Monday, May 28, 2007


"The essence of the rose is released when the rose bush has been pruned and pruned until the bud has opened into the bloom..the split second between the bud and the rose is known only to those who become roses."
~The Last Barrier by Reshad Feild ~


It is with some trepidation that I begin this very personal story of the Goddess Kundalini awakening in me. To speak so publicly about such an intensely private process is difficult, but it also fills me with a sense of awe and gratitude that I am able, through the wondrous technology of the internet, to speak to you, the reader, who may also be going through a bewildering series of symptoms and emotional upheavals due to the release of an intense pranic awakening.

I felt very alone when this process began. In searching for help, I realized that there are few people who are knowledgeable about the deeper aspects of the changes that occur once Kundalini has been released from her sleeping position at the base of the spine, and there are few books written about the personal aspects of such a cataclysmic event in one's life. If my story will help any of you feel a little less alone, then the hesitation I feel over being so public will offset my fears.

As I am writing this story, I remember how, for years, my mother wrote her own stories in stenographers' notebooks, which were tucked away in a bottom drawer in her bedroom. When she died, I looked for them - hoping that I would get a chance to read what she had written - but they were gone, never to be shared with anyone. It is now a few days before I will send this story out into the universe and I have this dream:

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A Happier Life

From: RareBreeze

Thank You
The Rememberers

Co-Creating A Happy World

The world is not in need of a new religion or a new philosophy but in need of spiritual rejuvenation. All knowledge and wisdom needed to bring the world into a new era of inner and outer prosperity is already here and have been since ancient times. Lets face the fact that we are all dependent on each other and that we all has an individual responsibility for the well being of all life on the planet. We are all one and if one part of humanity is 'suffering' the whole humanity will be reached by its consequences. This is not anything new. It has been known in ancient spiritual traditions all over our planet. By entering this well of wisdom we will see that we have always had much more uniting us than dividing us.

The main objectives are to:

* Co-create a vision of oneness, encouraging individuals, networks and organizations in their work for a happy world.

* Support the preservation and restoration of ancient spiritual wisdoms and sciences residing in all cultures around the world.

* Support all sorts of initiatives that unite people in mutual actions and projects aiming at creating global oneness.

Albert Einstein and consciousness

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

What is Spiritual Growth?
Can it be defined?

Is it to find the meaning of life?
Is it to find your self?
Is it to get rid of the Self itself?
Is it to become a better person?
Is it to become a greater person?
Is it to become enlightened?
Is it to become at all?

Maybe the 'Auobiography in Five Chapters' from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying can shed some light on spiritual growth:

1) I walk down the street
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I fall in.
I am lost? I am hopeless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

2) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I pretend I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I'm in the same place again.
But it isn?t my fault.
It still takes long time to get out.

3) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in? it's a habit
My eyes are open
I know where I am
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

4) I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk
I walk around it.

5) I walk down another street.

( the lesson has been learned )

Practising Law of Attraction
Becoming More Conscious
Linda-Ann Stewart

You are creating your life experience every single day. Your life is formed from what you think about all day long. The beliefs and attitudes that are so habitual that you don't even notice them shaping your experiences. Instead of responding to situations from an awareness of All Potentials, you react to stimuli from outdated concepts. By re-acting, acting out an attitude over and over, you remain unconscious of what you're doing, and that you're probably sabotaging whatever it is that you want.

Have you ever opened a bag of potato chips and unconsciously nibbled on them while watching a movie? Maybe you'd like to lose weight, but all of a sudden the bag is empty. Oops! You probably weren't even hungry, but you ate them out of habit. Wanting a specific thing to happen in your life, you're actually filling your mental screen with its opposite. The very thing you want to eliminate from your life clutters it up, chattering, "I can't have," "I don't have," "I don't deserve." You believe that what the mental chatter says is truth, maybe because someone you trusted told you it was so. Or you believe in them because they're happening in your life. You believe life is difficult. Just look at all the problems you have right now. But you don't have problems because life is difficult; you have problems because you "believe" that life is difficult. You have a mental fog of illusion, delusion, confusion, and this fog permeates every idea and concept you have.

