From: Dalibor
Date: Oct 13, 2006 7:59 PM
Raising Crystal Children
Saalome ~Karyn~
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ~Karyn~
Date: Oct 13, 2006 6:43 PM
I know this is long but it is def. worth the read if you happen to be the parent of one of these amazing children as I am.
Thank you: Matteo 11:11
Thanks for connecting Brian and presenting the opportunity to let me say a few things about raising the new kids, the Crystal Children. Firstly though we must address the issue of what exactly is a Crystal child and outline the difference between Crystals and Indigos. Since there has been a great deal written about Indigos and very little about Crystals, I feel this is timely because Crystals are starting to appear in significant numbers at this time.
Being a mother, perhaps the mother of the first Crystal on record, I feel that I have a few insights that will help the parents of the new children with raising those children without the aggravation that will put those kids at risk of psychological damage. I don't wish to raise fearful expectations with those words but there is a real risk of this if your understanding is not heightened towards their special needs. Just as the Indigos were a new evolutionary concept with special needs, so too are the Crystals but the big difference is that the Crystals are not as robust, both physically and mentally, as the Indigos. The Indigos were correctly named "The Systems Busters", and as such were set up to create mayhem where it was justified, and to test boundaries where boundaries just happened to be. For this they needed to be robust and chaotic. Crystals on the other hand are "The Peacemakers" and are designed to lead by example. For this their attributes will be those of a peaceful and gentle nature. They will not rock the boat or test boundaries to the degree that the Indigos do but they will stand up for themselves and for the issues that they are passionate about. That word "passion" is what they are all about. A passion for life and love, a passion for justice and fair play, and a passion for truth. These are the hallmarks of the Crystals.
The drawbacks with Crystals however is that they are not at all robust in both physical and mental tenacity. They are intelligent, there is no doubt about that, but they cannot cope with psychological attacks, and definitely shy away from physical violence, although they make powerful enemies if pushed too far.
The label of "Crystal" actually refers to the fact that they are Christed beings, just as Jesus (Yeshua) was a Christed being. They have the potential to do, as their birthright, all of those things that Jesus was able to do, and more. This is their potential and this is their handicap. Fortunately the handicap will only manifest as a handicap if their life circumstances dictate, or if they choose for it to be so. Utilising their potential is what they have evolved to do and to lead humanity back to Unity eventually. These kids are born into an existence where the Veil of Duality is extremely thin. They are able to commune directly with Spirit and see fifth dimensional beings through their third eye as a natural sense. They have tremendous psychic abilities such as telepathic communication between themselves and Spirit. Their intuition is greatly heightened and they have developed natural healing powers for themselves and others. They intuitively know all this, and this is where some difficulties arise.
Crystals have chosen their parents wisely and will only be born into families that are able to cope with them and nurture them. For this reason, not all children born will be Crystals, at least not for quite a while until the generation changes are sufficient to guarantee that all parents are suitable Crystal parents. This will take quite a while as you can imagine. I don't mean to create a separation here or a class division because that is not warranted. It is imperative that a gradual change take place and that children of all evolutionary levels come together and mix, simply because the Crystals need to experience society as it is before any change can manifest. If the present world were flooded by Crystal children at this time, it would be counter productive because the Crystals are not yet robust enough to cope with society as it stands. There simply is not enough peace for these peacemakers yet.
Even though Crystals have heightened psychic abilities from birth, it is still likely that their abilities will be lost if not realised and utilised. Just as normal children are born with some psychic abilities that are normally suppressed by adult teaching, so too can the heightened abilities of the Crystals but unfortunately, psychological damage is likely if the Crystals abilities are repressed. They of all people need to utilise and nurture these abilities, and in fact enhance these abilities by exercising them and expanding their awareness of how far these abilities can grow. Just as the Indigos love testing physical boundaries, the Crystals need to test psychic boundaries.
Yeshua, in his last lesson spoke of regularly conversing with God as if he were in earshot. You will find that the Crystals will do this telepathically from birth, even before they learn to speak, and after they learn to speak, you will find them readily talking to their fifth dimensional friends. If you are not aware that this will happen you would probably try to suppress this behaviour, and that is not the wisest thing to do. It may be alarming to you but there is no need to fear that they are getting in with the wrong crowd. These kids intuitively know their way in the Spirit realm and their Higher Selves are fully connected and protecting them at all times. That is not to say they won't test the boundaries of safety even here but they know how to avoid danger and will not accidentally stray into harm.
This brings up the first point with raising these kids. You must realise that they have these heightened abilities and never attempt to suppress them. In fact I would advise that you recognise them and assist with their explorations, not overtly, but just by showing genuine interest. You will probably find this quite amusing if not educational for you as well. As well as this you must realise that these kids will intuitively known what you are thinking. It's no use saying one thing and meaning another because you will not even reach first base with this, and if you try to deceive a Crystal you will shatter their trust. Deliberate shattering of trust or constant deception will result in mental anguish for these children and you will be aware of their pain. It will show in their eyes and believe me, you won't be able to resist comforting them with the love and affection they constantly crave. This may not repair the trust issue but it will be the start. The only way to repair shattered trust with these kids is to show genuine remorse and a genuine attempt at making amends. It is no use talking behind their backs either because these kids have the ability to tune in to distant conversations if they choose to do so. It may sound scary but it really isn't and besides it will show you exactly what the future holds in store for you as well as far as potential abilities are concerned. These kids are the pioneers with this and they need you to smooth the way.
A point here as well. Please don't try to turn them into a sideshow for amusement, showing them off as special, because they don't believe they are special. They will know that they are different but they won't appreciate a fuss being made about it or them. Be aware that they will utilise their psychic abilities to manifest their desires, even from the cradle. They know that the Universe will provide all their needs and if you try to deny them anything at all, they will just take that as a challenge and will probably prove you wrong. That is not to say that you must give them everything they ask for. You must set your boundaries as well, but don't be surprised if what they ask for turns up some other way. You may find this also a source of amusement if not education.
Another point about Crystals is that they are born conditioned with reflexes to avoid confrontation. They hate confrontation and will perform badly at any time that a confrontation bestows itself upon them. When I say perform badly I mean that they will literally break down emotionally and withdraw themselves when confronted. Sometimes this is not such a bad thing. They do require discipline occasionally and discipline is usually a confrontation of sorts. When you find yourself in this position and seemingly cause an emotional display, just remember that these tantrums or sobbing displays are designed to weaken your position and relent to their demands. You need to be aware of these little ploys because compromise and balance are more important than feigned hurt feelings. On the other hand though you need to judge when a confrontation on disciplinary grounds is justified and expect the display. They will not be hurt by genuine discipline and in fact it is quite the opposite. If you relent to unjustified demands, they will sense that as weakness and you will go down in their estimation of you. You need to be able to strike a balance and keep it. This is true of all people but especially your Crystal children.
With the parenting role, and the grand-parenting role, Crystals are usually a delight to be around. They exude peace and tranquillity at the same time as harmonising the energy surrounding them. These kids will bring peace just with their presence and will quell arguments just by not arguing. They are amazing to watch in action, when you know what to look for. Many a potential argument will be thwarted just by these kids coming into the scene but if and when argument does erupt in their presence, just watch how they confront the argument. Possibilities will be explored for the highest outcome and win-win solutions will become commonplace. If they see situations that are not in accordance with the highest good, they will set processes in motion to change that situation but they won't be as confrontational as their Indigo forerunners. The Indigo's role is that of "systems buster" which implies confrontation and chaos. The Crystals will do similar things without confrontation, but if they see no other option then will not shy away from their responsibility, however they will probably find an Indigo to do the job for them.
This brings up the point of Indigos as well since it was raised as a question just recently, and I have decided to cater especially for Indigos in my next communication. It is suffice to say here that the Indigos are the forerunners paving the way for the Crystal generation and you will find that where you find Crystal children you will also find at least one Indigo parent. I guess then that in a way this lesson then is for Indigo parents.
Of the many attributes of Crystal children, I think the most appealing yet the most challenging aspect is that of contentment. These kids know that they are eternal and that they are here for a purpose. They know that what they are creating is Heaven on Earth and that what they are creating is in direct accordance with the Divine Plan for Mother Earth and Humanity. They know intuitively that they can't fail in their task because failure is not an option. Whatever they create will naturally lead to Unity and that it is only a matter of time. They are aware that humanity will need a few generations before significant changes manifest, but this doesn't bother them. They know they are pioneers and they know that the way to Unity is through the heart, one heart at a time. This is what they will work through. They will win hearts with their peaceful radiance and they don't need to push buttons. They are as one with their Higher Selves and their Inner Beings with their Egos totally under control. They have learned that their Ego will survive and indeed flourish in the company of other Egos, whereas the opposite is true of most of humanity at present. They have the ability to communicate Ego to Ego and Higher Self to Higher Self within the full knowledge of their Consciousness. This makes them awesome people indeed.
Another attribute of Crystals is their amazing natural healing ability. For you Lightworkers who have struggled to master a modality or two, please don't be put out by these people who will seem to naturally heal anything and everything that comes their way with a healing need. Animals will be naturally attracted to Crystals for not only healing but empathic company. Talking of animals, you will find also that Crystals have the ability to mentally communicate with animals and that they have a natural respect for all animal and plant life. If they eat meat, they do so with due reverence to the animals who gave themselves for food. You will find though that a disproportionate number of Crystals will be vegetarian or even vegan and this will necessitate careful diet monitoring. They will tend to be rather diet conscious and tend to shy away from junk food, but if they are introduced to junk food, the temptation may overcome this tendency. They are not shy but mostly they are not overtly social and rarely will you find them hogging the limelight.
All Crystals are "old souls". They have been and done all of the things they set out to achieve during the many thousands of past lives and they return now as Masters in Human form to lead humanity into Unity. That is their sole purpose and their soul purpose this time and it is no secret that they are returning now. They are the prophesised "Second coming of the Christ". They are Christ embodied just as Jesus was Christ embodied two thousand years ago.
I dearly love these kids and I promise to spend all of my energies loving and supporting these kids as they grow in your care to become the Peacemakers. If Jesus could do what he did just as one Christed person, just imagine what can be achieved with thousands of these people. You are indeed fortunate to be involved with this project at this time. I believe the potential of these people, with your help and support is just enormous, and in time you will join the ranks of the Crystals, either in this current lifetime by intent and initiations, or in your next lifetime. Either way you are creating Heaven right here on Mother Earth.
Now a few tips on raising these lovely children.
Firstly they need love and support. Just like all of us, they crave love and security. From the moment they become aware of their mother while still in the womb, they will crave security. That is no big issue, and they will return love and affection to all who show it.
Secondly, don't talk baby talk to these babies. Gooing and ga-ing and choochie cooing is the natural tendency of all adults towards babies but don't be surprised if the Crystals give you some stupid looks if you try it with them. They will respond for a while but they'll quickly tire of being over-babied.
Next tip. They will crave natural mother's milk and breastfeeding is the preferred feeding method, but this is nothing new, it goes for normal babies as well. Don't be tempted to wean them too early but that is not to say you should breastfeed them forever either. After weaning they should be introduced to a balanced diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, and please try to keep away from the processed tinned foods as much as possible. Sure these foods are easy and quick but please try to use them only in emergencies. Whilst I said earlier that they will tend to be vegetarians or vegans, that is not to say that you should automatically assume they are and start them that way. It is important that you set your Crystal babies feeding pattern to aim towards your normal family diet and if that includes meat products then that is OK. If they choose to become vegetarians, they will usually do so at a later age. If your family is vegetarian then please make sure that you strive for a balanced vegetarian diet.
Presenting your child with choices is the norm for both Indigos and Crystals, logical choices that show you have considered their view but are offering alternatives that they may not have considered. Although Crystals are not as aggressive as Indigos, they will still react to unwarranted authority. They won't respond at all to dictatorship and will let you know their displeasure if you or anyone else for that matter attempts to control them in this way. As old souls they know the ropes and even though you are dealing with youngsters in person, spiritually they are your equal and know it. They will see authority as a challenge and will attempt to thwart it at every opportunity. You won't win in the long run using authoritarian measures to control these kids. Only logic and understanding will achieve progress and respect.
Crystals may not be as radical as Indigos and no where near as radical as the new souls that are experiencing Earth living for the first time. The first timers are usually exemplified by extremes in behaviour and fashion. Indigos are usually a little more reserved but will experiment with flamboyancy to a degree but the Crystals are probably not that ostentatious. At least the older ones don't seem to be bent that way at present. They can be fun loving and witty though, so I might be wrong on this score. Time will tell and that will be interesting anyway.
Crystals are inclined to be slightly melancholic as a group and don't respond well to chaos. Creating chaos is the job of the Indigos and I guess it's the Crystals' job of restoring order after the Indigos have done their job. That is not to say that there won't be a spread of personality types but just that as a group they will lean toward melancholy.
Schooling definitely should be toward the Steiner methods if at all possible. You will find that your mainstream education systems will not suit the Crystals at all. If the Indigos can't cope with your present systems, don't ever expect the Crystals to fit in. They probably won't create the chaos that the Indigos do but any time spent in this environment will be totally wasted. You will also find that these kids will be bent towards the arts. They are not so much aligned with the practical, probably because they are totally balanced as far as their right and left brain hemispheres are concerned. There will be practicality within those kids but this practicality will be balanced with their artistic abilities. These two traits will marry to bring about beautiful yet practical manifestations when they get to that stage of their development. Just a point, please encourage their creativity in all things and don't try to force them into areas that they don't want to be. This will be disastrous.
When it comes to sexuality, these kids will be normal, if we can call anything normal these days. Their artistic side won't necessarily mean that they will be bent towards a gay environment, but that doesn't mean that they will all be straight either. Their pre-birth choices will still be apparent in this regard and the current ratios probably won't change much. If anything these kids won't predisposed to seeking life partners as humans currently do. This is more of a Duality thing where the opposite gender is required to balance the polar opposites of male and female. Since Crystals are more balanced in this regard, I would expect that partnering won't be so important. They will still crave parenthood, so don't be concerned about not being grandparents when the time comes.
I think that's about all I need to say right now. The next lesson, as promised will deal with Indigo issues but if I think of anything pertinent to add regarding Crystals, and I'm sure there will be, I'll bring it up then. In the meantime, keep an eye on these children. You might just learn something.
My love to you all.
Click on the picture:
Friday, October 13, 2006
Absolutely Incredible: "Stevie"
Date: Oct 13, 2006 5:04 PM
I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally handicapped employee and wasn't sure I wanted one. I wasn't sure how my customers would react to Stevie.
He was short, a little dumpy with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Downs Syndrome. I wasn't worried about most of my trucker customers because truckers don't generally care who buses tables as long as the meatloaf platter is good and the pies are homemade.
The four-wheeler drivers were the ones who concerned me; the mouthy college kids traveling to school; the yuppie snobs who secretly polish their silverware with their napkins for fear of catching some dreaded "truck stop germ" the pairs of white-shirted business men on expense accounts who think every truck stop waitress wants to be flirted with. I knew those people would be uncomfortable around Stevie so I closely watched him for the first few weeks.
I shouldn't have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapped around his stubby little finger, and within a month my truck regulars had adopted him as their official truck stop mascot.
After that, I really didn't care what the rest of the customers thought of him. He was like a 21-year-old in blue jeans and Nikes, eager to laugh and eager to please, but fierce in his attention to his duties. Every salt and pepper shaker was exactly in its place, not a bread crumb or coffee spill was visible when Stevie got done with the table. Our only problem was persuading him to wait to clean a table until after the customers were finished. He would hover in the background, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, scanning the dining room until a table was empty. Then he would scurry to the empty table and carefully bus dishes and glasses onto his cart and meticulously wipe the table up with a practiced flourish of his rag.
If he thought a customer was watching, his brow would pucker with added concentration. He took pride in doing his job exactly right, and you had to love how hard he tried to please each and every person he met.
Over time, we learned that he lived with his mother, a widow who was disabled after repeated surgeries for cancer. They lived on their Social Security benefits in public housing two miles from the truck stop. Their social worker, who stopped to check on him every so often, admitted they had fallen between the cracks. Money was tight, and what I paid him was probably the difference between them being able to live together and Stevie being sent to a group home. That's why the restaurant was a gloomy place that morning last August, the first morning in three years that Stevie missed work.
He was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester getting a new valve or something put in his heart. His social worker said that people with Downs Syndrome often have heart problems at an early age so this wasn't unexpected, and there was a good chance he would come through the surgery in good shape and be back at work in a few months.
A ripple of excitement ran through the staff later that morning when word came that he was out of surgery, in recovery, and doing fine.
Frannie, the head waitress, let out a war hoop and did a little dance in the aisle when she heard the good news.
Belle Ringer, one of our regular trucker customers, stared at the sight of this 50-year-old grandmother of four doing a victory shimmy beside his table.
Frannie blushed, smoothed her apron and shot Belle Ringer a withering look.
He grinned. "OK, Frannie, what was that all about?" he asked.
"We just got word that Stevie is out of surgery and going to be okay."
"I was wondering where he was. I had a new joke to tell him. What was the surgery about?"
Frannie quickly told Belle Ringer and the other two drivers sitting at his booth about Stevie's surgery, then sighed: "Yeah, I'm glad he is going to be OK," she said. "But I don't know how he and his Mom are going to handle all the bills. From what I hear, they're barely getting by as it is." Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully, and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables. Since I hadn't had time to round up a busboy to replace Stevie and really didn't want to replace him, the girls were busing their own tables that day until we decided what to do.
After the morning rush, Frannie walked into my office. She had a couple of paper napkins in her hand and a funny look on her face.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I didn't get that table where Belle Ringer and his friends were sitting cleared off after they left, and Pony Pete and Tony Tipper were sitting there when I got back to clean it off," she said. "This was folded and tucked under a coffee cup."
She handed the napkin to me, and three $20 bills fell onto my desk when I opened it. On the outside, in big, bold letters, was printed "Something For Stevie".
"Pony Pete asked me what that was all about," she said, "so I told him about Stevie and his Mom and everything, and Pete looked at Tony and Tony looked at Pete, and they ended up giving me this." She handed me another paper napkin that had "Something For Stevie" scrawled on its outside. Two $50 bills were tucked within its folds. Frannie looked at me with wet, shiny eyes, shook her head and said simply: "truckers."
That was three months ago. Today is Thanksgiving, the first day Stevie is supposed to be back to work.
His placement worker said he's been counting the days until the doctor said he could work, and it didn't matter at all that it was a holiday. He called 10 times in the past week, making sure we knew he was coming, fearful that we had forgotten him or that his job was in jeopardy. I arranged to have his mother bring him to work. I then met them in the parking lot and invited them both to celebrate his day back.
Stevie was thinner and paler, but couldn't stop grinning as he pushed through the doors and headed for the back room where his apron and busing cart were waiting.
"Hold up there, Stevie, not so fast," I said. I took him and his mother by their arms. "Work can wait for a minute. To celebrate you coming back, breakfast for you and your mother is on me!" I led them toward a large corner booth at the rear of the room.
I could feel and hear the rest of the staff following behind as we marched through the dining room. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw booth after booth of grinning truckers empty and join the procession. We stopped in front of the big table. Its surface was covered with coffee cups, saucers and dinner plates, all sitting slightly crooked on dozens of folded paper napkins. "First thing you have to do, Stevie, is clean up this mess," I said. I tried to sound stern.
Stevie looked at me, and then at his mother, then pulled out one of the napkins. It had "Something for Stevie" printed on the outside. As he picked it up, two $10 bills fell onto the table.
Stevie stared at the money, then at all the napkins peeking from beneath the tableware, each with his name printed or scrawled on it. I turned to his mother. "There's more than $10,000 in cash and checks on that table, all from truckers and trucking companies that heard about your problems. "Happy Thanksgiving,".
Well, it got real noisy about that time, with everybody hollering and shouting, and there were a few tears, as well.
But you know what's funny? While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other, Stevie, with a big, big smile on his face, was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table.
Best worker I ever hired.
Plant a seed and watch it grow.
At this point, you can bury this inspirational message or forward it fulfilling the need!
If you shed a tear, hug yourself, because you are a compassionate person.
Well.. Don't just sit there! Send this story on! Keep it going, this is a good one
Date: Oct 13, 2006 5:04 PM
I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts about hiring Stevie. His placement counselor assured me that he would be a good, reliable busboy. But I had never had a mentally handicapped employee and wasn't sure I wanted one. I wasn't sure how my customers would react to Stevie.
He was short, a little dumpy with the smooth facial features and thick-tongued speech of Downs Syndrome. I wasn't worried about most of my trucker customers because truckers don't generally care who buses tables as long as the meatloaf platter is good and the pies are homemade.
The four-wheeler drivers were the ones who concerned me; the mouthy college kids traveling to school; the yuppie snobs who secretly polish their silverware with their napkins for fear of catching some dreaded "truck stop germ" the pairs of white-shirted business men on expense accounts who think every truck stop waitress wants to be flirted with. I knew those people would be uncomfortable around Stevie so I closely watched him for the first few weeks.
I shouldn't have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapped around his stubby little finger, and within a month my truck regulars had adopted him as their official truck stop mascot.
After that, I really didn't care what the rest of the customers thought of him. He was like a 21-year-old in blue jeans and Nikes, eager to laugh and eager to please, but fierce in his attention to his duties. Every salt and pepper shaker was exactly in its place, not a bread crumb or coffee spill was visible when Stevie got done with the table. Our only problem was persuading him to wait to clean a table until after the customers were finished. He would hover in the background, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, scanning the dining room until a table was empty. Then he would scurry to the empty table and carefully bus dishes and glasses onto his cart and meticulously wipe the table up with a practiced flourish of his rag.
If he thought a customer was watching, his brow would pucker with added concentration. He took pride in doing his job exactly right, and you had to love how hard he tried to please each and every person he met.
Over time, we learned that he lived with his mother, a widow who was disabled after repeated surgeries for cancer. They lived on their Social Security benefits in public housing two miles from the truck stop. Their social worker, who stopped to check on him every so often, admitted they had fallen between the cracks. Money was tight, and what I paid him was probably the difference between them being able to live together and Stevie being sent to a group home. That's why the restaurant was a gloomy place that morning last August, the first morning in three years that Stevie missed work.
He was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester getting a new valve or something put in his heart. His social worker said that people with Downs Syndrome often have heart problems at an early age so this wasn't unexpected, and there was a good chance he would come through the surgery in good shape and be back at work in a few months.
A ripple of excitement ran through the staff later that morning when word came that he was out of surgery, in recovery, and doing fine.
Frannie, the head waitress, let out a war hoop and did a little dance in the aisle when she heard the good news.
Belle Ringer, one of our regular trucker customers, stared at the sight of this 50-year-old grandmother of four doing a victory shimmy beside his table.
Frannie blushed, smoothed her apron and shot Belle Ringer a withering look.
He grinned. "OK, Frannie, what was that all about?" he asked.
"We just got word that Stevie is out of surgery and going to be okay."
"I was wondering where he was. I had a new joke to tell him. What was the surgery about?"
Frannie quickly told Belle Ringer and the other two drivers sitting at his booth about Stevie's surgery, then sighed: "Yeah, I'm glad he is going to be OK," she said. "But I don't know how he and his Mom are going to handle all the bills. From what I hear, they're barely getting by as it is." Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully, and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables. Since I hadn't had time to round up a busboy to replace Stevie and really didn't want to replace him, the girls were busing their own tables that day until we decided what to do.
After the morning rush, Frannie walked into my office. She had a couple of paper napkins in her hand and a funny look on her face.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I didn't get that table where Belle Ringer and his friends were sitting cleared off after they left, and Pony Pete and Tony Tipper were sitting there when I got back to clean it off," she said. "This was folded and tucked under a coffee cup."
She handed the napkin to me, and three $20 bills fell onto my desk when I opened it. On the outside, in big, bold letters, was printed "Something For Stevie".
"Pony Pete asked me what that was all about," she said, "so I told him about Stevie and his Mom and everything, and Pete looked at Tony and Tony looked at Pete, and they ended up giving me this." She handed me another paper napkin that had "Something For Stevie" scrawled on its outside. Two $50 bills were tucked within its folds. Frannie looked at me with wet, shiny eyes, shook her head and said simply: "truckers."
That was three months ago. Today is Thanksgiving, the first day Stevie is supposed to be back to work.
His placement worker said he's been counting the days until the doctor said he could work, and it didn't matter at all that it was a holiday. He called 10 times in the past week, making sure we knew he was coming, fearful that we had forgotten him or that his job was in jeopardy. I arranged to have his mother bring him to work. I then met them in the parking lot and invited them both to celebrate his day back.
Stevie was thinner and paler, but couldn't stop grinning as he pushed through the doors and headed for the back room where his apron and busing cart were waiting.
"Hold up there, Stevie, not so fast," I said. I took him and his mother by their arms. "Work can wait for a minute. To celebrate you coming back, breakfast for you and your mother is on me!" I led them toward a large corner booth at the rear of the room.
I could feel and hear the rest of the staff following behind as we marched through the dining room. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw booth after booth of grinning truckers empty and join the procession. We stopped in front of the big table. Its surface was covered with coffee cups, saucers and dinner plates, all sitting slightly crooked on dozens of folded paper napkins. "First thing you have to do, Stevie, is clean up this mess," I said. I tried to sound stern.
Stevie looked at me, and then at his mother, then pulled out one of the napkins. It had "Something for Stevie" printed on the outside. As he picked it up, two $10 bills fell onto the table.
Stevie stared at the money, then at all the napkins peeking from beneath the tableware, each with his name printed or scrawled on it. I turned to his mother. "There's more than $10,000 in cash and checks on that table, all from truckers and trucking companies that heard about your problems. "Happy Thanksgiving,".
Well, it got real noisy about that time, with everybody hollering and shouting, and there were a few tears, as well.
But you know what's funny? While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other, Stevie, with a big, big smile on his face, was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table.
Best worker I ever hired.
Plant a seed and watch it grow.
At this point, you can bury this inspirational message or forward it fulfilling the need!
If you shed a tear, hug yourself, because you are a compassionate person.
Well.. Don't just sit there! Send this story on! Keep it going, this is a good one
Are You As Happy As Your Dog? No, Really!
Emanations Of Love
Date: Oct 13, 2006 4:25 PM
by Alan Cohen
A fellow at one of my workshops confessed, "For years I was so miserable that I prayed to God daily to let me wake up as happy as my dog!"
I went home and thought about it. Am I as happy as my dog? Hmmmm.
I began to observe my dog Munchie, who is happy all the time. This seven-pound furball is the most joyful creature I have ever seen, living constantly in a state of continuous delight and discovery. It became clear to me that this tiny fuzzy creature knew something I didn't know (or at least didn't remember). I decided to study Munchie's attitude to see what he was doing that I was missing.
Munchie greets me enthusiastically whenever I come home. As soon as he hears my car pull up to the garage, he drops whatever he is doing and runs to meet me. He is so delighted to see me that he barks and cries simultaneously, wags his tail so hard that he wipes up the garage floor with his fuzzy butt, and he pees. (Munchie taught me the meaning of the phrase, "I could hardly contain myself!") This dog lives the attitude of gratitude!
Munchie offers me the same whole hearted greeting no matter how long I have been away. Whether I have been on the road for an afternoon or a month, he gives me the full red carpet welcome. When I come home after a long time he doesn't sit on his haunches with his arms folded and soberly announce, "I think it's time we discussed your commitment to our relationship." No, he is just happy to see me, and he lets me know it.
I thought about what some of us humans might do if we were injured. We might just keep chasing cars; work harder; or blame someone and spend time complaining. But Munchie let all of that go in favor of his natural wisdom. He loved himself enough to rest when he needed it.
Munchie's intention is so strong that he actually does intimidate other animals (not including humans). There was a Doberman that used to come around, and she always yielded to the Munchie Sentinel Service.
As far as I can tell, Munchie is an enlightened being. He doesn't read a lot of books, has never gone to a seminar, and has no problem balancing his checkbook. Perhaps, if I play my cards right, one day I will indeed wake up as happy as him.
Are You As Happy As Your Dog?
Date: Oct 13, 2006 4:25 PM
A fellow at one of my workshops confessed, "For years I was so miserable that I prayed to God daily to let me wake up as happy as my dog!"
I went home and thought about it. Am I as happy as my dog? Hmmmm.
I began to observe my dog Munchie, who is happy all the time. This seven-pound furball is the most joyful creature I have ever seen, living constantly in a state of continuous delight and discovery. It became clear to me that this tiny fuzzy creature knew something I didn't know (or at least didn't remember). I decided to study Munchie's attitude to see what he was doing that I was missing.
Here are the keys to happiness that I discovered from my pet:
1. Be here now.
Munchie is fully present with whatever is happening. He has no sense of the past or future. You will not find Munchie at the local bar nursing a beer over lost love. He has no lost| love. He loves whatever is in front of him.Munchie greets me enthusiastically whenever I come home. As soon as he hears my car pull up to the garage, he drops whatever he is doing and runs to meet me. He is so delighted to see me that he barks and cries simultaneously, wags his tail so hard that he wipes up the garage floor with his fuzzy butt, and he pees. (Munchie taught me the meaning of the phrase, "I could hardly contain myself!") This dog lives the attitude of gratitude!
Munchie offers me the same whole hearted greeting no matter how long I have been away. Whether I have been on the road for an afternoon or a month, he gives me the full red carpet welcome. When I come home after a long time he doesn't sit on his haunches with his arms folded and soberly announce, "I think it's time we discussed your commitment to our relationship." No, he is just happy to see me, and he lets me know it.
2. Think possibility.
Every few months Munchie disappears for a few days. I once went searching for him and found him trying to mount one of the German Shepherds next door. The little guy reached no higher than the big lady's knee, but that didn't stop him. He thought big!3. Seize the day.
Munchie regularly shows up at my front door asking to come in and play with me. Depending on what I am doing and how muddy his feet are, sometimes I let him in. The moment I open the door, he charges in. He doesn't give me a moment to change my mind. He knows what he wants, asks for it, and seizes the opportunity the moment it is offered. Munchie is a master of Carpe Diem.4. Take care of yourself.
Once Munchie had his tail run over by a car he was chasing. To facilitate his healing process, he found himself a quiet spot under a bush, and simply rested. Whenever I passed his little nook, there was the Munchster, quietly resting with his chin on his paws, just allowing nature to take care of him. After a few days he was back in action, barking, peeing upon my arrival, and hoping the German Shepherd would kneel just a little more.I thought about what some of us humans might do if we were injured. We might just keep chasing cars; work harder; or blame someone and spend time complaining. But Munchie let all of that go in favor of his natural wisdom. He loved himself enough to rest when he needed it.
5. Entertain yourself.
When I am not home Munchie finds plenty of other amusements. He chases cats, sniffs dead critters, naps, and visits neighbors. He is not codependent. The world, through his eyes, is a big playground. There is always someone or something to entertain him.6. Be unlimited.
Munchie has no self-concept that he is small, and so acts big. When I take him on walks through the country, he slips under fences and chases cows and horses. I think they are more surprised than intimidated to be corralled by a barking tumbleweed. But it works. Munch usually gets the critters to move at least a little bit, and he comes back with a triumphant smile.7. Protect your space.
My dog has no questions about his function: he is here to protect me and my grounds from anything that moves. He is like a living announcement machine. The moment any foreign object with wheels or legs comes near the house, his hair-trigger bark alarm goes off. Night or day, he's there to announce potential intruders. (If they don't run away when he approaches, he changes his tactic and starts kissing them -- we're working on that one.)Munchie's intention is so strong that he actually does intimidate other animals (not including humans). There was a Doberman that used to come around, and she always yielded to the Munchie Sentinel Service.
8. Let yourself be loved.
When Munchie looks tired during long walks with me, sometimes I pick him up and carry him for a while (probably more for myself than him.) The moment he's in my arms, he rolls over and lets me carry him like the King of the Canines. Harboring no sense of guilt or unworthiness, he does not protest, "Oh, you really don't need to do this." or "I will carry you tomorrow." He just lays there and soaks it in. He knows he is worth it, and he receives it with a full heart and body.9. Relax.
Munchie is not a slave to the Puritan Work Ethic. He is closer to the Pure Tan Play Ethic. He doesn't have a job, doesn't lay awake at night wondering if God exists, and doesn't try to hide his little dogie erections when they spontaneously arise. He knows that he deserves love without having to earn it. Munchie is clear that his purpose in life is to enjoy every new day, and he is happy to have the Universe continually take care of him.As far as I can tell, Munchie is an enlightened being. He doesn't read a lot of books, has never gone to a seminar, and has no problem balancing his checkbook. Perhaps, if I play my cards right, one day I will indeed wake up as happy as him.
Are You As Happy As Your Dog?
Feng Shui 101
From: Emanations Of Love
Date: Oct 13, 2006 4:07 PM
Feng Shui (pronounced "fung shway") is the traditional Chinese art of Geomancy or placement. Central to its belief is that there is an energy force at play in the world called "Chi", or "Qi" (both are pronounced 'chee', rhyming with 'tea'), which can be both positive and negative (see Yin and Yang below), and it is imperative to arrange one's life in such a way as to maximize the beneficial influences and to minimize the harmful. One key to this in the home is the management of the flow of Chi.
Books on Feng Shui
Yin and yang represent the idea of harmony and balance. Often described as positive and negative, Yin and Yang is a little more subtle than this, with the idea being that the world is in a state of balance. For example, there are males and females. Together they create the balanced state of the world. In some situations there will be more males than females, which will have a localized effect. However, at the global scale the balance is maintained. Local imbalances can have detrimental effects in the long term, and so there is a constant thriving to maintain balance. Of course, where man intervenes to such an extent as to destabilize the global balance, then remedies become much more problematic.

