Escape into Hyperspace -->
Date: Oct 17, 2006 6:23 PM
This time brings together the dark to contrast the light as the brightness of the day is supreme. You are asked to include only that in your thoughts and experiences that are positive, uplifting and benefits the inner child in you.
From this day forth the call of the Dark Masters is to be ignored. Those that propagate the fear, distrust, deceptions and illusions to power are those that are part of the agenda of fear. You have the choice to walk away from this disruptive push against the wave of loving creative energy.
Choose to be psychologically attracted to positive outcomes, healing, service, creation of a world of peace and prosperity. Pushing against the negative cartel in any form is a negative application of your creative energy and includes it in the reality you are experiencing.
The Teachers of Light are wise to know to only speak the good, to harmonize with the higher Divine Mind and produce desire that fulfills the wanting of the Heart for the expression of love.
Your Guides are there to bring forth your desires on every level and you may choose which ever level you wish. The flow of the current is stronger and moving towards higher evolution so your choices are manifesting more quickly. The nature of the universe is inclusion and this is an important and deep understanding. If you are in denial of a negative expression and spending emotion and mental energy focused upon it with your mind and heart you are keeping it in vibration. You mind is like a drum stick beating a rhythm of what is possible. Your mind and heart focus your attention to thoughts that becomes forms which become manifestations. Collectively humanity is sending forth creation in a manner which corresponds to their focus, their desire and their application of each thought moment after moment.
In each passing time space moment the matter that is induced into creation is brought forth to be the replica of the desires that inspired it. Those that are in fear of becoming weaker or powerless are connecting the opposite pole of those who are seeking control through gaining more power.
Inside the closed sphere of third dimensional reality the vision is refracted back that there are no other possibilities than power versus weakness. There is the diffraction and reflection of the opposite polarized to create duality and contradictory beliefs.
Your being is more than you are aware as the rising of the amplitude of your vibration will cause you to rise above the plane of duality and move into the oneness of more possibilities and additional harmonics.
Once you gain a sense of altitude vision will increase and the higher vibratory spectrum will give credence to thoughts of altruism, idealism and universal appreciation for all of the variety that is brought through the lower emotional and physical dimensions.
From the Teachers of Light to the Wayshowers you are brought into alignment with the stream of energy of the Teachers of Truth. The messages being brought into your consciousness are to be aligned to the highest principles of creation so that your desires are in the fastest moving streams of energy.
Time and space are matter in the sense that they are connected trough the relativity of energy. When discussing higher physics it is apt to become technical and obtuse as your left brained ruled society has an objective to competitively deal with any sort of questions with an influx of data and theoretical deductive analysis rather than synthetic insight and understanding.
The world is growing in both population and intelligence as the networks between minds are connecting. This can be seen through the linkage of the electronics between all cultures and societies in the world. With the increase in connectivity and communication the ability to relate to those previously separated is diminishing as the frequency increases.
Higher frequency beings are being born into physical incarnation for the designed purpose to break the systems. They are part of the second wave who are fully telepathic with remembrance of their soul’s purpose. Through the process of awakening they are choosing to move into position of authority quickly and are feeling the impulse of the energy streams which have initiated the download of the new programs into their awareness.
These children are only such as they appear physically for all is known and seen beyond time and space that they are great souls who have come to be part of the great enlightenment of the planet. Those who are gaining a higher telepathic sense are their to steward the arriving Wayshowers. Seek them out and use your mind to see which ones you harmonize with and speak out quietly to the promise of their life and future.
As the Teachers of Light have found you in what seems to be the most unlikely of places there is that which is serendipitous in your connective awareness where you are brought into coincidence. Look into the eyes of the new souls who are here to teach you to awaken to your gifts of greater conscious awareness and freedom.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wisdom Of A Child
The wisdom of a child is very simple and easy to follow.
Children have no fear in their hearts, their minds are Clear.
They go through the day with curiosity, doing difficult things like building sand castles,
watching the squirrels chasing each other in the trees, laughing and
singing and walking with their friends.
Children do not care if their friends are different then them, weather it be color,
religion, dress, height, weight or how they talk, because they are not born with these prejudices.
All they know is that they like being around their friends and when they
look into their friends eyes, they see themselves.
A child will share what they have with out looking for something in return.
When they get hurt playing, they do not seek revenge or build hatred.
All they need is a kiss & hug from Mom or Dad, then off they go again.
And if one of their friends gets hurt, they cry right along with them.
Children do not get up in the morning wondering what terrible things may happen.
They open their eyes with a naïve heart, searching for the wondrous things they can do today.
All the bad things that invades a child's spirit are the things we put there. Children do not have a hard heart.
All they give is love while all they ask for is love.
Their wisdom is simple ------"LOVE" What a great world we would have if all had the wisdom of child.
© StrongBearRedHeart 1999
The wisdom of a child is very simple and easy to follow.
Children have no fear in their hearts, their minds are Clear.
They go through the day with curiosity, doing difficult things like building sand castles,
watching the squirrels chasing each other in the trees, laughing and
singing and walking with their friends.
Children do not care if their friends are different then them, weather it be color,
religion, dress, height, weight or how they talk, because they are not born with these prejudices.
All they know is that they like being around their friends and when they
look into their friends eyes, they see themselves.
A child will share what they have with out looking for something in return.
When they get hurt playing, they do not seek revenge or build hatred.
All they need is a kiss & hug from Mom or Dad, then off they go again.
And if one of their friends gets hurt, they cry right along with them.
Children do not get up in the morning wondering what terrible things may happen.
They open their eyes with a naïve heart, searching for the wondrous things they can do today.
All the bad things that invades a child's spirit are the things we put there. Children do not have a hard heart.
All they give is love while all they ask for is love.
Their wisdom is simple ------"LOVE" What a great world we would have if all had the wisdom of child.
© StrongBearRedHeart 1999
About Gratitude
About Gratitude
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and
more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It
can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision
for tomorrow.
~Melody Beattie
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and
more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It
can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision
for tomorrow.
~Melody Beattie
Dealing With Conflicts In Relationships
Date: Oct 17, 2006 2:44 PM
Your happiness does not depend on another person. This is part of the lesson that is learned right now. It is a tricky lesson because it does not mean you need to be stoic or detached in a way that denies your emotions. There is something called true detachment. That means you are centered in spirit. You are true to yourself, your true self. You do not get thrown around by the whirlpool of emotions. You see others with compassion but you do not get dragged into an emotional roller coaster. You stay clear. You stay centered. You breathe. You feel the joy of your being even if you are sad or moved by anothers problems.
Then there is false detachment. You are proud. You feel above others and you look down on their petty problems. You cannot be bothered. You get angry when approached and you suppress your true emotions. You act stoic, detached but in truth you are just covering up. You are covering up your own sense of vulnerability and insecurity. Another form of false detachment is the, "Im fine," defense. "All this happened but Im fine. Im tough. No, this does not bother me. Im above anger, sadness, jealousy or frustration. I am calm, serene." In both cases emotions will be boiling underneath. You will project them onto your body by creating stomach aches or breathing problems or you will project them onto others. "So and so is angry," or "so and so does not love me."
False detachment is not loving, not to yourself and not to others. So what do you do? You write down what you feel. You become honest with yourself. You feel your feelings. Then you dont have to project them onto others. You can relax, let go, breathe. Sometimes angry people who appear in your life can remind you of some anger that is within. Maybe it is something old that you have not looked at for many years. Sometimes there just happen to be angry people in your life and you need to figure out how to deal with them.
So how do you resolve conflicts? Sometimes you can and sometimes you cannot. This is one of the secrets of finding peace in life. Sometimes you cannot resolve a conflict with another. Your sister Maggie might stay angry at you for the rest of your life no matter how many olive branches you hold out. Or maybe her personality and yours do not fit so the best you can do is agree to disagree. Some people are very emotional, others very detached. That often creates conflict. But if you are at the first stages of resolving conflict start with getting clear on what you want. What do you want from this person? What are you not willing to give? Is there a compromise or do you feel put upon? Investigate. Ask yourself questions. Write it down. Become clear what is going on for you. Is there an old pattern repeating itself that has nothing to do with the other person? Is there some old anger coming up? Clearing possibly?
Next tell the person what you want and how you see the situation. Then ask him or her how he or she sees the situation. Have a neutral talk. Dont get into solutions yet. Have a talk. Be open to suggestions, to different ways of looking at things.
Then intend Highest Good for both of you. You are now in a process. The conflict will be resolved or the relationship will end or maybe continue in a more stressful way. Sometimes there are practical reasons why a relationship continues even though it is difficult. Financial reasons, children or a neighbor that does not go away. You need to deal with this. Relax. Breathe. Be honest and go deep within to draw on your inner resources. Sometimes you have no idea how things will unfold. All you can do is center, relax, breathe and intend Highest Good. Keep saying, "I intend Highest Good between me and Martha" or whatever the persons name is. Whenever you think of Martha see the words Highest Good. Keep intending that the Highest probable solution will be found. You dont know what that is. It could be more conflict. It could be a resolution. It could be the dissolution of the relationship. If you hold onto what you think the solution should be you create pain for yourself. "We should be friends," you might think. Well, you have no control over that. None.