You're not alone. We all have this fog to some degree. But you can shine a light on your attitudes to burn away the mental fog. Begin by examining the old standards by which you judge yourself. Are they appropriate for you now, or were they only appropriate for you sometime in your past?

For instance, at the beginning of the century, a woman whose legs showed from beneath her dress was criticized. Within twenty years, that opinion was outdated. Are you holding onto ideas that belonged to another generation, but that don't serve you now? Your life is your life and no one else's. You have a right to live your life by the standards you create for yourself. So assess the rules you live your life by, and decide what you want to keep, and what you want to release. It's your right.

The Light of Spirit now dissipates any confusion as to my True Identity. I am a blessed expression of Infinite Intelligence. Any outdated concept now dissolves in the Light of Truth. I now accept all that I am and all that I am truly worthy of. I am fully qualified to create standards for myself that reflect my True Self. I give thanks for my freedom, and release these words to make the changes necessary.




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Broken Knight
tHe "I" oF rIa
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From: Living Love

Thank You:
Red Heart ~*~ The bridge to any heart is LOVE

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Being a prophetess, for many years now, knowing that it was not a call I desired nor appointed to myself, none the less have found myself sitting squarely in this office of a prophet. This morning I was reminded of the many prophecies I have recieved, and of course becoming a prophet, I was guided to study prophecies world wide, both of ancient and current prophecies. But this is my daily guidance I recieved today as I was looking over some prophecy articles, many I have already known and been given myself. Multitudes have a false view and understanding of prophets, and prophecies. Why are there prophets? The reason there are prophets is because there is a need for them, and they are appointed by the Creator/God/The One, when humanity as a whole does not listen, or hear, or heed the messages of God/Creator/The One. The messages given to a prophet, are in the form of warnings or information, that is needed for humanity to know something regarding the state and conditions they find themselves and their world in. Prophecies are given in plenty of time normaly to give enough time to change things.

This morning the guidance I have recieved in my soul,heart and mind, is DON'T BE LULLED INTO FALSE PEACE! Wow, is all that I can say, because this is a very important message indeed. A Warning that I know without a shadow of doubt that I am supposed to share with the world. LISTEN, to this timely and important message because it is something we are being warned of and something that is currenty happening today, right now, this hour. Don't be lulled into false peace. The message I want to convay regarding this, is that we need to be very careful that we do not get caught up in the idea, or hype of peace, but rather truly practice and strive honestly for peace. To not believe everyone who spouts peace, peace..and gives the fine sounding words of love and peace yet has nothing to back it up in their hearts, minds, and souls.

The life of a prophet is not a normal everyday life, many times in a prophets life, Creator/God/The One, will use other things in that prophet's life symbolically.Before this timely message came my way today, I was made to look at a relationship honestly which I had with a friend I had met last year. Through this relationship there has been several dramas and I have found that this very thing of the fine sounding words of peace and love were being used but there was no mind, soul, heart behind them. Over the weekend I had to let this relationship go, knowing that it was more false then real. It so happens this morning that I now realize that it was symbolic to what is occuring in the world today. That the whole relationship was brought about to bring me to understand this vital message.

People, listen to this message and let it pierce your very soul with it's astouding wisdom and truth so that you may walk safely and securely and live as you desire and say that you want to live..In peace and harmony..Beware of those who have fine sounding words and actions, but no soul, mind and heart behind them. I cannot tell you how crucial this message is in this hour and it speaks volumes to this prophet about the danger of being lulled into false peace. We as humanity have been give a measure of time between the prophecies and their fulfillments to make nessary changes to prevent these prophecies to be fulfilled. See this is another misconception of understanding why a prophecy is given, It is not given to be fulfilled it is given as a warning to take the nessary actions it takes to bring the changes needed so that the prophecy will not be fulfilled.

