Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Essence of Your Thoughts

Recognize the Essence of Your Thoughts
From the Quarterly Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 2004 (pdf)
From the recording G-2-21-04A
Also in GASP04 (ten tapes
San Rafael, CA
Even if something that you really want has not yet manifested, do you feel joyful anyway?

Wanting is a good thing because when you get to the place that unfulfilled desire feels fresh like it did when you were two or three, or four, then you have returned to the vibrational stance that you have always intended.

From your broader, Non-physical perspective, you understand that there is no question about you being able to receive anything that you desire, because, from that vantage point, you understand the Laws of the Universe—you understand that when you ask, it is always given. And so, there is not a particle of discouragement or worry about things not yet manifested, because it is so clearly understood that all you have to do is focus and relax, and allow it to be.

In your physical format, you get caught up in a feeling of competition. You worry that someone else might get your prize, when, in reality, there is prize enough for everyone. You are the creator of your prize and the Universe will deliver it to you.

It is not possible that you could be deprived of something that you want because someone else achieves it—that could not possibly be. In fact, the Universe expands in direct proportion to the desires that you conjure here. The Source Energy Stream exists in its powerful, focused force because of your focusing of your desires.

There are three steps, simple steps, (really, laws are like that, aren’t they? Simple in theory and a little trickier in application) Step One is ask, and you can’t stop doing that; preference is born constantly out of your observing and remembering and focusing, and imagining. So, your asking is the byproduct of your living in this focused environment. Step Two is not your work; Source answers what you ask for. It answers the cells in your body. It answers spoken requests; Source an-swers unspoken requests: your vibrational signal, your preference, your desire…Step Three is what this essay is all about. Step Three is about you bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with your desire.

The reason that, often, physical friends are not in vibrational alignment with their desire is because they’re focused on something other than their desire. Now, think about it. Law of Attraction says, that which is like unto itself is drawn. So, if you want something and you’re focused on that something that you want, then you are offering a vibration about that something that you want, and you are fulfilling all three steps: You’re fulfilling the two that are your responsibility—and Source is fulfilling the other.

So, then you say, “Well, there must be something I’m missing, because I believe that there are things that I desire that have not come to me… I’ve got stuff in my life I don’t want, and there’s stuff missing that I do want. And I’m pretty sure that I’m thinking about what I want.” And we say: not possible. If you were thinking about what you want, in time you would develop such a vibrational habit around that, that it would have to be yours. In fact, you can be sure that whatever you are getting is what you’ve been thinking about.

But then you say, “Can’t be true. I have a disease I never thought about. Never even heard about it ‘til they assigned it to me. How could I have been thinking about this thing if I didn’t even know it exists?”

You develop patterns of thought which cause you to offer patterns of vibration, which equal what you are living. What manifests is always an accurate reflection of the thoughts that you’ve been thinking. And so, it is helpful if you think in terms of the vibrational essence of the thought that you are thinking.

You might not have assigned it a name, but if you are focused upon the absence of Well-Being in some area of your life, and you have held your attention upon that, enough that you’ve, sort of, beat the drum of it, meaning, you develop a vibrational cadence; it’s where your thoughts easily go; it’s where your conversations easily turn; it’s just the way you feel about this or about this, or about this...those practiced, conscious or unconscious, vibrations, then become your point of attraction. And what you’re getting matches that perfectly, every single time.

So, it’s really a wonderful thing when you realize that, because then you can start watching for evidence of your vibration. Now, there are two ways to watch for that evidence. You can wait ‘til something manifests, and then say, “Oh yeah, I recognize that.” Or, you can pay attention to the way you feel and say, “Oh yes, I can feel what’s coming.”

Your emotions are these fabulous indicators that let you know what your vibrational content is. And your emotions feel the way they do because of two important vibrational factors: The factor of desire, which is the summoning power. And the factor of allowing— which is the letting, or the not letting what you’ve summoned flow. If you really, really want something, you’re summoning Energy in a stronger way. If you’ve wanted it for quite awhile, you’re summoning it even more. If you think about it often, you’re summoning it specifically.

So, just like you can take a spectrum of light and focus it into a very powerful laser beam, you have desires that you have focused into very powerful beams. So, the more focused thoughts, are the thoughts where the Energy moves faster. And in that faster Energy, any contradiction shows up more. Just like if you’re driving your car 100 mph and you hit a tree, the tree is a bigger factor than if you were going 5 mph.