"I will be okay either way whether the relationship continues or stops." That is a good thing to tell yourself because it is true. Now you might cry or have a tantrum if things dont go the way you want but eventually you will be okay. You can decide to be okay. "I will be okay." Tell yourself that often. It is a truth. Even if you fall off a cliff tomorrow and die you will be okay. Your guides will be there, old friends from the other side will come. It will be okay.
As you detach from the relationship you can be more effective in bringing in clarity. If you are too afraid to say the truth the relationship will die at some point. It might continue but it will feel dead. Truth is the spark that gives a relationship life. If it gets buried the relationship will become dead. It might continue as a twenty year marriage where you dont talk to each other but energetically it will be dead.
Detachment does not mean you are harsh or uncaring or let your anger run wild. It means if you feel led by your Higher Self to say something that is true for you, you do it even if the other person might become angry or leave. You will be okay.
Questioner: So I have no control over my relationships?
Saint Francis: No, but you have control over yourself. You can be centered or as centered as possible. You can keep your energy clear or as clear as possible. You can practice the tools we give in our book Energetic Empowerment or other tools such as mantra meditations and breathing exercises for example. You can use intent to add light to the situation. But you cannot control it.
Questioner: So I have no control?
Saint Francis: Over the other person? No.
Questioner: But I can ask for what I want?
Saint Francis: Most certainly. And write down what you want. Get clear on that. Also look at why you want A, B or C from the person. Investigate if you would be fine without it. We can give you the answer: you would. But this whole process of inquiry is very important.
Questioner: Why is it important?
Saint Francis: Because you are learning about yourself. Through the relationship and the difficulties that are coming up in the relationship you are learning about yourself. But dont try to learn the other persons lesson. Stay away from that.
Questioner: How do you mean?
Saint Francis: Let us say a man rejects a woman because she is not thin enough in his mind. She feels fine with her weight. She is healthy and happy with it. When the man says, "I dont know why it is so hard for me to accept your body," then the womans best response is, "I dont know either." She recognizes that this is his problem and his lesson and a therapist would be more appropriate in helping him than her input.
Another example: a friend is jealous because you have a good career or a happy marriage. She has to resolve it. Your feeling bad about a successful career or a happy home is not the answer. Be compassionate but also separate. Center as much as possible. Breathe. Relax and enjoy your life. Our love is with all of you.
Saint Francis.
Copyright2006 Anina Davenport.
Date: Oct 17, 2006 2:44 PM
Then there is false detachment. You are proud. You feel above others and you look down on their petty problems. You cannot be bothered. You get angry when approached and you suppress your true emotions. You act stoic, detached but in truth you are just covering up. You are covering up your own sense of vulnerability and insecurity. Another form of false detachment is the, "Im fine," defense. "All this happened but Im fine. Im tough. No, this does not bother me. Im above anger, sadness, jealousy or frustration. I am calm, serene." In both cases emotions will be boiling underneath. You will project them onto your body by creating stomach aches or breathing problems or you will project them onto others. "So and so is angry," or "so and so does not love me."
False detachment is not loving, not to yourself and not to others. So what do you do? You write down what you feel. You become honest with yourself. You feel your feelings. Then you dont have to project them onto others. You can relax, let go, breathe. Sometimes angry people who appear in your life can remind you of some anger that is within. Maybe it is something old that you have not looked at for many years. Sometimes there just happen to be angry people in your life and you need to figure out how to deal with them.
So how do you resolve conflicts? Sometimes you can and sometimes you cannot. This is one of the secrets of finding peace in life. Sometimes you cannot resolve a conflict with another. Your sister Maggie might stay angry at you for the rest of your life no matter how many olive branches you hold out. Or maybe her personality and yours do not fit so the best you can do is agree to disagree. Some people are very emotional, others very detached. That often creates conflict. But if you are at the first stages of resolving conflict start with getting clear on what you want. What do you want from this person? What are you not willing to give? Is there a compromise or do you feel put upon? Investigate. Ask yourself questions. Write it down. Become clear what is going on for you. Is there an old pattern repeating itself that has nothing to do with the other person? Is there some old anger coming up? Clearing possibly?
Next tell the person what you want and how you see the situation. Then ask him or her how he or she sees the situation. Have a neutral talk. Dont get into solutions yet. Have a talk. Be open to suggestions, to different ways of looking at things.
Then intend Highest Good for both of you. You are now in a process. The conflict will be resolved or the relationship will end or maybe continue in a more stressful way. Sometimes there are practical reasons why a relationship continues even though it is difficult. Financial reasons, children or a neighbor that does not go away. You need to deal with this. Relax. Breathe. Be honest and go deep within to draw on your inner resources. Sometimes you have no idea how things will unfold. All you can do is center, relax, breathe and intend Highest Good. Keep saying, "I intend Highest Good between me and Martha" or whatever the persons name is. Whenever you think of Martha see the words Highest Good. Keep intending that the Highest probable solution will be found. You dont know what that is. It could be more conflict. It could be a resolution. It could be the dissolution of the relationship. If you hold onto what you think the solution should be you create pain for yourself. "We should be friends," you might think. Well, you have no control over that. None.
"I will be okay either way whether the relationship continues or stops." That is a good thing to tell yourself because it is true. Now you might cry or have a tantrum if things dont go the way you want but eventually you will be okay. You can decide to be okay. "I will be okay." Tell yourself that often. It is a truth. Even if you fall off a cliff tomorrow and die you will be okay. Your guides will be there, old friends from the other side will come. It will be okay.
As you detach from the relationship you can be more effective in bringing in clarity. If you are too afraid to say the truth the relationship will die at some point. It might continue but it will feel dead. Truth is the spark that gives a relationship life. If it gets buried the relationship will become dead. It might continue as a twenty year marriage where you dont talk to each other but energetically it will be dead.
Detachment does not mean you are harsh or uncaring or let your anger run wild. It means if you feel led by your Higher Self to say something that is true for you, you do it even if the other person might become angry or leave. You will be okay.
Questioner: So I have no control over my relationships?
Saint Francis: No, but you have control over yourself. You can be centered or as centered as possible. You can keep your energy clear or as clear as possible. You can practice the tools we give in our book Energetic Empowerment or other tools such as mantra meditations and breathing exercises for example. You can use intent to add light to the situation. But you cannot control it.
Questioner: So I have no control?
Saint Francis: Over the other person? No.
Questioner: But I can ask for what I want?
Saint Francis: Most certainly. And write down what you want. Get clear on that. Also look at why you want A, B or C from the person. Investigate if you would be fine without it. We can give you the answer: you would. But this whole process of inquiry is very important.
Questioner: Why is it important?
Saint Francis: Because you are learning about yourself. Through the relationship and the difficulties that are coming up in the relationship you are learning about yourself. But dont try to learn the other persons lesson. Stay away from that.
Questioner: How do you mean?
Saint Francis: Let us say a man rejects a woman because she is not thin enough in his mind. She feels fine with her weight. She is healthy and happy with it. When the man says, "I dont know why it is so hard for me to accept your body," then the womans best response is, "I dont know either." She recognizes that this is his problem and his lesson and a therapist would be more appropriate in helping him than her input.
Another example: a friend is jealous because you have a good career or a happy marriage. She has to resolve it. Your feeling bad about a successful career or a happy home is not the answer. Be compassionate but also separate. Center as much as possible. Breathe. Relax and enjoy your life. Our love is with all of you.
Saint Francis.
Copyright2006 Anina Davenport.
Recognize the Essence of Your Thoughts
Recognize the Essence of Your Thoughts
From the Quarterly Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 2004 (pdf)
From the recording G-2-21-04A
Also in GASP04
San Rafael, CA
Even if something that you really want has not yet manifested, do you feel joyful anyway?
Wanting is a good thing because when you get to the place that unfulfilled desire feels fresh like it did when you were two or three, or four, then you have returned to the vibrational stance that you have always intended.
From your broader, Non-physical perspective, you understand that there is no question about you being able to receive anything that you desire, because, from that vantage point, you understand the Laws of the Universe—you understand that when you ask, it is always given. And so, there is not a particle of discouragement or worry about things not yet manifested, because it is so clearly understood that all you have to do is focus and relax, and allow it to be.
In your physical format, you get caught up in a feeling of competition. You worry that someone else might get your prize, when, in reality, there is prize enough for everyone. You are the creator of your prize and the Universe will deliver it to you.
It is not possible that you could be deprived of something that you want because someone else achieves it—that could not possibly be. In fact, the Universe expands in direct proportion to the desires that you conjure here. The Source Energy Stream exists in its powerful, focused force because of your focusing of your desires.
There are three steps, simple steps, (really, laws are like that, aren’t they? Simple in theory and a little trickier in application) Step One is ask, and you can’t stop doing that; preference is born constantly out of your observing and remembering and focusing, and imagining. So, your asking is the byproduct of your living in this focused environment. Step Two is not your work; Source answers what you ask for. It answers the cells in your body. It answers spoken requests; Source an-swers unspoken requests: your vibrational signal, your preference, your desire…Step Three is what this essay is all about. Step Three is about you bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with your desire.
The reason that, often, physical friends are not in vibrational alignment with their desire is because they’re focused on something other than their desire. Now, think about it. Law of Attraction says, that which is like unto itself is drawn. So, if you want something and you’re focused on that something that you want, then you are offering a vibration about that something that you want, and you are fulfilling all three steps: You’re fulfilling the two that are your responsibility—and Source is fulfilling the other.
So, then you say, “Well, there must be something I’m missing, because I believe that there are things that I desire that have not come to me… I’ve got stuff in my life I don’t want, and there’s stuff missing that I do want. And I’m pretty sure that I’m thinking about what I want.” And we say: not possible. If you were thinking about what you want, in time you would develop such a vibrational habit around that, that it would have to be yours. In fact, you can be sure that whatever you are getting is what you’ve been thinking about.
But then you say, “Can’t be true. I have a disease I never thought about. Never even heard about it ‘til they assigned it to me. How could I have been thinking about this thing if I didn’t even know it exists?”
You develop patterns of thought which cause you to offer patterns of vibration, which equal what you are living. What manifests is always an accurate reflection of the thoughts that you’ve been thinking. And so, it is helpful if you think in terms of the vibrational essence of the thought that you are thinking.
You might not have assigned it a name, but if you are focused upon the absence of Well-Being in some area of your life, and you have held your attention upon that, enough that you’ve, sort of, beat the drum of it, meaning, you develop a vibrational cadence; it’s where your thoughts easily go; it’s where your conversations easily turn; it’s just the way you feel about this or about this, or about this...those practiced, conscious or unconscious, vibrations, then become your point of attraction. And what you’re getting matches that perfectly, every single time.
So, it’s really a wonderful thing when you realize that, because then you can start watching for evidence of your vibration. Now, there are two ways to watch for that evidence. You can wait ‘til something manifests, and then say, “Oh yeah, I recognize that.” Or, you can pay attention to the way you feel and say, “Oh yes, I can feel what’s coming.”
Your emotions are these fabulous indicators that let you know what your vibrational content is. And your emotions feel the way they do because of two important vibrational factors: The factor of desire, which is the summoning power. And the factor of allowing— which is the letting, or the not letting what you’ve summoned flow. If you really, really want something, you’re summoning Energy in a stronger way. If you’ve wanted it for quite awhile, you’re summoning it even more. If you think about it often, you’re summoning it specifically.
So, just like you can take a spectrum of light and focus it into a very powerful laser beam, you have desires that you have focused into very powerful beams. So, the more focused thoughts, are the thoughts where the Energy moves faster. And in that faster Energy, any contradiction shows up more. Just like if you’re driving your car 100 mph and you hit a tree, the tree is a bigger factor than if you were going 5 mph.
So, the two factors that your emotions are always letting you know are: how focused the Energy is by virtue of your desire, and how your normal thoughts around the subject resonate or don’t resonate with that desire. Easier way to say it is, “what’s my attitude or what’s my mood about such-and-such?
“When I think about my body, do I love it? Am I grateful? Does it annoy me? Does it embarrass me? Do I praise it? Do I condemn it? Do I adore it? Do I compliment it? Do I criticize it?” In other words, what kinds of things do you say about your body?
When you think about dollars, do you feel joyful? Does the subject of dollars make you feel free? Do you feel eager and enthusiastic about dollars? Do you feel afraid when you think about dollars? Are you angry about dollars? Are you embarrassed about dollars? Are you fitful about them; worried about them; eager about them, happy about them?
When you think about the greater economy, are you grateful for economy? Do you love it when someone thrives? Are you jealous when someone thrives? Do you feel happy for a friend succeeding? Do you feel unhappy about your not-so-much success when you see friends succeeding? Do you blame the government? Do you blame your employer for not paying you more? How do you feel?
It turns up in all of these different ways. All day, every day, you have opinions and attitudes. Most of them you didn’t even figure out on your own. You hung around with somebody else who hung around with somebody else who hung around with somebody else… And often, you’ve developed an attitude, an attitude about money.
There’s a pervasive attitude about money, that says, rich people somehow are inappropriate. “They’ve done something wrong. How dare they succeed and point out to me my lesser success? Or even worse, how dare they succeed and take such a big piece of the pie so that the rest of us are left with crumbs, or maybe nothing?”
If you are not sure what your vibrational essence is, we understand because most physical friends have not been noticing the emotional correlation between thoughts that just feel normal. In other words, you trusted your mother, she gave you food, she gave you shelter; she seemed like the vortex through which a large amount of your Well-Being flowed. And so, she seemed like someone to listen to, and she was bigger than you, and she always thought she was right, especially in the beginning. (Fun) And so, you began to pattern your thoughts around the same kinds of thoughts that she was thinking—because things went better for you when you did that. (Fun) When you disagreed with her, it didn’t go as well. Then, when you went to school, there were others who wanted your agreement… And as you get out into the world, or into new relationships, there are others who want your agreement… And so, you find yourselves (bless your hearts) upside down and all around as you are trying to conform to the primary stream of thought, relative to subjects: You want to do what’s socially acceptable, for you do not want to be an outcast. And you want to do what’s politically correct, because you do not want to be an outcast. And you want to do what your family expects of you, because you don’t want to be disinherited, and you want to do what your religion says, because you don’t want to be disavowed or go to hell—which is far worse than any of the other things. (Fun)
Most of you have been using standards or measurements that are outside of you—and that have nothing to do with you—in order to try to formulate your thoughts or opinions or attitudes, or actions. And in the process, what has happened is, you have picked up an incredible hodgepodge of beliefs, some of which serve you—some of which do not. But, most of our human friends feel powerless in what comes to them because they’ve been practicing this vibration and practicing that vibration, and practicing that vibration, and picking up thoughts and beliefs based upon the evidence that the society produces around them. And so now, you find yourselves often with a whole bagful of beliefs that are not serving you.
This is the greatest message. This will free you from vibrational resistance, as you hear it, and internalize it, and then practice it: The thing that is most hindering: You look at what people are living and you gather your evidence or statistics, and then you claim it as true.
You say, “It must be true. They warned me about that, and sure enough, it happened.” And what we are wanting so much for you to hear, is: What anyone is living—your culture, your environment, your society, your city, your family, your person—what anybody is living, the truth, or the evidence that you are producing is only the truth that manifests in response to the habit of vibration that you offer.
So, when you look out into your society and you see something, wanted or unwanted, and you proclaim it as true—which is the reason that you give that others should think about it, write about it, talk about it, understand, and accept it as truth—do you feel how screwy that is? That’s like saying, “There’s something out there that I do not want, but because somebody else created it in their experience and it became their truth, now I must beat the drum of it, and make it my truth, too.” And we say, fortunately there are a variety of truths for you to pick from.
Fortunately, you are the creator of your own truth. No one can write a book; no one can start a movement; no one can organize a religion; no one can say, “These are the things that are important for you to do, and these are the things that you must not do,” because no one knows the mix of intentions and the mix of beliefs that you hold. You get to choose all of it.
So, some worry, “Oh, I liked it better when I thought there was a religion,” or, “I liked it better when I listened to my mother… I like it better when there’s someone that I think is wise that sets the course and then I just copy them.” And we say, that’s fine. It’s fine to copy someone who is thriving successfully, but when they croak of cancer, you say, “Hmm, maybe I would like a different role model now.” And we say, what you’re wanting to do is use the Guidance that is within you.
Jerry and Esther have a navigational system, (it’s really marvelous) in their vehicles. It (Magellan) calculates the distance and gives directions between where they are and where they want to go. The satellites in the sky and the antenna on the roof identify where they are, and then they just program the address where they want to go, and Magellan says, “Go this way; go this way. Take the next exit. When it is possible, make a legal u-turn.” Magellan never says to them, “Where have you been?” because it is utterly irrelevant. It would only complicate things if they factored all of that in. Magellan never says, “How long have you been here?” (Fun) Magellan never refuses to give information about where they will go now because they didn’t listen last time. (Fun)
Sometimes, they will program a route and then they will get another idea. And before they can reprogram Magellan, she kicks up quite a squawk. She keeps insisting, “Please, return to the highlighted route! Please, return to the highlighted route!” And Jerry will say, “No, we’re not going to do that. Leave us alone!” And then he will say to Esther, “Shut that broad up!” (Fun) But Magellan is insistent because she has been given (we call it a girl because it is a lovely woman’s voice; the man’s voice was too bossy, [Fun] they turned it off)… She has one mission only: To give directions between where you are and where you want to be. And she’s relentless about it. (Fun) Never stops letting them know. “You’re going in the wrong direction; make a u-turn.”
