Friday, October 13, 2006

Your Magical Creation Box

Your Magical Creation Box?

From the Quarterly Journal Jul/Aug/Sep 1996 (pdf)
From the recording G-12-9-95
Also in GAW95
Maui, HI
If you’re wondering what you are vibrating, observe your life. It’s a perfect match. What you are living is what you are vibrating, without exception.

So, if you’ve got something that you don’t want, you must identify what it is within your vibration that is giving it to you—and the thing that we most want you to hear is that what that is, every time, or nearly so, is that your power of observation is simply stronger than your power of visualization. Or, better stated, your habit of observation is more present than your habit of visualization. The Law of Attraction is powerful, friends, and whatever you are vibrating, the Universe will match.

Some of you have been listening to us for a while, and you listen to our never-ending Stream of Processes. We always have another great idea for you to apply, and the reason we are always offering Processes is because we are wanting to assist you in finding ways that cause you to vibrate more in harmony with your own desire. That’s all. All you have to do is get into vibrational harmony with your desire, and your desire must be given to you—and the Universe will find endless ways of bringing it to you.

All you have to do is get into vibrational harmony with your desire,
and your desire must be given to you --
and the Universe will find endless ways of bringing it to you.

Imagine that you are sitting in a chair, and next to your chair is a fairly good sized box and you accept that this box is your creative arena. It’s your point of attraction. Now, you are like a giant sitting here in this chair, and you have the ability to reach out anywhere in the Universe and anything that you see that you like, you can just pluck it and bring it back to your box—and as you do so, it will vibrate there, and then the Universe will match it with a physical vibrational equivalent.

In the beginning, Esther played this game mentally only—just imagining—and then it became so much fun, she actually got a box and started tearing things out of magazines and dropping them in. Doodlings. Esther does not draw very well, but she is an effective doodler. She would doodle on little note cards and drop them in or put snapshots in. And what she began to notice, right from the first day, is that whatever was in the box, the Universe began to respond to.

We want to give you a new game—we call it the Creation Box Process—it will serve you in two very powerful ways. One, it causes you to be a better visualizer. It causes you to use your power of observation more constructively and be a better visualizer. The other thing that it does for you is that it helps you to be aware of how many things you’re bringing to your box that you really don’t mean to bring there.

A few weeks ago, as Jerry and Esther were leaving New York, Esther was mentally playing with her Box, as they were packing, the night before their flight, and Esther was imagining a bright beautiful sky so that when they lifted from LaGuardia Airport she could see the Statute of Liberty and the Empire State Building and all the landmarks she loves to see from the air. She imagined the playful happy mate sitting next to her and a delicious meal served to them in the first-class cabin. She imagined happy flight attendants and a smooth and comfortable flight. And then Esther thought, “I hope that United Nations meeting that is coming to an end today does not have the security so increased at the airport that it makes it hard for us to get around and makes us late for our flight or makes our flight late for us.” And then Esther laughed and said, “Now that’s a silly thing for me to bring to my Box,” because she is beginning to recognize that whatever she focuses upon, she vibrates.

As you begin to play in your Box,
you will be knocked over by the speed and efficiency
with which the Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box.

Now, what we want you to hear about this box, or about your point of attraction—we would like you to think of them as the same thing—what this process will do for you—this Creation Box Process—is that it causes you to purify your vibration. Now, what do we mean by “purify your vibration?” Well think about it. Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration. So if you’re thinking, “I would like to have lots of dollars,” you are vibrating in that desire, and the Universe is responding to that desire. But when you say, “I don’t have any dollars,” that’s in the Box, too. So your vibration in the Box is not pure. You’re offering contradictory vibration, and Law of Attraction, which always responds to everything, is responding to both of those vibrations. It is responding to more money and to no money, and that leaves you standing pretty much where you were. Start purifying your vibration so that you are consistently visualizing… Now, friends, the thing that you’ve got to do even though it’s very hard and you don’t want to, you’ve got to stop facing reality. In other words, you have to begin to say, “It doesn’t matter what-is, I’m working in my Box.” Have you ever awakened from a dream that was so magnificent that when you woke up you were disappointed to be awake and you wanted to go back to sleep and dream that dream some more? That’s the way we want you to feel about this Creation Box. A place you go for fun, a place that soothes you, a place that you go often, a place that you go with the singular intent of purifying your vibration. As you begin to play in your Box, you will be knocked over by the speed and efficiency with which the Universe responds to your purer vibration in the Box.

One of the first things Esther actually put in her Box… She was looking through a magazine and she found a picture of a beautiful oriental rug—magnificent color and design. So Esther tore it out of the magazine and dropped it in her Creation Box. About three days later, a postcard came in the mail from a furniture store in San Antonio announcing the opening of a rug gallery in their store, and they had a picture of an oriental rug on the postcard. The identical rug Esther had torn out of the magazine a few days earlier. She could have not been much more excited if she had come home and found the rug on her floor, because it was evidence to her that the Universe is responding to this vibration. One day, she was sitting at her desk, opening some mail, and there was a solicitation from the Spurs Foundation—Spurs is the basketball team in San Antonio. Jerry and Esther do not attend sporting events and probably will never go to a Spurs game, but as Esther was holding this advertisement for tickets, she was fantasizing for about fifteen seconds, “Wouldn’t it be fun to get some tickets for Tracy and her boyfriend.” They go often to the Spurs’ games. And Esther imagined their delight at receiving the tickets, and then Esther thought, “Well, I’m not really ready to order these tickets because I don’t know when David works,” but she dropped the brochure in her Creation Box just the same. Two hours later, Jerry and Esther were in the grocery store in San Antonio, and as they were in the check-out line, a woman who Esther has not seen before turned to her and said, “You know, I have two extra tickets for tonight’s Spurs’ game. If you know of anyone who would like them, I would be happy to given them to you.” Esther nearly fell over. The speed with which this manifestation occurred… She took them joyously.

Your vibration doesn’t have to be strong, it just has to be pure.
You don’t have to think about something over and over again.
You just have to think about it purely.
You just have to not contradict it with your own vibration.

Now, the reason that the Universe delivered a nearly instant manifestation on these Spurs tickets is because Esther’s vibration is pure about Spurs tickets. She has never before thought about Spurs tickets. She didn’t wake up thinking, “Where will I get Spurs tickets?” She didn’t go to bed at night thinking, “Not enough Spurs tickets. Not enough Spurs tickets.” When she was a little girl, her mother didn’t say, “There will never be enough Spurs tickets. You have to accept your lot in life as Spur ticketless.” None of that. Her vibration was pure, since this was the first time she ever thought about it. And since she thought about it in the context of the vibration, Creation Box, which had already been working for her, her vibration was pure.

Oh, then on and on it goes. One night Esther was sitting tearing pictures out of magazines and dropping them in her Box. One of these pictures was a picture of a wall, with many pictures on the wall and what that represented to Esther was the wanting to gather some nice pieces for the walls of their new house. They don’t have many walls—mostly windows. And she couldn’t really see what the pictures were. It just represented the desire to attract more of that. Another thing in that same sitting, she tore a cover off of a jewelry magazine, representing her desire to attract some nice neck pieces. And she dropped them in the Box. About three days later, they went to Albuquerque, and two people came with gifts. One brought a magnificent print of a tempura painting that she had done, and when Esther saw it, she squealed with delight. She said, “If I had seen this in a gallery, I certainly would have purchased it.” Another brought a silver necklace from Santa Fe with a piece of turquoise in it. Esther said, “This Box is dangerous.” A few days later in the mail came another magnificent metal sculpture for the wall. When you are in vibrational harmony with your own desire, the Universe will find endless ways of cooperative, joyous beings to co-create with you in your creating.

Whatever you are focused upon, be it real or imagined, whatever you are focused upon causes you to vibrate—and that vibration is what the Universe accepts as your point of attraction. So if you are predominantly observing what-is and therefore having a vibrational response, that is your point of attraction and the Universe cannot deliver to you anything but that. The Universe does not know or care why you are vibrating as you are vibrating. It only responds to your vibration.

Work on achieving vibrational harmony with your desires, because when you are in vibrational harmony with your desires, the Universe will deliver to you that which you are wanting.

We want so much for you to come to recognize that you are deliberate creators and that as deliberate creators, your work is to use the power of observation and visualization, to use the magnificent contrast, to catapult you into stronger, clearer, purer vision. And when you are envisioning purely, the Universe magnificently manifests to you. No more justification. No more proving worthiness. Just simple, pure vibration and the Universe answering your every desire and you living happily ever after. Good.

*Do you remember the man in "The Secret", who kelp a "creation board"...had a picture of a home on it, moved several times, forgotten about it, and when he ran across it 5 years later, realized he was living in this same house in the cutout?

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