So, the two factors that your emotions are always letting you know are: how focused the Energy is by virtue of your desire, and how your normal thoughts around the subject resonate or don’t resonate with that desire. Easier way to say it is, “what’s my attitude or what’s my mood about such-and-such?

“When I think about my body, do I love it? Am I grateful? Does it annoy me? Does it embarrass me? Do I praise it? Do I condemn it? Do I adore it? Do I compliment it? Do I criticize it?” In other words, what kinds of things do you say about your body?

When you think about dollars, do you feel joyful? Does the subject of dollars make you feel free? Do you feel eager and enthusiastic about dollars? Do you feel afraid when you think about dollars? Are you angry about dollars? Are you embarrassed about dollars? Are you fitful about them; worried about them; eager about them, happy about them?

When you think about the greater economy, are you grateful for economy? Do you love it when someone thrives? Are you jealous when someone thrives? Do you feel happy for a friend succeeding? Do you feel unhappy about your not-so-much success when you see friends succeeding? Do you blame the government? Do you blame your employer for not paying you more? How do you feel?

It turns up in all of these different ways. All day, every day, you have opinions and attitudes. Most of them you didn’t even figure out on your own. You hung around with somebody else who hung around with somebody else who hung around with somebody else… And often, you’ve developed an attitude, an attitude about money.

There’s a pervasive attitude about money, that says, rich people somehow are inappropriate. “They’ve done something wrong. How dare they succeed and point out to me my lesser success? Or even worse, how dare they succeed and take such a big piece of the pie so that the rest of us are left with crumbs, or maybe nothing?”

If you are not sure what your vibrational essence is, we understand because most physical friends have not been noticing the emotional correlation between thoughts that just feel normal. In other words, you trusted your mother, she gave you food, she gave you shelter; she seemed like the vortex through which a large amount of your Well-Being flowed. And so, she seemed like someone to listen to, and she was bigger than you, and she always thought she was right, especially in the beginning. (Fun) And so, you began to pattern your thoughts around the same kinds of thoughts that she was thinking—because things went better for you when you did that. (Fun) When you disagreed with her, it didn’t go as well. Then, when you went to school, there were others who wanted your agreement… And as you get out into the world, or into new relationships, there are others who want your agreement… And so, you find yourselves (bless your hearts) upside down and all around as you are trying to conform to the primary stream of thought, relative to subjects: You want to do what’s socially acceptable, for you do not want to be an outcast. And you want to do what’s politically correct, because you do not want to be an outcast. And you want to do what your family expects of you, because you don’t want to be disinherited, and you want to do what your religion says, because you don’t want to be disavowed or go to hell—which is far worse than any of the other things. (Fun)

Most of you have been using standards or measurements that are outside of you—and that have nothing to do with you—in order to try to formulate your thoughts or opinions or attitudes, or actions. And in the process, what has happened is, you have picked up an incredible hodgepodge of beliefs, some of which serve you—some of which do not. But, most of our human friends feel powerless in what comes to them because they’ve been practicing this vibration and practicing that vibration, and practicing that vibration, and picking up thoughts and beliefs based upon the evidence that the society produces around them. And so now, you find yourselves often with a whole bagful of beliefs that are not serving you.

This is the greatest message. This will free you from vibrational resistance, as you hear it, and internalize it, and then practice it: The thing that is most hindering: You look at what people are living and you gather your evidence or statistics, and then you claim it as true.

You say, “It must be true. They warned me about that, and sure enough, it happened.” And what we are wanting so much for you to hear, is: What anyone is living—your culture, your environment, your society, your city, your family, your person—what anybody is living, the truth, or the evidence that you are producing is only the truth that manifests in response to the habit of vibration that you offer.

So, when you look out into your society and you see something, wanted or unwanted, and you proclaim it as true—which is the reason that you give that others should think about it, write about it, talk about it, understand, and accept it as truth—do you feel how screwy that is? That’s like saying, “There’s something out there that I do not want, but because somebody else created it in their experience and it became their truth, now I must beat the drum of it, and make it my truth, too.” And we say, fortunately there are a variety of truths for you to pick from.

