Wednesday, May 02, 2007

No Coincidences

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: spiritofrebirth

Thank you
Ali Christopher
Eternal Energy

There really is no such thing as coincidence, the universe is not random and things don’t happen coincidently. A coincidence is a synchronicity and we each make our own synchronicities happen. For the sake of this article and the fact that the word “coincidence” is so widely used and accepted I will continue to use it instead of the word “synchronicity”. Our habitual thinking, our beliefs, what we truly think about in life and our beliefs about our possibilities in life actually generate coincidences in our daily reality.

A coincidence is an event that you made happen, it is not a random possibility, a stroke of luck or anything else. You not only made it happen, you wanted it to happen and that is why a coincidence needs your careful attention. Everytime you notice a coincidence you need to give it some careful yet relaxed thought. Get into a relaxed frame of mind when you contemplate what that coincidence really means to you. Consider what has been on your mind lately and get at least a basic idea of what you have been asking the universe for. By this I mean, what have you been habitually thinking about and what did the coincidence mean to you at the exact moment you recognized the coincidence appear.

Maybe you have been thinking constantly about a new way to generate money and then some type of coincidence happened and you thought, wow what a coincidence, I had been think about that and then I got a sign that might lead me to what I want. This is when you have to take it, take action, take control and don’t let that coincidence slip through your fingers. A coincidence is a sign from the universe that it is offering you a chance to have what you want but you have to take action or you wont get what it is you want. Nothing ever comes without taking some type of action.

Perhaps you’ve been considering going back to school or taking an evening education class on something that interests you so you can get a better and more rewarding job, then you meet a friend who tells you about a great night time college that offers that same type of class you have been thinking about. This is the sort of coincidence I am talking about and when this happens it happens for a reason. The path to take may not always be clear but if you relax and clear your mind, maybe before bed or when you get a chance to rest you can calmly ask your subconscious for the answer and your subconscious will always respond, you just need to give it time.

Often you won’t need to ask you subconscious for the answer as you will know intuitively what you need to do after you recognize the coincidence occur. It’s times like these where you can act almost immediately and know that this coincidence will lead you to where you have subconsciously wanted to go. The key to taking action and following where a coincidence may lead you is to let go and trust in the universe and avoid thoughts of fear. Fear is a conditioned response and is only an illusion. The fear doesn’t exist, only the idea of fear, so if you disregard the idea of fear and trust you are taking the right steps, you will be.

Letting go of fear can be difficult as we all know but from now on every time you notice a coincidence, take a close look at where your instincts lead you and get an inner feeling about this. It is this inner feeling in the pit of your stomach that will indicate what direction you should take. A coincidence can lead you in a number of potential directions and it’s up to you to decide which path to take. If the concept of following coincidences is new to you, just take it one step at a time and practice. Practice looking for that true inner feeling you get inside you and when you are ready, take action. Taking action in your life leads to overcoming fear, greater confidence and an overwhelming sense of fulfillment.

Manifesting Intention
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Two Questions

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Danielle

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Soon to be a Darling!

2 tough questions
Question 1:

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already, three who
were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had
syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?

Read the next question before looking at the response for this one.

Question 2:
It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts.
Here are the facts about the three candidates. Who would you vote for?

Candidate A.

Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologist.
He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B.

He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in
college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

Candidate C

He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an
occasional beer and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be our choice?

Decide first... no peeking, then scroll down for the response.

Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Candidate B is Winston Churchill.
Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.

And, by the way, on your answer to the abortion question:

If you said YES, you just killed Beethoven.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.

Wait till you see the end of this note! Keep reading..

Never be afraid to try something new.


Amateurs...built the ark.
Professionals...built the Titanic

And Finally, can you imagine working for a company that has a little more
than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

* 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
* 7 have been arrested for fraud
* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
* 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
* 3 have done time for assault
* 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
* 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
* 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
* 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
* 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up yet?

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.

The same group that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to
keep the rest of us in line.

You gotta pass this on....2 TOUGH QUESTIONS

Manifesting Intention
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Mind Your Own Business

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Kerri

Great Post! Thanks for passing it along :)
Thanks! Gurustu

"Mind your own business" has gotten a bad rap over the years. Most people use it to mean "butt out!" but really, if we spend more time minding our own business, just imagine how much further we can get in Life.

Don't mind other people's business.
99% of the business of 99% of other people has noting to do with us whatsoever. So why do we feel the need to meddle in their lives? Giving them the freedom to live their lives gives us the freedom to live our own.

Have faith in the other 1%.
For that small fraction of other peoples lives that affect us, why not give them the benefit of the doubt? Why not teach them so that they're empowered to make good choices? Having that 1% there to help puts us at 101% power. That's a good place to build from.

Minding our own business
Our lives need a lot of attention, so why not do that more than minding everyone else? By spending all our time on our own success, we really won't have too much time left over to bother other people.

Getting others to mind their own business
Yeah, I hear you. 'But everyone butts into my business' is what EVERYONE says. Well, we can always remind them that they have their own business to attend to. They make not like it, but if they see how much farther they can get minding their own business, maybe they'll change their minds.

When in doubt, just show them this article. I really don't mind that at all.


Guru-cise it...

Hold your tongue
When someone says or does something that you obviously think is wrong, try not saying anything. Become an observer instead, and let it play out by itself. If this is someone you really care about, stay close in case they're going to need your help, but otherwise, let them learn the results of their actions. You might be surprised; they may actually succeed on their own.

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
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The Answer To Every Question

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: JaneBond

Love is the answer to every question.
Why are we here? Love.
Where do we come from? Love.
How do we create world peace? Love.

It may sound overly simplistic to the modern
human being, since we are want to analyze and
look for complex answers to questions. We don’t
believe that life is simple and the answers to its
problems can also be simple: love.

In truth, what are anger, sadness, pain but the soul’s
desire for love?

If we learn to love ourselves without reservation, and to love the world in the same way, the answer is simple. It is impossible, when filled with love, to be aggressive or hate-filled or violent.

When we know that we are beautiful and wonderful, we see the world through those eyes. We see the beauty and wonder in all things around us.

We don’t need to look outside ourselves for the love we seek. It has been there all along. It is the voice of our self-esteem. It is our anger saying, ‘hey this is not right for me. I don’t want this in my life any longer.’

Self-love is saying no to abuse and betrayal. It is wanting the very best for yourself and accepting only that in your life. It is healing the wounds that you have carried all your life.

Self-love is walking away from those who mistreat you, knowing that you deserve better. It is taking the risk to pursue the career that will bring you joy. It is listening to your own inner voice – the one that will always guide you to what is best. It is trusting in yourself completely.

Self-love is following that little voice within that says, ‘ooh I want to do that today.’ Sometimes it means ignoring the voice of 'shoulds' and 'have-tos.' It is believing that, when you seek what you desire and fill yourself with joy, you will also be spreading that joy to those around you.

Love will fill you up so you will know there is nothing missing in your life.

Love will lead you to every answer.

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
Articles of Intent Content
The Intentional One
Intentional Interactive
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