Your Guidance System is the same way, because all of the days of your physical focus, and long before you got here, your intentions were set into motion. And every day that you live and experience contrast-variety, you make new determinations about what you want. And you are emitting them constantly—constant amendments to your desire going out to the ethers—and Source Energy is receiving every one of them, and then, giving you a signal constantly, that you translate, in the form of emotion, that lets you know whether you are on your way to where you’ve been saying you want to go, or whether you are not.
You can tell by the way you feel if you are in alignment. When you feel eagerness, you’re on your path. When you feel enthusiasm, you’re on your path. When you feel anger, you’re off your path. When you feel frustration, you’re off your path. When you feel despair; when you feel depression, you’re really off your path.
So, we call these teachings the Art of Allowing. And what that means is, deliberately choosing thoughts that cause me to offer a vibration that causes me to allow myself to receive the things that I’ve been asking for.
So, creation really is more about loving yourself; it’s more about feeling your worthiness; it’s more about appreciating a friend; it’s more about enjoying the sunset; it’s more about enjoying the beautiful flowers. It’s more about finding reasons to relax into Well-Being, rather than gather up your strength and valiantly go forth to achieve your tasks, and serve your cause… because your “cause” is, to be the receiver and radiator of the love and Well-Being that is You.
You are an extension of Source Energy. You are one who loves, and you are one who loves to think, and you are one who loves to create, and you are one who loves to contemplate. You’re one who enjoys stimulation of thought. You’re one who enjoys choosing; you enjoy considering; you enjoy pondering; you enjoy fashioning. You enjoy putting things together. You enjoy figuring things out. You enjoy knowing. You enjoy not being sure and then becoming more sure. You enjoy the evolution of a thought. You enjoy the expansion of an idea. You enjoy the expansion of life experience. You enjoy the pleasure of being this genius focused in the most creative environment that has ever existed, for the fulfillment of things that satisfy you.
You are liquid love in physical bodies, wanting, more than life itself, because it is life itself, to adore the vessel that’s you through which this Source Energy flows. You are God. You are Source. You are creator.
You always feel good from your Source Energy perspective.
You don’t feel regret; you don’t feel doubt; you don’t feel worry; you don’t feel shame; you don’t feel guilt; you don’t feel anger; you don’t feel hate… You feel joy; you feel appreciation; you feel worthiness; you feel eagerness; you feel passion.
You feel like the little kids feel—watch them: they’re sure; they’re arrogant; they’re not afraid. You say, “They’re not smart enough to be afraid.” We say, they are still smart—and not afraid. You say, “But they don’t know enough to worry.” And we say, they know everything—and they do not worry. The children are still more vibrationally imbued with that feeling of passion and joy—and that is what this work is about. It’s to assist you in returning to the natural state of Well-being—the natural state of being that is really You.
From the Quarterly Journal Oct/Nov/Dec 2004 (pdf)
From the recording G-2-21-04A
Also in GASP04
San Rafael, CA
Even if something that you really want has not yet manifested, do you feel joyful anyway?
Wanting is a good thing because when you get to the place that unfulfilled desire feels fresh like it did when you were two or three, or four, then you have returned to the vibrational stance that you have always intended.
From your broader, Non-physical perspective, you understand that there is no question about you being able to receive anything that you desire, because, from that vantage point, you understand the Laws of the Universe—you understand that when you ask, it is always given. And so, there is not a particle of discouragement or worry about things not yet manifested, because it is so clearly understood that all you have to do is focus and relax, and allow it to be.
In your physical format, you get caught up in a feeling of competition. You worry that someone else might get your prize, when, in reality, there is prize enough for everyone. You are the creator of your prize and the Universe will deliver it to you.
It is not possible that you could be deprived of something that you want because someone else achieves it—that could not possibly be. In fact, the Universe expands in direct proportion to the desires that you conjure here. The Source Energy Stream exists in its powerful, focused force because of your focusing of your desires.
There are three steps, simple steps, (really, laws are like that, aren’t they? Simple in theory and a little trickier in application) Step One is ask, and you can’t stop doing that; preference is born constantly out of your observing and remembering and focusing, and imagining. So, your asking is the byproduct of your living in this focused environment. Step Two is not your work; Source answers what you ask for. It answers the cells in your body. It answers spoken requests; Source an-swers unspoken requests: your vibrational signal, your preference, your desire…Step Three is what this essay is all about. Step Three is about you bringing yourself into vibrational alignment with your desire.
The reason that, often, physical friends are not in vibrational alignment with their desire is because they’re focused on something other than their desire. Now, think about it. Law of Attraction says, that which is like unto itself is drawn. So, if you want something and you’re focused on that something that you want, then you are offering a vibration about that something that you want, and you are fulfilling all three steps: You’re fulfilling the two that are your responsibility—and Source is fulfilling the other.
So, then you say, “Well, there must be something I’m missing, because I believe that there are things that I desire that have not come to me… I’ve got stuff in my life I don’t want, and there’s stuff missing that I do want. And I’m pretty sure that I’m thinking about what I want.” And we say: not possible. If you were thinking about what you want, in time you would develop such a vibrational habit around that, that it would have to be yours. In fact, you can be sure that whatever you are getting is what you’ve been thinking about.
But then you say, “Can’t be true. I have a disease I never thought about. Never even heard about it ‘til they assigned it to me. How could I have been thinking about this thing if I didn’t even know it exists?”
You develop patterns of thought which cause you to offer patterns of vibration, which equal what you are living. What manifests is always an accurate reflection of the thoughts that you’ve been thinking. And so, it is helpful if you think in terms of the vibrational essence of the thought that you are thinking.
You might not have assigned it a name, but if you are focused upon the absence of Well-Being in some area of your life, and you have held your attention upon that, enough that you’ve, sort of, beat the drum of it, meaning, you develop a vibrational cadence; it’s where your thoughts easily go; it’s where your conversations easily turn; it’s just the way you feel about this or about this, or about this...those practiced, conscious or unconscious, vibrations, then become your point of attraction. And what you’re getting matches that perfectly, every single time.
So, it’s really a wonderful thing when you realize that, because then you can start watching for evidence of your vibration. Now, there are two ways to watch for that evidence. You can wait ‘til something manifests, and then say, “Oh yeah, I recognize that.” Or, you can pay attention to the way you feel and say, “Oh yes, I can feel what’s coming.”
Your emotions are these fabulous indicators that let you know what your vibrational content is. And your emotions feel the way they do because of two important vibrational factors: The factor of desire, which is the summoning power. And the factor of allowing— which is the letting, or the not letting what you’ve summoned flow. If you really, really want something, you’re summoning Energy in a stronger way. If you’ve wanted it for quite awhile, you’re summoning it even more. If you think about it often, you’re summoning it specifically.
So, just like you can take a spectrum of light and focus it into a very powerful laser beam, you have desires that you have focused into very powerful beams. So, the more focused thoughts, are the thoughts where the Energy moves faster. And in that faster Energy, any contradiction shows up more. Just like if you’re driving your car 100 mph and you hit a tree, the tree is a bigger factor than if you were going 5 mph.
So, the two factors that your emotions are always letting you know are: how focused the Energy is by virtue of your desire, and how your normal thoughts around the subject resonate or don’t resonate with that desire. Easier way to say it is, “what’s my attitude or what’s my mood about such-and-such?
“When I think about my body, do I love it? Am I grateful? Does it annoy me? Does it embarrass me? Do I praise it? Do I condemn it? Do I adore it? Do I compliment it? Do I criticize it?” In other words, what kinds of things do you say about your body?
When you think about dollars, do you feel joyful? Does the subject of dollars make you feel free? Do you feel eager and enthusiastic about dollars? Do you feel afraid when you think about dollars? Are you angry about dollars? Are you embarrassed about dollars? Are you fitful about them; worried about them; eager about them, happy about them?
When you think about the greater economy, are you grateful for economy? Do you love it when someone thrives? Are you jealous when someone thrives? Do you feel happy for a friend succeeding? Do you feel unhappy about your not-so-much success when you see friends succeeding? Do you blame the government? Do you blame your employer for not paying you more? How do you feel?
It turns up in all of these different ways. All day, every day, you have opinions and attitudes. Most of them you didn’t even figure out on your own. You hung around with somebody else who hung around with somebody else who hung around with somebody else… And often, you’ve developed an attitude, an attitude about money.
There’s a pervasive attitude about money, that says, rich people somehow are inappropriate. “They’ve done something wrong. How dare they succeed and point out to me my lesser success? Or even worse, how dare they succeed and take such a big piece of the pie so that the rest of us are left with crumbs, or maybe nothing?”