Fortunately, you are the creator of your own truth. No one can write a book; no one can start a movement; no one can organize a religion; no one can say, “These are the things that are important for you to do, and these are the things that you must not do,” because no one knows the mix of intentions and the mix of beliefs that you hold. You get to choose all of it.

So, some worry, “Oh, I liked it better when I thought there was a religion,” or, “I liked it better when I listened to my mother… I like it better when there’s someone that I think is wise that sets the course and then I just copy them.” And we say, that’s fine. It’s fine to copy someone who is thriving successfully, but when they croak of cancer, you say, “Hmm, maybe I would like a different role model now.” And we say, what you’re wanting to do is use the Guidance that is within you.

Jerry and Esther have a navigational system, (it’s really marvelous) in their vehicles. It (Magellan) calculates the distance and gives directions between where they are and where they want to go. The satellites in the sky and the antenna on the roof identify where they are, and then they just program the address where they want to go, and Magellan says, “Go this way; go this way. Take the next exit. When it is possible, make a legal u-turn.” Magellan never says to them, “Where have you been?” because it is utterly irrelevant. It would only complicate things if they factored all of that in. Magellan never says, “How long have you been here?” (Fun) Magellan never refuses to give information about where they will go now because they didn’t listen last time. (Fun)

Sometimes, they will program a route and then they will get another idea. And before they can reprogram Magellan, she kicks up quite a squawk. She keeps insisting, “Please, return to the highlighted route! Please, return to the highlighted route!” And Jerry will say, “No, we’re not going to do that. Leave us alone!” And then he will say to Esther, “Shut that broad up!” (Fun) But Magellan is insistent because she has been given (we call it a girl because it is a lovely woman’s voice; the man’s voice was too bossy, [Fun] they turned it off)… She has one mission only: To give directions between where you are and where you want to be. And she’s relentless about it. (Fun) Never stops letting them know. “You’re going in the wrong direction; make a u-turn.”

Your Guidance System is the same way, because all of the days of your physical focus, and long before you got here, your intentions were set into motion. And every day that you live and experience contrast-variety, you make new determinations about what you want. And you are emitting them constantly—constant amendments to your desire going out to the ethers—and Source Energy is receiving every one of them, and then, giving you a signal constantly, that you translate, in the form of emotion, that lets you know whether you are on your way to where you’ve been saying you want to go, or whether you are not.

You can tell by the way you feel if you are in alignment. When you feel eagerness, you’re on your path. When you feel enthusiasm, you’re on your path. When you feel anger, you’re off your path. When you feel frustration, you’re off your path. When you feel despair; when you feel depression, you’re really off your path.

So, we call these teachings the Art of Allowing. And what that means is, deliberately choosing thoughts that cause me to offer a vibration that causes me to allow myself to receive the things that I’ve been asking for.

So, creation really is more about loving yourself; it’s more about feeling your worthiness; it’s more about appreciating a friend; it’s more about enjoying the sunset; it’s more about enjoying the beautiful flowers. It’s more about finding reasons to relax into Well-Being, rather than gather up your strength and valiantly go forth to achieve your tasks, and serve your cause… because your “cause” is, to be the receiver and radiator of the love and Well-Being that is You.

You are an extension of Source Energy. You are one who loves, and you are one who loves to think, and you are one who loves to create, and you are one who loves to contemplate. You’re one who enjoys stimulation of thought. You’re one who enjoys choosing; you enjoy considering; you enjoy pondering; you enjoy fashioning. You enjoy putting things together. You enjoy figuring things out. You enjoy knowing. You enjoy not being sure and then becoming more sure. You enjoy the evolution of a thought. You enjoy the expansion of an idea. You enjoy the expansion of life experience. You enjoy the pleasure of being this genius focused in the most creative environment that has ever existed, for the fulfillment of things that satisfy you.

You are liquid love in physical bodies, wanting, more than life itself, because it is life itself, to adore the vessel that’s you through which this Source Energy flows. You are God. You are Source. You are creator.

You always feel good from your Source Energy perspective.

You don’t feel regret; you don’t feel doubt; you don’t feel worry; you don’t feel shame; you don’t feel guilt; you don’t feel anger; you don’t feel hate… You feel joy; you feel appreciation; you feel worthiness; you feel eagerness; you feel passion.

