anger and fear are the roots of violence, as we know.

The Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna said: “Contentment is the greatest form of wealth.” Contentment should never be confused with complacence and indifference. There are various types of wealth in this world, but let me assure you that cultivating equanimity, spiritual detachment and heartfelt acceptance brings an inexhaustible wealth of contentment. Incessant craving and greed knows no end, like drinking salt water in a misguided attempt to alleviate thirst. Cultivating contentment and gratitude helps us appreciate what is given rather than focusing on what may be missing or imagined.

Radical acceptance implies unconditional friendliness, the kind of openness and love that allows us to meet life as it is; which never throws anyone out of our hearts, even if we don’t like what they may think, say or do.

Awakening to the Buddhist Heart

Love is far greater than the ego-based dichotomy of likes and dislikes. Don’t you love your child or pet, even when they disturb you and you dislike what they are doing?

Of course we all want to be better people and make this a better world. I do believe that we can and must do so. Acceptance does not mean condoning the evils, injustices and inequalities in life. However, it can help us see more clearly what is, just as it is, and how and why things work the way they do, before we attempt to enter the fray. When we calmly observe and investigate the causes of things, and the fact that nothing happens by accident, we can see far more clearly, and the truth reveals itself, whether we like it or not. Cultivating patience and acceptance has provided more mental clarity and spaciousness for me to examine input before unthinkingly responding in the classic stimulus-reaction pattern of habitual conditioning common to most of us most of the time, and at the root of so many of our problems.

Now and then, practice taking a sacred pause: breathe once and relax, calmly enjoying a moment of mindfulness and reflection before reacting -- this can dramatically increases the chances of making better choices and undertaking wiser actions. We simply have to remember to do so, again and again, until it becomes a new habit.

Letting go means letting be, not throwing things away. Letting go implies letting things come and go, and opening to the wisdom of simply allowing, which is called nonattachment. Sometimes we may not know what to do. That is a good time to do nothing. Too often compulsive overdoing creates further unnecessary complications. When at a complete loss, some put down their head, fold their hands, and rely on a higher power for clarity, guidance and direction. Myself, I bow down and, as it were, place my head in the lap of the Buddha, and await inspiration. This actually works.

Letting Go of the Person You Used to Be by Lama Surya Das

Patience does not mean passivity; acceptance does not imply weakness, apathy, indifference or carelessness. We can cultivate patient forbearance and loosen our tight grip a bit by remembering the Buddhist mantra “This too shall pass.” For it will, whatever it is. I like to chant to myself the Buddhist slogan “Like a dream, like a fantasy, like an illusion,” when things seem claustrophobic and I am taking my preoccupations -- ­and this myself -- too seriously.

Keeping in mind the long term view and the bigger picture can help a lot when we are struggling to untie the knots in our karma, just like taking a rest from struggling with a knotted shoelace or unsuccessfully trying to remember something often leads to a sudden breakthrough when the struggle ceases. Think to yourself, when something is bothering you or a disappointment arrives: how much will this matter to me next month, next year, ten years from now? Is it really a matter of life or death, as my emotional reaction seems to insist, or just ephemeral local weather conditions which will soon be replaced by other thoughts and feelings? Thus, Buddha said to remind yourself that everything is impermanent, fleeting, contingent, like a dream, like an illusion. This will help loosen up your tight grip on unreality.

Pythagoras said: “When you are in charge, do good; when you are overruled, bear it.” This thought brings me inner strength.

Lao Tsu says, in his renowned “Tao Te Ching”, probably the wisest book ever written: “The master does her best and lets go, and whatever happens, happens.”

Here is one secret of spiritual mastery and inner peace, freedom and autonomy: It is not what happens to us, but what we make of it that makes all the difference. We can’t control the wind, but we can learn how to sail better. It’s not the hand you are dealt but how you play it, as the cliché goes.

Awakening to the Sacred by Lama Surya Das

Buddha said: “If you want to protect your feet, don’t try to cover the whole world with leather; cover your feet with shoes.” If we don’t accept ourselves, who will accept us?

