From: Dalibor
Date: Oct 13, 2006 7:59 PM
Raising Crystal Children
Saalome ~Karyn~
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ~Karyn~
Date: Oct 13, 2006 6:43 PM
I know this is long but it is def. worth the read if you happen to be the parent of one of these amazing children as I am.
Thank you: Matteo 11:11
Thanks for connecting Brian and presenting the opportunity to let me say a few things about raising the new kids, the Crystal Children. Firstly though we must address the issue of what exactly is a Crystal child and outline the difference between Crystals and Indigos. Since there has been a great deal written about Indigos and very little about Crystals, I feel this is timely because Crystals are starting to appear in significant numbers at this time.
Being a mother, perhaps the mother of the first Crystal on record, I feel that I have a few insights that will help the parents of the new children with raising those children without the aggravation that will put those kids at risk of psychological damage. I don't wish to raise fearful expectations with those words but there is a real risk of this if your understanding is not heightened towards their special needs. Just as the Indigos were a new evolutionary concept with special needs, so too are the Crystals but the big difference is that the Crystals are not as robust, both physically and mentally, as the Indigos. The Indigos were correctly named "The Systems Busters", and as such were set up to create mayhem where it was justified, and to test boundaries where boundaries just happened to be. For this they needed to be robust and chaotic. Crystals on the other hand are "The Peacemakers" and are designed to lead by example. For this their attributes will be those of a peaceful and gentle nature. They will not rock the boat or test boundaries to the degree that the Indigos do but they will stand up for themselves and for the issues that they are passionate about. That word "passion" is what they are all about. A passion for life and love, a passion for justice and fair play, and a passion for truth. These are the hallmarks of the Crystals.
The drawbacks with Crystals however is that they are not at all robust in both physical and mental tenacity. They are intelligent, there is no doubt about that, but they cannot cope with psychological attacks, and definitely shy away from physical violence, although they make powerful enemies if pushed too far.
The label of "Crystal" actually refers to the fact that they are Christed beings, just as Jesus (Yeshua) was a Christed being. They have the potential to do, as their birthright, all of those things that Jesus was able to do, and more. This is their potential and this is their handicap. Fortunately the handicap will only manifest as a handicap if their life circumstances dictate, or if they choose for it to be so. Utilising their potential is what they have evolved to do and to lead humanity back to Unity eventually. These kids are born into an existence where the Veil of Duality is extremely thin. They are able to commune directly with Spirit and see fifth dimensional beings through their third eye as a natural sense. They have tremendous psychic abilities such as telepathic communication between themselves and Spirit. Their intuition is greatly heightened and they have developed natural healing powers for themselves and others. They intuitively know all this, and this is where some difficulties arise.
Crystals have chosen their parents wisely and will only be born into families that are able to cope with them and nurture them. For this reason, not all children born will be Crystals, at least not for quite a while until the generation changes are sufficient to guarantee that all parents are suitable Crystal parents. This will take quite a while as you can imagine. I don't mean to create a separation here or a class division because that is not warranted. It is imperative that a gradual change take place and that children of all evolutionary levels come together and mix, simply because the Crystals need to experience society as it is before any change can manifest. If the present world were flooded by Crystal children at this time, it would be counter productive because the Crystals are not yet robust enough to cope with society as it stands. There simply is not enough peace for these peacemakers yet.
Even though Crystals have heightened psychic abilities from birth, it is still likely that their abilities will be lost if not realised and utilised. Just as normal children are born with some psychic abilities that are normally suppressed by adult teaching, so too can the heightened abilities of the Crystals but unfortunately, psychological damage is likely if the Crystals abilities are repressed. They of all people need to utilise and nurture these abilities, and in fact enhance these abilities by exercising them and expanding their awareness of how far these abilities can grow. Just as the Indigos love testing physical boundaries, the Crystals need to test psychic boundaries.
Yeshua, in his last lesson spoke of regularly conversing with God as if he were in earshot. You will find that the Crystals will do this telepathically from birth, even before they learn to speak, and after they learn to speak, you will find them readily talking to their fifth dimensional friends. If you are not aware that this will happen you would probably try to suppress this behaviour, and that is not the wisest thing to do. It may be alarming to you but there is no need to fear that they are getting in with the wrong crowd. These kids intuitively know their way in the Spirit realm and their Higher Selves are fully connected and protecting them at all times. That is not to say they won't test the boundaries of safety even here but they know how to avoid danger and will not accidentally stray into harm.
