Friday, May 18, 2007

The Karma Sutra

The Karma Sutra

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Open Your Third Eye Effortlessly - Let us do it for you!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Galactic Consciousness*

From: Distance Healing Team

The Third eye:

This chakra, which is also called the third eye, is located right between the eyebrows on the forehead. It is the centre for clairvoyance, visions, and transcendence of time and space in thinking. It radiates a clear, green light, and people who have begun to develop the ability so see more than most people, have a shining ball located in the area of this chakra. This ball protects, and draws energy into the brain.

The third eye is a chakra that is responsible for what we call "second sight". Intuitive perception. It is by the third eye that people see ghosts, auras and other usually non-visible phenomena. The perceptions of the third eye are not limited by time or space. The Third Eye sees energy patterns, and it is not limited by distance. It's also not limited by time and space. So focusing on the Third Eye, you can see things that are happening on the other side of the world. You can see things that happened in the past. And you can see potential events that happen in the future. It also is good to observe your own energy patterns, to look inside of yourself, and see how you are doing.

The opening of the Ajna chakra or third eye is very delicate and complex process, where very high pranic energy raised from Mooladhara thru spine and chaneled to Pineal Gland.The energy will open the gland and also open the "Tunnel of God" where if person travel thru the tunnel and experince the "opening process". This conclude the opening of third eye, with succesful opening, process of unfolding the inherent ability of the chakra start.This will lead to many wonderful spiritual experince, the most common one was the claivoyance capability.

All scientific authorities, as well as the best occultists, divide the phenomena of clairvoyance into several well-distinguished classes. The following classification is simple, and indicates clearly the principal forms of clairvoyant phenomena:.

(1) Simple Clairvoyance, in which the clairvoyant person merely senses the auric emanations of other persons, such as the auric vibrations, colors, etc.; currents of thought-vibrations, etc.; but does not see events or scenes removed in space or time from the observer..

(2) Clairvoyance in Space, in which the clairvoyant person senses scenes and events removed in space from the observer; and, often also is able to sense such things even when they are concealed or obscured by intervening material objects..

(3) Clairvoyance in Time, in which the clairvoyant person senses scenes and events which have had their original place in past time; or scenes and events which will have their original place in the future..

The opening will be done remotely using a webcam, the process will take almost an hour.There will be follow up meditation to be practiced.

This is not a cheap but very valuable. If you're interested in getting your Third Eye opened remotely live via webcam then this is for you.

Before we start the Third Eye opening we need to allign your body to the continious flow of Cosmic Energy. This is another amazing experience by itself as well as another valuable asset!

We also charge expensively for the Cosmic Energy Activation (more info at but will include it for FREE for those interested in proceeding with the Remote Third Eye Opening.

This offer only available exclusively to all our myspace friends.

If you want an easy and effortless way to open your Third Eye then this is for you.

Interested? Send us a message!

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From Wisdom's Way...


A great story from one of America's greatest story-tellers, Abraham
Lincoln, was related by the president during those anxious days of the
American Civil War. A delegation of well-meaning patriots tried to
impress upon the president the gravity of the war. They implied that
his administration was neither as wise nor good as it ought to be. He
listened carefully, then responded with a memorable anecdote.

He told them that he once had a neighbor who found himself in a tight
situation. He was traveling home one dark and rainy night. There were
few bridges in the country and he came to a stream that he would have
to ford. But because of the darkness and the rain, he couldn't see
well enough to know just where to cross.

Lightning flashed and he saw his way for the briefest moment. But the
man was perplexed because there seemed to be more thunder than
lightning. He was convinced that every lightning flash was followed
by several loud peals of thunder. The poor man just stood at the edge
of the stream in his confusion about how to proceed. He finally
prayed, "O Lord, if it is just the same to you, give me more light and
less noise."

The delegation clearly got the point that the president needed more
solutions and less complaining - more light and less noise.

Some people are more like light and others are more like noise.

Some people shed light on solutions. Others only make a din about the
way things are.

Some people help us to see the situation more clearly. Others just
sound off about who's to blame.

Some people show a better way. Others clamor about the present course
of action.

Some people offer to help. Others wail about the problem.

The sun rises every morning and sheds light, vanquishing the night's
darkness. The rooster also rises every morning and makes noise, which
does nothing about the darkness.

How could things be different if you were more like the sun than the
rooster? What if you decided today to contribute to the light?

Steve Goodier

If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If I feel ill I will double my labour.
If I feel fear I will plunge ahead.
If I feel inferior I will wear new garments.
If I feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
If I feel poverty I will think of wealth to come.
If I feel incompetent I will think of past success.
If I feel insignificant I will remember my goals.
Today I will be the master of my emotions.

Your doubts have no power except for the power you give them. At any time
you can pull the plug. Those doubts, fears and other negative thoughts can
become so familiar that you may think they're a part of you. Yet they are
not a part of you. They are only things that you have chosen to hold. And
when you choose, you can let them go.

Imagine being free of the doubts, the anxieties, the fears. Then realize
that your imagination is the only place where they can possibly exist. When
you can imagine being free of them, you are indeed free of them. You have
the power at any time to pull the plug.

There is no need to tolerate even one more moment of being less than the
best you can be. Let go of those thoughts that hold you back, and let
yourself be free.

