Tuesday, October 10, 2006



Gratitude For Your Life In General


Your Inner Being likes to skip and laugh and think about things; your Inner Being likes to offer compliments and feel appreciation and contemplate something that is not fully understood and then feel the understanding come forth. Your Inner Being is just like your frisky two-year old who is eager for life experience. To meet up with your Inner Being just be more like that now. (Abraham through Esther Hicks) - www.abraham-hicks.com


Gratitude For Your Challenges & Challengers


The first question to be answered by any individual or any social group, facing a hazardous situation, is whether the crisis is to be met as a challenge to strength or as an occasion for despair. (Harry Emerson Fosdick)


Cherishing The Moments


Bow to the now. (Vicki Woodyard) -


Gratitude For Who You Are


We would be very happy if you would throw the word “enlightenment” or “superconsciousness” out the window. Enlightenment is simply the natural result of loving absolutely every facet of you. All of you struggle very hard to be more “spiritual,” to be more on the path to enlightenment, all of it presupposing that you are not already whole. But you see, the truth is, you are whole. You are already what you strive to become. It is within you. It is part of the fabric of your being because the grandest truth is that you are, in every Now moment, a perfect, eternal expression of the Source. That is your truth.

You may say, “If this the truth, how come it does not feel that way? How come I am not a magnificent manifestor? Why is it that there is a reoccurring pattern of sabotage, of heartbreak, of lack in my life? How is it that I do not feel this truth?” Well, you have been programmed to believe that you are not enough. You have been programmed to exist in lack. You have been programmed not to know love, and certainly not to love who you are.

You see, my beloved ones, each one of you is born into a place of dysfunction at some level or another, and dysfunction is simply another name for fear. Because your consciousness is not separate, what you know from in utero through your first six to nine years is fear, invalidation, and pain. By the time you are six years of age, your beliefs and ideas of who you are are set in concrete. Certainly as you grow in your physicality and intellect, many of those ideas may change, but the bottom line is that you are ruled emotionally by a little boy or little girl who lives within the breast of you and does not know the truth. So when you look at your life and see how you recreate and recreate the same old patternings, you know why.

We remind you of the basic truths about your reality. The main one, most important of all, is that you create your own reality, absolutely. There are no exceptions. There is no such thing as coincidence. There are no such things as accidents. At some level, you create it all. Until you can come into this knowing, you are stuck being one of life’s victims. As long as you are a victim of fate, of karma, of circumstance, of random chaos, you are powerless. From the moment when you can stand up and say, “I am responsible. I have created all of this absolutely,” you are standing in a place of power and in a place of choice. (P'taah through Jani King) - www.ptaah.com


What We Say, Be, & See – We Become


There are no secrets. It is not a matter of searching. It is simply a process of becoming one, integrating what you believe yourself to be and what you seek to become. It is acting as though it has been accomplished that, that you - the initiates of the ascension process - take off the veil of obscurity. You realize that the mirror of your searching need not be a journey, but an understanding and an embracing... You can be enthralled by the stories, by the prophecies, by the other galaxies and universes. But if you do not begin to incorporate this and become this by accepting your role as a part of these beings, you will always be separate. The stories you enjoy hearing, the beauty of the fantasies, the glories of the great archangels and the Christ figures of the enlightened ones are not necessarily to be looked up to, but to be practiced by your own inner calling. You have an apt phrases: "Fake it, until you make it." So, beloved ones, it is your duty to begin to become what you seek by talking to the other realm - talking to your inner spirit - not as a separate unit, but as a unified, collective, collaborating friend... Communicate with the archangels as though you are one of the archangels yourself. Communicate with those beings you consider a Christ and know it is you. (The Voices Of Now through Alan L. Kinner)


Neutralizing Negativity & Preferring Positivity


As the fletcher whittles and makes straight his arrows, so the master directs his straying thoughts. (Buddha)

Kindness Is The Greatest Way To Display Your Gratitute

What if you lived your life as though you could see the sacred energy of every other being walking on your planet? Would you waste any of your precious time judging or disliking anyone? Or might you spend your days respecting the individual paths and choices you witness daily. There is no "one path" to God/Goddess/All That Is - all paths lead there...

What if you lived your life as if you loved every other being and thing in your 4D reality? It's hard to tease or insult those for whom you feel love, and why would you want to? Judgement would cease to exist, competition would be replaced by creativity and an abundance of resources would be available for those ready to receive. No-one would cause another to feel inferior. No-one would cause another to feel superior. When all are loved then equality, joy, success, creativity, freedom, growth and so much more become the experience for all.

And what if you knew that it all depends on you to be a living example of unconditional love, truth, light and joy? Would you waste your time offering less? Would you wait for someone else to go first? Or would you seek more and more ways to be the shining example you volunteered to be? And what if you knew you could help others in important ways? Sometimes even a simple smile is the lifesaver needed by another. (Sarrinn And the Ancients through Daniele DeVoe) - www.lightandbalance.com


Daily Gratitude Affirmation/Intent


Repeat this affirmation as often as possible throughout your day. Write it on a piece of paper and carry around to re-mind yourself

I focus on what is good and beautiful in my life. As I do, all that is good increases.

The Daily Phrase Of Praise


(1) Apply this “phrase of praise” to all the nouns you encounter throughout your day. Write it on a piece of paper & keep it where you’ll repeatedly see it & it’ll re-mind you to remember to “spend your days in praise.” You will feel yourself filling up with the energy of gratitude as you consistently use this phrase throughout your day. Fill your nows with “wows” by routinely using this phrase of praise.

I thoroughly enjoy ???????

(2) Use this “phrase of praise” as a mantra throughout your day. Concentrate on your breath as you visualize filling up with the essence of this phrase and then breath out.

I thoroughly enjoy

I thoroughly enjoy

I thoroughly enjoy

I thoroughly enjoy


A Daily Gaze To Arouse Your Praise


I thoroughly enjoy the vibrant colours of our extraordinary world.


Please Forward to Whoever Might Appreciate These Wisdoms


Invite Your Friends


Could one of your friends benefit from receiving a daily dose of Gratitude? Please spread the word about the healing and creative power of Gratitude by inviting your friends to try a Daily Dose of Gratitude in their lives. They’ve got nothing to lose but their negativity. They can opt out at any time. Send them here;





My gratitude goes out to Karen Karbo as a lot of this information you recieve, comes via her and from her outstanding Lightworker projects;



For free access to the latest information about the Ascent home, be sure to become a member and support Karen's groups.


The Largest Database Of Gratitude Quotes And Pictures On The Planet




Behavioural Quotes To Activate Spiritual Growth







Acceptance - AcknowledgmentAppreciation - Approval - Benediction - Christ Consciousness - Counting your Blessings - Grace - Gratefulness - Honoring - Love - Optimism - Passion - Positive Perception - Positive Thinking - Praise - Recognition - Respect - Reversing "stinkin thinking" - Enjoying "Here & Now" - Receptive to All That Is - Joy - Thankfulness - Thanksgiving - Finding The Silver Lining - Expecting Miracles - Savoring Life - My Cup Overflows -

Do you have any gratitude quotes to share with others in this list

Please send them to stvmrsdn@yahoo.com

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