Thursday, May 10, 2007

Time Speeding Up...

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Linda
Date: May 10, 2007 3:40 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Intuition
THANX to all these Fantastic people:
Earth Angel
self :: fullfilling :: prophecy
Eternal Energy

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More and more frequently people are suggesting that time is speeding up. We hear people saying things like “I never seem to have enough time to get everything done anymore” or “where has the time gone to”. The years are certainly flying by faster than ever and there is a scientific reason why time is speeding up. There are also a number of reasons why we are changing so rapidly and it is all related to time speeding up. Human beings are becoming more consciously aware and people are being drawn towards spirituality and personal development in greater numbers than ever before. Why is this happening?

Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a pulse. This pulse or frequency which has been likened to a heartbeat has been stable at approximately 7.8 cycles per second for thousands of years. However, since around the year 1980 the earth’s heartbeat began to speed up. It has currently been measured at 12 cycles per second but the most incredible thing is some scientists believe the earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second. When the earth stops rotating on its axis it is believed that it will remain still for around 3 days and then start spinning in the other direction. This will cause a reversal in the magnetic field around the earth but what will happen after this point is unclear. At this point you are thinking one of two things. Either you are thinking this sounds pretty amazing or you simply cannot believe it. I’m kind of in the middle myself, I think it’s hard to believe but I’m prepared to keep an open mind. Since I have become interested in spirituality I have seen wonderful things happen in my life and because of this I believe anything is possible.

It is due to this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though time is speeding up. Why do we “feel” as though time is moving faster than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived to be a period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our clocks still move in seconds, minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16 hours.

As far fetched as all this may seem, a number of reports suggest that we will reach this critical mass or zero point when the earth stops rotating, very soon. It could well be in the next 5 years which happens to be at the end of the well documented and controversial Mayan Calendar which ends in the year 2012. Everything that is happening to people and our planet has been predicted in the Mayan Calendar. From my research into this phenomena and the changes I can see happening in my body and mind as well as what I see happening around the globe, I believe as do many others that we are now moving into the 4th dimension. The fourth dimension is where our thoughts will manifest almost instantly. This period of life on earth is where our good and bad energy will come back to us almost immediately. This is why so many people, although perhaps unaware as to why, are becoming consciously aware and turning towards spirituality. We are feeling the urge to not only do the right thing for our own body and mind and soul but we are more willing to help others than ever before in history.

The growth rate in awareness is off the charts. What once took years of reading, learning and watching to become more spiritually aware may now only take a year or even months. There is so much more information than ever before on spirituality available in books and on the internet that is serving to accelerate our learning and helping us move away from the darkness of fear and towards the light of love. As we feel the need to change our direction in life and release our bad habits we are starting to meet others who feel the same way and collectively we are helping each other. We are realizing that we are part of something greater than our individual self and this further accelerates our spiritual evolution.

As time continues to speed up and as we move through the 4th dimension into the 5th dimension, when the earth stops rotating, our positive or negative energy will come back to us in an instant.

We are leaving the Age of Pieces, a destructive and oppressive period and moving into the New Age period of love and peace. This is a difficult time for many people as they struggle to come to terms with what is happening around them and what is happening to their mind and feelings. The key is to let go and trust in this natural process of change and not to fight your feelings. As we move closer to the fifth dimension and as time speeds to an all time high, our thoughts, feelings and intentions will manifest into our reality in the twinkling of an eye. What this means effectively is that those of us living with thoughts of fear and trepidation, will manifest just that into their lives causing untold pain. However, those of us feeling happy and positive will manifest only love and joy into their lives. It’s all about choice, and it’s your choice to make, nobody can make it for you.

How has this information changed my life? It hasn’t really, although maybe in some ways it has. I’m usually a pretty positive person and this only serves to enforce the idea that I should remain positive at all times. I try and take more notice of the people and events around me, this has made the relationships with the people I care about even stronger. I give more of my time and money to help those less fortunate than me. I have started this myspace profile and thoroughly enjoy sharing information with others and receiving mostly positive feedback on the subjects I write. Although, I still get up and go to work each day to earn, spend and save money and I still think about my plans for the future no matter what dimension I will be in.