I like to remind myself to recite in my head Reinhold Niebuhr’s wise prayer: “May I have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Unconditional acceptance is not static but ecstatic, vibrant, dynamically engaged in and connected with reality. It helps us to meet life all along the length of her gorgeous body, not just shaking hands with life and wading in its shallows.

The spiritual hero strides fearlessly into life’s depths, facing its incessantly undulating waves, without holding back. Unconditional acceptance is the kind of love Jesus speaks of when he taught to love thy neighbor; that Buddha meant when he said that the enemy, adversary or competitor can be one’s greatest teacher, an adage oft-quoted by the Dalai Lama.

If we cannot love and accept ourselves, how can we love and accept others? Carl Jung said: “The most terrifying thing in the world is to accept oneself totally.” What are we afraid of?

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Creating Your Own Reality

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From: Dharmacist

Since the DVD, “The Secret”, came to the attention of millions of people; there seems to be a tremendous effort on getting people to focus on believing that they can control and create their reality via the use of their mortal mind.

Although your conscious mind does play a role in Creating Your Reality, via your material thoughts and attitudes, it is your Soul, or your Immortal Self, that is in command and vibrating [communicating] with the Universe with greater clarity. This is why it is important to relax, meditate or simply relinquish the dominate thoughts of your conscious mind to that of the subtle energies of your true essence.

People often fail to remember the fact that it was a Higher Essence, or quality of being, other than that of the mortal mind that has determined why, when and where you were born. This all transpired before you even had a mortal mind.

Step outside the box.

There is rhyme and reason at work here that goes way beyond your ego, conscious mind and mortal belief system.

Your Higher Self [Immortal Self] is actually in control, here and now, providing that you simply allow it to operate properly without interference from your Conscious Egotistical Mind.

Surrender to old methodology such as Faith, Hope, Love and Positive thinking; as these qualities aid in supporting the work of your Higher Self.

You are living in very trying times. Certain transitions still have to come to pass as mankind continues to evolve in consciousness; both collectively and individually.

Your Higher Self is working in and through you in systematic ways that the conscious mind is incapable of fully grasping.

So rather than stimulating your Outer Ego and taking it upon your mortal mind to create your reality; consider leaving some of the important matters up to your Higher Self instead of allowing your conscious mind to get bogged down in an endless quagmire of human emotions.

Leave it to The Higher Way of Thinking as you Count Your Blessings.

Let your Immortal Self take care of some of the bigger so-called “Realities.” This is where pondering in a form of prayer is vital to your soul. I am not referring to Religion. I am referring to Spirit.

Look at the big picture of life via a macro perspective. Look within and ask yourself what you can do to make this a better world instead of focusing on how much money or how many expensive material objects you can acquire. In today’s age there are too many outer diversions.

Consider giving way to the Infinite Universe instead of attempting to control your world by giving rise to materialism.

Your soul has been working with Immortal Mind long before you incarnated into the physical dimension and will continue to do so long after you depart this realm. Get back in touch with your soul.

It is the mortal mind that has gotten mankind into most of their problems to begin with.

In terms of Infinite Consciousness, Divine Consciousness, Peace on Earth; which takes priority?

Is it Your Immortal Self or your Mortal Self?

Still [quiet] the EGO for awhile and meditate on these things.

The Source dwells deep within you.

Edward aka Dharmacist

May 2007



Thanks to Blu222 for image and sound.

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The New Earth

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From: TREYYA&trade

THANX TO: Divine Love

The (New) World

The New Earth

As we entered the year 2007 you may have sensed that a New World is dawning up ahead. A new consciousness, a new type of being, and a new way of relating to other is about to enter each of our personal lives.

If you stop and tune into everything that is happening on the planet now, you can feel it. As everything continues moving faster and faster, we cannot help but wake up and realize our divine infinite potentiality.

We are each being pulled, cajoled, and summoned to spiritually awaken by the global events around us. Our planet's cataclysmic experiences are the wake up calls, forcing us to turn inwards and create a more sensitive, loving and conscious approach to life.