You feel like the little kids feel—watch them: they’re sure; they’re arrogant; they’re not afraid. You say, “They’re not smart enough to be afraid.” We say, they are still smart—and not afraid. You say, “But they don’t know enough to worry.” And we say, they know everything—and they do not worry. The children are still more vibrationally imbued with that feeling of passion and joy—and that is what this work is about. It’s to assist you in returning to the natural state of Well-being—the natural state of being that is really You.

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Finding Love - Finding Joy

Finding Love, Finding Joy
(In April 2005 this article is on the Updates page on Klaus Joehle site)

The true source of experiencing enormous love and joy lies in one act. Discovering and following what excites us the most. Following our excitement each moment each day, all day. Unfortunately for many of us we spend much of our days following and doing what we have come to believe we need to do, rather than following what truly excites us and so would also bring us the joy and love we desire.

Can we truly expect to experience enormous joy, happiness and love in our lives if the first concern we have in the morning upon wakening is to be on time to the job that does not bring us joy and excitement? If 70 percent of our days are filled with activities that do not bring us joy, excitement and love then can the remaining 30% compensate for that? If such the large parts of our days are filled with activities that do not bring us enormous joy, excitement and love all the seminars, books, meditation and affirmations are not going to help. The more time we spend doing things that do not truly bring us joy and excitement, the more money we spend trying to compensate for our growing unhappiness. Unfortunately this ends up bringing us more debt and the end result ties us even more into working at what we dislike. This becomes the self-defeating circle.

Doing the things that excite us is what brings us joy and is the only way that we will ever experience ourselves overflowing with joy, love and excitement. Following our excitement is not one large step like quitting our jobs and spending our days sitting under a palm tree. That is escaping not following our excitement. Following our excitement and thereby creating enormous joy in our lives consists of many small steps each one leading to another. Following our excitement creates a chain reaction that will eventually support us financially. There is a big difference between following the things that truly excite us and doing things that we do to escape the time we spend doing things that do not bring us joy. The trick is to find in each moment the things that would bring us the most excitement and then do whatever we can too follow that excitement even in the smallest way , this causes a chain reaction.

Make Peace With Where You Are

Make Peace with Where You Are

From the Quarterly Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 2005 (pdf)
From the recording G-1-29-05  Buy Recording
Also in GASP05 (ten tapes)  Buy Album
San Antonio, TX

Are you knowing what you are wanting? An evolving thing? Are you enjoying the expansion of your desire? And are you noticing that it is expanding?

As you begin to recognize that you get to decide all of it, and as you begin to appreciate the contrast that makes deciding or concluding, or preferring, more obvious, then you begin to sincerely enjoy the contrast.

We always begin by asking: Those manifestations that have not yet come about are still pleasing to you, yes? And some lie and say yes, others say no, but we want you to come to the place where you say yes and really mean it. "Yes, there are things that I want that have not come into manifestation yet. There are things I want that I can’t even see any way of them happening—but they are still refreshing and delightful to me. I still feel anticipation. I still feel encouraged. They still feel fresh and good to me." And we want that for you.

We want your unfulfilled desires to feel good to you, because, well, there are two reasons: If you cannot make peace with where you are, then the unfulfilled desires are very slow in becoming fulfilled because that angst you feel about things not yet happening, is an indication of a vibration that’s literally holding it apart, from you.

So, when you’re sick and you want to be well, and you’ve been sick for a long time and it doesn’t seem like you’re getting better, or when you have one of those diagnoses that says you’re probably not going to get better, and so, instead of feeling hopeful, you feel fearful— improvement is very hard to come. In fact, it cannot come under those conditions.

The vibrational difference between feeling hopeful and feeling fearful is the difference between getting well and not getting well. It’s the difference between holding this condition on and on and on, or letting it go.

So, in the same way, we say, your current financial affairs could be not good. You could have more bills than you have income. You could have people hounding you on the telephone or beating on your door every day… And we say, so that’s what-is; that’s the action journey that you are upon. But you could have that financial condition percolating along and you could feel hopeful, or, you could have that condition percolating along and you could feel fearful. And the difference between fearful and hopeful is the difference between things improving for you.