It seems that many people today who have heard about Feng Shui have heard about the Five Elements. These elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—are the foundation theory for Feng Shui balance.
There also seems to be some confusion about just what these elements really are and how they work. Actually, it is fairly simple and based on common sense. It is easy to understand the elements and their significance. Using them properly and in the correct proportion is what separates a master from a student. The following is a brief description of each of these elements and how they might be applied.
We start with the wood element since it is the beginning of new life. Just as spring brings new plants and new life, wood is the originator of the five-elemental cycle. Many people mistakenly use wood furniture as a Feng Shui solution. The problem with wood furniture is that it is lifeless. To harness the Chi (Qi) of wood, it is essential you use live wood! A shrub or bushy plant is ideal since it emits live Chi and is also an excellent method of retaining Chi. Plants recycle the air we breath and can provide a natural filter for the air. A common Feng Shui problem is the staircase that empties into a doorway. A bushy plant can retain some of that chi, when it is placed either on the landing, or more ideally, at the bottom of the staircase. Remember that you want a live plant, so maintain it. A dead plant holds no Chi and is actually a "Sha" (unsightly or bad influence).
Wood can be represented by the color green. We find that the colors are not nearly effective though as the actual element. When it comes to the wood element, there is rarely an occasion when you need to substitute the color for a living plant.
Wood represents the directions of East and the Chen Trigram (3). It also represents the South East and the Sun Trigram (4).
Read more about the Wood Element
The Fire Element is the most "Yang" of the elements. It is the hot summer or a blast of heat. In Feng Shui, we usually use a candle or the color of red. 168 Feng Shui Advisors recommends the color red more than a candle as we do not want our clients to risk the possibility of a house fire. Being that Fire is so yang, this is the one example where color does work well. If it is hot, it is even better. A red night light or a table lamp with a red shade make excellent Fire remedies.
Fire represents the South and the Li Trigram (9).
Read more about the Fire Element
Earth is an interesting element despite the rather commonplace conception of dirt. Many times Earth is recommended for a larger environmental solution. In this case large granite boulders, or a beautiful clay statue can be used. Terra-cotta pots filled with potting soil make a great Earth remedy. Earth also represents the Mountain.
Earth tone colors can be used, but they are not nearly as effective as the actual element.
Earth represents the North East or the Ken Trigram (8). It also represents the South West or the Kun Trigram (2). Additionally, it represents the "Center" of the Master Trigram (5). Energetically speaking, Kun Earth (2) and the center representation (also called a star) of "5" can have negative influences, whereas the Ken Trigram (North East - 8 - also referred to as the Mountain) can have a very prosperous influence.
Read more about the Earth Element
The most common solution, Metal can be found in all forms. Copper, Silver, Gold, and Bronze are a few variations of the Metal Element. Using the Metal Element can take on all sorts of creative ideas. A cast silver deer is one idea. A bronze plate hung on the wall is another. Even iron weightlifter plates can be utilized as a metal solution. Weightlifter plates? Yes, when done properly. This can be done by stacking a few, then placing a brass pot upside down on top and creating a pedestal for a small plant or a perhaps a metal statue. The quantity of the element is definitely there! The key thing to remember is that Feng Shui is about creating a beautiful environment. When utilizing the Metal Element, ensure that it is rounded and pleasing, not sharp and pointed. Metal is the most commonly used remedy for the negative Earth energies as mentioned above. Ideally, the goal is to introduce Feng Shui elemental solutions that are not identifiable as Feng Shui remedies. Feng Shui objects that are unsightly or easily identified as a "Feng Shui Cure" are not recommended. It should blend into the environment and be beautiful.
The colors of White, Silver, or Gold can be used.
Metal represents the Tui Trigram (7) in the West. Tui is a soft metal such as gold. It is also the Chien Trigram (6) in the North West. Chien is a hard metal like steel.
Read more about the Metal Element
Water is the what give life on our planet. Without it, we would not exist. Our bodies are mostly water. In Feng Shui, Water is a very useful element. Water, when needed, should be clear and flowing. Stagnant water can create more problems than it solves. A simple aquarium, or even a small "metal" fountain can be used. Do not use ceramic or other earthen fountains. This is a common mistake. The Earth element blocks water and neutralizes the positive effect of the Water. Outside, a metal trough, a fountain, or even a fish pond can act as an environmental solution.
Water has always been synonymous with power. Water has been used as an elemental solution by the emperors in the form of moats and by placing their palaces near bodies of Water. If you look at most capital cities today, they are either located near the water or have large lakes or rivers nearby. Most ocean-side and lakeside homes are sought after and usually more expensive.
Water can be represented by the colors blue or black.
Water represents the Kan Trigram (1) in the North.
Read more about the Water Element
To conclude, it must be said that you should not use any of these elements haphazardly. Ideally, a proper Feng Shui analysis should be performed by a qualified practitioner. Used incorrectly, the elements can cause harm to relationships, health, or money prosperity. When used correctly, they can strengthen relationships, health, and money.
What is Feng Shui? article from 168 Practitioners' Website.
Date: Oct 13, 2006 4:07 PM
Feng Shui Basics
Feng Shui (pronounced "fung shway") is the traditional Chinese art of Geomancy or placement. Central to its belief is that there is an energy force at play in the world called "Chi", or "Qi" (both are pronounced 'chee', rhyming with 'tea'), which can be both positive and negative (see Yin and Yang below), and it is imperative to arrange one's life in such a way as to maximize the beneficial influences and to minimize the harmful. One key to this in the home is the management of the flow of Chi.
Books on Feng Shui
Yin and Yang
Yin and yang represent the idea of harmony and balance. Often described as positive and negative, Yin and Yang is a little more subtle than this, with the idea being that the world is in a state of balance. For example, there are males and females. Together they create the balanced state of the world. In some situations there will be more males than females, which will have a localized effect. However, at the global scale the balance is maintained. Local imbalances can have detrimental effects in the long term, and so there is a constant thriving to maintain balance. Of course, where man intervenes to such an extent as to destabilize the global balance, then remedies become much more problematic.
the Five Elements