There is a differance between prophecy and a word of knowledge, most often people mistakenly think that a word of knowledge is prophecy. It is not, a word of knowledge is a knowing of something and understanding of something that is beyond our everyday understanding and knowing. It is a supernatural occurance when one is given a word of knowledge but it has nothing to do with prophecy, even though it will often times have something to do with a future event. A word of knowledge is given to a person individually for their life, such as a psychic reading, or to a group of people. A prophecy is given as a warning to the world or to a mass of people like a whole culture or country. It often deals with future events that will happen if the nessary corrections are not made. A prophet is given the complete understanding of the conditions of the people that the prophecy is regarding..If it is for the whole world, then the prophet is given the complete knowledge of the conditions of the world or circumstance so that when asked, the prophet has the answers to why this message is being given. A true prophet is never wrong, though the message may be given, and if it is heeded and changes are met or at least in the working then prophecy or outcome will change. If it is not met, then prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter.

A true prpohet rarely if ever gives a message of good news, because that is not what a prophet is given. We are not given good news, we are given bad news and we are the herold of bad news and that does not make us very popular to mankind in general. The prophet's message brings with it the need for change and many people do not like the word change or do they want to change. After all everything in their own little world seems to be going just fine for them, But the prophet's message is for the people, not solely the individual. This message given to me is a global message, it is not for one group, one country, but rather for the whole world.

Individually however, we have the power to bring the nessary changes to prevent the fulfillment of bad news. That is the soul and heart of this timely message I have recieved today..Don't be lulled into false peaceI This means that there is a lot of false peace and false peace messages going forth without the heart, soul, and mind behind it. This is cause for concern, which requires us to be far more councious of our relationships with others, organizations, and well sounding feel good things etc. If you do not feel right about a relationship that seems not to resound with your soul, (please note you have to remove ego here to get to the heart of yourself.) then back off of it. This is not a religion thing, prophets are called from all walks of life and they are chosen as the human messengers and witnesses of God/Creator/The One, who sees all and knows all. A note, we as the human race have to join hearts, minds, and souls, in the face of such messages, one or two, or three or even a dozen are not going to bring change. This message is for the whole world and for all of the people in this world, meaning that together and only together are we going to be able to bring change and stop the fulfillment of bad news or prophecy. We are given these messages in hopes of reaching the hearts, minds and souls of man in the hopes that change will occur.

The true peace message and the need for change is vital for this hour, and I cannot tell how important and vital it it. If humanity does not take the sure steps to make changes then all prpophecy will be fulfilled. We have to be careful to not be lulled into false peace right now more then any time in human history. Check your own heart, soul and mind and make sure you are truly for peace. Make sure to listen carefully for guidance in your personal and activities relationships. Listen carefully to your personal guidance and go to Creator/God/The One, yourselve to recieve the truths you seeks and for the guidance you personally need. We are on a time bomb here and time is quickly running out and humanity has the chance and opportunity to make the nessary changes it needs to make. Remember who you are and the power you have been given. You can use all your power and enrgy for the good or the bad, you cannot stand on the fence between both, you have to go one way or the other and make that way sure because the fate of the world rest upon you. I say this because we are all given the same measure of power and energy to use as free will to whatever side we stand on. Collectively bringing those powers and energies together will determine the outcome upon our future world. Either it will be destroyed and multitudes of humanity will be wiped out to where we are left with a fourth of humanity, or we will swing this darkness away and become the new earth of peace. Either way peace will come but will it come through making correction or will it come through fulfillment of prophecy which is the messages being ignored and not believed?

We are on the threshold for all of prophecy fulfillment, meaning we have nearly ran out of time. No Eyes, a blind Native prophetess, saw this all happening, she also saw humanity rising up and taking it's rightful place and standing for peace and harmony even against the governments worldwide which are for war. Remember your power and your energies and all the good and that the whole creation is for healing, love, harmony, and peace and you will not stand alone. But don't get lulled into false peace and fine sounding words, cling to wisdom, call out for understanding, and make peace the energy you live by and do not fear change, Make haste and distance from those who speak shallow and do not have peace and love and unity in their hearts. Examine even yourself and your motives.

Be well my friends, don't be fooled with sweet sounding messages, gain wisdom, gain understanding be true to your own words, voice, heart, mind and soul...

Manifesting Intention
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