If you are not sure what your vibrational essence is, we understand because most physical friends have not been noticing the emotional correlation between thoughts that just feel normal. In other words, you trusted your mother, she gave you food, she gave you shelter; she seemed like the vortex through which a large amount of your Well-Being flowed. And so, she seemed like someone to listen to, and she was bigger than you, and she always thought she was right, especially in the beginning. (Fun) And so, you began to pattern your thoughts around the same kinds of thoughts that she was thinking—because things went better for you when you did that. (Fun) When you disagreed with her, it didn’t go as well. Then, when you went to school, there were others who wanted your agreement… And as you get out into the world, or into new relationships, there are others who want your agreement… And so, you find yourselves (bless your hearts) upside down and all around as you are trying to conform to the primary stream of thought, relative to subjects: You want to do what’s socially acceptable, for you do not want to be an outcast. And you want to do what’s politically correct, because you do not want to be an outcast. And you want to do what your family expects of you, because you don’t want to be disinherited, and you want to do what your religion says, because you don’t want to be disavowed or go to hell—which is far worse than any of the other things. (Fun)
Most of you have been using standards or measurements that are outside of you—and that have nothing to do with you—in order to try to formulate your thoughts or opinions or attitudes, or actions. And in the process, what has happened is, you have picked up an incredible hodgepodge of beliefs, some of which serve you—some of which do not. But, most of our human friends feel powerless in what comes to them because they’ve been practicing this vibration and practicing that vibration, and practicing that vibration, and picking up thoughts and beliefs based upon the evidence that the society produces around them. And so now, you find yourselves often with a whole bagful of beliefs that are not serving you.
This is the greatest message. This will free you from vibrational resistance, as you hear it, and internalize it, and then practice it: The thing that is most hindering: You look at what people are living and you gather your evidence or statistics, and then you claim it as true.
You say, “It must be true. They warned me about that, and sure enough, it happened.” And what we are wanting so much for you to hear, is: What anyone is living—your culture, your environment, your society, your city, your family, your person—what anybody is living, the truth, or the evidence that you are producing is only the truth that manifests in response to the habit of vibration that you offer.
So, when you look out into your society and you see something, wanted or unwanted, and you proclaim it as true—which is the reason that you give that others should think about it, write about it, talk about it, understand, and accept it as truth—do you feel how screwy that is? That’s like saying, “There’s something out there that I do not want, but because somebody else created it in their experience and it became their truth, now I must beat the drum of it, and make it my truth, too.” And we say, fortunately there are a variety of truths for you to pick from.
Fortunately, you are the creator of your own truth. No one can write a book; no one can start a movement; no one can organize a religion; no one can say, “These are the things that are important for you to do, and these are the things that you must not do,” because no one knows the mix of intentions and the mix of beliefs that you hold. You get to choose all of it.
So, some worry, “Oh, I liked it better when I thought there was a religion,” or, “I liked it better when I listened to my mother… I like it better when there’s someone that I think is wise that sets the course and then I just copy them.” And we say, that’s fine. It’s fine to copy someone who is thriving successfully, but when they croak of cancer, you say, “Hmm, maybe I would like a different role model now.” And we say, what you’re wanting to do is use the Guidance that is within you.
Jerry and Esther have a navigational system, (it’s really marvelous) in their vehicles. It (Magellan) calculates the distance and gives directions between where they are and where they want to go. The satellites in the sky and the antenna on the roof identify where they are, and then they just program the address where they want to go, and Magellan says, “Go this way; go this way. Take the next exit. When it is possible, make a legal u-turn.” Magellan never says to them, “Where have you been?” because it is utterly irrelevant. It would only complicate things if they factored all of that in. Magellan never says, “How long have you been here?” (Fun) Magellan never refuses to give information about where they will go now because they didn’t listen last time. (Fun)
Sometimes, they will program a route and then they will get another idea. And before they can reprogram Magellan, she kicks up quite a squawk. She keeps insisting, “Please, return to the highlighted route! Please, return to the highlighted route!” And Jerry will say, “No, we’re not going to do that. Leave us alone!” And then he will say to Esther, “Shut that broad up!” (Fun) But Magellan is insistent because she has been given (we call it a girl because it is a lovely woman’s voice; the man’s voice was too bossy, [Fun] they turned it off)… She has one mission only: To give directions between where you are and where you want to be. And she’s relentless about it. (Fun) Never stops letting them know. “You’re going in the wrong direction; make a u-turn.”
Your Guidance System is the same way, because all of the days of your physical focus, and long before you got here, your intentions were set into motion. And every day that you live and experience contrast-variety, you make new determinations about what you want. And you are emitting them constantly—constant amendments to your desire going out to the ethers—and Source Energy is receiving every one of them, and then, giving you a signal constantly, that you translate, in the form of emotion, that lets you know whether you are on your way to where you’ve been saying you want to go, or whether you are not.
You can tell by the way you feel if you are in alignment. When you feel eagerness, you’re on your path. When you feel enthusiasm, you’re on your path. When you feel anger, you’re off your path. When you feel frustration, you’re off your path. When you feel despair; when you feel depression, you’re really off your path.
So, we call these teachings the Art of Allowing. And what that means is, deliberately choosing thoughts that cause me to offer a vibration that causes me to allow myself to receive the things that I’ve been asking for.
So, creation really is more about loving yourself; it’s more about feeling your worthiness; it’s more about appreciating a friend; it’s more about enjoying the sunset; it’s more about enjoying the beautiful flowers. It’s more about finding reasons to relax into Well-Being, rather than gather up your strength and valiantly go forth to achieve your tasks, and serve your cause… because your “cause” is, to be the receiver and radiator of the love and Well-Being that is You.
You are an extension of Source Energy. You are one who loves, and you are one who loves to think, and you are one who loves to create, and you are one who loves to contemplate. You’re one who enjoys stimulation of thought. You’re one who enjoys choosing; you enjoy considering; you enjoy pondering; you enjoy fashioning. You enjoy putting things together. You enjoy figuring things out. You enjoy knowing. You enjoy not being sure and then becoming more sure. You enjoy the evolution of a thought. You enjoy the expansion of an idea. You enjoy the expansion of life experience. You enjoy the pleasure of being this genius focused in the most creative environment that has ever existed, for the fulfillment of things that satisfy you.
You are liquid love in physical bodies, wanting, more than life itself, because it is life itself, to adore the vessel that’s you through which this Source Energy flows. You are God. You are Source. You are creator.
You always feel good from your Source Energy perspective.
You don’t feel regret; you don’t feel doubt; you don’t feel worry; you don’t feel shame; you don’t feel guilt; you don’t feel anger; you don’t feel hate… You feel joy; you feel appreciation; you feel worthiness; you feel eagerness; you feel passion.
You feel like the little kids feel—watch them: they’re sure; they’re arrogant; they’re not afraid. You say, “They’re not smart enough to be afraid.” We say, they are still smart—and not afraid. You say, “But they don’t know enough to worry.” And we say, they know everything—and they do not worry. The children are still more vibrationally imbued with that feeling of passion and joy—and that is what this work is about. It’s to assist you in returning to the natural state of Well-being—the natural state of being that is really You.
Carlos Castaneda Just For The Record
Date: Oct 16, 2006 11:57 PM
Recently, several bulletins have been posted on myspace about Carlos Castaneda, including the movie/documentary about him called The Enigma of a Sorcerer.
For those who are not aware, Leader Research (Marcus) is a member of myspace who is a personal friend of Dr. Carlos Castaneda and his student, in a one on one apprenticeship for 8 years.
If you have not visited Marcus' page, I encourage you to do so.
You will have the opportunity to learn a little bit about his personal knowledge and beliefs regarding Dr. Carlos Castaneda in a blog that he just posted.
He also has the movie embedded in his profile page.
Date: Oct 16, 2006 11:57 PM
Recently, several bulletins have been posted on myspace about Carlos Castaneda, including the movie/documentary about him called The Enigma of a Sorcerer.
For those who are not aware, Leader Research (Marcus) is a member of myspace who is a personal friend of Dr. Carlos Castaneda and his student, in a one on one apprenticeship for 8 years.
If you have not visited Marcus' page, I encourage you to do so.
You will have the opportunity to learn a little bit about his personal knowledge and beliefs regarding Dr. Carlos Castaneda in a blog that he just posted.
He also has the movie embedded in his profile page.
Develop Your Connection Between Your Mind and Heart
Date: Oct 17, 2006 12:02 AM
Heaven <3>
Develop your connection
between mind and heart...
1. Be yourself
If I make a comment to someone - even though it was kindly and sincerely meant - and they get upset or take offense, is their upset my responsibility? The answer is no. You can genuinely love someone whilst nevertheless doing something they don't like or agree with. You do it because you feel it is the right thing to do, though you still understand and have empathy for their different viewpoint (which causes their emotional reaction) which they have created by their own choices and belief system.
If one only did things others can easily accept then the status quo would never progress. That would truly be a trap. The solution here is better communication, leading to increased understanding of each other's viewpoint, and therefore acceptance of the differing personal realities.
There is a strong imprint in our culture to feel sad, guilty, etc. for painful emotions our actions may cause to others. There's a general misconception that you are your emotions. "I am angry" and "you make me angry". This is conditioning not truth. In terms of cause and effect, it's a viewpoint at effect. Some say that to be happy, only do what others can easily experience - it's the same lie.