This is a Vibrational Universe and you are Vibrational Beings. You don’t set your radio dial on 630 AM and expect to hear what’s being broadcast on 98.6 FM. You understand you’ve got to line those frequencies up, and so you do. You don’t stubbornly set it on the station that you don’t want to hear and then demand that the laws of physics change so that you can hear it anyway, without you doing anything about it… You can’t be beating the drum of things gone wrong—and offering a vibration about things going wrong—and be in the vibrational place of receiving what you are wanting.

Make peace with wherever you stand. And here’s the most important part: When you feel despair, or anything that doesn’t feel good, and you reach for a thought that feels better, what comes right along with that is a conscious awareness that you do have some control of your experience. And friends, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of that conscious awareness that you can do something about the way you feel.

When you choose a thought that feels better than the thought that you were choosing before, and you consciously acknowledge that you had the power to choose it, and that you did choose it, and that it did change your vibrational frequency— now, there’s no place you cannot go. Now, that cloud of despair, that cloud of not being able to control your own experience goes away.

There is not anything that any of you want—whether it’s a material object, a state of being, a relationship, a circumstance or event… there’s nothing that you have ever wanted or anybody you’ve ever known has ever wanted—that is for any other reason than you think you will feel better in the having of it… And when you show yourself that you can feel better just because you’ve decided that you want to feel better, and that you have the power to choose a thought that feels better, now, you’re on your way. And there’s nowhere that you cannot go along this Emotional Scale. And when you make it up there into the consistent range of feeling pretty darn wonderful, then wonderful things become the basis of your experience.

Sometimes well-meaning people will encourage you to get happy faster than you can. And the reason that we say that is because, as we said earlier, you cannot put your radio dial on 630 AM and hear what’s being broadcast on 98.6 FM; the frequencies have to match up. And if you are in despair, or fear, or anger, you can’t jump all the way into bliss; you can’t even get a whiff of bliss. It’s a different vibrational frequency.

So, what we have noticed as we’ve been watching you, we notice that when you try to jump from anger or despair all the way to bliss, you don’t make the jump; you can’t possibly do it. And it’s not because you’re not good; it’s because Law of Attraction is not going to give you access to thoughts or memories or experiences, or other people, that’s very far from where you are offering your vibration.

It is so important that you decide today (well, you can decide tomorrow; you can decide any time you want to, but it will be important to you when you make this decision) that you’re not going to try to jump frequencies… It doesn’t matter where you are; you can move gradually into increasingly better places.

The thing that is so important is that you, now, once and for all, make a decision that the relativity you’re going to be aware of is only going to be the relationship between how I am feeling, and how I want to feel. In other words, My dominant intent is to find the best-feeling thoughts that I can find from where I am. Not the best-feeling thought I’ve ever thought, or not the best-feeling thought that anybody has ever thought, but just the best-feeling thought that I have access to, right now.

Decide, really soon, that you are not going to compare your emotional state with anybody else’s, because their emotional state is only about their emotional state; it doesn’t have anything to do with you. Your friend that says, "Cheer up; be happy; come with me," say to your friend, "I was depressed yesterday, and today I’m really, really angry. And it’s the best I can do. So, don’t ask me to jump up there in your bright, fluffy, sunshine, lollipop and roses vibration; it’s not possible. It’s a quantum leap I cannot make. Go away, unless you like to be around an angry person."

Decide that you’re going to be aware of how you feel, and that how you feel really matters, and feel exhilaration when your vibration shifts. When you move from despair or fear into anger, we want you to have a triumphant feeling of celebration because that was enormous, important movement, vibrationally, and because once you get angry, you can move rather quickly into frustration, and when you find that fresh breath of air that frustration gives you, we want you to stop and celebrate your achievement—but you’re not going to be able to do that if you are trying to compare yourself with where others are….

Your creativity, has only to do with your relationship with the Source Energy that creates worlds. And your emotions tell you everything you need to know about that relationship. So, it doesn’t matter how happy somebody else is; it only matters how happy you are.

Do you know how, in the classroom, they’ll give you an A for this behavior, and a B for this behavior, or an E, or an F for that behavior. And so, you begin to think that somebody up there in joy and appreciation should get the A, and somebody down here in depression should get the E or the F. And what we want to say to you is, when you move from depression or fear into anger, give yourself an A, because that movement means everything.

What it means is, you’ve shifted enough vibrationally that you now have access to a whole other range of thoughts and experiences. And, of course, you do not want to get stuck there in anger, but from anger you have a prayer of reaching frustration, where you can’t usually find yourself in the fresh breath of air that frustration is from despair or from fear; it’s too much of a vibrational jump.