As we continue through this exciting period of history the entire world will change along with everyone in it. Eventually we will be forced to release our fears, there is no other way. Fear will cease to exist and the greatest causes of fear, being time and money, will no longer be a part of our existence. Can you imagine reality in a place without time and money? I must say it’s most definitely a concept I find hard to fathom. It’s an exciting period to be alive so I’m going to go with the flow and enjoy the ride, I hope you’ll join me.

To your Bliss,
Eternal Energy

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Energy Alert

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: James Clair Lewis

Blessings Be Upon :

May 10 , 2007


The higher energies are relentless now, barely allowing us to take a breath in between all the manifestations, and moving us ahead at warp speed.

These new energies are placing us in higher realms reality, whether we are ready to go or not. Pulling us along, bringing to us incredible opportunities that we never might have imagined ourselves, and guiding us into the spaces of our divine and true purpose, we can barely keep up with it all.

Manifestations of these energies can be experienced as acute stress, overwhelm, total exhaustion, weakness, and brain overload. Having a normal phone conversation can drain us to the point of not being able to have one, and even lifting up our arms or moving our legs forward can feel like a major effort as our energy reserves are so depleted! We may sleep the sleep of the dead, and then wake up at 3:30 ready to go again, as we are so primed, excited, and ready for our new lives and realities to begin!

Craving sweets and sugar, along with water, are our natural inclinations to gain some energy somewhere. In addition, we may subconsciously blame others for much of anything and everything, get testy and grumpy, as we are again, making an attempt at taking some energy from somewhere else in order to boost our seemingly dead batteries. Drinking lots of water and eating lots of protein (the ancients recommend legumes) can be the best solutions, as well as simply lying upon the earth and gathering up her energies as a needed boost.

And the buddha belly returns with a vengence! We can eat like birds and excercise endlessly, but we need to hold the density of these new and higher vibrations, and thus, our weight maintains a higher level than normal for us. And always around that belly area!

These energies are relentless indeed, as they do not seem to cease. Everything seems to be happening at once, and even though most of our manifestations are awesome indeed, overload and stress can be the result. Feelings of over-stimulation are indicators of these times.

As with any move into a higher realms reality, the darkness can arrive as well. Whenever we approach a higher rank on our evolutionary ladder, we can, and usually do, experience what may feel like an unusual amount of darkness around us. But the higher we go, and the further we progress, the briefer this period becomes. And after we pass through the gate of darkness, as it is on the road to the higher realms, we are again able to experience peace, love, and all the goodies we deserve at the end of this particular rainbow of evolution.

Is it the darkness attacking us and trying to interfere with our light becoming brighter? I say no. What is actually occurring is that the darkness within us is leaving and making an exit that cannot be denied. The deepest parts of our souls that have been around for eons of time, which embodied any of the darker and denser energies, along with the darker energies that we agreed to transmute for the whole of the planet, are being purged.

This can manifest as acute anger, rage, feeling immense panic and stress, a great feeling of being lost without a rudder, unexplainable dark and almost evil emotions and thoughts, and the like. If you have experienced any of these, and are able to simply know that this is a process of evolution and it will pass, and that you are not evil or being attacked by darkness, things will feel much better for you. It is most certainly not the real you, as the real you is a being of light indeed.

Our crown chakras are also receiving huge downloads of energy as well, creating head and ear pressure, and back and neck stiffness and tension.

Another manifestation that can occur, arrives in the form of having some unpleasant experiences. These occur as a result of immediate manifestations of how we are running our own particular energy. They are simply pointing out to us how we feel about ourselves, that we may need to stand up for ourselves more, or perhaps not do so much for others, or perhaps do more for others, or the like. Whatever needs balancing and tweaking will arrive for us in bold, living color as part of our own individual drama. These messages are also arriving in the form of our dreams, as we may have what feels like a disturbing and important dream, and awake feeling tramatized or alarmed.

In addition, there is a huge amount of projecting going on now. It absolutely cannot be denied. We may think we are so very wonderful at times, and it is everyone else that has the problem energy, but if we look hard, we can clearly see that we do these same things at times ourselves, and are simply not aware of how we are being perceived by others. In addition, whatever seems blatantly horrific in another’s behavior, is usually what we need to possess more of ourselves. We just need to find a justification for this behavior in a higher form, and know that it is OK to possess it ourselves.