It seems that many people today who have heard about Feng Shui have heard about the Five Elements. These elements—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—are the foundation theory for Feng Shui balance.
There also seems to be some confusion about just what these elements really are and how they work. Actually, it is fairly simple and based on common sense. It is easy to understand the elements and their significance. Using them properly and in the correct proportion is what separates a master from a student. The following is a brief description of each of these elements and how they might be applied.
We start with the wood element since it is the beginning of new life. Just as spring brings new plants and new life, wood is the originator of the five-elemental cycle. Many people mistakenly use wood furniture as a Feng Shui solution. The problem with wood furniture is that it is lifeless. To harness the Chi (Qi) of wood, it is essential you use live wood! A shrub or bushy plant is ideal since it emits live Chi and is also an excellent method of retaining Chi. Plants recycle the air we breath and can provide a natural filter for the air. A common Feng Shui problem is the staircase that empties into a doorway. A bushy plant can retain some of that chi, when it is placed either on the landing, or more ideally, at the bottom of the staircase. Remember that you want a live plant, so maintain it. A dead plant holds no Chi and is actually a "Sha" (unsightly or bad influence).
Wood can be represented by the color green. We find that the colors are not nearly effective though as the actual element. When it comes to the wood element, there is rarely an occasion when you need to substitute the color for a living plant.
Wood represents the directions of East and the Chen Trigram (3). It also represents the South East and the Sun Trigram (4).
Read more about the Wood Element
The Fire Element is the most "Yang" of the elements. It is the hot summer or a blast of heat. In Feng Shui, we usually use a candle or the color of red. 168 Feng Shui Advisors recommends the color red more than a candle as we do not want our clients to risk the possibility of a house fire. Being that Fire is so yang, this is the one example where color does work well. If it is hot, it is even better. A red night light or a table lamp with a red shade make excellent Fire remedies.
Fire represents the South and the Li Trigram (9).
Read more about the Fire Element
Earth is an interesting element despite the rather commonplace conception of dirt. Many times Earth is recommended for a larger environmental solution. In this case large granite boulders, or a beautiful clay statue can be used. Terra-cotta pots filled with potting soil make a great Earth remedy. Earth also represents the Mountain.
Earth tone colors can be used, but they are not nearly as effective as the actual element.
Earth represents the North East or the Ken Trigram (8). It also represents the South West or the Kun Trigram (2). Additionally, it represents the "Center" of the Master Trigram (5). Energetically speaking, Kun Earth (2) and the center representation (also called a star) of "5" can have negative influences, whereas the Ken Trigram (North East - 8 - also referred to as the Mountain) can have a very prosperous influence.
Read more about the Earth Element
The most common solution, Metal can be found in all forms. Copper, Silver, Gold, and Bronze are a few variations of the Metal Element. Using the Metal Element can take on all sorts of creative ideas. A cast silver deer is one idea. A bronze plate hung on the wall is another. Even iron weightlifter plates can be utilized as a metal solution. Weightlifter plates? Yes, when done properly. This can be done by stacking a few, then placing a brass pot upside down on top and creating a pedestal for a small plant or a perhaps a metal statue. The quantity of the element is definitely there! The key thing to remember is that Feng Shui is about creating a beautiful environment. When utilizing the Metal Element, ensure that it is rounded and pleasing, not sharp and pointed. Metal is the most commonly used remedy for the negative Earth energies as mentioned above. Ideally, the goal is to introduce Feng Shui elemental solutions that are not identifiable as Feng Shui remedies. Feng Shui objects that are unsightly or easily identified as a "Feng Shui Cure" are not recommended. It should blend into the environment and be beautiful.
The colors of White, Silver, or Gold can be used.
Metal represents the Tui Trigram (7) in the West. Tui is a soft metal such as gold. It is also the Chien Trigram (6) in the North West. Chien is a hard metal like steel.
Read more about the Metal Element
Water is the what give life on our planet. Without it, we would not exist. Our bodies are mostly water. In Feng Shui, Water is a very useful element. Water, when needed, should be clear and flowing. Stagnant water can create more problems than it solves. A simple aquarium, or even a small "metal" fountain can be used. Do not use ceramic or other earthen fountains. This is a common mistake. The Earth element blocks water and neutralizes the positive effect of the Water. Outside, a metal trough, a fountain, or even a fish pond can act as an environmental solution.
Water has always been synonymous with power. Water has been used as an elemental solution by the emperors in the form of moats and by placing their palaces near bodies of Water. If you look at most capital cities today, they are either located near the water or have large lakes or rivers nearby. Most ocean-side and lakeside homes are sought after and usually more expensive.
Water can be represented by the colors blue or black.
Water represents the Kan Trigram (1) in the North.
Read more about the Water Element
To conclude, it must be said that you should not use any of these elements haphazardly. Ideally, a proper Feng Shui analysis should be performed by a qualified practitioner. Used incorrectly, the elements can cause harm to relationships, health, or money prosperity. When used correctly, they can strengthen relationships, health, and money.
What is Feng Shui? article from 168 Practitioners' Website.
You Never Know Till You Try
Emanations Of Love
Date: Oct 13, 2006 7:09 AM
Thank You:



October 13, 2006
One Way To Find Out
You Never Know Until You Try
When contemplating whether to do something or not, a plucky voice in our heads may say, "You never know until you try." This is time-honored wisdom that encourages us to be game rather than to hold back. It reminds us that it is only through experience that we learn about this world and ourselves. Even if we regret the outcome, we have learned something, and the newfound knowledge is almost always worth it.
This wisdom can be applied to situations both large and small. From crossing the Atlantic on a boat to trying Ethiopian food, there's only one way to find out what it's like. We have all had experiences where we tried something we didn't think we'd like and fell in love. We may have found ourselves stuck with nothing to read but a "boring" book, only to kick-start a lifelong passion for Victorian literature. We may have decided that sailing was not for us until we fell in love with someone with a boat. On the other hand, we may try tofu only to learn that it is truly not for us. In this case, we gain greater self-knowledge from the experience. And yet, we might still remain open to trying it prepared in a different way. The right marinade might make you a convert-you'll never know if you don't try it.
It is often said that at the end of our lives we are more likely to regret the things we did not do than the things we did. As an exercise to test your own willingness to discover through doing, try making a list of things you regret not having done. You may begin to notice patterns such as a failure to say what you really think at key moments or closed-mindedness to certain types of activities. Just being aware of the opportunities you missed might encourage you not to miss them again. There's only one way to find out.
Emanations Of Love
Date: Oct 13, 2006 7:09 AM



October 13, 2006
One Way To Find Out
You Never Know Until You Try
When contemplating whether to do something or not, a plucky voice in our heads may say, "You never know until you try." This is time-honored wisdom that encourages us to be game rather than to hold back. It reminds us that it is only through experience that we learn about this world and ourselves. Even if we regret the outcome, we have learned something, and the newfound knowledge is almost always worth it.
This wisdom can be applied to situations both large and small. From crossing the Atlantic on a boat to trying Ethiopian food, there's only one way to find out what it's like. We have all had experiences where we tried something we didn't think we'd like and fell in love. We may have found ourselves stuck with nothing to read but a "boring" book, only to kick-start a lifelong passion for Victorian literature. We may have decided that sailing was not for us until we fell in love with someone with a boat. On the other hand, we may try tofu only to learn that it is truly not for us. In this case, we gain greater self-knowledge from the experience. And yet, we might still remain open to trying it prepared in a different way. The right marinade might make you a convert-you'll never know if you don't try it.
It is often said that at the end of our lives we are more likely to regret the things we did not do than the things we did. As an exercise to test your own willingness to discover through doing, try making a list of things you regret not having done. You may begin to notice patterns such as a failure to say what you really think at key moments or closed-mindedness to certain types of activities. Just being aware of the opportunities you missed might encourage you not to miss them again. There's only one way to find out.
An Eye For An Eye Leaves The Whole World Blind
From: Emanations Of Love
Date: Oct 13, 2006 8:29 AM
Date: Oct 13, 2006 8:29 AM
Nelson Mandela

"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life . . ."
"In this new century, many of the world's poorest countries remain imprisoned, enslaved and in chains. They are trapped in the prison of poverty. It is time to set them free. Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings."
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite."
Mohandas K. Gandhi

"Be the change you want to see in the world."
"An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."
"I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."
"If we are ever to have real peace in this world we shall have to begin with the children."
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

"So we must fix our vision not merely on the negative expulsion of war, but upon the positive affirmation of peace."
"We must learn to live together as brothers, or we are going to perish together as fools."
"At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love."
"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."
"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?"
"The time is always right to do what is right."
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
"The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood."
"There's enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed."
"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."
The Dalai Lama
(Lhamo Thondup)

"In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher."
"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness."
"Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free."
"We have a responsibility to look after our planet. It is our only home."
"Brute force, no matter how strongly applied, can never subdue the basic human desire for freedom."
"Human Beings, indeed all sentient beings, have the right to pursue happiness and live in peace and freedom."
"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
Mother Teresa
(Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu)

"Peace starts with a smile"
"Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person."
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless."
"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there."
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."
"If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive."
Thich Nhat Hanh

"Seek peace. When you have peace within, real peace with others will be possible."
"I am committed to cultivating loving speech and deep listening in order to bring joy and happiness to others and relieve others of their suffering."
"Our capacity to make peace with another person and with the world depends very much on our capacity to make peace with ourselves."
Bob Marley

"Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living?”
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds Won't you help to sing The songs of freedom?”
“Conquer the devils with a little thing called love!”
“Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality . Wake Up and Live!”
Albert Einstein

"If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
""Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."
"Only a life lived for others is worth living."
"Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value."
"Nothing will end war unless the people refuse to go to war."
"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved through understanding."
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
Yogi Bhajan
(Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji)

"You communicate for a better tommorow, not to spoil today."
"It's not the life that matters, it's the courage that you bring to it."
"Peace has its price: your head and heart; less than that is war."
"There are three values; Feel good, be good, and do good."
"Not having flexibility to change is a tragedy in itself, and having too much flexibility not to stand for anything is a tragedy in itself."
César Chavez

"The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating."
"It's amazing how people can get so excited about a rocket to the moon and not give a damn about smog, oil leaks, the devastation of the environment with pesticides, hunger, disease. When the poor share some of the power that the affluent now monopolize, we will give a damn."
"Non-violence is not inaction. It is not discussion. It is not for the timid or weak … Non-violence is hard work. It is the willingness to sacrifice. It is the patience to win."
Jane Goodall

"We CAN change the world."
"The greatest danger to our future is apathy."
"Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference."
"Lasting change is a series of compromises. And compromise is all right, as long your values don't change."
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

