It's Not About Dollars, It's About Abundance!From the Quarterly Journal Apr/May/Jun 1996 (pdf)
GUEST: Hi, Abraham. You’ve talked about being able to separate your work and what you do for a living and sort of attracting abundance. Could you clarify that?
ABRAHAM: If you could focus upon what you are wanting to do, for all of the other reasons, the money would flow more easily than when you focus upon it for the reason of money.
We think it would be nice if you could take money out of the equation, because “money” is a word that for most of you smacks of vibrational resistance. So if you could just avoid the concept, then you could avoid the resistance and you would allow more of the abundance that is natural.
Any time you focus on anything, you vibrate with it. And what we’ve noticed is that most people who focus upon the word “money” or the word “abundance” or the word “finances”, most of them are vibrationally lackful when they are focused there.
We tease that someday we think your Webster’s Dictionary will define “money” as “not enough”, because that is the usual feeling that we feel from most of you when you use the word. And so, if you are wanting to change that, what you are wanting to do is replace the word with a word that is less resistant in nature. Replace it with a word like “Energy” or make up a new word. Begin calling money “nachos” or something like that. “If I can gather enough nachos, I’ll go to the ball game this weekend.” Because usually there is not so much resistance. Make up some word that you have fun with. Some word that is fulfilling to you, you see. And as you are finding a new vibration that is less resistant, the money will flow to you.
Most of you are not short on wanting money, you are just tall on resisting it, and so, goosing up wanting only amplifies resistance. Sometimes we teach: “Well, just talk about what you’ll do with the money. Imagine spending it. Imagine all of things that you’ll do with it.” But if you’ve already developed quite a bit of resistance about money, that can be a quite an aggravating, annoying game, and most of you don’t stick with it very long.
Deliberately try to reduce your resistance around the word “money”, and one way of doing it is to recognize that everything is flowing to you on this Energy Stream. We’ve watched Jerry and Esther who are, and have been for many years, very comfortable with dollars. The dollars that flow to them are abundant and flow easily, and what Esther is beginning to notice is that there are many things that are of a wonderful nature that are happening in their life that don’t have anything to do with dollars.
The abundance flows in many more avenues than dollars. And so, if you could focus upon the gifts that the Universe gives you: When you say “abundance”, think about it in the abundance of health, the abundance of vitality, the abundance of clarity, the abundance of enthusiasm, the abundance of delicious people in your life, the abundance of loving letters in your life. The abundance of free-flowing traffic in your life. The abundance of wonderful experiences in your life… As you start thinking in terms of this abundance that doesn’t have anything to do with dollars—the abundance relative to the dollars starts flowing, too.
Most people think that good flows to them only through the avenue of dollars. Someone will say, “Well, she lives a very good life,” and someone else will say, “Well, of course she does, she’s rich.” as if the answer to a good life is just having more money. And we say, the answer to a good life is in not resisting a good life, because a good life is natural to you. It’s your legacy. It is your inheritance. It is flowing to all of you.
And so, you just have to play those mind games with yourself, getting yourself more and more in the place of allowing the extreme abundance that is natural to you, so that you start rendezvousing with more of the good things.
It’s not about money.
It’s about being in vibrational harmony with the Well-being that you deserve.
Jerry and Esther have had fun because they have been doing so much flying that they have a Gold Card, and their Gold Card allows them many benefits with their airline, and so almost always they sit in the First Class section. A while back they flew to a city where their airline did not fly, and so Esther bought regular coach tickets, and as they were arriving at the airport, Jerry said to Esther, “Well, go do your magic and get us in the First Class section,” and Esther looked at him like “You’ve got to be crazy. I have no clout with this airline. We don’t have a Gold Card. This is the first we’ve flown with this airline.” But he planted the seed in her mind about the First Class seats. And so, as they got out of the car at the curb, the sky cap, that came to help them with their bags, said to Esther, “I’m going to put priority stickers on your bags. You look like First Class passengers.” And Esther was laughing because she handed him a coach ticket and he clearly saw it, but he put the priority baggage tags on her luggage, and she said to Jerry, “Well, our bags are going to fly First Class whether we do or not.” But now the fun was flowing. In other words, now Esther was getting caught up in the spirit of it. And so, she went inside to a long line of counters, and she was thinking All right, which one of you is most likely to give me a First Class seat? And one sort of lighted up. It was as if somebody turned a light on behind him, and it was clear which line she should get in. And so, Esther got into the line, and it wasn’t a very long line, and then she came forward and Esther said to him, “What is the difference in cost on a First Class ticket and the one I’ve purchased?” And he looked at her and said, “You don’t want to know.” And Esther said, “That bad, huh.” And he said “It is outrageous. It is $400, something, extra one way per ticket for the First Class seat.” And Esther laughed, “You’re right. I did not want to know.” And he said “Just a minute.” And he stepped out through the break in the counter where passengers put their baggage through, and walked all the way down this long, long line and then walked back through the baggage pass through, and Esther could see him down there talking to a man in a red coat and they were talking, talking, talking and Esther thought, Well, whatever he’s doing, I am sure it is good for me. And when he came back, he said to her, “Well, Mrs. Hicks, if you were part of our Frequent Flyer Program and if you were at such and such a level, I could offer these upgrades to you for $45 per ticket.” And he said, “That’s what I am going to do.” Esther did everything she could to stay on the ground. She wanted to click her heels together. She tried to be nonchalant as she turned around to Jerry and went...(thumbs up signal) She could not even wait to get close to him. This is not about money. This is about Jerry and Esther vibrating in the vibration of what they are wanting so dominantly that the Universe has to give it to them. The vibration of expectation is so strong that anything not in vibrational harmony with that is wrong. You see. The sky cap knew it. The man behind the counter knew it. Everybody that came into contact with them knew it.