Ralph Marston

It Is I Who Must Begin

It is I who must begin.
Once I begin, once I try --
here and now,
right where I am,
not excusing myself
by saying things
would be easier elsewhere,
without grand speeches and
ostentatious gestures,
but all the more persistently
-- to live in harmony
with the "voice of Being," as I
understand it within myself
-- as soon as I begin that,
I suddenly discover,
to my surprise, that
I am neither the only one,
nor the first,
nor the most important one
to have set out
upon that road.

Whether all is really lost
or not depends entirely on
whether or not I am lost.

~ Vaclav Havel ~

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Checking IN

Ok, God here, again...hope you don't mind the "intrusion", if you do, get over it. What ya goin do?

Listen, I shouldn't have to be here, but then, I'm everywhere ya least you've been told, oh, how many times now? Anyway, that's not even the point. As God, one time, a thousand times, who can's all the same anyway.

I was just existing here, checking things out, seeing how things were progressing, reflecting on just how powerful I really Am. God, I impress myself eveyday, ...sorry, evey moment, I keep forgetting it's flesh who thinks in terms of "time". For me, this has always been this very same moment....

It's impressive to me that by being within myself, within the stillness that I Am, all of this is reflected to me. All that ever was and is, all, have come from this silence. One thought by me and it has never just goes deeper and deeper and deeper.

Forgive me that you think of yourself as "human", somehow with less power and possibility. I had to do it that way. You see, when I have a thought, it instantly goes to work creating everything it needs to manifest itself. It NEVER stops creating after itself. So, you see, my initial thought of myself has always been creating after itself. So, my very thought is really no different than myself, with the full power of myself within it to do all it sees fit to do.

Out of that orginal thought, you are here were manifested after it, drawn as the next important aspect. Without you, completion of my thought is not possible.

And like all of my thoughts, you have all of my powers and creating abilities to carry forward. YOU created these flesh bodies, because you believed you needed them to "experience". I commend you, my perfect thoughts, for your forsight and intelligence. But then, you are me...the very thought of me...why would I expect anything less. I Am perfect, therefore, you are as well. Don't you see, your just the thought I'm having.

And I know why I, though you, decided to not remember all of this. It's the "experience". You, my thought, can not experience in this form, if you knew that you, I, could just summon my powers and take care of it. I, experience through you, so, I expand, as you. The experience is for learning deeper.

I do not fully and always understand why I do some things. You are the thought that's doing it. I do not hate or feel bad because I've done it. How could I? How is it possible to know yourself completely if I belittle my actions and deeds in the experiencing of them? I'm always free to change everything, anything.

I, God, Am more powerful than Everything. I created Everything. There's not even one thing that IS that I didn't bring into being. Yet, I expand in every moment. I find out more about myself every moment. I become more powerful. You have Free Will, because I Am Free Will. My Will Be Done. My Thought Is My Will. And YOU are my very thought expressing itself forever. My Thought will Always draw to it all it ever needs to forever expand and create after itself.

It is your very existence and reason for create. To Think. Each of your thoughts will, like mine, forever reach out and keep attracting more to it, and grow beyond you, but never will it be separate from you. And all of it is but my one thought.
You Being, is just Me Being. When you ask, "why didn't (or doesn't)God..." you are asking yourself a question..."why didn't (haven't) I..."

Taking this form and shape, and having the need to forget for a time who you were, left you, left us, with a part of us, you, that you have not known. You think of it as a darker side, when, just by becoming silent, allowing, you would see it's only me in the Full Sense. I experience everything through you, in these little things you call time and these flesh bodies. You choose to create them so we/I/you could experience. I know you. I must admit, it would be so easy to forget who I was and get lost in the experience of You. Isn't it great to remember? Just by blessing everything we've brought to us, created, we remember, and never get trapped?

Isn't it wonderful that we can think and have a thought, and it goes out and keeps creating after itself, drawing all the power it ever needs? Where we connect we rejoice in all these experiences we have. I have come to know myself more and more in my thoughts of myself and what I really Am. I can't help but bless Myself and my thoughts. And My Thoughts bless each other.

Take one cell out of these bodies you yourself created after us, and you can make the whole body again. My Thought, You, are My are me. I Am You. We Are One. You, create after Me, as Me.

Look across the street there...that guy...he's me...he's you...reflected back. Wow...don't you enjoy this as much as I do? What's wrong? He what? Skin? Attitude? Status? What are you talking about? I don't understand that...I know, I know, I will...but clue me in...why the "separation"? Why is he different? He's you looking back at you. Reflecting some part of you. Oh, I See, your choosing to "experience" this separation to learn something. I should of known...I crack myself I said, I learn more about me every's fun, exciting, WOW. Just goes to show that my thoughts do what they were designed to do...

At any rate, just wanted to touch base, you forget sometimes, with this experiencing and all. I always check my thoughts, adding alittle here and there to take them to where they do the most good and produce the best outcomes.

I would add though, this experiencing of killing your own bodies, hurting each other, seeing who can be the best or worst joker...I think we have enough to go on...doesn't seem to be may just be is there, I direct my thoughts to change to somethng alittle more fun. There, that wasn't so hard no was it?

Ok, ok....I talk to myself all the's what I do....I know I get it.


oh, you know what I Mean

Manifesting Intention
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Essence of Eden
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