"I've always thought that the best solution for those who feel hopeless is for them to help others."
"It is not power that corrupts, but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts."
"Fear is not the natural state of civilized man."
"Each man has in him the potential to realize the truth through his own will and endeavor and to help others to realize it. Human life therefore is infinitely precious."
(Lhamo Thondup)
(Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu)
(Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji)
Your Magical Creation Box
Your Magical Creation Box?
From the Quarterly Journal Jul/Aug/Sep 1996 (pdf)
From the recording G-12-9-95
Also in GAW95
Maui, HI
If you’re wondering what you are vibrating, observe your life. It’s a perfect match. What you are living is what you are vibrating, without exception.
So, if you’ve got something that you don’t want, you must identify what it is within your vibration that is giving it to you—and the thing that we most want you to hear is that what that is, every time, or nearly so, is that your power of observation is simply stronger than your power of visualization. Or, better stated, your habit of observation is more present than your habit of visualization. The Law of Attraction is powerful, friends, and whatever you are vibrating, the Universe will match.
Some of you have been listening to us for a while, and you listen to our never-ending Stream of Processes. We always have another great idea for you to apply, and the reason we are always offering Processes is because we are wanting to assist you in finding ways that cause you to vibrate more in harmony with your own desire. That’s all. All you have to do is get into vibrational harmony with your desire, and your desire must be given to you—and the Universe will find endless ways of bringing it to you.
All you have to do is get into vibrational harmony with your desire,
and your desire must be given to you --
and the Universe will find endless ways of bringing it to you.
Imagine that you are sitting in a chair, and next to your chair is a fairly good sized box and you accept that this box is your creative arena. It’s your point of attraction. Now, you are like a giant sitting here in this chair, and you have the ability to reach out anywhere in the Universe and anything that you see that you like, you can just pluck it and bring it back to your box—and as you do so, it will vibrate there, and then the Universe will match it with a physical vibrational equivalent.
In the beginning, Esther played this game mentally only—just imagining—and then it became so much fun, she actually got a box and started tearing things out of magazines and dropping them in. Doodlings. Esther does not draw very well, but she is an effective doodler. She would doodle on little note cards and drop them in or put snapshots in. And what she began to notice, right from the first day, is that whatever was in the box, the Universe began to respond to.
We want to give you a new game—we call it the Creation Box Process—it will serve you in two very powerful ways. One, it causes you to be a better visualizer. It causes you to use your power of observation more constructively and be a better visualizer. The other thing that it does for you is that it helps you to be aware of how many things you’re bringing to your box that you really don’t mean to bring there.
A few weeks ago, as Jerry and Esther were leaving New York, Esther was mentally playing with her Box, as they were packing, the night before their flight, and Esther was imagining a bright beautiful sky so that when they lifted from LaGuardia Airport she could see the Statute of Liberty and the Empire State Building and all the landmarks she loves to see from the air. She imagined the playful happy mate sitting next to her and a delicious meal served to them in the first-class cabin. She imagined happy flight attendants and a smooth and comfortable flight. And then Esther thought, “I hope that United Nations meeting that is coming to an end today does not have the security so increased at the airport that it makes it hard for us to get around and makes us late for our flight or makes our flight late for us.” And then Esther laughed and said, “Now that’s a silly thing for me to bring to my Box,” because she is beginning to recognize that whatever she focuses upon, she vibrates.
As you begin to play in your Box,
you will be knocked over by the speed and efficiency
with which the Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box.
Now, what we want you to hear about this box, or about your point of attraction—we would like you to think of them as the same thing—what this process will do for you—this Creation Box Process—is that it causes you to purify your vibration. Now, what do we mean by “purify your vibration?” Well think about it. Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration. So if you’re thinking, “I would like to have lots of dollars,” you are vibrating in that desire, and the Universe is responding to that desire. But when you say, “I don’t have any dollars,” that’s in the Box, too. So your vibration in the Box is not pure. You’re offering contradictory vibration, and Law of Attraction, which always responds to everything, is responding to both of those vibrations. It is responding to more money and to no money, and that leaves you standing pretty much where you were. Start purifying your vibration so that you are consistently visualizing… Now, friends, the thing that you’ve got to do even though it’s very hard and you don’t want to, you’ve got to stop facing reality. In other words, you have to begin to say, “It doesn’t matter what-is, I’m working in my Box.” Have you ever awakened from a dream that was so magnificent that when you woke up you were disappointed to be awake and you wanted to go back to sleep and dream that dream some more? That’s the way we want you to feel about this Creation Box. A place you go for fun, a place that soothes you, a place that you go often, a place that you go with the singular intent of purifying your vibration. As you begin to play in your Box, you will be knocked over by the speed and efficiency with which the Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box.
One of the first things Esther actually put in her Box… She was looking through a magazine and she found a picture of a beautiful oriental rug—magnificent color and design. So Esther tore it out of the magazine and dropped it in her Creation Box. About three days later, a postcard came in the mail from a furniture store in San Antonio announcing the opening of a rug gallery in their store, and they had a picture of an oriental rug on the postcard. The identical rug Esther had torn out of the magazine a few days earlier. She could have not been much more excited if she had come home and found the rug on her floor, because it was evidence to her that the Universe is responding to this vibration. One day, she was sitting at her desk, opening some mail, and there was a solicitation from the Spurs Foundation—Spurs is the basketball team in San Antonio. Jerry and Esther do not attend sporting events and probably will never go to a Spurs game, but as Esther was holding this advertisement for tickets, she was fantasizing for about fifteen seconds, “Wouldn’t it be fun to get some tickets for Tracy and her boyfriend.” They go often to the Spurs’ games. And Esther imagined their delight at receiving the tickets, and then Esther thought, “Well, I’m not really ready to order these tickets because I don’t know when David works,” but she dropped the brochure in her Creation Box just the same. Two hours later, Jerry and Esther were in the grocery store in San Antonio, and as they were in the check-out line, a woman who Esther has not seen before turned to her and said, “You know, I have two extra tickets for tonight’s Spurs’ game. If you know of anyone who would like them, I would be happy to given them to you.” Esther nearly fell over. The speed with which this manifestation occurred… She took them joyously.
Your vibration doesn’t have to be strong, it just has to be pure.
You don’t have to think about something over and over again.
You just have to think about it purely.
You just have to not contradict it with your own vibration.
Now, the reason that the Universe delivered a nearly instant manifestation on these Spurs tickets is because Esther’s vibration is pure about Spurs tickets. She has never before thought about Spurs tickets. She didn’t wake up thinking, “Where will I get Spurs tickets?” She didn’t go to bed at night thinking, “Not enough Spurs tickets. Not enough Spurs tickets.” When she was a little girl, her mother didn’t say, “There will never be enough Spurs tickets. You have to accept your lot in life as Spur ticketless.” None of that. Her vibration was pure, since this was the first time she ever thought about it. And since she thought about it in the context of the vibration, Creation Box, which had already been working for her, her vibration was pure.
Oh, then on and on it goes. One night Esther was sitting tearing pictures out of magazines and dropping them in her Box. One of these pictures was a picture of a wall, with many pictures on the wall and what that represented to Esther was the wanting to gather some nice pieces for the walls of their new house. They don’t have many walls—mostly windows. And she couldn’t really see what the pictures were. It just represented the desire to attract more of that. Another thing in that same sitting, she tore a cover off of a jewelry magazine, representing her desire to attract some nice neck pieces. And she dropped them in the Box. About three days later, they went to Albuquerque, and two people came with gifts. One brought a magnificent print of a tempura painting that she had done, and when Esther saw it, she squealed with delight. She said, “If I had seen this in a gallery, I certainly would have purchased it.” Another brought a silver necklace from Santa Fe with a piece of turquoise in it. Esther said, “This Box is dangerous.” A few days later in the mail came another magnificent metal sculpture for the wall. When you are in vibrational harmony with your own desire, the Universe will find endless ways of cooperative, joyous beings to co-create with you in your creating.
Whatever you are focused upon, be it real or imagined, whatever you are focused upon causes you to vibrate—and that vibration is what the Universe accepts as your point of attraction. So if you are predominantly observing what-is and therefore having a vibrational response, that is your point of attraction and the Universe cannot deliver to you anything but that. The Universe does not know or care why you are vibrating as you are vibrating. It only responds to your vibration.
Work on achieving vibrational harmony with your desires, because when you are in vibrational harmony with your desires, the Universe will deliver to you that which you are wanting.
We want so much for you to come to recognize that you are deliberate creators and that as deliberate creators, your work is to use the power of observation and visualization, to use the magnificent contrast, to catapult you into stronger, clearer, purer vision. And when you are envisioning purely, the Universe magnificently manifests to you. No more justification. No more proving worthiness. Just simple, pure vibration and the Universe answering your every desire and you living happily ever after. Good.
*Do you remember the man in "The Secret", who kelp a "creation board"...had a picture of a home on it, moved several times, forgotten about it, and when he ran across it 5 years later, realized he was living in this same house in the cutout?
From the Quarterly Journal Jul/Aug/Sep 1996 (pdf)
From the recording G-12-9-95
Also in GAW95
Maui, HI
If you’re wondering what you are vibrating, observe your life. It’s a perfect match. What you are living is what you are vibrating, without exception.
So, if you’ve got something that you don’t want, you must identify what it is within your vibration that is giving it to you—and the thing that we most want you to hear is that what that is, every time, or nearly so, is that your power of observation is simply stronger than your power of visualization. Or, better stated, your habit of observation is more present than your habit of visualization. The Law of Attraction is powerful, friends, and whatever you are vibrating, the Universe will match.
Some of you have been listening to us for a while, and you listen to our never-ending Stream of Processes. We always have another great idea for you to apply, and the reason we are always offering Processes is because we are wanting to assist you in finding ways that cause you to vibrate more in harmony with your own desire. That’s all. All you have to do is get into vibrational harmony with your desire, and your desire must be given to you—and the Universe will find endless ways of bringing it to you.
All you have to do is get into vibrational harmony with your desire,
and your desire must be given to you --
and the Universe will find endless ways of bringing it to you.
Imagine that you are sitting in a chair, and next to your chair is a fairly good sized box and you accept that this box is your creative arena. It’s your point of attraction. Now, you are like a giant sitting here in this chair, and you have the ability to reach out anywhere in the Universe and anything that you see that you like, you can just pluck it and bring it back to your box—and as you do so, it will vibrate there, and then the Universe will match it with a physical vibrational equivalent.
In the beginning, Esther played this game mentally only—just imagining—and then it became so much fun, she actually got a box and started tearing things out of magazines and dropping them in. Doodlings. Esther does not draw very well, but she is an effective doodler. She would doodle on little note cards and drop them in or put snapshots in. And what she began to notice, right from the first day, is that whatever was in the box, the Universe began to respond to.
We want to give you a new game—we call it the Creation Box Process—it will serve you in two very powerful ways. One, it causes you to be a better visualizer. It causes you to use your power of observation more constructively and be a better visualizer. The other thing that it does for you is that it helps you to be aware of how many things you’re bringing to your box that you really don’t mean to bring there.
A few weeks ago, as Jerry and Esther were leaving New York, Esther was mentally playing with her Box, as they were packing, the night before their flight, and Esther was imagining a bright beautiful sky so that when they lifted from LaGuardia Airport she could see the Statute of Liberty and the Empire State Building and all the landmarks she loves to see from the air. She imagined the playful happy mate sitting next to her and a delicious meal served to them in the first-class cabin. She imagined happy flight attendants and a smooth and comfortable flight. And then Esther thought, “I hope that United Nations meeting that is coming to an end today does not have the security so increased at the airport that it makes it hard for us to get around and makes us late for our flight or makes our flight late for us.” And then Esther laughed and said, “Now that’s a silly thing for me to bring to my Box,” because she is beginning to recognize that whatever she focuses upon, she vibrates.
As you begin to play in your Box,
you will be knocked over by the speed and efficiency
with which the Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box.
Now, what we want you to hear about this box, or about your point of attraction—we would like you to think of them as the same thing—what this process will do for you—this Creation Box Process—is that it causes you to purify your vibration. Now, what do we mean by “purify your vibration?” Well think about it. Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration. So if you’re thinking, “I would like to have lots of dollars,” you are vibrating in that desire, and the Universe is responding to that desire. But when you say, “I don’t have any dollars,” that’s in the Box, too. So your vibration in the Box is not pure. You’re offering contradictory vibration, and Law of Attraction, which always responds to everything, is responding to both of those vibrations. It is responding to more money and to no money, and that leaves you standing pretty much where you were. Start purifying your vibration so that you are consistently visualizing… Now, friends, the thing that you’ve got to do even though it’s very hard and you don’t want to, you’ve got to stop facing reality. In other words, you have to begin to say, “It doesn’t matter what-is, I’m working in my Box.” Have you ever awakened from a dream that was so magnificent that when you woke up you were disappointed to be awake and you wanted to go back to sleep and dream that dream some more? That’s the way we want you to feel about this Creation Box. A place you go for fun, a place that soothes you, a place that you go often, a place that you go with the singular intent of purifying your vibration. As you begin to play in your Box, you will be knocked over by the speed and efficiency with which the Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box.
One of the first things Esther actually put in her Box… She was looking through a magazine and she found a picture of a beautiful oriental rug—magnificent color and design. So Esther tore it out of the magazine and dropped it in her Creation Box. About three days later, a postcard came in the mail from a furniture store in San Antonio announcing the opening of a rug gallery in their store, and they had a picture of an oriental rug on the postcard. The identical rug Esther had torn out of the magazine a few days earlier. She could have not been much more excited if she had come home and found the rug on her floor, because it was evidence to her that the Universe is responding to this vibration. One day, she was sitting at her desk, opening some mail, and there was a solicitation from the Spurs Foundation—Spurs is the basketball team in San Antonio. Jerry and Esther do not attend sporting events and probably will never go to a Spurs game, but as Esther was holding this advertisement for tickets, she was fantasizing for about fifteen seconds, “Wouldn’t it be fun to get some tickets for Tracy and her boyfriend.” They go often to the Spurs’ games. And Esther imagined their delight at receiving the tickets, and then Esther thought, “Well, I’m not really ready to order these tickets because I don’t know when David works,” but she dropped the brochure in her Creation Box just the same. Two hours later, Jerry and Esther were in the grocery store in San Antonio, and as they were in the check-out line, a woman who Esther has not seen before turned to her and said, “You know, I have two extra tickets for tonight’s Spurs’ game. If you know of anyone who would like them, I would be happy to given them to you.” Esther nearly fell over. The speed with which this manifestation occurred… She took them joyously.
Your vibration doesn’t have to be strong, it just has to be pure.
You don’t have to think about something over and over again.
You just have to think about it purely.
You just have to not contradict it with your own vibration.
Now, the reason that the Universe delivered a nearly instant manifestation on these Spurs tickets is because Esther’s vibration is pure about Spurs tickets. She has never before thought about Spurs tickets. She didn’t wake up thinking, “Where will I get Spurs tickets?” She didn’t go to bed at night thinking, “Not enough Spurs tickets. Not enough Spurs tickets.” When she was a little girl, her mother didn’t say, “There will never be enough Spurs tickets. You have to accept your lot in life as Spur ticketless.” None of that. Her vibration was pure, since this was the first time she ever thought about it. And since she thought about it in the context of the vibration, Creation Box, which had already been working for her, her vibration was pure.
Oh, then on and on it goes. One night Esther was sitting tearing pictures out of magazines and dropping them in her Box. One of these pictures was a picture of a wall, with many pictures on the wall and what that represented to Esther was the wanting to gather some nice pieces for the walls of their new house. They don’t have many walls—mostly windows. And she couldn’t really see what the pictures were. It just represented the desire to attract more of that. Another thing in that same sitting, she tore a cover off of a jewelry magazine, representing her desire to attract some nice neck pieces. And she dropped them in the Box. About three days later, they went to Albuquerque, and two people came with gifts. One brought a magnificent print of a tempura painting that she had done, and when Esther saw it, she squealed with delight. She said, “If I had seen this in a gallery, I certainly would have purchased it.” Another brought a silver necklace from Santa Fe with a piece of turquoise in it. Esther said, “This Box is dangerous.” A few days later in the mail came another magnificent metal sculpture for the wall. When you are in vibrational harmony with your own desire, the Universe will find endless ways of cooperative, joyous beings to co-create with you in your creating.
Whatever you are focused upon, be it real or imagined, whatever you are focused upon causes you to vibrate—and that vibration is what the Universe accepts as your point of attraction. So if you are predominantly observing what-is and therefore having a vibrational response, that is your point of attraction and the Universe cannot deliver to you anything but that. The Universe does not know or care why you are vibrating as you are vibrating. It only responds to your vibration.
Work on achieving vibrational harmony with your desires, because when you are in vibrational harmony with your desires, the Universe will deliver to you that which you are wanting.
We want so much for you to come to recognize that you are deliberate creators and that as deliberate creators, your work is to use the power of observation and visualization, to use the magnificent contrast, to catapult you into stronger, clearer, purer vision. And when you are envisioning purely, the Universe magnificently manifests to you. No more justification. No more proving worthiness. Just simple, pure vibration and the Universe answering your every desire and you living happily ever after. Good.
*Do you remember the man in "The Secret", who kelp a "creation board"...had a picture of a home on it, moved several times, forgotten about it, and when he ran across it 5 years later, realized he was living in this same house in the cutout?
How Powerful Is Scripting?
How Powerful Is Scripting?
From the Quarterly Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 1995 (pdf)
For some months, I’ve been working with Scripting and Place-matting—and getting some really fantastic results! Then, I heard Abraham talking about a movie Esther enjoyed, DELIRIOUS—naturally, I rushed out and rented it. Great!! I got a whole different feeling—Scripting has taken on a new flavor.
Last night, I remembered the carpet cleaner was to call me early to meet him at the shop about 8 or 9 (we had a big leak during the monsoons and part of the carpet is still smelly)—so I closed down my computer at about one A.M.
This morning I rolled over, gradually opened my eyes, it sure is bright this morning—squinted at the wall—it’s 8:35. Oh, my gosh! He didn’t call. I jumped out of bed, headed for the bathroom, and flipped the light switch * no lights. What the heck! I reached back and flipped the switch in the bedroom * no lights. Two more switches ** the power is out! Mumbling to myself—how am I supposed to do my hair with no hair dryer and no curling iron? Is the water still hot for a shower? How am I going to put on makeup in the dark? I thought, I’d better call the power company and see what’s wrong. I rushed down to the hall to my office, still mumbling—it’s always impossible to get through to the power company when there’s a problem—yes, I paid my bill already—I snatched the book to look up the number. About then, I felt a “hand” on my shoulder—I caught my energy flow, OOOOOPS!! WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DOING? Taking some deep breaths—blowing them out, I declared out loud. This time will be different, I will get through immediately. I dialed, and a man answered.
WOW! I got through—this is a miracle! I said, My power is out. He replied, “We’ve having a power outage all over West Sedona...AND it could last another 4 or 5 hours.” So, that’s why Peter has not called to do the carpet—he knows the power is out. OK, I won’t open my refrigerator. Clever, Joy, what about breakfast? “4 or 5 hours”—well, maybe I’ll just go uptown for breakfast—I can’t—my hair’s a mess! and all the drive-thrus are in West Sedona.
HEY, MY SHOP IS IN WEST SEDONA!—now, I was mumbling to myself in earnest - Elaine is due to open at 10—and it’s 8:45 - “another 4 or 5 hours”—how can the shop open if there is no power, no air conditioning, no lights? I sat at the desk glumly staring out my window when it hit me—It is a perfectly beautiful day!! Those are perfectly spectacular Red Rocks!! Sedona is soooooo beautiful!! I felt myself relax.
Elaine lives in VOC and probably doesn’t know the power is out here, I’d better let her know. I called - we talked and figured how she might handle it without power. As I was about to hang up, I had a flash of insight—John Candy, in Delirious, when his car was in the shop—I declared, “Heck, I’ll just re-write this thing, do a new script.” Elaine said, “I will, too.” We hung up. I grabbed a pad and scribbled.
“Wed a.m., Today, West Sedona—The power company finds the solution to the power outage immediately and is able to restore power promptly to the entire area. We are so pleased to have it restored and businesses can open as usual...”
Oh, I thought, I need to put a time on here - it’s 8:52, and I did say immediately—so I wrote deliberately, “8:55.” I put down my pen, leaned back in my chair, again appreciating the glorious day, grinning to myself—the power is still out - circumstances have not changed, but I feel good! I was feeling pleased that I had been able to catch my Energy Flow, open my Valve, and think to Script. At that moment, I heard some little clicking and chirping noises—as the cooler switched on, the FAX reset itself, and the refrigerator began to hum. By my clock: 8:55.
“How POWER - full is scripting?” If you’re in Sedona, stop by Angels, Art & Crystals, and you’ll see the lady behind the counter with pen and pad in hand (between our multitudes of customers, of course), joyfully scripting away—that’ll be me! It works!
Thanks, Esther and Jerry!!! Thanks, Abraham!!! I surely do love you all!!!! What a family!!!!!
From the Quarterly Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 1995 (pdf)
For some months, I’ve been working with Scripting and Place-matting—and getting some really fantastic results! Then, I heard Abraham talking about a movie Esther enjoyed, DELIRIOUS—naturally, I rushed out and rented it. Great!! I got a whole different feeling—Scripting has taken on a new flavor.
Last night, I remembered the carpet cleaner was to call me early to meet him at the shop about 8 or 9 (we had a big leak during the monsoons and part of the carpet is still smelly)—so I closed down my computer at about one A.M.
This morning I rolled over, gradually opened my eyes, it sure is bright this morning—squinted at the wall—it’s 8:35. Oh, my gosh! He didn’t call. I jumped out of bed, headed for the bathroom, and flipped the light switch * no lights. What the heck! I reached back and flipped the switch in the bedroom * no lights. Two more switches ** the power is out! Mumbling to myself—how am I supposed to do my hair with no hair dryer and no curling iron? Is the water still hot for a shower? How am I going to put on makeup in the dark? I thought, I’d better call the power company and see what’s wrong. I rushed down to the hall to my office, still mumbling—it’s always impossible to get through to the power company when there’s a problem—yes, I paid my bill already—I snatched the book to look up the number. About then, I felt a “hand” on my shoulder—I caught my energy flow, OOOOOPS!! WHAT IN THE WORLD AM I DOING? Taking some deep breaths—blowing them out, I declared out loud. This time will be different, I will get through immediately. I dialed, and a man answered.
WOW! I got through—this is a miracle! I said, My power is out. He replied, “We’ve having a power outage all over West Sedona...AND it could last another 4 or 5 hours.” So, that’s why Peter has not called to do the carpet—he knows the power is out. OK, I won’t open my refrigerator. Clever, Joy, what about breakfast? “4 or 5 hours”—well, maybe I’ll just go uptown for breakfast—I can’t—my hair’s a mess! and all the drive-thrus are in West Sedona.
HEY, MY SHOP IS IN WEST SEDONA!—now, I was mumbling to myself in earnest - Elaine is due to open at 10—and it’s 8:45 - “another 4 or 5 hours”—how can the shop open if there is no power, no air conditioning, no lights? I sat at the desk glumly staring out my window when it hit me—It is a perfectly beautiful day!! Those are perfectly spectacular Red Rocks!! Sedona is soooooo beautiful!! I felt myself relax.
Elaine lives in VOC and probably doesn’t know the power is out here, I’d better let her know. I called - we talked and figured how she might handle it without power. As I was about to hang up, I had a flash of insight—John Candy, in Delirious, when his car was in the shop—I declared, “Heck, I’ll just re-write this thing, do a new script.” Elaine said, “I will, too.” We hung up. I grabbed a pad and scribbled.
“Wed a.m., Today, West Sedona—The power company finds the solution to the power outage immediately and is able to restore power promptly to the entire area. We are so pleased to have it restored and businesses can open as usual...”
Oh, I thought, I need to put a time on here - it’s 8:52, and I did say immediately—so I wrote deliberately, “8:55.” I put down my pen, leaned back in my chair, again appreciating the glorious day, grinning to myself—the power is still out - circumstances have not changed, but I feel good! I was feeling pleased that I had been able to catch my Energy Flow, open my Valve, and think to Script. At that moment, I heard some little clicking and chirping noises—as the cooler switched on, the FAX reset itself, and the refrigerator began to hum. By my clock: 8:55.
“How POWER - full is scripting?” If you’re in Sedona, stop by Angels, Art & Crystals, and you’ll see the lady behind the counter with pen and pad in hand (between our multitudes of customers, of course), joyfully scripting away—that’ll be me! It works!
Thanks, Esther and Jerry!!! Thanks, Abraham!!! I surely do love you all!!!! What a family!!!!!
Is This Worth Giving Up My Life Force?
Is This Worth Giving Up My Life Force?
From the Quarterly Journal Apr/May/Jun 1996 (pdf)
From the recording G-9-10-95
Also in GAF95
San Francisco
These are truly gatherings that we see as co-creating at its very best. We often notice one of you beginning with a train of thought and as others listen in and add their Energy, their questions, their life experience, even mentally—silently—to the question, the question expands far beyond what the one could speak.
The wanting that all of you have been gathering, even before you ever knew of Abraham, that wanting becomes part of the Stream of Attraction. So you reach into a Stream of Non-physical, Infinite knowing and you attract, into this sort of vortex of articulation, a knowing that goes beyond that which has been before—and that is what physical experience is about.
Physical experience is a format where you focus pointedly, and through your pointed focus, you attract to this time and place. As you vibrationally are, you vibrationally receive unto you.
The power of a gathering such as this is that you inspire the best from each other. Collectively, you become more than you usually do individually. And we say that to you not because we are wanting to encourage you to join together in groups but because we want you to feel the poignancy of your physical experience. We want you to recognize the enormous value that you as one person has to you as one person has to you as one person.
The amazing and wonderful diversity
that you hold upon your planet
is truly the power of your attraction.
If you did not have your differences to bump up against,
you would not have the clarity with which to attract.
Physical beings so often defeat that great value, because as they singularly view what is outside of them, they tend to push against much of what is outside of them—so they miss the value of the collective power. That pushing against something is what we call resistance—and resistance is the only thing that keeps you from the Stream of Well-being that is natural to you.
There is one constant steady Stream of pure positive Energy flowing to you at all times, and in any moment, you, as an individual, are allowing or resisting that Stream. When you’re allowing the Stream, you feel wonderful, you feel clarity, you feel vitality, you feel health, you feel abundance. You feel good. But if you are not allowing the Stream, you don’t feel so good. That’s what blame or doubt or fear is about.
These three things are always true of resistance: Resistance is the only thing that keeps you from your natural Well-being. Negative emotion is always present as your indicator of resistance. And resistance always, always, always means you are pushing against something.
Resistance, is using the contrast to decide what you don’t want.
Allowing, is using the contrast to decide what you do want.
You came forth into this sea of diversity, this sea of contrast, but you did not intend to make that contrast resistance. Contrast is seeing all the stuff to choose from—sort of like a breakfast buffet—and choosing from it what you want. That’s saying, “Ah, I don’t like that. Don’t like that. Ooh, I like this. This is better. Ah, this is what I am wanting.” That is benefiting from contrast.
Resistance, is saying, “Oh, I see all of this stuff. I’d like to have that. But I don’t want that. I don’t want that. I don’t want that.”
Most physical beings are oriented to push against what they don’t want because somehow you got some idea that that stuff has the ability to assert itself into your experience. And so, most of you believe that if you don’t get real strong and real capable of holding bad things away, that they’ll slip in and get you. So you’ve gotten very, very good at developing a resistant stance, believing—wrongly—that, in your resistance, you will keep it away, never dreaming that, in your resistance, the only thing you manage to hold away is your own Stream of Well-being.
A man said to us, “Abraham, I have cancer and they tell me I have only a few weeks, maybe a few days, to live. But I’m going to beat it.” And we said, “Well, you see, you cannot. As long as it is the object of your attention, as long as you are looking at cancer and saying, `I’m going to beat it,’ you are achieving a stance of resistance. You are achieving vibrational harmony with the cancer—and, therefore, you are resisting the Stream.” We said, “Envision a stick—two ends of the stick. On one end is cancer and on the other end is the Stream of Well-being. When you focus on the cancer, you are disallowing the Stream of Well-being.” We said to him, “You have to get your eye on the Energy Stream. Never mind about the stuff you are trying to hold away, focus upon the stuff you want there, because the cancer is the absence of the Stream. Don’t call it cancer, anymore. Call it what it is:—absence of the Stream. Call a new friend, `Hi… I have absence of the Stream.’ `Well, what do you mean by that?’ your friend says. `Well, I’ve been vibrationally disallowing my Stream of Well-being.’ Your friend would say, `Why do you do that?’ And you would say, `I don’t know. I don’t mean to. I just have habits of pushing against, that I’ve learned from others, who have learned it from others, and now I’m focusing on the Stream.”
When you first came forth, no one said to you, “There’s this Stream of pure positive Energy and it flows forth to you at all times and you can feel it and it feels good, and if you ever feel less than good, that means you are not vibrating with that Stream. So feel around for thoughts that feel better, and you’ll find them easily, and once you do that—all is well again. And if you will do that, you will live happily ever after.”
They didn’t say that to you. Instead they said, “There are good things and bad things, and we must embrace the good things and we must hold the bad things away.” They literally taught you to say, “This is good, this is bad, this is good, this is bad.” And you all got really carried away with the “This is bad” part. “I don’t want this. I don’t want this...” Remember, the Law of Attraction and the Stream of Well-being is abundant. It is outrageously disproportionate to the lack of Well-being. The Well-being is dominant.
We have noticed that when you talk about issues, when you talk about whether something’s right or wrong, or whether it’s wanted or not wanted—very often, even though you and every body else on the planet would agree with you as you are having your conversation, that you’re right by all physical standards—you are still in a vibration of resistance to your own Stream. And so, we keep looking for ways of helping you feel your Stream rather than fall into the same old intellectual knee-jerk habitual thought patterns. There are thoughts that feel perfectly normal to you that are full of resistance, and you keep getting entrapped in them, because they feel so normal, because you and everybody else has been thinking them for so long. Thoughts like, the economy is struggling, or thoughts like, there isn’t enough to go around, or thoughts like, you have to work hard to succeed, or thoughts like, I’m inappropriate in some way or I am not capable in some way, or thoughts like, I shouldn’t do that. There are all kinds of thoughts that you wrestle with that are vibrationally not in harmony with your broader knowing. And so, we are going to expose some of those to help you feel a new powerful guidance coming forth within you.
Imagine that your Source Energy, your Inner Being, your God Force, your God Self, your Soul—whatever you want to call that Non-physical part of you—is projecting to you at all times a strong, clear, beautiful musical note, and you can hear it in the background all the time. When you give your attention to something, whether you are looking right at it, whether you’re remembering it, whether you’re imagining it, whether you’re Scripting it—whatever you are giving your attention to causes you also to offer a note. So if you are basking or finding value in something—appreciating something—in that case, the note that you are offering is in such vibrational harmony with your Inner Note that you can feel the resonance between the two notes.
That’s what joy is. That’s what appreciation is. That’s what love is. It’s your resonating with who you really are. But let’s say, instead, that you are finding fault—seeing lack, seeing something you don’t want, trying to hold it away, pushing against something. In that case, your note would be so out of harmony with your Inner Note, you would feel the discord of that. That’s what negative emotion is.
When you start feeling how your thoughts feel, then you start recognizing when you are allowing and when you’re resisting. But as long as you are just thinking thoughts, those old habitual thoughts feel normal even though they’re full of resistance. For example, the other day, Jerry and Esther were waiting for their landscaper friend, and he was supposed to be there the day before and didn’t come at all, and Esther had many things she wanted to do in the afternoon in her narrow window of opportunity to run and do errands, and Jerry did not want to leave because he did not want to miss this landscaper, and so they didn’t leave. And then, the second day, he was supposed to be there first thing in the morning, and it was noon and he was still not there. Esther was irritated, and she said, “This just isn’t right. He must not have any idea how busy we are. I wonder if he treats all of his clients like this. I wonder how he stays in business. This is just not right.” And Jerry was grinning from across the room as he was watching Esther walking right away from her Note. About then, after she got out there pretty far, Esther felt it, too, and then she said, “Well, I know he means well. Must be quite a trick to keep all those plates spinning all the time. He is running many crews now. He knows what he’s doing. The plants are as much his risk as they are ours. I’m sure he’s taking care of that. I suppose I should just relax and lighten up and acknowledge that all is well.” And now Jerry was really grinning because in less than a minute he watched Esther walk right away from her Note and then right back to it. In other words, because we are making Esther more and more aware of her resonance, because we are letting her know who she really is, when she walks away from who she is, she can’t stand it. But before she understood about the resonance, those knee-jerk thoughts, she would be out there believing that she was right, and really, by all physical standards, she was right. Wasn’t she? In other words, it is inappropriate to say you are going to be there and not be there, isn’t it? She wasn’t wrong, was she? She was “right” in her resistance. You see.
The big question is, is this “rightness” worth cutting myself off from Life Force? Because that’s what it amounts to. The very Source of life, the Source that keeps my blood pumping, the Source that keeps my cells working, the Source of Well-being, the Source that keeps the planet spinning in its orbit… I’ve got myself cut off because the gardener did not show up. And we think that if you stop in the midst of any negative emotion and ask yourself, “Is this worth giving up Life Force?” that in every case the answer would be no.
You cannot improve your life by pushing against what you do not want.
Now we know that sometimes things get quite a bit of momentum going, so much so that you can’t stop it, or so it seems. Sometimes a nice lobotomy would help, or a bit of unconsciousness, a little slumber or nap, some sort of distraction from whatever terrible treadmill you are upon. But the more you are in conscious connection with your resonating pure positive Energy Source, the less able to tolerate any deviation from it you become, and, therefore, the more aware at the early stages when you are stepping into that sort of situation.
From the Quarterly Journal Apr/May/Jun 1996 (pdf)
From the recording G-9-10-95
Also in GAF95
San Francisco
These are truly gatherings that we see as co-creating at its very best. We often notice one of you beginning with a train of thought and as others listen in and add their Energy, their questions, their life experience, even mentally—silently—to the question, the question expands far beyond what the one could speak.
The wanting that all of you have been gathering, even before you ever knew of Abraham, that wanting becomes part of the Stream of Attraction. So you reach into a Stream of Non-physical, Infinite knowing and you attract, into this sort of vortex of articulation, a knowing that goes beyond that which has been before—and that is what physical experience is about.
Physical experience is a format where you focus pointedly, and through your pointed focus, you attract to this time and place. As you vibrationally are, you vibrationally receive unto you.
The power of a gathering such as this is that you inspire the best from each other. Collectively, you become more than you usually do individually. And we say that to you not because we are wanting to encourage you to join together in groups but because we want you to feel the poignancy of your physical experience. We want you to recognize the enormous value that you as one person has to you as one person has to you as one person.
The amazing and wonderful diversity
that you hold upon your planet
is truly the power of your attraction.
If you did not have your differences to bump up against,
you would not have the clarity with which to attract.
Physical beings so often defeat that great value, because as they singularly view what is outside of them, they tend to push against much of what is outside of them—so they miss the value of the collective power. That pushing against something is what we call resistance—and resistance is the only thing that keeps you from the Stream of Well-being that is natural to you.
There is one constant steady Stream of pure positive Energy flowing to you at all times, and in any moment, you, as an individual, are allowing or resisting that Stream. When you’re allowing the Stream, you feel wonderful, you feel clarity, you feel vitality, you feel health, you feel abundance. You feel good. But if you are not allowing the Stream, you don’t feel so good. That’s what blame or doubt or fear is about.
These three things are always true of resistance: Resistance is the only thing that keeps you from your natural Well-being. Negative emotion is always present as your indicator of resistance. And resistance always, always, always means you are pushing against something.
Resistance, is using the contrast to decide what you don’t want.
Allowing, is using the contrast to decide what you do want.
You came forth into this sea of diversity, this sea of contrast, but you did not intend to make that contrast resistance. Contrast is seeing all the stuff to choose from—sort of like a breakfast buffet—and choosing from it what you want. That’s saying, “Ah, I don’t like that. Don’t like that. Ooh, I like this. This is better. Ah, this is what I am wanting.” That is benefiting from contrast.
Resistance, is saying, “Oh, I see all of this stuff. I’d like to have that. But I don’t want that. I don’t want that. I don’t want that.”
Most physical beings are oriented to push against what they don’t want because somehow you got some idea that that stuff has the ability to assert itself into your experience. And so, most of you believe that if you don’t get real strong and real capable of holding bad things away, that they’ll slip in and get you. So you’ve gotten very, very good at developing a resistant stance, believing—wrongly—that, in your resistance, you will keep it away, never dreaming that, in your resistance, the only thing you manage to hold away is your own Stream of Well-being.
A man said to us, “Abraham, I have cancer and they tell me I have only a few weeks, maybe a few days, to live. But I’m going to beat it.” And we said, “Well, you see, you cannot. As long as it is the object of your attention, as long as you are looking at cancer and saying, `I’m going to beat it,’ you are achieving a stance of resistance. You are achieving vibrational harmony with the cancer—and, therefore, you are resisting the Stream.” We said, “Envision a stick—two ends of the stick. On one end is cancer and on the other end is the Stream of Well-being. When you focus on the cancer, you are disallowing the Stream of Well-being.” We said to him, “You have to get your eye on the Energy Stream. Never mind about the stuff you are trying to hold away, focus upon the stuff you want there, because the cancer is the absence of the Stream. Don’t call it cancer, anymore. Call it what it is:—absence of the Stream. Call a new friend, `Hi… I have absence of the Stream.’ `Well, what do you mean by that?’ your friend says. `Well, I’ve been vibrationally disallowing my Stream of Well-being.’ Your friend would say, `Why do you do that?’ And you would say, `I don’t know. I don’t mean to. I just have habits of pushing against, that I’ve learned from others, who have learned it from others, and now I’m focusing on the Stream.”
When you first came forth, no one said to you, “There’s this Stream of pure positive Energy and it flows forth to you at all times and you can feel it and it feels good, and if you ever feel less than good, that means you are not vibrating with that Stream. So feel around for thoughts that feel better, and you’ll find them easily, and once you do that—all is well again. And if you will do that, you will live happily ever after.”
They didn’t say that to you. Instead they said, “There are good things and bad things, and we must embrace the good things and we must hold the bad things away.” They literally taught you to say, “This is good, this is bad, this is good, this is bad.” And you all got really carried away with the “This is bad” part. “I don’t want this. I don’t want this...” Remember, the Law of Attraction and the Stream of Well-being is abundant. It is outrageously disproportionate to the lack of Well-being. The Well-being is dominant.
We have noticed that when you talk about issues, when you talk about whether something’s right or wrong, or whether it’s wanted or not wanted—very often, even though you and every body else on the planet would agree with you as you are having your conversation, that you’re right by all physical standards—you are still in a vibration of resistance to your own Stream. And so, we keep looking for ways of helping you feel your Stream rather than fall into the same old intellectual knee-jerk habitual thought patterns. There are thoughts that feel perfectly normal to you that are full of resistance, and you keep getting entrapped in them, because they feel so normal, because you and everybody else has been thinking them for so long. Thoughts like, the economy is struggling, or thoughts like, there isn’t enough to go around, or thoughts like, you have to work hard to succeed, or thoughts like, I’m inappropriate in some way or I am not capable in some way, or thoughts like, I shouldn’t do that. There are all kinds of thoughts that you wrestle with that are vibrationally not in harmony with your broader knowing. And so, we are going to expose some of those to help you feel a new powerful guidance coming forth within you.
Imagine that your Source Energy, your Inner Being, your God Force, your God Self, your Soul—whatever you want to call that Non-physical part of you—is projecting to you at all times a strong, clear, beautiful musical note, and you can hear it in the background all the time. When you give your attention to something, whether you are looking right at it, whether you’re remembering it, whether you’re imagining it, whether you’re Scripting it—whatever you are giving your attention to causes you also to offer a note. So if you are basking or finding value in something—appreciating something—in that case, the note that you are offering is in such vibrational harmony with your Inner Note that you can feel the resonance between the two notes.
That’s what joy is. That’s what appreciation is. That’s what love is. It’s your resonating with who you really are. But let’s say, instead, that you are finding fault—seeing lack, seeing something you don’t want, trying to hold it away, pushing against something. In that case, your note would be so out of harmony with your Inner Note, you would feel the discord of that. That’s what negative emotion is.
When you start feeling how your thoughts feel, then you start recognizing when you are allowing and when you’re resisting. But as long as you are just thinking thoughts, those old habitual thoughts feel normal even though they’re full of resistance. For example, the other day, Jerry and Esther were waiting for their landscaper friend, and he was supposed to be there the day before and didn’t come at all, and Esther had many things she wanted to do in the afternoon in her narrow window of opportunity to run and do errands, and Jerry did not want to leave because he did not want to miss this landscaper, and so they didn’t leave. And then, the second day, he was supposed to be there first thing in the morning, and it was noon and he was still not there. Esther was irritated, and she said, “This just isn’t right. He must not have any idea how busy we are. I wonder if he treats all of his clients like this. I wonder how he stays in business. This is just not right.” And Jerry was grinning from across the room as he was watching Esther walking right away from her Note. About then, after she got out there pretty far, Esther felt it, too, and then she said, “Well, I know he means well. Must be quite a trick to keep all those plates spinning all the time. He is running many crews now. He knows what he’s doing. The plants are as much his risk as they are ours. I’m sure he’s taking care of that. I suppose I should just relax and lighten up and acknowledge that all is well.” And now Jerry was really grinning because in less than a minute he watched Esther walk right away from her Note and then right back to it. In other words, because we are making Esther more and more aware of her resonance, because we are letting her know who she really is, when she walks away from who she is, she can’t stand it. But before she understood about the resonance, those knee-jerk thoughts, she would be out there believing that she was right, and really, by all physical standards, she was right. Wasn’t she? In other words, it is inappropriate to say you are going to be there and not be there, isn’t it? She wasn’t wrong, was she? She was “right” in her resistance. You see.
The big question is, is this “rightness” worth cutting myself off from Life Force? Because that’s what it amounts to. The very Source of life, the Source that keeps my blood pumping, the Source that keeps my cells working, the Source of Well-being, the Source that keeps the planet spinning in its orbit… I’ve got myself cut off because the gardener did not show up. And we think that if you stop in the midst of any negative emotion and ask yourself, “Is this worth giving up Life Force?” that in every case the answer would be no.
You cannot improve your life by pushing against what you do not want.
Now we know that sometimes things get quite a bit of momentum going, so much so that you can’t stop it, or so it seems. Sometimes a nice lobotomy would help, or a bit of unconsciousness, a little slumber or nap, some sort of distraction from whatever terrible treadmill you are upon. But the more you are in conscious connection with your resonating pure positive Energy Source, the less able to tolerate any deviation from it you become, and, therefore, the more aware at the early stages when you are stepping into that sort of situation.
100 + Ways To Be Happy & Feel Good
Higher Frequency
Date: Oct 13, 2006 2:48 AM