This deeper sensitivity will awaken a new kind of human being in all of us; one who is attuned to the divine within, guided by his intuition, and enlightened by his own individual consciousness. These more enlightened beings will multiply and collectively in time create a whole New World, offering a foundation of peace to this planet for the first time in many millennia.

Yes, our planet is about to give birth to billions of heart centered open-minded people, and nobody is going to miss this massive enlightening ride.

So how can one get ready to enter this New World? The greatest preparation is to find peace within yourself as you are now, and within every relationship you have. When you start recognizing the divine within yourself and in everyone, then everyone you meet becomes a divine teacher showing you exactly what you need to learn next on your life journey.

The people with whom you struggle the most are your greatest opportunities for deepening your compassion, inner peace and awareness. The inner peace you find will breed an even higher awareness, allowing others to respond from a more empowered loving space.

This will enable you to FEEL connected with the thousands of highly intelligent, sensitive, loving and super-enlightening beings that are on the planet today.

The new enlightened beings of our future will contain a natural state of compassion and gratitude with each human being. Every man and woman of this

New World will choose to live in harmony with others, not because it is the 'right' thing to do, but because they will know that any harm done to the other is merely doing harm to themselves.

This global brother/sisterhood will create a much more conscious and balanced state of affairs, causing all human beings to become more aware of where they direct their thoughts, actions and how they most want to impact their inner world.

The thought of a New World occurring is very contagious and will only grow exponentially. The more we think about it, the more energy is invested into manifesting it.

However, the momentum is already there and this world is about to have a massive spiritual awakening that cannot be stopped. Yet, you can jump on the boat sooner rather than later.

To realize what is still asleep, resistant, or righteous inside you is the first step to awakening out of this old world. Waking up first begins with realizing that you are the co-creator of your reality, and that your imagination is the only limit you have.

So be aware of the thoughts you are having in each moment, and cultivate a presence that is the witnesser of these thoughts. The thoughts you have are like clouds passing through the sky.
Let them float on by. Know that you are the vast, spacious, and infinite boundless sky! Be that throughout your day and you'll soon recognize that this vast freedom is inside you.

To truly be ready for a global spiritual awakening one must learn how to quiet their mind chatter and find stillness inside. You can sit and meditate alone, or excel light years in growth by sitting with a conscious 'enlightened' teacher or someone who just radiates pure love, lightness of being, and is in absolute acceptance of everything you are.

Experience as many teachers as you can, let your body feel the difference and decide which is the one that resonates with who you truly want to become. And as they say, when the student is ready the teacher will magically appear.

Another step to awakening is to be conscious of each choice that you make. Every being in the New World will understand that there are no 'accidents'. Every experience is synchronistic and divine. You are waking up to the fact that you are The Creator of your every experience.

Take responsibility now for what is in your life today and be thankful for it before you focus on what you want to be, do, and have tomorrow. By approaching today with gratitude, you open your heart and mind in each situation and relationship you have.

Blessings from~
D A V I D (Messenger of Love)
Delite Universal Love

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You Are Your Own Teacher

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From: Jill

From: Rev. Yao Feng Shakya

Teachings by Ven. Ajahn Chah

Thus the Buddha said, ''I am enlightened through my own efforts, without any teacher.'' Have you read this story? A wanderer of another sect asked him, ''Who is your teacher?'' The Buddha answered, ''I have no teacher. I attained enlightenment by myself.'' But that wanderer just shook his head and went away. He thought the Buddha was making up a story and so he had no interest in what he said. He thought it was not possible to achieve anything without a teacher and guide.