Yes, the higher energies are bombarding us with intense and rapid movement and manifestations, and we are experiencing them in a variety of ways.

Last night my husband Phil and I went out to an ancient site in our community called Casa Malpais. We were granted access by the museum director, as all of us wanted to view a particular petroglyph in order to see where the sun landed at the cross quarter of May 5th, when the masculine and feminine energies merged (our wedding day as well!). Although none of us were able to view this occurrence on the exact day, due to cloudy weather and also that Phil and I were away being married, last night was the first clear evening when the sun set.

When we arrived, the museum director was just leaving, as she had arrived before we had. She was very rattled and unable to describe what she had seen…unusual for her. Phil and I decided to hike up ourselves, and on this evening, at sunset, we had a very unusual and totally amazing experience. The energy of the entire site had completely changed.

Before, the ancients usually hid themselves during Phil’s regular tours, although they came out and spoke to him when he was there alone. Mostly the small, gentle, and loving women of the casa, and an ancient shaman who was there from the stars to teach the shaman in the kiva, as this site was created as a “shaman school.”

When I spent time at this site, I usually connected with the ancient being from the stars who created the ancients themselves, and seeded this community….a truly awesome and incredible being as well. So with Phil’s knowledge of the timelines, facts and figures from documentations, and artifacts he had collected, along with the information that the star beings and ancient site dwellers had revealed to us, and along with some inter-dimensional interpretations of mine, we had been able to piece together some amazing things.

But last night, all was different. And it was so different that what we had pieced together so far seemed acutely trivial, piece-meal, and barely touching the tip of the iceberg.

Last night, there was an immense opening to a much higher dimension. The entire site was covered by and embodied a HUGE energy of higher beings, and was at a very new level. It was so intense, that Phil had tears streaming down his face the entire time. As I shouted to him (the intensity was deafening) while I was translating as rapidly as I could what was being revealed at this new level, he was adding to it as well.

The energies were so high and intense, that we could only stay a short while, until dark. We were barely able to accommodate them, but we felt that we had arrived in another world, on another planet, and had a hard time leaving! We were told as well, that we would come up with a question….one question….and the answer would immediately be revealed to us. This answer would unlock the mysteries of all time, and provide a foundation, theme, and purpose for higher level living and being. It is the theme that runs through it all, and makes anything and everything finally make sense.

We knew we had picked up this key on our wedding day at a small and isolated town in New Mexico where the ancients had really first begun, but had simply been following the trail of crumbs.

And this is how it is for all of us now. We are being catapulted into the higher realms. Great and awesome doors and being opened to realities we have never experienced before in these particular human bodies. We have been re-incarnated and are being reborn into what a wonderful woman just described to me as a “very new dream.”

The days of suffering and pain are over. The days of struggle are over. The days of darkness and negativity are over. We have truly arrived in a new reality of new ways of living and being, and we need only seize the day.

What will be your reality? What will you allow to be revealed to you? What path will you follow? What excitement will you experience?

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,


Manifesting Intention
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Reality Sandwich

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Myster.E

Thank you Daniel Pinchbeck


A new web magazine for these times of intense transition, Reality Sandwich launches today!

Reality Sandwich covers topics from
sustainability to shamanism,
alternate realities to alternative energy,
remixing media to re-imagining community,
holistic healing techniques to the promise and perils of new technologies.
It hopes to spark debate and engagement by offering a forum for voices ranging from the ecologically pragmatic to the wildly visionary. Reality Sandwich includes news, reflective essays, arts, interviews, podcasts, and forums.
Counteracting the doom-and-gloom of the daily news, the site is a platform for perspectives conveying a different vision of the transformations we face.

Among the more than 40 participating contributors are: Daniel Pinchbeck, Melinda Wenner, The Yes Men, Paul D. Miller aka DJ Spooky, David Rothenberg, Douglas Rushkoff, John Jay Harper, Kaliya Hamlin, Henri Poole, Andrew Boyd, Aline Duriaud, Ken Jordan, Jonathan Phillips, Elizabeth Thompson, Andy Dale and Michael Brownstein.

Reality Sandwich is built with Drupal, the popular open source online publishing system, by the free and open source software consultants CivicActions.

Please forward this announcement.
Reality Sandwich

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
Articles of Intent Content
The Intentional One
Intentional Interactive
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