Friday, October 13, 2006

Healing Energies

From: Higher Frequency
Date: Oct 13, 2006 12:18 AM

From: Rain of Light
Date: Oct 12, 2006 12:20 PM

Namaste Lauren I can hardly wait to put this into practice.

Date: Oct 12, 2006 1:30 PM

During an encounter with my Presence of Power last night, I was asked to share one of the healing techniques that I’ve been given. It’s quite intense, but very effective. For those who aren’t familiar with “deep-reaching” healing energies, I should tell you that most of the healing that I deal with may initially cause discomfort. My goal, with healing, is to get to the very core of the issue, which means that my aim is to energetically impact each and every cell, drawing out and transmuting all energy that is not compatible with where your soul desires you to be in this moment. Because all things are energy, the pain we’ve suffered through life is stored within our cells energetically, continuing to impact us without our full awareness. When healing energies are applied, the cells begin to release the old energy, which can cause discomfort as old memories and pain surface from the interior of the cells in an effort to be released from the body. This is temporary and your process can be easier and quicker if you offer no resistance, keeping in mind that your goal is to heal beyond your pain and into your joy.

Now … imagine a tear-drop-shaped energy surrounding your entire body. The large, rounded portion is beneath you, the pointed tip is above your head. This shape is actually made up of a grid of hundreds of triangles and diamonds, interwoven. And so basically you’re envisioning a gently curved grid of triangles and diamonds, curving and molding to a graceful tear-drop-shape.

This grid is magnetic in nature. You set the intention within this grid as you imagine it surrounding you. Your thoughts are … this grid is magnetic; it is capable of magnetizing all energy that is NOT compatible with my soul’s energy; it is a tool for the Divine Alignment of my body so that I may be more in tune with my soul and my purpose on Earth. This grid magnetizes any and all energy that is NOT compatible with the pure truth of who I am and the experiences I am supposed to be having, drawing that incompatible energy gently from my body.

This grid is extremely gentle in its magnetic power. You may feel nothing at all while you’re working with it. Simply sit within it, set your intention to have it magnetize all energy that is not compatible with your soul, and allow it to do its work. You can assist by keeping in mind that all things are energy. Your physical body is made up of energy in the form of cells separated by space. When you think of yourself as non-solid, the natural flow of energy is much more effortless.

The grid make-up of this healing tool is not only magnetic but self-healing. The interlocking triangles and diamonds are a matrix of interacting sacred geometrics. However, I suggest being extremely conscientious about the energy that is taken from your cells. All things being energy, the energy you release still exists and will enter into the energy of the air/atmosphere/life around you. Therefore, it’s critical to transmute the energy you release. To do this is simple. Imagine that the tear-drop-shape grid is enveloped in a violet flame. It’s easy to imagine since the tear-drop-shape is not that different in shape than a single flame. (imagine the flame of a candle) The violet flame, “monitored” by St. Germaine, is capable of transmuting energy to the degree that it comes into Divine Alignment, causing little or no adverse impact on the energy field surrounding your physical body.

May your healing journey be truly blessed.
Lauren Zimmerman

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