It's like this: You study with a spiritual teacher and he tells you to give up greed and anger. He tells you they are harmful and that you need to get rid of them. Then you may practice and do that. But getting rid of greed and anger didn't come about just because he taught you; you had to actually practice and do that. Through practice you came to realize something for yourself. You see greed in your mind and give it up. You see anger in your mind and give it up. The teacher doesn't get rid of them for you. He tells you about getting rid of them, but it doesn't happen just because he tells you. You do the practice and come to realization. You understand these things for yourself.
-excerpt from "The Dhamma goes westward-by Ven. Ajahn Chah teachings-
© 2006 Wat Pah Nanachat
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(painting by Rev.Yao Feng Shakya)

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The Hippies Were Right & Still Are

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From: EarthMama

Published on Wednesday, May 2, 2007 by The San Francisco Chronicle

The Hippies Were Right!
Green homes? Organic food? Nature is good? Time To Give The Ol’ Tie-Dyers Some Respect

by Mark Morford

Go ahead, name your movement. Name something good and positive and pro-environment and eco-friendly that’s happening right now in the newly “greening” America and don’t say more guns in Texas or fewer reproductive choices for women or endless vile unwinnable BushCo wars in the Middle East lasting until roughly 2075 because that would defeat the whole point of this perky little column and destroy its naive tone of happy rose-colored sardonic optimism. OK?

I’m talking about, say, energy-efficient light bulbs. . I’m looking at organic foods going mainstream. I mean chemical-free cleaning products widely available at Target and I’m talking saving the whales and protecting the dolphins and I mean yoga studios flourishing in every small town, giant boxes of organic cereal at Costco and non-phthalates dildos Ben & Jerry’s ice cream at Good Vibes and the Toyota Prius becoming the nation’s oddest status symbol. You know, good things.

Look around: we have entire industries devoted to recycled paper, a new generation of cheap solar-power technology and an Oscar for “An Inconvenient Truth” and even the soulless corporate monsters over at famously heartless joints like Wal-Mart are now claiming that they really, really care about saving the environment because, well, “it’s the right thing to do” (read: It’s purely economic and all about their bottom line because if they don’t start caring they’ll soon be totally screwed on manufacturing and shipping costs at/from all their brutal Chinese sweatshops).

There is but one conclusion you can draw from the astonishing (albeit fitful, bittersweet) pro-environment sea change now happening in the culture and (reluctantly, nervously) in the halls of power in D.C., one thing we must all acknowledge in our wary, jaded, globally warmed universe: The hippies had it right all along. Oh yes they did.

You know it’s true. All this hot enthusiasm for healing the planet and eating whole foods and avoiding chemicals and working with nature and developing the self? Came from the hippies. Alternative health? Hippies. Green cotton? Hippies. Reclaimed wood? Recycling? Humane treatment of animals? Medical pot? Alternative energy? Natural childbirth? Non-GMA seeds? It came from the granola types (who, of course, absorbed much of it from ancient cultures), from the alternative worldviews, from the underground and the sidelines and from far off the goddamn grid and it’s about time the media, the politicians, the culture as a whole sent out a big, wet, hemp-covered apology.

Here’s a suggestion, from one of my more astute ex-hippie readers: Instead of issuing carbon credits so industrial polluters can clear their collective corporate conscience, maybe, to help offset all the savage damage they’ve done to the soul of the planet all these years, these commercial cretins should instead buy some karma credits from the former hippies themselves. You know, from those who’ve been working for the health of the planet, quite thanklessly, for the past 50 years and who have, as a result, built up quite a storehouse of good karma. You think?

Of course, you can easily argue that much of the “authentic” hippie ethos — the anti-corporate ideology, the sexual liberation, the anarchy, the push for civil rights, the experimentation — has been totally leeched out of all these new movements, that corporations have forcibly co-opted and diluted every single technology and humble pro-environment idea and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream cone and Odwalla smoothie to make them both palatable and profitable. But does this somehow make the organic oils in that body lotion any more harmful? Verily, it does not.

You might also just as easily claim that much of the nation’s reluctant turn toward environmental health has little to do with the hippies per se, that it’s taking the threat of global meltdown combined with the notion of really, really expensive ski tickets to slap the nation’s incredibly obese ass into gear and force consumers to begin to wake up to the savage gluttony and wastefulness of American culture as everyone starts wondering, oh my God, what’s going to happen to swimming pools and NASCAR and free shipping from Amazon? Of course, without the ’60s groundwork, without all the radical ideas and seeds of change planted nearly five decades ago, what we’d be turning to in our time of need would be a great deal more hopeless indeed.