100 Ways to Be Happy and Feel Good!
1. Never put yourself last.
2. When you extend a helping hand to one person, be careful not to
someone else in the teeth.
3. Always own a pair of old, faded jeans.
4. Count your blessings every day.
5. Acknowledge your successes along with your downfalls.
6. Burn the candle that has been in storage for the last two years.
7. Strive for progress, not perfection.
8. Remember, the voice telling you that you cannot do something is
9. At least once a day sit and do nothing.
10. Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you
shut out
life's blessings.
11. Celebrate all your birthdays no matter how old you get.
12. Examine your life for limitations and ask yourself why you put
13. Plant a tree, pull weeds, or get your hands dirty.
14. Diminish your wants instead of increasing your needs.
15. Cry when you feel like it.
16. Rejoice in other people's triumphs.
17. Don't wait for someone else to laugh or express joy.
18. Forgive yourself for any mistake you make, no matter how big or
19. Keep good company.
20. Never take a pill for a pain you need to feel.
21. Use your enthusiasm to put yourself in forward gear and give
yourself a
spark to move ahead.
22. Look in the eyes of the ones you love when you are talking to
23. Remember that one is a whole number.
24. Walk in a summer rain shower without an umbrella.
25. Do a kind deed for someone else.
26. Keep your eyes and ears open to get the messages you need from
and events in your daily life.
27. Be patient.
28. Eat something green.
29. Change what you can and leave the rest alone.
30. Walk hand and hand with truth.
31. Make laughter and joy a greater part of your life than anger
and grief.
32. Embrace solitude instead of running from it.
33. Be zealous, not jealous.
34. Forgive anyone you've been holding a grudge against.
35. Slow down and enjoy the present.
36. Walk in others' shoes before judging them.
37. Send yourself a kind message.
38. Remind yourself that the company you keep is a reflection of
what you
think of yourself.
39. Go on a picnic.
40. Accept your fears, no matter how crazy they seem.
41. Don't let other people's opinions shape who you are.
42. Say a prayer.
43. Never attribute your accomplishments to luck or chance.
44. Know when to say no.
45. Look at the positive side of negative situation.
46. Remember that you are a spiritual being in a physical body.
47. Avoid seeking out other people for constant approval, because
it make
them the master and you the slave.
48. Go fly a kite.
49. Avoid fads and bandwagons.
50. Accept the things you cannot change.
51. Look inside instead of outside yourself for answers to life's
52. Remember that all feelings are okay.
53. Shield yourself from bad influences.
54. Stand up for what you believe in.
55. Respect the wishes of others when they say no.
56. Seize every moment and live it fully.
57. Give away or sell anything you haven't used in the past five
58. Never downgrade yourself.
59. Take responsibility for what you think, feel and do.
60. Pamper yourself.
61. Never say or do anything abusive to a child.
62. Let yourself be God powered instead of flying solo.
63. Volunteer to help someone in need.
64. Refrain from overindulging in food, drink and work.
65. Finish unfinished business.
66. Be spontaneous.
67. Find a constructive outlet for your anger.
68. Think about abundance instead of lack, because whatever you
about expands.
69. Think of yourself as a survivor, not a victim.
70. Cuddle an animal.
71. Be open to life.
72. See success as something you already have, not something you
must attain.
73. Experience the splendor and awe of a sunset.
74. When you score a base hit, don't wish it were a home run.
75. Learn to be in the present moment.
76. Instead of believing in miracles, depend on them.
77. Take a child to the circus.
78. Change your attitude and your whole life will change.
79. Never turn your power over to another person.
80. When your heart is at odds with your head, follow your heart.
81. Always remember that the past is gone forever and the future
82. Live your life according to what is right for you.
83. Acknowledge your imperfections.
84. Plant a tree and watch it grow.
85. See "friend" instead of "enemy" on the face of strangers.
86. Watch an army of ants build their houses and cities and carry
food ten
times their weight.
87. Believe in something bigger than yourself.
88. Let the playful child within you come out.
89. Make haste slowly.
90. Work through your problems step by step and one day at a time.
91. Accept compliments from others so you can see the truth about
92. Sit on the lawn without worrying about grass stains.
93. Don't condemn yourself for your imperfections.
94. Do a humility check periodically by loving the truth about
95. Tell someone you appreciate them.
96. Never live your life according to what is right for someone
97. Talk less and listen more.
98. Admit your wrongdoing and forgive yourself for it.
99. Thrive on inner peace instead of on crises.
100. Affirm all the good things about yourself.
101. Give your loved one a friendly massage.
102. Give all your friends a hug as soon as possible.
~"Life gets longer by the minute,
love gets deeper by the thought of it." - KnightsIntent~
Higher Frequency
Date: Oct 13, 2006 2:48 AM