Now Esther didn’t start there. She has been flying for a number of years. She has been, day after day, projecting her Energy, projecting her Energy, projecting her Energy. A lot of yesterdays have been flowing Energy toward the magnificent unfolding of today. And the tendency is for somebody who hasn’t heard about flowing Energy, that hasn’t been consciously flowing it, to compare their life with somebody who is flowing it and concludes, “Well, they’ve got money. Of course their life is good.”
It isn’t about money. It’s about vibrationally opening to the abundance that is natural for all of you.
Imagine, in one fell swoop…
in something faster than a split second, releasing all resistance.
Releasing all doubt and worry and fear and guardedness
and relaxing into that feeling
of knowing your Well-being.
People push so hard against death that few really live. You’re all so afraid that you are going to die, you don’t allow yourself to have the experiences that let the Energy flow. Most people are walking around pretty much dead. Not really allowing the life they intended to flow through them.
GUEST: A cousin passed away and I was observing how my family participated in his funeral and the grieving, and so forth, and I don’t feel the same way about it, but I just let them be the way they were about his death, but do you have any input on that?
ABRAHAM: People have a hard time with death because they don’t understand it, and when someone dies it amplifies their feeling of vulnerability. And so, there is always quite a bit of resistance around the subject, and resistance means you don’t let the Energy flow, so it’s usually not a very pleasant experience.
Jerry and Esther have a dear friend who recently re-emerged into Non-physical—a very famous man—you know him. His name is Burl Ives. Jerry was watching television one night, but he had it muted waiting until he saw the weather maps. He happened to look up and saw a picture of Burl Ives go by, and he said to Esther, “I wonder what’s going on with Burl. I don’t think he’s getting ready to do another concert?” And Esther said, “I wonder if he is making his transition?” And so, Esther made herself comfortable and relaxed and said, “Hey Burl, what’s going on?” And she felt elation beyond physical description. Rivers of bubbles and pure positive Energy and joy bubbled through her being as she felt an ecstasy that truly defies description, and she said to Jerry, “Yep, he’s dead.” Esther has come to realize, through experiences like that, that the death experience just has to be the most delicious of all experiences.
Imagine, in one fell something faster than a split second, releasing all resistance. Releasing all doubt and worry and fear and guardedness and relaxing into that feeling of knowing your Well-being.
When Esther taps into someone who is actually making that transition, she feels the emphatic contrast between what they felt just before they re-emerged and what they now feel in their Non-physical focus. She feels the elation of the contrast within them. If you tap into somebody whose been dead for a while, you don’t feel it quite with that enthusiasm, because their sense of contrast is not so pointed.
We hear two questions from you. One is, “How do I know that all is well?” and we think that you know that, but more importantly, “How can I convey that to others?” And we say, you have to be very careful because you can get them mad at you real quick if you start celebrating at funerals with too much enthusiasm, because you are supposed to be sad about that. So, you have to be sensitive to who you are talking to, but as you begin saying things such as—and people do this—they say, “Well, he’s gone to a better place.” People do take a stab at feeling better even though they usually don’t say anything that makes them feel that much better. As you say, “I just have to feel excited about this one releasing this resistance and going to what I know must truly be heaven,” and when you speak something from your true knowing, it’s not so hard for others to take. It’s hard for them to hear joy when they are in a place of sorrow, and, in fact, they can’t, but there are many like you who are coming more and more to understand that all is well relative to this.