But if you’re really bitter and shortsighted, you could say the entire hippie movement overall was just incredibly overrated, gets far too much cultural credit for far too little actual impact, was pretty much a giant excuse to slack off and enjoy dirty lazy responsibility-free sex romps and do a ton of drugs and avoid Vietnam and not bathe for a month and name your child Sunflower or Shiva Moon or Chakra Lennon Sapphire Bumblebee. This is what’s called the reactionary simpleton’s view. It blithely ignores history, perspective, the evolution of culture as a whole. You know, just like America.

But, you know, whatever. The proofs are easy enough to trace. The core values and environmental groundwork laid by the ’60s counterculture are still so intact and potent even the stiffest neocon Republican has to acknowledge their extant power. It’s all right there: is the new ’60s underground hippy zine. Ecstasy is the new LSD. Visible tattoos are the new longhairs. And bands as diverse as Pearl Jam to Bright Eyes to NIN to the Dixie Chicks are writing savage anti-Bush, anti-war songs for a new, ultra-jaded generation.

And oh yes, speaking of good ol’ MDMA (Ecstasy), even drug culture is getting some new respect. Staid old Time mag just ran a rather snide little story about the new studies being conducted by Harvard and the National Institute of Mental Health into the astonishing psychospiritual benefits of goodly entheogens such as LSD, psilocybin and MDMA. Unfortunately, the piece basically backhands Timothy Leary and the entire “excessive,” “naive” drug culture of yore in favor of much more “sane” and “careful” scientific analysis happening now, as if the only valid methods for attaining knowledge and an understanding of spirit were through control groups and clinical, mysticism-free examination. Please.

Still, the fact that serious scientific research into entheogens is being conducted even in the face of the most anti-science, pro-pharmaceutical, ultra-conservative presidential regime in recent history is proof enough that all the hoary old hippie mantras about expanding the mind and touching God through drugs were onto something after all (yes, duh). Tim Leary is probably smiling wildly right now — though that might be due to all the mushrooms he’s been sharing with Kerouac and Einstein and Mary Magdalene. Mmm, heaven.

Of course, true hippie values mean you’re not really supposed to care about or attach to any of this, you don’t give a damn for the hollow ego stroke of being right all along, for slapping the culture upside the head and saying, See? Do you see? It was never about the long hair and the folk music and Woodstock and taking so much acid you see Jesus and Shiva and Buddha tongue kissing in a hammock on the Dog Star, nimrods.

It was, always and forever, about connectedness. It was about how we are all in this together. It was about resisting the status quo and fighting tyrannical corporate/political power and it was about opening your consciousness and seeing new possibilities of how we can all live with something resembling actual respect for the planet, for alternative cultures, for each other. You know, all that typical hippie crap no one believes in anymore. Right?

Thoughts for the author? E-mail him. Mark Morford’s Notes & Errata column appears every Wednesday and Friday on SFGate and in the Datebook section of the San Francisco Chronicle.

© The San Francisco Chronicle
original source article with links in this article that work (I don't have time to put all the links in this copy paste here)

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Simple Truths

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From: Kenny - Lightworker

From: ~♥Reality~

Much Love to

These clear and simple truths are based on traditional American Indian beliefs. They illuminate the values underlying the Cherokee vision of the Full Circle, and they can help us begin living our lives in more connected, healed, and whole ways.

1. We are our own best experts. No one knows us better than us. Nobody but us has seen with our eyes the things we've seen, and most importantly, no one but us has experienced our lives in quite the same way that we have. What others do know of us, they know only through what they see and what we tell them. It is our choice whether or not to invite others to see with our eyes or walk in our shoes; it is their choice whether or not to do so.

2. We are our own worst enemies. No one does a better job of deceiving us or treating ourselves badly than we do. No one can do a better job of finding ways to ignore our innermost thoughts and fears than we can. Certainly, other people may try to make us feel badly, or want us to be different than we are; however, their success depends on our willingness to let them succeed in doing so. Our success in doing ourselves wrong depends solely on intention.