1. Never put yourself last.
2. When you extend a helping hand to one person, be careful not to
someone else in the teeth.
3. Always own a pair of old, faded jeans.
4. Count your blessings every day.
5. Acknowledge your successes along with your downfalls.
6. Burn the candle that has been in storage for the last two years.
7. Strive for progress, not perfection.
8. Remember, the voice telling you that you cannot do something is
9. At least once a day sit and do nothing.
10. Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you
shut out
life's blessings.
11. Celebrate all your birthdays no matter how old you get.
12. Examine your life for limitations and ask yourself why you put
13. Plant a tree, pull weeds, or get your hands dirty.
14. Diminish your wants instead of increasing your needs.
15. Cry when you feel like it.
16. Rejoice in other people's triumphs.
17. Don't wait for someone else to laugh or express joy.
18. Forgive yourself for any mistake you make, no matter how big or
19. Keep good company.
20. Never take a pill for a pain you need to feel.
21. Use your enthusiasm to put yourself in forward gear and give
yourself a
spark to move ahead.
22. Look in the eyes of the ones you love when you are talking to
23. Remember that one is a whole number.
24. Walk in a summer rain shower without an umbrella.
25. Do a kind deed for someone else.
26. Keep your eyes and ears open to get the messages you need from
and events in your daily life.
27. Be patient.
28. Eat something green.
29. Change what you can and leave the rest alone.
30. Walk hand and hand with truth.
31. Make laughter and joy a greater part of your life than anger
and grief.
32. Embrace solitude instead of running from it.
33. Be zealous, not jealous.
34. Forgive anyone you've been holding a grudge against.
35. Slow down and enjoy the present.
36. Walk in others' shoes before judging them.
37. Send yourself a kind message.
38. Remind yourself that the company you keep is a reflection of
what you
think of yourself.
39. Go on a picnic.
40. Accept your fears, no matter how crazy they seem.
41. Don't let other people's opinions shape who you are.
42. Say a prayer.
43. Never attribute your accomplishments to luck or chance.
44. Know when to say no.
45. Look at the positive side of negative situation.
46. Remember that you are a spiritual being in a physical body.
47. Avoid seeking out other people for constant approval, because
it make
them the master and you the slave.
48. Go fly a kite.
49. Avoid fads and bandwagons.
50. Accept the things you cannot change.
51. Look inside instead of outside yourself for answers to life's
52. Remember that all feelings are okay.
53. Shield yourself from bad influences.
54. Stand up for what you believe in.
55. Respect the wishes of others when they say no.
56. Seize every moment and live it fully.
57. Give away or sell anything you haven't used in the past five
58. Never downgrade yourself.
59. Take responsibility for what you think, feel and do.
60. Pamper yourself.
61. Never say or do anything abusive to a child.
62. Let yourself be God powered instead of flying solo.
63. Volunteer to help someone in need.
64. Refrain from overindulging in food, drink and work.
65. Finish unfinished business.
66. Be spontaneous.
67. Find a constructive outlet for your anger.
68. Think about abundance instead of lack, because whatever you
about expands.
69. Think of yourself as a survivor, not a victim.
70. Cuddle an animal.
71. Be open to life.
72. See success as something you already have, not something you
must attain.
73. Experience the splendor and awe of a sunset.
74. When you score a base hit, don't wish it were a home run.
75. Learn to be in the present moment.
76. Instead of believing in miracles, depend on them.
77. Take a child to the circus.
78. Change your attitude and your whole life will change.
79. Never turn your power over to another person.
80. When your heart is at odds with your head, follow your heart.
81. Always remember that the past is gone forever and the future
82. Live your life according to what is right for you.
83. Acknowledge your imperfections.
84. Plant a tree and watch it grow.
85. See "friend" instead of "enemy" on the face of strangers.
86. Watch an army of ants build their houses and cities and carry
food ten
times their weight.
87. Believe in something bigger than yourself.
88. Let the playful child within you come out.
89. Make haste slowly.
90. Work through your problems step by step and one day at a time.
91. Accept compliments from others so you can see the truth about
92. Sit on the lawn without worrying about grass stains.
93. Don't condemn yourself for your imperfections.
94. Do a humility check periodically by loving the truth about
95. Tell someone you appreciate them.
96. Never live your life according to what is right for someone
97. Talk less and listen more.
98. Admit your wrongdoing and forgive yourself for it.
99. Thrive on inner peace instead of on crises.
100. Affirm all the good things about yourself.
101. Give your loved one a friendly massage.
102. Give all your friends a hug as soon as possible.
love gets deeper by the thought of it." - KnightsIntent~
10 Secrets to Becoming a Catalyst for World Transformation
From: Higher Frequency
Date: Oct 13, 2006 12:06 AM
10 Secrets to Becoming a Catalyst for World Transformation
thanks RAK