We notice that you are easier about it if somebody is very old or very sick or if their body is very broken. You say, “Well, it’s for the best.” But if they are young. If they left in, what you consider to be, the prime or near-prime of their life, then you say, “Oh, this is a terrible tragedy.”
Anything To Do For a “Dead” Friend?
GUEST: When someone dies, is there something that you can do with your own thoughts, or prayer, or whatever, that would assist them?
ABRAHAM: After they are gone, they can help you a lot more than you can help them. Don’t worry about them. They are there in the pure positive Energy Stream. They don’t need your help.
GUEST: I guess there are times when I’ve heard or I’ve read that there are people that are wandering spirits when they die, that they are lost?
ABRAHAM: That is not true. That is physical man’s lackful speculation. That is the way those who feel left behind are translating it.
There are Thought Forms that are projected by the dying. Fearful Thought Forms that the living pick up on very often because they’re pushing against the same sorts of things. But we promise you that that being who has re-emerged into Non-physical is in a place of utter bliss, joy, knowing, all-is-wellness.
Esther, for a few days after this, could not stop thinking about her friend, Burl. A few months before, Burl and his wife, Dorothy, sent to Jerry and Esther a CD of his most recent recordings, and they put it in their CD player in slot number one, so every time they turned it on from the remote across the room, the first song it played was a song by Burl singing “I’m a bird.” A beautiful song. Esther and Jerry’s favorite of what he’s done recently. And so, after his transition, Esther could not stop thinking about him. Every time she was not thinking about something else, she was thinking about him.
And so, finally Esther went to the computer and she began to type. That is the easiest way for her to converse back and forth, and she said, “Well, Burl, I can’t stop thinking about you. So I wondered if you have something you would like to say to me.” And he said, “Well, honey, I am a bird, and I have to say to you it feels very fine.” He said, “Your understanding of death is very accurate except that my awareness of that which is physical is much more pointed than you believe. I am aware of everything that is in your physical time and place. The only difference, that I can discern, is that I feel no judgment now. Things that bothered me deeply only a few days ago, now I do not feel any negative judgment about at all.” And then he spoke some other personal things. Messages for this one and that. And then he said, “I do not know if we will speak again. Let’s keep that option open. Adieu.” And then off he went.
Shortly thereafter Jerry was receiving a very strong impulse while Esther was doing telephone consultations in the other room, and so Jerry consciously decided, “I think I will go in the living room and look at the trees,” which is sort of a strange thing for Jerry who is always too busy doing something to think. So he put himself in a position that looked out at the trees, and he spotted, out there in the distance, a funny little object. It looked like a leaf, but it was too big of a leaf for their Texas trees, and he felt it wasn’t a leaf and couldn’t figure out what it was. And so, he got his binoculars to look at it, and found it to be a strange little bird. And this bird was looking right at him. And as he looked at it, the bird looked back, and this lasted for ten minutes, twenty minutes. The bird was not taking its eyes off of Jerry, and Jerry said, “It’s Burl!” There he was with his chest puffed up, pompous and dignified and certain and sure, and as Jerry had that thought, he was covered with goose bumps. And then he says “Wait. Wait for Esther. I want Esther to see you.” And the bird yawned and at that point flew away. He was not there for Esther. He was there for Jerry.
But then, Esther came out of the consultation, and Jerry said, “I believe—this is going to sound very strange—that I saw Burl and he was a bird.” And Esther said “What kind of a bird was it?” And Jerry said “I don’t know.” He looked through his Texas bird book and he couldn’t find it anywhere, and since he had been looking at the bird for 20 minutes through the binoculars, he knew very well what it looked like. Jerry is an avid bird studier but could not find this bird in his Texas book. And so, he looked in his bird book of birds of this nation. And after a few hours of searching he spotted the bird. It was an Oregon Junco, coming from the part of the world where Burl was last physically living, now here sitting on a Texas tree for Jerry to see.
Now do not misunderstand. Burl has not now become a bird. It is that the essence of that which he is has the ability to influence. Many people around the world who have interacted with him have had such experiences. The Non-physical has the ability to interact with you, but the thing that you must remember is the Non-physical is now pure positive Energy—and that “tuning fork” cannot vibrate with someone who is sad or lonely or heart-broken or lost. You must be in a place of joy to vibrationally intertwine with somebody who is in a place of joy, you see.