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The Third eye:
This chakra, which is also called the third eye, is located right between the eyebrows on the forehead. It is the centre for clairvoyance, visions, and transcendence of time and space in thinking. It radiates a clear, green light, and people who have begun to develop the ability so see more than most people, have a shining ball located in the area of this chakra. This ball protects, and draws energy into the brain.
The third eye is a chakra that is responsible for what we call "second sight". Intuitive perception. It is by the third eye that people see ghosts, auras and other usually non-visible phenomena. The perceptions of the third eye are not limited by time or space. The Third Eye sees energy patterns, and it is not limited by distance. It's also not limited by time and space. So focusing on the Third Eye, you can see things that are happening on the other side of the world. You can see things that happened in the past. And you can see potential events that happen in the future. It also is good to observe your own energy patterns, to look inside of yourself, and see how you are doing.
The opening of the Ajna chakra or third eye is very delicate and complex process, where very high pranic energy raised from Mooladhara thru spine and chaneled to Pineal Gland.The energy will open the gland and also open the "Tunnel of God" where if person travel thru the tunnel and experince the "opening process". This conclude the opening of third eye, with succesful opening, process of unfolding the inherent ability of the chakra start.This will lead to many wonderful spiritual experince, the most common one was the claivoyance capability.
All scientific authorities, as well as the best occultists, divide the phenomena of clairvoyance into several well-distinguished classes. The following classification is simple, and indicates clearly the principal forms of clairvoyant phenomena:.
(1) Simple Clairvoyance, in which the clairvoyant person merely senses the auric emanations of other persons, such as the auric vibrations, colors, etc.; currents of thought-vibrations, etc.; but does not see events or scenes removed in space or time from the observer..
(2) Clairvoyance in Space, in which the clairvoyant person senses scenes and events removed in space from the observer; and, often also is able to sense such things even when they are concealed or obscured by intervening material objects..
(3) Clairvoyance in Time, in which the clairvoyant person senses scenes and events which have had their original place in past time; or scenes and events which will have their original place in the future..
The opening will be done remotely using a webcam, the process will take almost an hour.There will be follow up meditation to be practiced.
This is not a cheap but very valuable. If you're interested in getting your Third Eye opened remotely live via webcam then this is for you.
Before we start the Third Eye opening we need to allign your body to the continious flow of Cosmic Energy. This is another amazing experience by itself as well as another valuable asset!
We also charge expensively for the Cosmic Energy Activation (more info at but will include it for FREE for those interested in proceeding with the Remote Third Eye Opening.
This offer only available exclusively to all our myspace friends.
If you want an easy and effortless way to open your Third Eye then this is for you.
Interested? Send us a message!