The Church teaches "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." I believe this IS the best advice, as if you are being ethical - acting from integrity, being true to your self - then it's going to be OK for others to do the same to you. And if it isn't then you'd better re-think whether you are indeed doing the right thing. It is one definition of a 'wrong' action: that which you would not like another to do to you.
You are responsible for your choices, decisions and actions. For being true to your judgment. For communicating with honesty and integrity, developing and maintaining an open mind, and promoting understanding and empathy. For never compromising your freedoms and rights nor trampling on another's. For always acting from the primary motivation of love. That's all and quite enough. Others are responsible, in the same way, for their own beliefs, interpretations, feelings, responses, and reactions; that's their right and their life - none of our business.
2. Decide what you want
Think of five things that are really important to you: they might include a nice house, loving supportive partner, the chance to travel, a good job, and so on. Now look at your current life and see how it matches up. These questions can help you pinpoint problem areas:
What are you doing that you do indeed want to do?
What are you doing that you don't want to be doing?
What are you not doing that you do actually want to do?
In the light of this information, clarify your goals. Be specific - before you can plan how to achieve a goal it needs to be stated in a way that is realistic, measurable and time-targeted. Your action plan should be broken down into manageable chunks - the steps you know you can make that, one by one, will take you to where you want to go.
I believe that we do create our reality - at one level, our 'being God' spiritual level - and at another coexistent level - the 'game of life' on this planet - everything has to be achieved through action, i.e. there is distance between cause and effect. In practice this means we do best to 'manifest' spiritually (perceive our goal as already achieved and be grateful and 'allowing' for that) at the same time as we put our goals into directed action, so there is congruence between these two aspects of our being. We ourselves are a channel for spiritual manifestation. Also we need to make sure that our beliefs (at every level of the mind - conscious and subconscious) match up to our goals and our desires. Mind, body and spirit working in harmony.
My work is all about encouraging individuals to discover the truth within themselves - their own inner knowing that is gradually exposed by their own increasing awareness, responsibility and acceptance. When all distortions and filters are cleared, those subjective realities start to coincide with an objective reality, albeit on a wider dimensional basis than the 3-D world of materiality that scientific rationalism is normally limited to.
3. Don't worry
The shadow of love is fear. To understand one's fears and anxieties better I have found it workable to determine what need corresponds to the fear, as fear and need tend to go together: they're opposite flows, like the fear of not obtaining one's needs, whether for survival, comfort, belonging, rightness, esteem, success, realization, and so on. When you've identified the corresponding need, it's easier to see if that need makes sense. Of course, you are worried if your child has got lost and you do all you can to resolve that situation. But more often worry is a result of not wanting to own up to what you have done, or trying to predict and control other people's feelings, and especially trying to please another rather than just being content at having done what you feel is the right thing.
Unpredicted obstacles may occur so it is important to stay flexible and to think laterally. The future isn't always predictable; instead of worrying about what the future holds, we need to learn to let go and trust in the Universe to reflect our intentions. We cannot do better than our best. We need to be open to new ideas and listen to our intuition to direct us to new solutions. Life is a game - think of it like that and don't take anything too seriously. Enjoy the challenges life offers!
4. Take control
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a task, break it down into small segments that you know you can do and start on the first one. If you have lots of incomplete jobs, list them in order of priority and tackle the most important job first. This way you have a sense of achievement at each step - and you'll soon find yourself getting a whole lot more accomplished. Production equals morale. And if you're living or working in a mess, sort it out - a disordered environment is reflected in your mind.
5. What makes you happy?
Write down a list of things that make you excited, however big, small, likely or unlikely. Then work to make them occur more often in your life. And appreciate the good things you take for granted - your child's hug or a good book. Look for moments of joy and savour them. Recognize how many happen every day. Feeling good can be a way of life, not just an occasional accident.
6. Smile!
Smiling triggers happy feelings in the brain and reduces stress. Even if you don't feel happy or confident, just behave as though you do and soon you will. Find the joy in your life and you'll be more attractive and nicer to be around, people will be nicer to you too - and you'll smile some more! Joy is infectious but so is misery; therefore don't have anything whatever to do with people who dampen your spirits, invalidate your achievements or tell you what to think.
7. Get positive
Write down every negative thought you have over the course of a week, whether it's "My family don't appreciate me" or "I look dreadful." Negativity is a habit and we often don't realize we're putting ourselves down. Under each negative thought you've written, see if you can spot an alternative way of looking at it, that isn't so negative. See if you've exaggerated the situation or overly generalized, or if you are being unnecessarily intolerant or perfectionist, or thinking in terms of pleasing others rather than yourself - the 'shoulds' and 'ought-tos'.
The objective world, our playing field of life, is dialectic by the nature of a game, full of beauty and ugliness, good and evil. But the subjective truth of things, the bird's-eye viewpoint, is ultimately always positive, causative and loving - as that is your essential nature.
8. Assert your rights
Think of things which you have a right to, e.g. "I have a right to an evening out with my friends from time to time." Think of rights that every human being should have, such as, "I have the right not to be bullied." Now, protect your rights with your life, and watch your integrity and self-esteem grow.
9. Give yourself some time
Be sure to put aside a little time every day for yourself - relax with a book, in the bath or sitting in the garden with the sun on your face. Think of some things that make you happy - worrying solves nothing. And at night time, go to bed early enough that you get enough sleep to feel your best the next day.
10. Communicate
If you have a problem, the thing to do is to communicate: find out the information you need to get the full picture, so that the solution becomes apparent. If you're upset, you need to communicate and say how you feel. If you've done something wrong, again you need to communicate this. Spot where you're backing off from what you need to do or say, and as the saying goes, "feel the fear and do it anyway". You'll be glad you did!
11. Nurture your relationships
Communication, understanding and empathy are the component parts of relationship, they're equally important. Take time and trouble over your friends and your partner. Listen and understand their opinions. Value a different point of view equally as your own. Don't make being right more important than a friendship. People with a few close friends are more likely to be happy than those with many mere acquaintances.
12. Don't get put in a bag
Don't allow others to label or stereotype you - and don't do it to yourself either! You may have some particular qualities, or have some sort of difficulty, but don't let that define you. There's much more to your life than your race or gender, your sexuality, your psychological or medical problems, your political views, or any other such particulars. You may be a person who smokes, for whatever reason; that doesn't make you "a smoker" as if that's all there is to you. Personal growth is all about finally jumping out of the box that you're hiding away in - you don't need any more limiting boxes to be stuck over your head!
13. Be creative
Making something come to life that you have envisioned - whether a painting, a wonderful meal, a dress, an invention, a business plan - is infinitely satisfying. And you'll feel pleasure every time you think of it. If you want to be happy, get active - at work, within the family and the community. You will feel happier when you're participating in an activity, whether it's just playing with a child or helping organize a worthwhile event.
Self-esteem comes from demonstrated competence. Everyone has skills but not everyone uses them. So use your skills - find out what you're good at and do it. Joy is often about living in the moment, being absorbed in what you're doing, not brooding on the past or guessing your future. Decide what YOU really want and then go for it. It can take courage but it's worth the risk.
14. Be Mindful
We need to be very much in touch with our heart, with our feelings, but still to remain intelligent about it - to remain in control, not driven by our emotions. We need a balance of left and right brain - rational mind and emotional mind, logic and feelings, intellect and intuition. This is where mindfulness and wisdom is found.
We tend to be too cut off from our feelings, in order to suppress painful ones - and this becomes a habit. Academic education reinforces this imbalance. And then we lose a lot of our creative and intuitional ability. At the same time, however, when those emotions 'escape' we tend to be driven by them, and think and act impulsively, without wisdom.
You see this often with kids who act without thinking first, can't wait their turn in line or in a game, blurt out answers in class, speak when they're supposed to be quiet, maybe show aggressive behaviors, are often a little too loud, sometimes fight, and so on... they often get labeled with ADD. They impulsively say the wrong thing at the wrong time and then think, "Why did I say that?" The other kids are asking, "Who is this guy?" and often begin to avoid him. Impulsive people are not learning from past mistakes, and they're not listening. They haven't picked up on those subtle social cues that everybody else has learned, and so they're socially awkward and often don't know why. And this applies to adults too of course.
Korzybski said that most people are to some degree impulsive, therefore there is a compulsion to act or break out in speech and this limits their intelligence. His advice - when you feel this coming on - is to stop for a count of ten to let your much slower cortex (thinking brain) catch up with the emotional limbic system, before you act or speak. He went on to say that many people have an under-aroused cortex and an over-aroused limbic system: they guess rather than work out the solution to a problem, or when they are making a decision they don't work through a list of alternatives. A person in that state seeks immediate closure and cannot reject an immediate reward (immediate gratification) for a larger reward in the future, because he or she is acting impulsively - not being conscious of their choices. Acting in a more considered and intelligent way, on the other hand, will be much more true to the person's real needs and purposes, and therefore to their heart.