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3. The worst thing about having so many choices is having to choose. No one can say for sure who is truly worse off: the one who is forced to do something and wishes she or he could do something entirely different, or the one who freely chooses to do something and later regrets it.

4. Imagination is the one true measure of freedom. It's not a matter of what you can or cannot do, but what you think you can or cannot do that matters. Inevitably, the rest will follow in time. Being open to experience or the possibilities of every situation reflects the inner strength of one who has established harmony within oneself.

5. Wisdom is having more questions than answers. The one who has found all the answers to his or her questions has run out of questions. The one who has run out of questions has run out of learning. A person who ceases to learn has also ceased to experience. And a person who has run out of experience cannot be wise.

6. Search long and hard enough for something and you'll surely find it. Sometimes we look for something when there is nothing. However, if we keep looking for it to be there, almost miraculously it will be--this is especially true of limitations. Moreover, the harder we look for a certain quality of limitation, the more likely it is to appear before our very eyes. At the same time, if you look too hard for something you might miss it altogether.

7. Sometimes we try so hard to be what we're not that we may forget who we are. Our nature provides us with opportunities for becoming something much greater than ourselves. However, if a circle tries to bend by ignoring its center, it's no longer a circle.

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Truth Happens

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From: Tony

Thanks! ~ Arik

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You Are Not Dead When You Died

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From: Pada


May 7, 2007 issue - Consider someone who has just died of a heart attack. His organs are intact, he hasn't lost blood. All that's happened is his heart has stopped beating—the definition of "clinical death"—and his brain has shut down to conserve oxygen. But what has actually died?

As recently as 1993, when Dr. Sherwin Nuland wrote the best seller "How We Die," the conventional answer was that it was his cells that had died. The patient couldn't be revived because the tissues of his brain and heart had suffered irreversible damage from lack of oxygen. This process was understood to begin after just four or five minutes. If the patient doesn't receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation within that time, and if his heart can't be restarted soon thereafter, he is unlikely to recover. That dogma went unquestioned until researchers actually looked at oxygen-starved heart cells under a microscope. What they saw amazed them, according to Dr. Lance Becker, an authority on emergency medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. "After one hour," he says, "we couldn't see evidence the cells had died. We thought we'd done something wrong." In fact, cells cut off from their blood supply died only hours later.

But if the cells are still alive, why can't doctors revive someone who has been dead for an hour? Because once the cells have been without oxygen for more than five minutes, they die when their oxygen supply is resumed. It was that "astounding" discovery, Becker says, that led him to his post as the director of Penn's Center for Resuscitation Science, a newly created research institute operating on one of medicine's newest frontiers: treating the dead.

Biologists are still grappling with the implications of this new view of cell death—not passive extinguishment, like a candle flickering out when you cover it with a glass, but an active biochemical event triggered by "reperfusion," the resumption of oxygen supply. The research takes them deep into the machinery of the cell, to the tiny membrane-enclosed structures known as mitochondria where cellular fuel is oxidized to provide energy. Mitochondria control the process known as apoptosis, the programmed death of abnormal cells that is the body's primary defense against cancer. "It looks to us," says Becker, "as if the cellular surveillance mechanism cannot tell the difference between a cancer cell and a cell being reperfused with oxygen. Something throws the switch that makes the cell die."

With this realization came another: that standard emergency-room procedure has it exactly backward. When someone collapses on the street of cardiac arrest, if he's lucky he will receive immediate CPR, maintaining circulation until he can be revived in the hospital. But the rest will have gone 10 or 15 minutes or more without a heartbeat by the time they reach the emergency department. And then what happens? "We give them oxygen," Becker says. "We jolt the heart with the paddles, we pump in epinephrine to force it to beat, so it's taking up more oxygen." Blood-starved heart muscle is suddenly flooded with oxygen, precisely the situation that leads to cell death. Instead, Becker says, we should aim to reduce oxygen uptake, slow metabolism and adjust the blood chemistry for gradual and safe reperfusion.

