Friday, September 22, 2006

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Men and Sex

Men And Sex

A female Los Angeles yoga guru says that when it comes to life, love and relationships, with men, it is all “pillow talk.” In other words, a relationship is all about sex. This pillow-talk statement generated some interesting conversations. As much as I like sex, that seems a little simplistic to me, and it certainly stereotypes the male gender.

As I write a new relationship book with Carol Morgan Ph.D., I have been reading countless books on all aspects of relationship, from John Gray, Ph.D. to Sigmund Freud. I have three high book stacks beside my desk.

Gray, in “Mars and Venus in the Bedroom,” might agree with the yoga guru. “It is through sex that a man’s heart opens, allowing him to experience both his loving feelings and his hunger for love as well. Ironically, it is sex that allows a man to feel his needs for love, while it is receiving love that helps a woman to feel her hunger for sex.” Gray goes on to say, “When sex gets better, suddenly the whole relationship automatically gets better.”

Ayn Rand places sex in another context: “To a rational man, sex is an expression of self-esteem -- a celebration of himself and his existence.” Also, “Romantic love, in the full sense of the term, is an emotion possible only to the man (or woman) of unbreached self-esteem: it is his response to his own highest values in the person of another -- an integrated response of mind and body, of love and sexual desire. Such a man (or woman) is incapable of experiencing a sexual desire divorced from spiritual values.” (From “Of Living Death.”)

My favorite radical thinker, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (Osho), has written extensively on this subject, and he might tend to agree with the yoga guru up to the point of creativity. “Sex is such a significant phenomenon because it is the source of all life. It is so significant that if you repress it you will repress many other things. For example, the person who is sexually repressed will become uncreative, because creativity itself is a kind of sexual activity.

“In my observation, if a person is totally creative he will transcend sex without repressing it, because his own energy will become creative. He will not need to go into sex -- not that he will prevent himself -- the very need will disappear. He now has a far higher bliss happening to him; the lower is bound to disappear when you have higher in your hands.

“A real poet while producing, creating, composing, forgets all about sex. A real sculptor absorbed in his work, forgets all about sex. Even if a naked woman passes by he will not look at her, his concentration in his own creativity is so total. A real dancer disappears in his dance -- his ego, his sex, all are dissolved into his dance.” (From “The Wild Geese and the Water.”)

In “Falling In Love For All the Right Reasons,” Dr. Neil Clark Warren, founder of explains that he often tells single women, “The last thing you want is a man who has an extremely low level of sexual passion. If you’ve been with the same man for a while, and he never pressures you for sex and never wants to ‘take you out into the woods’ (my favorite euphemism for engaging in intimate sexual expressions), and if he never wants to play his radio in the car with the headlights off and no moon in the sky, and if he never really puts the pressure on you to make an important boundary decision in the area of sex, be careful of that man!”

I’ll end this column with a relationship repair excerpt from my co-writer Carol Morgan. She was writing this for both males and females: “Sex always mirrors other issues in your relationship. As Dr. Phil McGraw (aka ‘Dr. Phil’) says, if you have a fulfilling relationship, sex becomes about 10% of the focus (meaning there is no need to focus on its importance because it is flowing nicely). But if you don’t have a good relationship, then sex becomes about 90% of the focus. So if your sexual relationship isn’t working, you better start looking at the other areas of your relationship that are suffering.

“Your sex life isn’t separable from the rest of the relationship. It is an integral part. In fact, it is almost impossible to have a happy, successful romantic relationship without a healthy sex life. You may think you can compartmentalize these aspects of your relationship, but it can only be done for so long. Lack of sexual intimacy will only create distance. And the longer it goes on, the farther the distance between the partners.”

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Thoughts Change Things

Thoughts Change Water

“What The Bleep Do We Know?” is a new spiritual film graphically illustrating the interconnectedness of all things. Part documentary, part story, fourteen mystics and scientists are interviewed as a protagonist learns how the fundamental premises in her life are not reality at all.

One short segment of the film is from a study by Masaru Emoto, showing how powerfully your thoughts can affect your physical environment. Emoto’s book, “The Message from Water” demonstrates how water will change form in response to thought.

Emoto mentally projected love to a bottle of water, which was then frozen and later the ice crystals were photographed. The crystals were beautiful, clear and symmetrical.
Next, he let the ice in the bottle melt, before directing hate to the water. Again, he froze the water and photographed the ice crystals. The crystals were misshapen, dense and ugly.
At this point in the film, a man looks directly into the camera and says, “If thoughts can do that to water, what can they do to you?”

But here is something the film did not point out. The water than shares this “memory structure,” positive or negative, with ALL living things it comes into contact with.
Thoughts can cause water to change form. The molecular structure of water is two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. The thought influences the atoms making up the molecule, and the response of the atoms creates the form. The purpose of atoms is to express life in form, and the creative vibration of thought directs the form taken by atoms.

We each experience an inner world made up of beliefs, which have been programmed by our life experiences (including past-life experiences). And these beliefs generate the thoughts and emotions that manifest all our outer experiences. Self change begins with reprogramming our beliefs, which then generate new thoughts and emotions, which in turn, create new experiences.
The goal of every mind-programming tape/CD ever created is to generate new beliefs or reprogram old beliefs.

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Reality boils down to the consciousness
that is observing it.


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

- Dwight D. Eisenhower


"I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it".

- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Articles By Patricia Hare

Articles by Patricia F. Hare

The following articles will help you better understand how consciousness creates experience--how you create your own reality--and the current paradigm shift at both personal and global levels.

The Creative Power of Our Emotions
Emotions are often dismissed as valueless indulgences when in fact they are powerful tools for self-understanding, the creation of experience, and a deeper relationship with God. Learn the many ways we benefit when we stop denying our emotions and honor them appropriately instead.

How Change Occurs, Part I: The Paradigm Shift in Consciousness
Learn what a paradigm shift is, the stages in the process of a cultural paradigm shift, how quantum physics is creating a new scientific revolution, and how this is bringing about a new cultural paradigm shift today.

How Change Occurs, Part II: The Personal Paradigm Shift
Learn why creative visualization is a new paradigm technique, how creative visualization can bring about a personal paradigm shift, the stages in the process of a personal paradigm shift, and how a person might experience these stages as they learn the creative visualization process.

The Jewel in the Knot:
A New Paradigm Perspective on Why "Bad" Things Happen Understanding how our outer experience is a refection of our inner thoughts and feelings is one of the most difficult aspects of the creative visualization process to come to terms with. In this article, I tell you about a time from my past when I had a "bad" experience, explored what it was reflecting for me, and then used that information to make beneficial changes in my consciousness.

Life in the Youniverse
Leading-edge physicists (among others) have been busy lately, telling us that the world we experience is created in consciousness. In short, they are telling us that what we experience "out there" is a reflection of what we've got going on "in here."

The Not-So-Hidden Messages in Dreams
We often ask for guidance, ideas, and information as we work to create our best future. One powerful way that we are given answers is through our dreams. In this article, I give you some examples of simple dream messages that have helped to guide and inform me.

Ten Things You Can Do To Make Your Creative Visualizations
More Powerful
There are a number of ways to make moving through the creative visualization process more powerful and effective. An added bonus is that many of these suggestions can be applied to a variety of life situations to make them more rewarding whether or not you are using creative visualization.

Reality Isnt Real

Patricia F. Hare offers a great web-article about how change occurs
(link below).

Back in 1980 Marilyn Ferguson introduced us to the concept of a “Paradigm Shift,” which takes place when things are viewed in a particular way, then new information comes along and the way things are viewed changes in response to the new information. Ferguson said, “The problem is that you can’t embrace the new paradigm unless you let go of the old.”

I have written in this column, on more than one occasion, that everything appearing solid in our world breaks down to subatomic particles -- to energy. And energy is non-physical in nature. Cutting-edge physicists now claim that our reality is best described as a “thought form.” This fact doesn’t surprise the mystics who have always claimed we live in a world of illusion. So today, the scientists and mystics are in agreement.

Simply stated, we are energy interacting with energy.

The following two paragraphs are from Hare’s article:

Lynne McTaggart, author of “The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe” (2002), is one of the many writers explaining to us the quiet scientific revolution taking place and the implications of its findings. These implications are heretical to some; to others they offer a life-enhancing vision. McTaggart tells us that quantum physicists have been finding that at the subatomic level our world is a “participatory relationship” between an observer and the observed. Subatomic particles exist in probability until they are perturbed (i.e., observed and measured) forcing them into a set state, “an act akin to solidifying Jell-O.” And guess what perturbs subatomic particles (here’s where we get to the starling part): the observer -- human consciousness.

Please understand that most physicists would never suggest that human consciousness is responsible for bringing the observed world into being. This idea seems bizarre (and its details are not yet clear). However, a growing number of physicists are stating that the findings of quantum physics -- whether they like it or not -- are just that: Reality boils down to the consciousness that is observing it. This idea is so radical because it flies in the face of everything that we have been taught about the nature of reality. Reality is solid; reality can be measured; reality has weight; reality is, well, real. We don’t “think-up” reality! It exists, we discover it, we explore it, we define it, we exist in it--it does not exist in us! But there it is. A century of scientific research taking us to this paradigm-shifting conclusion: Nothing in the universe exists as an actual ‘thing’ independent of our perception of it. If that is true, then we are blessed and burdened with the responsibility for what we see. And if we don’t like what we see, the means of changing it are not “out there” in “reality,” but within us, within ourselves, within our consciousness.

With this in mind, the idea of “creating your own reality” seems a little “ real.”
To read more: curs%20I.htm

Law of Attraction ?

In his book, “The Seat of the Soul,” Gary Zukav talks about awakened personalities and points out that they do not respond to the experience and the events of life with anger, fear, sorrow, or jealousy, “which would create additional negative karma for its soul, but with compassion and with trust that the Universe, in each moment, is attending to the needs of its soul. This draws to it other souls with the same frequency of consciousness.