This brings up the first point with raising these kids. You must realise that they have these heightened abilities and never attempt to suppress them. In fact I would advise that you recognise them and assist with their explorations, not overtly, but just by showing genuine interest. You will probably find this quite amusing if not educational for you as well. As well as this you must realise that these kids will intuitively known what you are thinking. It's no use saying one thing and meaning another because you will not even reach first base with this, and if you try to deceive a Crystal you will shatter their trust. Deliberate shattering of trust or constant deception will result in mental anguish for these children and you will be aware of their pain. It will show in their eyes and believe me, you won't be able to resist comforting them with the love and affection they constantly crave. This may not repair the trust issue but it will be the start. The only way to repair shattered trust with these kids is to show genuine remorse and a genuine attempt at making amends. It is no use talking behind their backs either because these kids have the ability to tune in to distant conversations if they choose to do so. It may sound scary but it really isn't and besides it will show you exactly what the future holds in store for you as well as far as potential abilities are concerned. These kids are the pioneers with this and they need you to smooth the way.
A point here as well. Please don't try to turn them into a sideshow for amusement, showing them off as special, because they don't believe they are special. They will know that they are different but they won't appreciate a fuss being made about it or them. Be aware that they will utilise their psychic abilities to manifest their desires, even from the cradle. They know that the Universe will provide all their needs and if you try to deny them anything at all, they will just take that as a challenge and will probably prove you wrong. That is not to say that you must give them everything they ask for. You must set your boundaries as well, but don't be surprised if what they ask for turns up some other way. You may find this also a source of amusement if not education.
Another point about Crystals is that they are born conditioned with reflexes to avoid confrontation. They hate confrontation and will perform badly at any time that a confrontation bestows itself upon them. When I say perform badly I mean that they will literally break down emotionally and withdraw themselves when confronted. Sometimes this is not such a bad thing. They do require discipline occasionally and discipline is usually a confrontation of sorts. When you find yourself in this position and seemingly cause an emotional display, just remember that these tantrums or sobbing displays are designed to weaken your position and relent to their demands. You need to be aware of these little ploys because compromise and balance are more important than feigned hurt feelings. On the other hand though you need to judge when a confrontation on disciplinary grounds is justified and expect the display. They will not be hurt by genuine discipline and in fact it is quite the opposite. If you relent to unjustified demands, they will sense that as weakness and you will go down in their estimation of you. You need to be able to strike a balance and keep it. This is true of all people but especially your Crystal children.
With the parenting role, and the grand-parenting role, Crystals are usually a delight to be around. They exude peace and tranquillity at the same time as harmonising the energy surrounding them. These kids will bring peace just with their presence and will quell arguments just by not arguing. They are amazing to watch in action, when you know what to look for. Many a potential argument will be thwarted just by these kids coming into the scene but if and when argument does erupt in their presence, just watch how they confront the argument. Possibilities will be explored for the highest outcome and win-win solutions will become commonplace. If they see situations that are not in accordance with the highest good, they will set processes in motion to change that situation but they won't be as confrontational as their Indigo forerunners. The Indigo's role is that of "systems buster" which implies confrontation and chaos. The Crystals will do similar things without confrontation, but if they see no other option then will not shy away from their responsibility, however they will probably find an Indigo to do the job for them.
This brings up the point of Indigos as well since it was raised as a question just recently, and I have decided to cater especially for Indigos in my next communication. It is suffice to say here that the Indigos are the forerunners paving the way for the Crystal generation and you will find that where you find Crystal children you will also find at least one Indigo parent. I guess then that in a way this lesson then is for Indigo parents.
Of the many attributes of Crystal children, I think the most appealing yet the most challenging aspect is that of contentment. These kids know that they are eternal and that they are here for a purpose. They know that what they are creating is Heaven on Earth and that what they are creating is in direct accordance with the Divine Plan for Mother Earth and Humanity. They know intuitively that they can't fail in their task because failure is not an option. Whatever they create will naturally lead to Unity and that it is only a matter of time. They are aware that humanity will need a few generations before significant changes manifest, but this doesn't bother them. They know they are pioneers and they know that the way to Unity is through the heart, one heart at a time. This is what they will work through. They will win hearts with their peaceful radiance and they don't need to push buttons. They are as one with their Higher Selves and their Inner Beings with their Egos totally under control. They have learned that their Ego will survive and indeed flourish in the company of other Egos, whereas the opposite is true of most of humanity at present. They have the ability to communicate Ego to Ego and Higher Self to Higher Self within the full knowledge of their Consciousness. This makes them awesome people indeed.
Another attribute of Crystals is their amazing natural healing ability. For you Lightworkers who have struggled to master a modality or two, please don't be put out by these people who will seem to naturally heal anything and everything that comes their way with a healing need. Animals will be naturally attracted to Crystals for not only healing but empathic company. Talking of animals, you will find also that Crystals have the ability to mentally communicate with animals and that they have a natural respect for all animal and plant life. If they eat meat, they do so with due reverence to the animals who gave themselves for food. You will find though that a disproportionate number of Crystals will be vegetarian or even vegan and this will necessitate careful diet monitoring. They will tend to be rather diet conscious and tend to shy away from junk food, but if they are introduced to junk food, the temptation may overcome this tendency. They are not shy but mostly they are not overtly social and rarely will you find them hogging the limelight.