Researchers are still working out how best to do this. A study at four hospitals, published last year by the University of California, showed a remarkable rate of success in treating sudden cardiac arrest with an approach that involved, among other things, a "cardioplegic" blood infusion to keep the heart in a state of suspended animation. Patients were put on a heart-lung bypass machine to maintain circulation to the brain until the heart could be safely restarted. The study involved just 34 patients, but 80 percent of them were discharged from the hospital alive. In one study of traditional methods, the figure was about 15 percent.

Becker also endorses hypothermia—lowering body temperature from 37 to 33 degrees Celsius—which appears to slow the chemical reactions touched off by reperfusion. He has developed an injectable slurry of salt and ice to cool the blood quickly that he hopes to make part of the standard emergency-response kit. "In an emergency department, you work like mad for half an hour on someone whose heart stopped, and finally someone says, 'I don't think we're going to get this guy back,' and then you just stop," Becker says. The body on the cart is dead, but its trillions of cells are all still alive. Becker wants to resolve that paradox in favor of life.

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Rapid Acceleration & Miracles

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From: ~♥Reality~

Try and Stop Us Now....

Much Love to
HuNab Ku
& James Clair Lewis
& Intuition
& TREYYA&trade
& RoseOneHeart

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May 2 , 2007


The energy has finally shifted, and we should be feeling more ease, peace, and certainly a gentler climate indeed. And this is when many more supports will finally begin arriving as well. Much sifting and sorting has occurred…what no longer fits us is seemingly departing in a sudden and sometimes surprising way, as we are being matched with what now fits us…so what now fits us is now in our very immediate space.

And in this space of higher realms reality, we are the masters of our own creations and certainly our own reality. We are creating our own prisons through our mis-perceptions, beliefs, and how we run our energy, but we are also creating our own heaven as well. It is truly up to each and every one of us. The new reality says “What do you want or expect?” and then it gives it to us on a silver platter. The possibilities are endless now, and manifesting is extremely rapid. Yes, there is indeed rapid, rapid acceleration with our manifestations and our movement forward, and at times, it is difficult to keep up!

These energies of the higher realms are so very awesome, that when anything enters our space that is not vibrating high, or if we have to do something from the old world reality, we can become literally enraged, very angry, or at best, a bit cranky and we may not know why. The gap and contrast is so great at this point in our evolutionary process, that we can feel it intensely.

The new reality is absolutely here, and we need only go there to experience the many gifts that it has to offer. How do we “go there?” you might wonder. Look at the highest version of everything, look at the best scenario, look at what is already here for you that you are so very grateful for, and focus on these things as much as possible. Get “on a roll” with all the miracles and you will begin to experience only those! Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate, and you will have more and more to appreciate. The higher realms are most certainly here in front of us, and we need only connect to them by seeing them, accepting them, and focusing our attention there instead of in any old world lower vibrating reality. We can easily step into this new reality by leaving or stepping out of the old one.

These are now times when all we have learned about creating and running our energies can be implemented in monumental ways, as the results will be immediate and miraculous. And in addition, being that the higher realms magnifies so much of everything, you will immediately know as well, if you need to tweak or look at any patterns within yourself that you may want to change, as you will feel and experience them in a very magnified way! So if you have been living and being, utilizing higher ways of running your energy for awhile (positive and light-filled focus, for example), you will be right in sync with the new reality and a glorious match for it.

I have never seen or experienced more miracles, synchronicities, continual communication with the non-physical beings, incredible joy and bliss, and total and complete connection to the higher realms as now. We have truly arrived. The integration and temporary separation is now over. Get ready to watch that red carpet roll out! Get ready as we can now fully anchor into our highest dreams and visions. Negative thinking and fear based thoughts are no longer real, as they do not exist in the higher realms. We are only making them up, as what is before us cannot possibly match an undesirable scenario. Those days are gone.

Are you ready for a miraculous life? Are you ready to reap the bounty that is now right before you? Are you ready to receive all you have ever wanted, as we have now been totally re-born into a new life….one that does not remotely resemble our lives in the old 3D reality? With the new world now upon us, we are most certainly being prepared to begin its creation through our passionate hopes and dreams, as we bring forth the blueprint that we have always known was there.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,

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