*10 Secrets to Becoming a Catalyst for World Transformation
(c) 2001, 2003
By Julie Jordan Scott
These secrets are meant to be shouted from roof tops and implemented
to the extreme. Each one can be hugely life changing when you integrate
it into your life.
This is your official invitation to do so at a higher level than you
are currently. Now is the time to join together with passion.
The first step towards this change is changing you. Pick a secret
and go with it.
Now begin.
1. Choose to have only one way of being: living intentionally,
deliberately, purposefully and be consistent to that no matter
what "hat you are wearing" be endeavor towards your larger vision.
2. Reach inside when you hit obstacles. Instead of looking outside
yourself by playing a subtle blame game, go deeply within instead.
Uncover how you could make a different decision and then take
focused, purposeful action accordingly.
3. Reach out to others, sharing your discoveries and thoughts with
those inside your circle of influence and those outside your circle
of influence. World transformation begins with communicating our
beliefs into being.
4. Integrate your truth down to the cellular level. In acting from this
level of belief, your transformation will be able to become visible to
others. The sense of empowerment will then spread from you to others
whose lives with whom you are in contact.
5. Facilitate growth of those around you through mentoring, coaching,
teaching, and creating purposeful relationships. Even a "one minute
relationship" may have life changing results! Be aware of
possibilities in each conversation with each person you meet everyday.
6. Communicate with the power of a laser and the expansiveness
of prosperous words. Make each word count. Practice this skill
joyfully. Eliminate words of fear, scarcity and lack replacing them
with words of love, abundance and prosperity.
7. Meet each person you encounter exactly where they are with
love and compassion. Look into their eyes when you talk with
them and really REALLY hear their words. Challenge them to no longer
accept the status quo.
8. Effectively use your unique gifts rather than living according to
someone else's expectations for you. Embrace your gifts as yours.
Trying to express someone else's specialness creates counterfeit
personal currency. Your gifts are riches like gold and silver.
9. Take passionate action every day. Do not miss a single day.
As you are moving seriously towards world transformation, do not
settle for manic action. Demand of yourself intentional, love
filled, laser focused action. The results will speak volumes.
10. Laugh, cry, love, nurture, applaud with passion! Be alive in
all things, whether it be in quiet contemplation of raucous
celebration. Spread that aliveness.
Transform your life and in turn transform Your World.*
Date: Oct 13, 2006 12:06 AM
10 Secrets to Becoming a Catalyst for World Transformation


*10 Secrets to Becoming a Catalyst for World Transformation
(c) 2001, 2003
By Julie Jordan Scott
These secrets are meant to be shouted from roof tops and implemented
to the extreme. Each one can be hugely life changing when you integrate
it into your life.
This is your official invitation to do so at a higher level than you
are currently. Now is the time to join together with passion.
The first step towards this change is changing you. Pick a secret
and go with it.
1. Choose to have only one way of being: living intentionally,
deliberately, purposefully and be consistent to that no matter
what "hat you are wearing" be endeavor towards your larger vision.
2. Reach inside when you hit obstacles. Instead of looking outside
yourself by playing a subtle blame game, go deeply within instead.
Uncover how you could make a different decision and then take
focused, purposeful action accordingly.
3. Reach out to others, sharing your discoveries and thoughts with
those inside your circle of influence and those outside your circle
of influence. World transformation begins with communicating our
beliefs into being.
4. Integrate your truth down to the cellular level. In acting from this
level of belief, your transformation will be able to become visible to
others. The sense of empowerment will then spread from you to others
whose lives with whom you are in contact.
5. Facilitate growth of those around you through mentoring, coaching,
teaching, and creating purposeful relationships. Even a "one minute
relationship" may have life changing results! Be aware of
possibilities in each conversation with each person you meet everyday.
6. Communicate with the power of a laser and the expansiveness
of prosperous words. Make each word count. Practice this skill
joyfully. Eliminate words of fear, scarcity and lack replacing them
with words of love, abundance and prosperity.
7. Meet each person you encounter exactly where they are with
love and compassion. Look into their eyes when you talk with
them and really REALLY hear their words. Challenge them to no longer
accept the status quo.
8. Effectively use your unique gifts rather than living according to
someone else's expectations for you. Embrace your gifts as yours.
Trying to express someone else's specialness creates counterfeit
personal currency. Your gifts are riches like gold and silver.
9. Take passionate action every day. Do not miss a single day.
As you are moving seriously towards world transformation, do not
settle for manic action. Demand of yourself intentional, love
filled, laser focused action. The results will speak volumes.
10. Laugh, cry, love, nurture, applaud with passion! Be alive in
all things, whether it be in quiet contemplation of raucous
celebration. Spread that aliveness.
Transform your life and in turn transform Your World.*
Healing Energies
From: Higher Frequency
Date: Oct 13, 2006 12:18 AM
From: Rain of Light
Date: Oct 12, 2006 12:20 PM
Namaste Lauren I can hardly wait to put this into practice.
Date: Oct 12, 2006 1:30 PM
During an encounter with my Presence of Power last night, I was asked to share one of the healing techniques that I’ve been given. It’s quite intense, but very effective. For those who aren’t familiar with “deep-reaching” healing energies, I should tell you that most of the healing that I deal with may initially cause discomfort. My goal, with healing, is to get to the very core of the issue, which means that my aim is to energetically impact each and every cell, drawing out and transmuting all energy that is not compatible with where your soul desires you to be in this moment. Because all things are energy, the pain we’ve suffered through life is stored within our cells energetically, continuing to impact us without our full awareness. When healing energies are applied, the cells begin to release the old energy, which can cause discomfort as old memories and pain surface from the interior of the cells in an effort to be released from the body. This is temporary and your process can be easier and quicker if you offer no resistance, keeping in mind that your goal is to heal beyond your pain and into your joy.
Now … imagine a tear-drop-shaped energy surrounding your entire body. The large, rounded portion is beneath you, the pointed tip is above your head. This shape is actually made up of a grid of hundreds of triangles and diamonds, interwoven. And so basically you’re envisioning a gently curved grid of triangles and diamonds, curving and molding to a graceful tear-drop-shape.
This grid is magnetic in nature. You set the intention within this grid as you imagine it surrounding you. Your thoughts are … this grid is magnetic; it is capable of magnetizing all energy that is NOT compatible with my soul’s energy; it is a tool for the Divine Alignment of my body so that I may be more in tune with my soul and my purpose on Earth. This grid magnetizes any and all energy that is NOT compatible with the pure truth of who I am and the experiences I am supposed to be having, drawing that incompatible energy gently from my body.
This grid is extremely gentle in its magnetic power. You may feel nothing at all while you’re working with it. Simply sit within it, set your intention to have it magnetize all energy that is not compatible with your soul, and allow it to do its work. You can assist by keeping in mind that all things are energy. Your physical body is made up of energy in the form of cells separated by space. When you think of yourself as non-solid, the natural flow of energy is much more effortless.
The grid make-up of this healing tool is not only magnetic but self-healing. The interlocking triangles and diamonds are a matrix of interacting sacred geometrics. However, I suggest being extremely conscientious about the energy that is taken from your cells. All things being energy, the energy you release still exists and will enter into the energy of the air/atmosphere/life around you. Therefore, it’s critical to transmute the energy you release. To do this is simple. Imagine that the tear-drop-shape grid is enveloped in a violet flame. It’s easy to imagine since the tear-drop-shape is not that different in shape than a single flame. (imagine the flame of a candle) The violet flame, “monitored” by St. Germaine, is capable of transmuting energy to the degree that it comes into Divine Alignment, causing little or no adverse impact on the energy field surrounding your physical body.
May your healing journey be truly blessed.
Lauren Zimmerman
Date: Oct 13, 2006 12:18 AM
From: Rain of Light
Date: Oct 12, 2006 12:20 PM
Namaste Lauren I can hardly wait to put this into practice.
Date: Oct 12, 2006 1:30 PM
During an encounter with my Presence of Power last night, I was asked to share one of the healing techniques that I’ve been given. It’s quite intense, but very effective. For those who aren’t familiar with “deep-reaching” healing energies, I should tell you that most of the healing that I deal with may initially cause discomfort. My goal, with healing, is to get to the very core of the issue, which means that my aim is to energetically impact each and every cell, drawing out and transmuting all energy that is not compatible with where your soul desires you to be in this moment. Because all things are energy, the pain we’ve suffered through life is stored within our cells energetically, continuing to impact us without our full awareness. When healing energies are applied, the cells begin to release the old energy, which can cause discomfort as old memories and pain surface from the interior of the cells in an effort to be released from the body. This is temporary and your process can be easier and quicker if you offer no resistance, keeping in mind that your goal is to heal beyond your pain and into your joy.
Now … imagine a tear-drop-shaped energy surrounding your entire body. The large, rounded portion is beneath you, the pointed tip is above your head. This shape is actually made up of a grid of hundreds of triangles and diamonds, interwoven. And so basically you’re envisioning a gently curved grid of triangles and diamonds, curving and molding to a graceful tear-drop-shape.
This grid is magnetic in nature. You set the intention within this grid as you imagine it surrounding you. Your thoughts are … this grid is magnetic; it is capable of magnetizing all energy that is NOT compatible with my soul’s energy; it is a tool for the Divine Alignment of my body so that I may be more in tune with my soul and my purpose on Earth. This grid magnetizes any and all energy that is NOT compatible with the pure truth of who I am and the experiences I am supposed to be having, drawing that incompatible energy gently from my body.
This grid is extremely gentle in its magnetic power. You may feel nothing at all while you’re working with it. Simply sit within it, set your intention to have it magnetize all energy that is not compatible with your soul, and allow it to do its work. You can assist by keeping in mind that all things are energy. Your physical body is made up of energy in the form of cells separated by space. When you think of yourself as non-solid, the natural flow of energy is much more effortless.
The grid make-up of this healing tool is not only magnetic but self-healing. The interlocking triangles and diamonds are a matrix of interacting sacred geometrics. However, I suggest being extremely conscientious about the energy that is taken from your cells. All things being energy, the energy you release still exists and will enter into the energy of the air/atmosphere/life around you. Therefore, it’s critical to transmute the energy you release. To do this is simple. Imagine that the tear-drop-shape grid is enveloped in a violet flame. It’s easy to imagine since the tear-drop-shape is not that different in shape than a single flame. (imagine the flame of a candle) The violet flame, “monitored” by St. Germaine, is capable of transmuting energy to the degree that it comes into Divine Alignment, causing little or no adverse impact on the energy field surrounding your physical body.
May your healing journey be truly blessed.
Lauren Zimmerman
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