If you’ll look back into your experience, you will begin to notice (and we don’t want you to look back too much, but just begin to viscerally feel around) that emotions are always coming in response to what you are giving your attention to. And with far less effort than it takes to learn QuickBooks on your computer, you’re going to discover that you can be in control of the way you feel, which means, you now have mastered the Art of Allowing. That means, no matter what’s going on around you, you have discovered a way to feel good and remain in Connection, and when you’ve discovered that—then Well-Being must follow you everywhere you go.

Esther talked to a friend who’s a magnificent counselor, (using many of the techniques that Abraham has offered over the years with her clients) and she says, "I tell my clients, ‘find the eye of your hurricane and stay there.’" And Esther said, "I sort of like that. When you think about all the things that are going on in the world that could be upsetting to you, but there is this calm here where I am. In other words, I don’t have to change the world; the world doesn’t have to change for me." Do you know that is truly what the meaning of unconditional love is?

Most people, when they see conditions that make them feel bad—they just feel bad. And when they see something that makes them feel good—they just feel good. And then they conclude, "We’ve got to control the conditions." And so, they make laws, and they get all kinds of patrollers, and they get all kinds of people that then try to enforce the laws because they believe that if they could just control these conditions, then they would never have to look at anything that upsets them again. But then you discover that the tsunami will come, and that there aren’t laws or rules, or armies, that can stop that. Or the hurricane will come, or the earthquake will come… In other words, there’s always going to be something that is going to challenge your idea that you can control circumstances.

You cannot control circumstances. You never intended to control circumstances. You intended to discover unconditional love. You intended to discover a way to feel good, no matter what, because you have the facility; you have the power; you have the ability to focus. You have the ability to choose where you focus, therefore, you have the ability to offer vibration deliberately, therefore, you have the ability to choose the way you feel. But it takes some practice.

As you practice, every day, something will happen and you will feel it viscerally in your body. Somebody says something or does something, or you see something on television, and then you’ve got to stop, right then, and you have to say, Nothing is more important than that I feel good. And, right now, I’m going to do my best to find the best-feeling thought that I can find.

Now, sometimes, you can change the subject. It’s easy to change the subject. Or, you could meditate; just quiet your mind; put your brain on pause; that makes you feel better immediately, too. But if there are circumstances that are hammering you, things that come up often: somebody in your experience that is there every day, or often, if there’s something happening in your experience that you consistently feel bad about, then you’ve got some work to do on this Emotional Scale.

Once you show yourself that that person, or that circumstance, does not have to change for you to move from fearful up to hopeful, or from despair up to anger to frustration… once you show yourself that nothing has to change, in terms of the action journey, for you to have real movement in the emotional journey, once you show yourself that, then watch what happens to your action journey. Once you shift; once you beat that drum; once it settles in; once you find the groove of that, once you are there, once you’ve shifted that belief, once you’ve modified that vibration (far less effort than you think), everything will begin to shift in your experience.

So, contrast causes you to offer rockets of desire. The desire is nowhere near where you’re vibrating. So, you’ve given birth to an idea of something you want that you are not a vibrational match to it. So, you do your best to find thoughts that feel closer and closer and closer to it. And when you begin to feel the elation that you will feel when that manifests, even before it manifests, now, it must manifest, and it must manifest fast.

That’s why we asked you that all-important question as we began. Do those unfulfilled desires please you?

And some of you lie and say yes, some of you say no. But we want you to work on getting to the place where you say, "Yes, I love this unfulfilled desire! I love knowing that there’s something in the offing for me. I love knowing that it’s out there percolating, and I love doing my work, which is, gradually, gently, consistently bringing myself into vibrational alignment with it."

When it feels like the next logical step—then it comes right in. So your work, as you stand in the absence of something wanted, is to pretend it, to imagine it, to become so familiar with the essence of what it would feel like when it comes, that even though it hasn’t come, you still feel good. (You get this?) Even though my lover hasn’t come yet, I’m excited about the idea of my lover coming. I’m anticipating. I feel excited about it. But if I’m depressed, if I’m discouraged, if "all the good ones are taken," then, it’s not the next logical step.

We think you heard that. Our work here is done.

Make Peace with Where You Are