All Crystals are "old souls". They have been and done all of the things they set out to achieve during the many thousands of past lives and they return now as Masters in Human form to lead humanity into Unity. That is their sole purpose and their soul purpose this time and it is no secret that they are returning now. They are the prophesised "Second coming of the Christ". They are Christ embodied just as Jesus was Christ embodied two thousand years ago.
I dearly love these kids and I promise to spend all of my energies loving and supporting these kids as they grow in your care to become the Peacemakers. If Jesus could do what he did just as one Christed person, just imagine what can be achieved with thousands of these people. You are indeed fortunate to be involved with this project at this time. I believe the potential of these people, with your help and support is just enormous, and in time you will join the ranks of the Crystals, either in this current lifetime by intent and initiations, or in your next lifetime. Either way you are creating Heaven right here on Mother Earth.
Now a few tips on raising these lovely children.
Firstly they need love and support. Just like all of us, they crave love and security. From the moment they become aware of their mother while still in the womb, they will crave security. That is no big issue, and they will return love and affection to all who show it.
Secondly, don't talk baby talk to these babies. Gooing and ga-ing and choochie cooing is the natural tendency of all adults towards babies but don't be surprised if the Crystals give you some stupid looks if you try it with them. They will respond for a while but they'll quickly tire of being over-babied.
Next tip. They will crave natural mother's milk and breastfeeding is the preferred feeding method, but this is nothing new, it goes for normal babies as well. Don't be tempted to wean them too early but that is not to say you should breastfeed them forever either. After weaning they should be introduced to a balanced diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, and please try to keep away from the processed tinned foods as much as possible. Sure these foods are easy and quick but please try to use them only in emergencies. Whilst I said earlier that they will tend to be vegetarians or vegans, that is not to say that you should automatically assume they are and start them that way. It is important that you set your Crystal babies feeding pattern to aim towards your normal family diet and if that includes meat products then that is OK. If they choose to become vegetarians, they will usually do so at a later age. If your family is vegetarian then please make sure that you strive for a balanced vegetarian diet.
Presenting your child with choices is the norm for both Indigos and Crystals, logical choices that show you have considered their view but are offering alternatives that they may not have considered. Although Crystals are not as aggressive as Indigos, they will still react to unwarranted authority. They won't respond at all to dictatorship and will let you know their displeasure if you or anyone else for that matter attempts to control them in this way. As old souls they know the ropes and even though you are dealing with youngsters in person, spiritually they are your equal and know it. They will see authority as a challenge and will attempt to thwart it at every opportunity. You won't win in the long run using authoritarian measures to control these kids. Only logic and understanding will achieve progress and respect.
Crystals may not be as radical as Indigos and no where near as radical as the new souls that are experiencing Earth living for the first time. The first timers are usually exemplified by extremes in behaviour and fashion. Indigos are usually a little more reserved but will experiment with flamboyancy to a degree but the Crystals are probably not that ostentatious. At least the older ones don't seem to be bent that way at present. They can be fun loving and witty though, so I might be wrong on this score. Time will tell and that will be interesting anyway.
Crystals are inclined to be slightly melancholic as a group and don't respond well to chaos. Creating chaos is the job of the Indigos and I guess it's the Crystals' job of restoring order after the Indigos have done their job. That is not to say that there won't be a spread of personality types but just that as a group they will lean toward melancholy.
Schooling definitely should be toward the Steiner methods if at all possible. You will find that your mainstream education systems will not suit the Crystals at all. If the Indigos can't cope with your present systems, don't ever expect the Crystals to fit in. They probably won't create the chaos that the Indigos do but any time spent in this environment will be totally wasted. You will also find that these kids will be bent towards the arts. They are not so much aligned with the practical, probably because they are totally balanced as far as their right and left brain hemispheres are concerned. There will be practicality within those kids but this practicality will be balanced with their artistic abilities. These two traits will marry to bring about beautiful yet practical manifestations when they get to that stage of their development. Just a point, please encourage their creativity in all things and don't try to force them into areas that they don't want to be. This will be disastrous.
When it comes to sexuality, these kids will be normal, if we can call anything normal these days. Their artistic side won't necessarily mean that they will be bent towards a gay environment, but that doesn't mean that they will all be straight either. Their pre-birth choices will still be apparent in this regard and the current ratios probably won't change much. If anything these kids won't predisposed to seeking life partners as humans currently do. This is more of a Duality thing where the opposite gender is required to balance the polar opposites of male and female. Since Crystals are more balanced in this regard, I would expect that partnering won't be so important. They will still crave parenthood, so don't be concerned about not being grandparents when the time comes.
I think that's about all I need to say right now. The next lesson, as promised will deal with Indigo issues but if I think of anything pertinent to add regarding Crystals, and I'm sure there will be, I'll bring it up then. In the meantime, keep an eye on these children. You might just learn something.
My love to you all.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
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