Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Clearing Negativity From Your Home
Clearing Negativity From Your Home
Negative energy also known as bad vibes can linger in your home without you knowing. Bad vibes are created by negative experiences that become blocked in the aura of people, animals and things. Before you let someone or something in your home, remove all the old negative experiences that have connected to them.
1) Inviting Unfavorable Guests into the Home
This is the number one reason of why people have negative vibes in their home. Often we let our family into the home even though they are unkind to us or our immediate family. To have a home of harmony you need to meet your family members at restaurants or another neutral place, so there bad energy does not drift into your home and stay for undisclosed amount of time. Eg. Do not let the family member that sexual abused you in your youth to appease the elders in your family.
2) Ashes from a Deceased Loved One
The death of a loved one is very difficult and often we want to hold onto their ashes for comfort. Their ashes need to be freed to allow you to begin a new chapter in your life. As well, loved ones stay with us until we are ready to let go. As difficult as it is we must let their energy soar and this cannot happen if their ashes are enclosed in a container sitting on your fireplace.
3) Trophy Animals
Trophy animals should not be in the home. Yes, the person who killed the animal feels a victory but the dead animal is stagnant and dead energy. Animals should be killed for survival not to demonstrate our strength.
4) Dried Flowers
Dried flowers are big business but they carry negative energy. The flowers are dead, their vital chi has swirled into the air. Dried flowers are big dust collectors that need to be out of the home.
5) Gifts From Negative Family Members or Friends.
Presents come in all sizes and shapes and we graciously accept all gifts. Only accept gifts given from the heart. Years ago, we had a housewarming party and everybody was kind enough to bring us a gift. However, a few of my husband's friends were not fond of me and every time I used their gifts I felt angry because their gift was not given with love. I have been donating all expensive and inexpensive gifts that are not given by the heart to my family.
6) Other People's Junk
How many times has someone offered to give you their used sofa or some old books? Decline, decline and decline again. Often we accept the other people's junk because we fear not having enough. I accepted old jackets from a family member because I felt guilty if I did not accept. They stayed in my basement and every time I cleared out my basement, I resented these gifts because they were throw aways. Sometimes it is okay to reuse items from friends but never accept out of fear.
7) Pictures Depicting Violence
Violence is prevalent in our society. We sell pictures of serial killers, car crashes and other disturbing events. No pictures in the home should depict violence. No pictures of great wars, violent movies or anything that illustrates negative experiences.
8) Violent Music
Music can create harmony or chaos in the home. Many teenagers will listen to violent music. Violent music is about the sound and not always the words. Before you purchase music does it uplift, relax or make you feel chaotic and uncomfortable. You want music in the home that will inspire or relax the soul not create disequilibrium.
9) Furniture From Unknown Source
Furniture is an expensive purchase and often we will buy them at second hand stores. Soft furniture such as sofas and beds hold the energies of past experiences. Beds should never be used by others as all their issues will begin to become a part of your life.
10) Stolen Items
Have you ever bought an item that fell off the back of the truck? As tempting as it may be it is the wrong thing to do because you save money but at what cost. The stolen items give off bad vibes because several people were affected by the item being sold. Only buy items you know come from a reputable source.
Space Clearing is the removal of old, stagnant and blocked energies. Energy is swirling around us at all times and its qualities are either depressing, uplifting or stagnant. You want to clear the energies in the home on a weekly basis to remove the old residues and have room for fresh and vibrant energy.
Here's How:
Clean a room or the entire home before you do space clearing.
Try and limit the clutter in the rooms.
Clean yourself before you do a space clearing to remove energy residues on yourself. Wear comfortable clothing and clear your mind. Let the mind be free of thought especially the negative ones.
Open the windows of the home even on those cold wintery days or hot summer days.
Buy a sage bundle or stick from a natural health store or healing center. Buy a good quality sage stick, the artificial ones do not take the stagnant and old energy out of the home.
If you are doing one room go from one side to the other making figure 8's in the air with the sage stick. Please have a fireproof container under the sage stick to hold the ashes from the sage stick.
Make the figure 8's as you are asking the old energies to leave the room. The open window will allow the old/stagnant energies to attach to the sage and disperse to the outside where it will regenerate.
After the room you may do the rest of the rooms in the home, or extinguish the sage stick.
Once the room or home is saged, you may infuse a different scent to uplift or neutralize the air. Scents are able to transform the room for you and your family needs.
Saging is a good practice because it removes old and stagnant energies to leave room for vibrant and fresh energy to transform the life areas.
Be in good spirits before you sage a room.
Sage a room after a fight or when someone is ill.
Sage weekly to remove stagnant energies.
What You Need:
Sage Stick
Open Mind
A blessing/ritual
You can say something like:
Great Spirits, (God/Goddess name)
Through divine love and light,
I call upon your great might,
To open this space for your noble charge.
Great Spirits, (God/Goddess name)
I set forth this light of protection
for securing my home and hearth.
Great Spirits, (God/Goddess name)
I set forth this protective shield
to guard this home and those who enter
from outside influences this home is sealed.
Happy space clearing!