Mindfulness has to do with the ability to accept, in a non-evaluative and nonjudgmental fashion, both oneself and the current situation - and how one feels about it. Acceptance of reality is not necessarily approval of reality; it is simply not being blind to it, not resisting nor distorting it. Then we can see the truth.
Fixed beliefs are always a limitation and unnecessary - they cause all the types of harm that occurs in the world, especially when they are rigidly identified with or attached to, so that one cannot tolerate another having different beliefs or it is felt to be a threat if they do. Provisional beliefs are necessary, as one needs to make a map of the world, but they must always be open to revision. Be open to the opinions of another that provoke a new view of things, or that seem to conflict with what you already know. It makes it easier to see the middle path, the shades of grey between the black and white of opposing viewpoints.
So, if you feel an impulsive reaction coming on - and you feel you are being driven rather than being the driver - then take a pause, breathe deeply for several seconds and look at your options, the pros and cons - BEFORE you say or do something that isn't really congruent with your inner truth.
Intuition is not subjective truth or inner knowing if it is based on a reactive emotional response, whether a painful feeling or even a good one. How do you know if it's reaction or a fast input? Heart intelligence is about understanding emotions, not just accepting that whatever raises your heartbeat must be the way to go. Emotions always follow an interpretation. Reality testing is necessary, to see if there's more to it and you need to look deeper, or if it's an answer but in the wrong direction perhaps with thought distortions, or if it's somebody else's subjective truth rather than your own.
For most people, their mind moves rapidly from one thought to another, like a playful kitten, in constant motion. Learning mindfulness involves bringing the mind back to some detail of the present moment, acknowledging it, and accepting it. So ground yourself in the present and let your mind become still, by noticing everything you are perceiving, through all your senses. Practicing this regularly - in times of meditation and in times of stress - can help you keep your focus more and more in the present moment.
15. Further develop your mind
We have a couple of Mind Development courses that are particularly relevant to mindfulness. If impulsiveness and attention span are a problem for you, then Super Vision will improve perception and Educating the Will will train your ability to concentrate. Further courses are available to practice Effective Communication, to learn to be a Super Student and to master Speed Reading. Shortly there will be a brand new course, Toward a Greater State of memory, that I have been working on for over two years.
Over the course of many years, techniques have been developed for helping individuals to achieve their potential mental capacity. These Mind Development tools make the mind much more efficient because they open up the pathways of left-right brain communication and assist the person to regain all of their positive mental energy. They can then obtain the goals they want and take control of their destiny.
A course in Mind Development can benefit you in a number of ways, depending on what areas you feel you are weak at, or what you want to change about yourself and your capabilities. If you do these courses you should expect to see stable improvements in your career and abilities. You should have better judgment, increased mental speed and will power, better self-expression, the ability to study effectively and recall what you have learned, more creative insights, and confidence in your capacity to achieve your personal goals in life.
A useful method to help achieve the mindful state is the application of appropriate brainwave entrainment through audio stimuli. The OptiMINDzation CD is one such tool, and works very well to stimulate the Beta frequencies of alert cognition. It is important to combine such a method, however, with active learning and practice of cognitive skills, as offered by the Mind Development courses. What you don't use, you lose.
What is the difference between the brain and the mind? The brain is like computer hardware, with various types of memory and processing power. The mind is the software, the programming that makes the computer useful. This programming is partly inbuilt (through the genes), partly the result of education, upbringing and enculturation, partly the result of negative and positive learning experiences. It is reprogrammable by debugging and the effort of learning new cognitive skills. What is the spirit then? The meta-programmer - the one who determines the need for new programs. As you know, we have a whole advanced course for Meta-Programming.
It's easy enough to be happy and content in a minor way in a small area, with limited responsibilities and very little to confront or fear. This is the safe little box most of us confine our lives to. But it represents our cultural conditioning and past solutions, it does not represent our true self and our true (almost unlimited) potential. So we need to look for ways to break out, to broaden our responsibilities, to acquire the resources that enable us to meet the challenges head-on, to survive/be accepted/find ourselves in this broader domain. This is the path of our development, toward actualizing our potential and moving beyond even that, so it is an act of love, not an act of selfish ego

Date: Oct 17, 2006 12:02 AM
Heaven <3>
Develop your connection
between mind and heart...
If I make a comment to someone - even though it was kindly and sincerely meant - and they get upset or take offense, is their upset my responsibility? The answer is no. You can genuinely love someone whilst nevertheless doing something they don't like or agree with. You do it because you feel it is the right thing to do, though you still understand and have empathy for their different viewpoint (which causes their emotional reaction) which they have created by their own choices and belief system.
If one only did things others can easily accept then the status quo would never progress. That would truly be a trap. The solution here is better communication, leading to increased understanding of each other's viewpoint, and therefore acceptance of the differing personal realities.
There is a strong imprint in our culture to feel sad, guilty, etc. for painful emotions our actions may cause to others. There's a general misconception that you are your emotions. "I am angry" and "you make me angry". This is conditioning not truth. In terms of cause and effect, it's a viewpoint at effect. Some say that to be happy, only do what others can easily experience - it's the same lie.
The Church teaches "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." I believe this IS the best advice, as if you are being ethical - acting from integrity, being true to your self - then it's going to be OK for others to do the same to you. And if it isn't then you'd better re-think whether you are indeed doing the right thing. It is one definition of a 'wrong' action: that which you would not like another to do to you.
You are responsible for your choices, decisions and actions. For being true to your judgment. For communicating with honesty and integrity, developing and maintaining an open mind, and promoting understanding and empathy. For never compromising your freedoms and rights nor trampling on another's. For always acting from the primary motivation of love. That's all and quite enough. Others are responsible, in the same way, for their own beliefs, interpretations, feelings, responses, and reactions; that's their right and their life - none of our business.
Think of five things that are really important to you: they might include a nice house, loving supportive partner, the chance to travel, a good job, and so on. Now look at your current life and see how it matches up. These questions can help you pinpoint problem areas:
What are you doing that you do indeed want to do?
What are you doing that you don't want to be doing?
What are you not doing that you do actually want to do?
In the light of this information, clarify your goals. Be specific - before you can plan how to achieve a goal it needs to be stated in a way that is realistic, measurable and time-targeted. Your action plan should be broken down into manageable chunks - the steps you know you can make that, one by one, will take you to where you want to go.
I believe that we do create our reality - at one level, our 'being God' spiritual level - and at another coexistent level - the 'game of life' on this planet - everything has to be achieved through action, i.e. there is distance between cause and effect. In practice this means we do best to 'manifest' spiritually (perceive our goal as already achieved and be grateful and 'allowing' for that) at the same time as we put our goals into directed action, so there is congruence between these two aspects of our being. We ourselves are a channel for spiritual manifestation. Also we need to make sure that our beliefs (at every level of the mind - conscious and subconscious) match up to our goals and our desires. Mind, body and spirit working in harmony.
My work is all about encouraging individuals to discover the truth within themselves - their own inner knowing that is gradually exposed by their own increasing awareness, responsibility and acceptance. When all distortions and filters are cleared, those subjective realities start to coincide with an objective reality, albeit on a wider dimensional basis than the 3-D world of materiality that scientific rationalism is normally limited to.
The shadow of love is fear. To understand one's fears and anxieties better I have found it workable to determine what need corresponds to the fear, as fear and need tend to go together: they're opposite flows, like the fear of not obtaining one's needs, whether for survival, comfort, belonging, rightness, esteem, success, realization, and so on. When you've identified the corresponding need, it's easier to see if that need makes sense. Of course, you are worried if your child has got lost and you do all you can to resolve that situation. But more often worry is a result of not wanting to own up to what you have done, or trying to predict and control other people's feelings, and especially trying to please another rather than just being content at having done what you feel is the right thing.
Unpredicted obstacles may occur so it is important to stay flexible and to think laterally. The future isn't always predictable; instead of worrying about what the future holds, we need to learn to let go and trust in the Universe to reflect our intentions. We cannot do better than our best. We need to be open to new ideas and listen to our intuition to direct us to new solutions. Life is a game - think of it like that and don't take anything too seriously. Enjoy the challenges life offers!
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a task, break it down into small segments that you know you can do and start on the first one. If you have lots of incomplete jobs, list them in order of priority and tackle the most important job first. This way you have a sense of achievement at each step - and you'll soon find yourself getting a whole lot more accomplished. Production equals morale. And if you're living or working in a mess, sort it out - a disordered environment is reflected in your mind.
Write down a list of things that make you excited, however big, small, likely or unlikely. Then work to make them occur more often in your life. And appreciate the good things you take for granted - your child's hug or a good book. Look for moments of joy and savour them. Recognize how many happen every day. Feeling good can be a way of life, not just an occasional accident.
Smiling triggers happy feelings in the brain and reduces stress. Even if you don't feel happy or confident, just behave as though you do and soon you will. Find the joy in your life and you'll be more attractive and nicer to be around, people will be nicer to you too - and you'll smile some more! Joy is infectious but so is misery; therefore don't have anything whatever to do with people who dampen your spirits, invalidate your achievements or tell you what to think.
Write down every negative thought you have over the course of a week, whether it's "My family don't appreciate me" or "I look dreadful." Negativity is a habit and we often don't realize we're putting ourselves down. Under each negative thought you've written, see if you can spot an alternative way of looking at it, that isn't so negative. See if you've exaggerated the situation or overly generalized, or if you are being unnecessarily intolerant or perfectionist, or thinking in terms of pleasing others rather than yourself - the 'shoulds' and 'ought-tos'.
The objective world, our playing field of life, is dialectic by the nature of a game, full of beauty and ugliness, good and evil. But the subjective truth of things, the bird's-eye viewpoint, is ultimately always positive, causative and loving - as that is your essential nature.
Think of things which you have a right to, e.g. "I have a right to an evening out with my friends from time to time." Think of rights that every human being should have, such as, "I have the right not to be bullied." Now, protect your rights with your life, and watch your integrity and self-esteem grow.
Be sure to put aside a little time every day for yourself - relax with a book, in the bath or sitting in the garden with the sun on your face. Think of some things that make you happy - worrying solves nothing. And at night time, go to bed early enough that you get enough sleep to feel your best the next day.
If you have a problem, the thing to do is to communicate: find out the information you need to get the full picture, so that the solution becomes apparent. If you're upset, you need to communicate and say how you feel. If you've done something wrong, again you need to communicate this. Spot where you're backing off from what you need to do or say, and as the saying goes, "feel the fear and do it anyway". You'll be glad you did!
Communication, understanding and empathy are the component parts of relationship, they're equally important. Take time and trouble over your friends and your partner. Listen and understand their opinions. Value a different point of view equally as your own. Don't make being right more important than a friendship. People with a few close friends are more likely to be happy than those with many mere acquaintances.
12. Don't get put in a bag
Don't allow others to label or stereotype you - and don't do it to yourself either! You may have some particular qualities, or have some sort of difficulty, but don't let that define you. There's much more to your life than your race or gender, your sexuality, your psychological or medical problems, your political views, or any other such particulars. You may be a person who smokes, for whatever reason; that doesn't make you "a smoker" as if that's all there is to you. Personal growth is all about finally jumping out of the box that you're hiding away in - you don't need any more limiting boxes to be stuck over your head!
13. Be creative
Making something come to life that you have envisioned - whether a painting, a wonderful meal, a dress, an invention, a business plan - is infinitely satisfying. And you'll feel pleasure every time you think of it. If you want to be happy, get active - at work, within the family and the community. You will feel happier when you're participating in an activity, whether it's just playing with a child or helping organize a worthwhile event.
Self-esteem comes from demonstrated competence. Everyone has skills but not everyone uses them. So use your skills - find out what you're good at and do it. Joy is often about living in the moment, being absorbed in what you're doing, not brooding on the past or guessing your future. Decide what YOU really want and then go for it. It can take courage but it's worth the risk.
14. Be Mindful
We need to be very much in touch with our heart, with our feelings, but still to remain intelligent about it - to remain in control, not driven by our emotions. We need a balance of left and right brain - rational mind and emotional mind, logic and feelings, intellect and intuition. This is where mindfulness and wisdom is found.
We tend to be too cut off from our feelings, in order to suppress painful ones - and this becomes a habit. Academic education reinforces this imbalance. And then we lose a lot of our creative and intuitional ability. At the same time, however, when those emotions 'escape' we tend to be driven by them, and think and act impulsively, without wisdom.
You see this often with kids who act without thinking first, can't wait their turn in line or in a game, blurt out answers in class, speak when they're supposed to be quiet, maybe show aggressive behaviors, are often a little too loud, sometimes fight, and so on... they often get labeled with ADD. They impulsively say the wrong thing at the wrong time and then think, "Why did I say that?" The other kids are asking, "Who is this guy?" and often begin to avoid him. Impulsive people are not learning from past mistakes, and they're not listening. They haven't picked up on those subtle social cues that everybody else has learned, and so they're socially awkward and often don't know why. And this applies to adults too of course.
Korzybski said that most people are to some degree impulsive, therefore there is a compulsion to act or break out in speech and this limits their intelligence. His advice - when you feel this coming on - is to stop for a count of ten to let your much slower cortex (thinking brain) catch up with the emotional limbic system, before you act or speak. He went on to say that many people have an under-aroused cortex and an over-aroused limbic system: they guess rather than work out the solution to a problem, or when they are making a decision they don't work through a list of alternatives. A person in that state seeks immediate closure and cannot reject an immediate reward (immediate gratification) for a larger reward in the future, because he or she is acting impulsively - not being conscious of their choices. Acting in a more considered and intelligent way, on the other hand, will be much more true to the person's real needs and purposes, and therefore to their heart.
Mindfulness has to do with the ability to accept, in a non-evaluative and nonjudgmental fashion, both oneself and the current situation - and how one feels about it. Acceptance of reality is not necessarily approval of reality; it is simply not being blind to it, not resisting nor distorting it. Then we can see the truth.
Fixed beliefs are always a limitation and unnecessary - they cause all the types of harm that occurs in the world, especially when they are rigidly identified with or attached to, so that one cannot tolerate another having different beliefs or it is felt to be a threat if they do. Provisional beliefs are necessary, as one needs to make a map of the world, but they must always be open to revision. Be open to the opinions of another that provoke a new view of things, or that seem to conflict with what you already know. It makes it easier to see the middle path, the shades of grey between the black and white of opposing viewpoints.
So, if you feel an impulsive reaction coming on - and you feel you are being driven rather than being the driver - then take a pause, breathe deeply for several seconds and look at your options, the pros and cons - BEFORE you say or do something that isn't really congruent with your inner truth.
Intuition is not subjective truth or inner knowing if it is based on a reactive emotional response, whether a painful feeling or even a good one. How do you know if it's reaction or a fast input? Heart intelligence is about understanding emotions, not just accepting that whatever raises your heartbeat must be the way to go. Emotions always follow an interpretation. Reality testing is necessary, to see if there's more to it and you need to look deeper, or if it's an answer but in the wrong direction perhaps with thought distortions, or if it's somebody else's subjective truth rather than your own.
For most people, their mind moves rapidly from one thought to another, like a playful kitten, in constant motion. Learning mindfulness involves bringing the mind back to some detail of the present moment, acknowledging it, and accepting it. So ground yourself in the present and let your mind become still, by noticing everything you are perceiving, through all your senses. Practicing this regularly - in times of meditation and in times of stress - can help you keep your focus more and more in the present moment.
15. Further develop your mind
We have a couple of Mind Development courses that are particularly relevant to mindfulness. If impulsiveness and attention span are a problem for you, then Super Vision will improve perception and Educating the Will will train your ability to concentrate. Further courses are available to practice Effective Communication, to learn to be a Super Student and to master Speed Reading. Shortly there will be a brand new course, Toward a Greater State of memory, that I have been working on for over two years.
Over the course of many years, techniques have been developed for helping individuals to achieve their potential mental capacity. These Mind Development tools make the mind much more efficient because they open up the pathways of left-right brain communication and assist the person to regain all of their positive mental energy. They can then obtain the goals they want and take control of their destiny.
A course in Mind Development can benefit you in a number of ways, depending on what areas you feel you are weak at, or what you want to change about yourself and your capabilities. If you do these courses you should expect to see stable improvements in your career and abilities. You should have better judgment, increased mental speed and will power, better self-expression, the ability to study effectively and recall what you have learned, more creative insights, and confidence in your capacity to achieve your personal goals in life.
A useful method to help achieve the mindful state is the application of appropriate brainwave entrainment through audio stimuli. The OptiMINDzation CD is one such tool, and works very well to stimulate the Beta frequencies of alert cognition. It is important to combine such a method, however, with active learning and practice of cognitive skills, as offered by the Mind Development courses. What you don't use, you lose.
What is the difference between the brain and the mind? The brain is like computer hardware, with various types of memory and processing power. The mind is the software, the programming that makes the computer useful. This programming is partly inbuilt (through the genes), partly the result of education, upbringing and enculturation, partly the result of negative and positive learning experiences. It is reprogrammable by debugging and the effort of learning new cognitive skills. What is the spirit then? The meta-programmer - the one who determines the need for new programs. As you know, we have a whole advanced course for Meta-Programming.
It's easy enough to be happy and content in a minor way in a small area, with limited responsibilities and very little to confront or fear. This is the safe little box most of us confine our lives to. But it represents our cultural conditioning and past solutions, it does not represent our true self and our true (almost unlimited) potential. So we need to look for ways to break out, to broaden our responsibilities, to acquire the resources that enable us to meet the challenges head-on, to survive/be accepted/find ourselves in this broader domain. This is the path of our development, toward actualizing our potential and moving beyond even that, so it is an act of love, not an act of selfish ego

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