“Each personality draws to itself personalities with consciousness of like frequency, or like weakness. The frequency of anger attracts the frequency of anger, the frequency of greed attracts greed, and so on. This is the law of attraction. Negativity attracts negativity, just as love attracts love. Therefore, the world of an angry person is fill with angry people, the world of greedy person is filled with greedy people, and a loving person lives in a world of loving people”
The law of attraction is big business right and is being marketed under many different names in many different books, but Gary’s words about the energy drawing to us others like us is worth remembering.

In my listing of The 50 Primary Universal Laws, I describe the Law of Attraction: “Where your attention goes, your energy flows. You attract what you are and that which you concentrate upon. If you are negative, you draw in and experience negativity. If you are loving, you draw in and experience love. You can attract to you only those qualities you possess. So, if you want peace and harmony in your life, you must become peaceful and harmonious.”

Gregg Braden’s book “Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer” is not about prayer as most of us think of it. Much of the book is about manifesting what you want by asking properly, which takes us back to the law of attraction. I heard Braden tell a story I will never forget at a seminar in Cape Cod last April. The story called “Pray Rain” is in the book:

Gregg tells about a time of drought in northern New Mexico, when a Native American friend asked him to join him for an early-morning hike to a medicine wheel so he could pray rain. They walked for a couple hours to a circle of stones on the ground divided by an X or stones within the circle. Gregg’s friend explained that the wheel itself had not power, but was a place of focus for the one invoking the prayer. His friend then took off his shoes, stepped into the circle, honored the four directions and his ancestors,. placed his hands in prayer position, closed his eyes and stood soon motionless.

After a few moments, he said he had finished and was ready to leave. Gregg said “Already? I thought you were going to pray for rain!”

“‘No,’ he replied. ‘I said that I would pray rain. If I had prayed for rain, it could never happen.’”
“He began by describing how the elders of his village had shared the secrets of prayer with him when he was young boy. The key, he said, is that when we ask for something to happen, we give power to what we do not have. Prayers for healing empower the sickness. Prayers for rain empower the drought. ‘Continuing to ask for these things only gives more power to the things that we would like to change,’ he said.”

Gregg’s friend explained: “I began to have the feeling of what rain feels like. I felt the feeling of rain on my body, and what it feels like to stand with my naked feet in the mud of our village plaza because there has been so much rain. I smelled the smells of rain on the earthen walls in our village, and felt what it feels like to walk through fields of corn chest deep high because there has been so much rain.”

It started to rain the next day and didn’t stop for many days.

Three Universal Laws

Three Universal Laws

The following Universal Laws seem appropriate for sharing at this time:


If you seek to understand The Law of Divine Order, study the natural balance of nature, for it works very much the same way. Everything is as it should be, although mankind (our energy gestalt) is far from experiencing its potential of total harmony. There are no accidents. Your energy, translated into thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds, cause all your experiences. This assures that you always have the learning opportunities you require to resolve your karma. So, it follows the collective thoughts, words, emotions, and deeds of mankind create the environment for us all.

If enough souls focus their energy upon peace, we will have peace. If the majority of souls are filled with anger, we may all have to experience war. We are all one, and like the many sub-personalities within you, the dominate traits of mankind (the entire gestalt) will emerge to resolve our group karma.

At this moment, a Fundamentalists evangelist preaches fear from a pulpit in West Virginia while a yoga instructor directs a loving group mediation in Oregon. One is directing the energy of the gestalt into disharmony, the other into harmony. Hopefully, at least one can cancel out the other. If we can’t attain global harmony, maybe we can balance the disharmony. Certainly, as growth-oriented individuals, we must not give up individually or collectively. As always, fear is the problem and love is the answer.


Every one of us is part of a great energy gestalt, and connected on the level of the collective unconscious. Each individual aspect of the gestalt has its own electrical system and its own vibrational frequency, and interacts with all other aspects. Thus we are all electrically connected to one another and to a central point. On a Higher-Self of psychic level it is possible for anyone to tune into anyone else, and to draw upon the awareness of the entire gestalt. Like the concept of the hundredth monkey, mankind takes advancing steps when group consciousness reaches critical mass and new awareness is accepted by the whole.


We cannot create anything higher than our own level of understanding. Thus society can never get any better than the level of mankind as a whole. Our systems for social change usually only add new burdens to already ineffective systems. Time has proven that this approach to a new society doesn’t work. Our mistake is in trying to right the wrongs of the world from the outside in. This is working on the effect instead of the cause, and is doomed to failure. Instead we must work from the inside out. Everyone of us on this planet can incorporate the power of harmonious thinking, which is the only long-term solution to poverty and limitation.

To heal the world we must each first heal ourselves.

(“The 50 Primary Universal Laws” are part of Dick’s Two-Day Counselor Training Notebook provided to participants. This professional training will be taught this year at the ABH Convention in Newport Beach and The International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Conference in Detroit. The schedule follows and more information is available at our website.)
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