What Is Right
Focus your thoughts on what is right with your life. There is so very much that
you have to choose from. Abundance is as close to you as your next thought. A
thankful attitude will connect you to that abundance.
There is something of positive value in every moment, every situation, every
relationship. Zero in on what's right with life, and that value is yours.
What you expect has a major influence on what you get. Expect to move forward on
this day, and you will.
Let the challenges inspire you. Let the possibilities encourage you.
Choose to see and to live what is right with life. Whatever may come, be
thankful, and you create much to be truly thankful for.
-- Ralph Marston
Closed-Mindedness: Dealing with Differences
Closed-Mindedness: Dealing with Differences
by Thubten Chodron
"Open Heart, Clear Mind" by Thubten Chodron, ISBN 0-937938-87-4, p. 54-56. Click here to order this book from Snow Lion Publications.
Copyright (c) 1990 Thubten Chodron. Published by Snow Lion Publications, P.O. Box 6842, Ithaca, NY 14851, USA. Portions reprinted here as permitted by Liz Green, Marketing Manager. Thanks Liz!
Closed-Mindedness: Dealing with Differences
Closed-mindedness is an attitude that doesn't want to look at a new idea or event. It makes us tight, prejudiced and defensive. It arises, for example, when certain controversial subjects come up at the dinner table. With closed-mindedness we react like an ostrich: we want to "stick our heads in the ground" and not examine any new idea which could shake our stubborn conceptions.
Such an attitude brings many problems in our lives. If we examine history, we can see how detrimental closed-mindedness has been to human development. Closed-mindedness made people oppose scientific investigation in the Middle Ages; closed-minded fear made people in Europe ignore the murder of millions of innocent people under the Nazi regime. Closed-mindedness also condones racial, religious and gender prejudice.
Looking beneath the closed-minded attitude, we find a preconceived idea that we have everything figured out and we don't want to be shaken by new ideas. We have a subtle fear that should the sandcastle of our world-view be shattered by a new idea, we would be lost. Consequently, we would rather be stubborn and not listen, or forget about it and watch television, go gambling, or get drunk. It's clear how closed-mindedness makes us tight and uncomfortable.
Seeing the pitfalls of closed-mindedness, we'll endeavor to develop an intelligent approach to new ideas and events. We'll listen to new ideas and examine them with logic in an intelligent, unbiased way. With the intention of improving our understanding and contributing to world peace and human development, we'll listen to new ideas and proposals. Whether or not we later accept an idea, we'll learn something by examining it intelligently, and our understanding will become clearer.
Being open-minded, however, doesn't mean we accept every new idea we run across. This is especially true in the "spiritual supermarket" existing in the West now. Nor does open-mindedness mean we so desperately want to be modern that we throw out our rich cultural heritage and blindly follow every new idea or scheme.
With open minds, we'll be tolerant. Having logically examined a new idea and checked for evidence to validate it, if we decide we don't agree with it, we can still be calm and friendly with another person who does. Disagreeing with an idea doesn't mean that we hate a person who accepts it. The idea and the person are different. Also, people's ideas change. We can appreciate what others say - be it correct or nonsensical - because it challenges us to think and thus to increase our wisdom.
When we find ourselves across the table from a person talking about a new subject or idea, we can approach the conversation with joy in learning, rather than with a judgmental attitude that has already decided the other person is wrong. We'll let ourselves listen, reflect, grow and share, while we re-examine our previous ideas.
Such an approach is beneficial in many circumstances. For example, we'll encourage our colleagues, boss and subordinates to give feedback about past projects and to suggest future improvements. Such openness improves the atmosphere at work. With open minds, we can then accurately evaluate their ideas and can work together with others for our mutual benefit. Although a boss will still have authority, he or she no longer will be authoritarian.
We don't have to defend our ideas or beliefs. There's nothing in an idea that makes it inherently ours. If someone criticizes our ideas, it doesn't mean that we're stupid. Also, there's no need to fear losing face should we re-evaluate an idea and change our minds. Fear of seeming foolish if our ideas are proved incorrect comes from caring more about having a good reputation than about discerning what is true. With open minds, we'll approach every idea and situation as an opportunity to learn and to share with others.
- Thubten Chodron
http://www.psipog.net/show.php?cmd=wp&id=49Astral Projection and more....
If links fail go to orginal site: http://www.spiritual.com.au/astral.html#astral Astral Projection or Astral Travel is one of the most amazing experiences I have had the pleasure to participate in. It is quite simply, consciously leaving your body as it sleeps. It's like being awake whilst you are dreaming. You leave your body and enter the astral realm, which is the next closest dimension to us here in the physical world. The astral realm is actually all around us we just can't see it. The astral realm contains all our thoughts and emotions. | ||
![]() | It is the place that we go to when we sleep. In our dream state we stay close to our physical body and we project emotional content from our subconscious mind. We are not conscious during this process. Being awake and conscious in this realm is known as astral travel. | |
The main barrier to astral travel is you. You need to conquer yourself and clear your mind of thoughts and emotions to be able to successfully astral travel at will. You do this through personal development. Try the free ebook 'Unlock your Personal Power' you get it when you fill out the subscription box up there on the right hand side of the page. Well worth it! | ||
If links fail go to orginal site: