"The Shameful Secret"
From the Author of
Living on Love "The Messenger"
Klaus J. Joehle
© 2001 by Klaus J. Joehle
A WordI suppose in my own words that I believe in the possibility of truth more that truth itself.
What holds true today falls aside in the light of tomorrow's truth. Are truths not just a journey? Perhaps a journey with no end!
Perhaps truth is just a fantasy we cling to for safety from the unknown, the things we can not fathom think that truth is closer to those inner sanctuary's, faith and trust then truth itself.
Having said that, the words I want to believe; so please make it true as I wish not to be fooled, unfold as a small quiet voice from somewhere deep in my mind. Yes, I see your point I answered back but truth is not mine to control neither yours.
Matter of fact as time passes, I become older I become less sure of everything except that time passes, and I am getting older.
In my first book, I said I write the truth as best as I could. Now here in this book I must say I write what I believe is the possibility of truth.
If a story really ever ends or truly has a beginning; then here is as per say the rest of the story.
As always, take what you like and leave the rest for someone that will love it.
All my love.
Life is a matter of choice We can choose Love or Sword and a billion choices in-between. Perhaps you have already decided Or Perhaps you have decided to wait and see what your enemy will do.
Considering the way the universes works if this book has come into your hands this story will either touch you in some way; or even be a part of your never ending journey.
Spelling and Grammar? Bad spelling is like a beautiful flower On the side of the road Where it should not be But takes you away from where You should not have been going.
Klaus Joehle
Missing punctuations Are like angels you know Should be there But can't see them That's why you think of them.
Klaus Joehle
A Few Words before We Start-
In truth, it has taken a long time to write this book. Sometimes I am afraid of the truth, sometimes I don't want the truth to be the truth, and at the same time, there are times I'm ashamed of my truth.
This book will be difficult for you to read and so I would like to explain to you some of how this world and our universe works. I feel it will help you to understand what has happened and why things seem all over the place and why several things were happening at the same time. When you first mix light and darkness together, you get confusion you find yourself swung into a place of unknown uncertainty of what you are and how you are. Some of you will already have experienced this.
To start with, as I was writing my first book I was working with love and trying to write about it so others could see what was possible but at the same time there was also a darker side to me trying to settle a timeless old score, which has nothing to do with love.
Although the first book is true, I left out much of the truth about what I had become and what I had done to myself with all my experiments. I had begun to open the door to love and to that loving part of myself; but also had opened the door to that other part of myself that dark part of myself that could kill and feel nothing of it.
Each time I sit down to write this book I just physically begin to shake, my body gets ice cold no matter how hot it is. Some masters would say that it is best to leave some doors unopened but if you have read my other books then you know I could never leave those doors alone. I have some fear and I have some shame but I have no regrets. I think that some of my shame comes from the fact that I would do many of the things I did again. It was a journey I had to take regardless of the cost to myself and to others.
They say they're are no victims and sometimes I would like to believe that just to make myself feel better; but it comes with great difficulty and I fear myself using it as an excuse as to what I have done.
Look at it this way some say that we have lived other life times, that is fine but as you search further you realize that these other so called life times are actually happening now at this moment. Once you open those doors, you cannot close them and you become what you are in those other life times, you bring it into this life that's the danger or the glory.It is a real danger, it almost killed me and almost turned me back into the darkness I had hoped to change. If in other lifetimes other probabilities you are doing good that's all fine its not that hard to take but if you open doors that say do not open under any circumstances then there is a reason a good reason.
So what do you think would happen to you if you open those doors to find out that you are in fact the darkest evil that you at this time are trying to stop. How would you feel to find you are the ugliest that has ever roamed this earth and you find you cannot close the door and the more it stays open the more you become that. For what I am there and what I am here, are both melting into each other? If I would not have learned the art of sending love and how to use that power I would not have survived. The battle is not over how can I win a battle with myself. All I can hope for is that one can see the light of the other and by that hope that we both survive.
Unfortunately, life does not always unfold like the pages of books or like stories in books. It's a whole different story when you are living it. This book was difficult to write and will in its own way be difficult to read. Life can be simple and joyful but when you can't seem to leave no stone unturned, well then things can get a little hairy and confusing. I could have changed the story in this book into a make believe story that follows a certain order but in doing so it would not have been the truth and worst of all it would be very confusing to someone going through some of those things. It would look so different from what really happens as you start opening those mysterious doors. Life does not necessarily hand you things in a nicely written orderly fashion. It comes as it comes Sometimes you get the egg before you know what a chicken is. Many people write me of things that they are experiencing and they say that they cannot find any reference to these things in books and so feel lost. That is because books are written to be books not to explain the impossible or really show you what experiencing the impossible will put you through. Unfortunately as you hunt for the truth and search in those hidden places things sometimes come at the same time almost like you are living two life's at the same time and it seems that you are at two places at once. Nevertheless, how do you write being at two places at once and having two separate points of view at the same time when generally it is not even accepted that it is possible. I am also hoping that you can see that how we see reality is how our life's are formed. It is by what we see as truth is how we live and experience our lives.If we look towards light we see light, if we turn around we see shadows. That should tell you something; see its something you never thought of is it? Its there every day and you don't see it but it affects everything you do and by not realizing that its there and what it means is that the experience you we have will be that of confusion. What this means is that we do not live in the light and we do not live in the darkness but we live where they meet right in the middle. Now you understand why it's all so confusing like they're are always opposing forces working one way as you go the other. Its an explosive place where its hard to tell with way is up. There is a balance and yet there is none. Best of all there is two of everything. When I say light and darkness I am not referring to good and evil just to two opposing forces of contrast. That's what makes this place so interesting it is seemingly built on and colossal contrast. The contrast exaggerates everything to enormity, but also makes everything bigger then it is. So, now that you know a little more of where you have chosen to experience life you can understand the turbulence; such a simple truth and it explains so much. Before I go on, I want to say something about light and darkness. Darkness is not evil or any less desired by all that is. It tries to convey that the light of the creator shines as bright in the darkness as it does in the light. Darkness is simply a contrast to see the light more clearly and light is simply a contrast to see the darkness more clearly. Both were created with the same love by all that there is. Person's actions have nothing to do with light or darkness they are simply actions. There is no more evil in the darkness then there is in the light. Matter of fact only love exists in true darkness as only love exists in true light. Light and darkness both sits in the creator's lap both created with the same love the creator creates everything with. So, you might ask where are we; are we in the light? Are we in the darkness? This is where the true magic lies. Magic is the love of asking, of searching and of creating consciously that what we want to experience and how we will experience it and to what degree it will challenge us to grow beyond any concept of limitations.We have conditioned ourselves so much that whenever something bad happens we say it must be from the darkness and could not come from the light. This is even believed to such an extent that when some travel further into the light and they find something that is not so seemingly nice that they automatically assume it must be coming from the darkness and that they are not as far into the light as they have thought. This is incorrect and believing this will make your traveling into the light very confusing. The same goes the other way you can travel into the darkness and find just as much love there. You will just not see light that is all, but you can find the creator there as much as anywhere. So now you can see that us living in where light and darkness come together can be confusing because you are in fact sort of living two lives at the same time. When calm waters and a flowing river come together, you get turbulent waters of clear and muddy mixing together to form something new but ever changing. It is this mixing that creates what is seen nowhere else. That's what makes this place so special, so confusing and ever changing always in total contrast and it is this contrast that brings out the real beauty of both. Now in time the flowing water will shift as do all things and so in time the area that was in the turbulence will be in the darkness of muddy rich waters or become light of calm clear waters. Do you see the picture now; in time, we will be in the light that is the direction we are going. However, the elusion is that this will bring peace it is an elusion. We will have peace but not because of the light, it is natural to always change to something we are not, or to gravitate to the opposite. It is from the turbulence that we now desire calm; and it is our desires for calmness that will bring about peace. Now when you work with love as I have explained in my first book you will shift yourself into those calm waters by first creating calmness in yourself and by that shifting into calmness. In a sense the clear calm waters of light, Not every one will go that direction some will with love go to the calmness of darkness; there is also a third option. As the darkness meets with the light the turmoil of two energies, converging creates another place or better said an opening to…come on now at this point you should be able to tell me what this place is, what doorway does it open?Ok! OK! I will tell you but as soon as I do you'll say I know that. As I explained with light and darkness what happens when those energies meet, this happens in everything with everything everywhere in the world with nature in the universe and everything that was created. Everything and every form of energy has its opposite and I mean everything; right down to the atom. So now, there will always be what we call a place where these opposing things meet.This is so even with people. Each time these forces meet, there is a reaction, an energy created a vortex of sorts. Now I should tell you that light and darkness meet not only here where we live but also in other places. Each place will be a bit different but one thing does stay constant a sort of vortex is formed and does open. Now you think life in where we are is confusing and ever changing this vortex for a better word for it makes this look like a piece of cake. OK! So I hope you are still with me. So now think about this all that we do whatever it is, all this activity be it even just an atom causing the creation and changing of what we could usually call energy but it's more than that. Therefore, in using an analogy you could say the creator creates and what he creates also then creates just the same as it works for us. We create a generator, this is converted to electricity, and that is converted to something that creates something else like smelting steel. So the creator creates and what he/she creates does also create. Do you see it? So lets say an enlightened fish comes to understand the dam and that it creates energy for those that created it. However, he/she cannot yet see what is done with this energy but sees the dam and the generator as sort of a vortex and if he follows the wires of electricity though where it goes he sees the creators, US humans creating things with this energy. So he/she might say oh, these are the creators that created the rivers and the dams and all that is. That is just an elusion. These vortexes will in a sense lead you to…something but it is not the creator but only a larger form of the creation for the fact is the creation you see and we are is the creator for the creator creates itself much as humans and all life seek to recreate itself. So, if you want to go home if you want to see the creator then look inside yourself, they're inside your heart; you will find an enormous spark of endless power to create anything; I call it Love. Therefore, as you work with love you walk hand in hand with the creator and are in a sense of the word home. Home is not so much a place as it is an act. It is when we create in the image of the creator you could say we are at home, that is home. When you open that valve of love inside your opening, in the way I explained in my other book. You are opening the flow of the creator, in fact he/she is then flowing thru you freely, and you will have in your hands an endless source of power to create whatever fancies you have, your joy your love. Does it all now make sense? I hope it does. But! There is more we are not done yet. In order to truly create would it not help to understand some of what was already created? Of course, it would, to put it all into some temporary form of understanding from where we can expand our understanding. Sometimes but not always, it is easier to understand how something works by first taking it apart and then re-assembling it. You will know very fast if you understood it because if you did not fully understand the principle then you will soon find that it does not work. OK! So lets go on to the next thing. So the idea that the world was flat came from some old writings that explained that world upon worlds are layered like stone layers. Alternatively, you could say a gigantic stack of papers each paper is a world very similar to yours but just a little different. In other words, there is no time, it is time that gives the elusion of movement but in fact, we live in a form of endless probable realities layered like paper and spreading out like a four-dimensional spider web. Ok! You can see the difficulty in explaining it but lets try it in several forms. Some of you might be familiar with a TV show called sliders where a scientist found a way to access these probable worlds and is now traveling from one to the next trying to get back to the one he thinks he came from. Of course in the TV show he thinks that none of the worlds he goes to, are as good as the one he came from. However, other then that he could stay where he is where he had made different choices and so has lived a different life.So keep this in mind as we go on, also keep the following in mind. We create and then set about perfecting what we create but first we create and that is also how the creator creates he/she creates and then set out to perfect what is created and that is in fact what we are doing with our lives. Each life we set out to perfect what is already created; so in fact everything that is already created everything you can think of already is and what we now do is perfect it, like an artist we colour in the blanks. So what that means is that the past still exists and the future also exists but all exists in the endless possibilities that were there and we flow inside of those endless variations perfecting each one of them more and more. Therefore, you could travel into the future and into the past of that reality you have experienced or into a billion variations of the future. Now as it goes each moment is one of those sheets of paper. The entire world as you see it is on it. But it is only one possibility of billions of what could be in endless variations. So lets say you go into the past and give yourself the lottery numbers; in the theory that some have, you would come back into the future and find that you are rich. But that is not how it works you could travel into the future where you are rich because of somthing you did but you could also go into the present moment where you have endless probable possibilities where in fact you are rich and that part of you has experienced a memory of how you became rich. OK so lets say you found a way to shift right now to a reality that is playing right now where you are rich what you would find is just that, but you would also have all the memories associated with that experience and you would not remember coming from the other reality. This is set up that way because it would get very confusing of having two memories with two different outcomes. There is a barrier in your mind that separates each memory so that it will not become confusing and at the same time not drive you crazy. See you cannot go into the future unless it is already there so you could not predict the future unless it is already there. So lets say you are predicting the future, what you are doing is guessing at what probable world you will be experiencing. So lets say someone says you will win the lottery tomorrow in fact if you can think it then it has already happened but will you shift into the world with that possibility set in; that's the thing if you do you will experience winning if you do not you will not win. Now the trick is to know how to shift in those probabilities, but that is not something you want to do until you understand the implications of what will happen to you and how it will affect your life. It is something that happens very naturally every day to everyone. We do not notice it because we also switch memories and time is what makes that possible. Time is what makes you think and makes it appear as if something just happened when in fact it already was. Sometimes we do take some memories with us and that is when we get the feeling that we did something like go to the store when in fact we did not go and yet we can clearly remember going to the store. Now you're getting it! Sometimes as people get old, they talk about things that happened in the past and people around them say that this is not how it happened. This happens when that barrier in your mind breaks down and releases memories of other probabilities that were played out. So it is that they begin to access those probabilities while still staying in the one they are in, sometimes they then will shift over to that probability. Now you would say if that is so then why can we, here in this probability still see them. Because there is no time and so, you are everywhere all the time; it is time that gives you the elusion of separation.So the next question would be can you prove this to yourself, O' yes you can. But do you want to? The price can be high especially if you are just starting out and have no idea what will happen and are crazy enough to do things that is said not to do, then your story might unfold as mine did as you will see if you keep on reading. I wanted to understand I did not care what the price was or the cost to me or to anyone else. So that's how I got into the mess I got myself into. There is a way to shift and do it in such a way that it enriches your life and even others and there is a way to be fully aware of it all and stay sane. I was young and impatient and did not see what was in store for me until after I was way over my head, but then that's nothing new. If you continue your working with love as I have set out in my first book your ability to casually shift in all the probabilities will come to you naturally, slowly but naturally. Here is one more thing this is something that I did not see for a long time. As you get good at sending love and working with love you will begin to shift in the probabilities effortlessly and joyfully but even better, you will in fact change that probability to something better. As you can imagine it would take an enormous force or power to change what already is created but when you work with Love did, I not tell you that the creator is then flowing thru you.O' we are not finished with this yet. Science is slowly realizing the atom can actually be at more then one place at the same time. The implications of that can seem staggering but that is just an elusion of time. There are only two atoms in your body, what we could call positive and negative remember light and darkness coming together creating a vortex of sorts that is your body it is the two atoms in close combination creating a vortex and in time creating billions of them that's how two atoms form your body. Therefore, you can sort of see how you can be everywhere and shift easily. This is of course an extremely simplified example and so at the same time incorrect.OK! So let's finish up with how the different possible realities bleed into each other and some of the effects it has on us even when we are not aware of it. So you have so many probable worlds and all so close together and each being just the tiniest bit different or totally different, before I say any more remember this. You have chosen to be where you are even if you can't remember choosing. Therefore, at this time, there are probable worlds already at peace and there are probable worlds at war and some almost destroyed. Every probability you can imagine exists. Now the really neat part is that we naturally shift around in these probable worlds every day un-knowingly and unaware of it. So you wonder when you put something somewhere and come back later to find it somewhere else what is happening. See the probable worlds can be so close that you can hardly tell the difference unless you are extremely observant. I know, now that I mentioned this some of you would start saying, oh now I see what is happening; now the things that I have seen are starting to make sense.Well there is something more to think about! Remember at the beginning I said that we are living in the vortexes of light and darkness converging. This causes enormous energy rifts and you might say throwing things a little out of balance. The end result is that the different probable worlds are bleeding into each other. This is the fun part. In our world, there is so much confusion of what is or is not everyone seems to believe something else and feels they have proof of it and yet can't prove it to someone else. This is because of the different worlds bleeding into each other but in a jumbled sort of way. I will try to explain it this way. You and your neighbor can seemingly live in the same world but because of the bleed thru affect he or she is living in a different world just as real as yours but not visible to you as some of yours is not visible to him or her. Now you might believe in aliens and even have seen some, you could have your little toe shot off by one and have it on video. As you show it to your neighbor, they will see it as a fake and will find people of his reality that will prove it to be fake and you will find the ones in your reality that will prove it to be real. Confusing isn't it; well that's why we live in such confusing times, worlds and so on. Now if you have read my first book of sending love and that is real to you because that is the world you live in then you will find also people to whom this means nothing, because even though you can see them and they can see you they live in a reality where it does not exist. Its sort of like, I have a book of my reality and you have one of yours and we each take some pages out of each others books photocopy them and put them into each others books. So there will be certain things we will agree on like your car is blue but there are probable realities where your car is red and you will find some people who would swear your car was red, but now they see that your care is blue. It gets worse the probable worlds are mixing together and so causing this confusion but at the same time they are constantly shifting so different worlds are constantly mixing but at the same time it is not stationary they are constantly changing. So, what this means as in the example I gave you from exchanging pages in our books of our lives and our realities we constantly exchange. See the vortex is constantly mixing the worlds together but in an ever-changing way. I will try to give you an example. Sometimes someone will have said something to you and later they will say that they did not say this and will say that what they said was different. Now I'm not talking about people who lie but people you know and trust. I am sure that this will have happened to you because you will tell them that you heard them very clearly state that they liked something and now they are saying that they have never liked that whatever it may be. See that gets very confusing because you both feel you are right and in fact, you both are right. See if you believe in aliens and it is real to you it is probable because in your reality in your world they do exist and your neighbors is also right when he/she says that they do not exist because in they're world that they live in there are no aliens at all. Both worlds are as real as the other and normally would not be combining in this way or colliding in this way. Now guess what! There is also a reality where your neighbor is believing in aliens and may even have seen them and is living in the same world as you but because of the vortexes we are in it is not what you are experiencing. However, here is the kicker; because of the vortexes one day, you could be speaking to your neighbor to find out that he/she believes in aliens. Then you will ask when did this happen, you never believed in aliens before and your neighbor will look at you like you are weird because he/she will say that she has always believed and say to you that you have discussed it many times. See the probability has shifted but your memories, which should also have shifted, did not. Normally your memories will shift as you shift around in the probabilities but because of the vortexes this is not always happening so you might shift and still remember it as it was before. Of course, you will think you are losing it but your not. Once you understand what is happening it easier to deal with and can be a lot of fun. So lets take it one step further. So, you might feel as if this will go on forever. No it won't because the vortexes of light and darkness mixing is not a reality everywhere in every probability and some time you might slowly bit by bit shift into probabilities where that vortexes no longer exist. Now! Also, it seems that it depends where you live in the world at any particular place will also affect how strong these vortexes shift the probabilities around and mixes them. Some places are affected more so then others but that also changes from time to time. So with all of this some of you who have read my first book might ask how does sending love mix with this. Well! Regardless where you are in whatever probability in whatever world you will have a power source. It may be more apparent to you in some and more hidden in others but it will always be there no mater what you call it. Because it is what you are without it/you would not exist. So what effect does sending love have on this vortex? That is an easy one, first you need to remember that you wanted to be here and for good reason. It's quite the exciting place. Now sending love won't take you out of this unless that is your desire instead it will create a vortex of its own, that will bring the best of everything to you and you to it and by that giving you the most joyful life and experiences. It will attract the best to you at any given time. O' there is that word again Time … he's a bad one let me tell you. Time is the master of elusions. Time makes you think you did something yesterday when in fact you are doing it right now. So now, you can imagine if you start kicking in the closed doorways of Time that things could get a little hairy. So much so, that what might have been another lifetime in how we sometimes perceive things can in fact turn into this lifetime mixing with this life. You won't know if you are a barbarian dreaming you were and accountant or and accountant dreaming you were a barbarian. What happened? All of a sudden, the barbarian can count and the accountant wants to work on his savage attack plan. O' you see what's happening now don't you!Shall I go on?Creating the life we want Is a lot like carving stoneAny good sculptor Knows that stone is not carved into a form But that stone is removed to Reveal the form that lies within.
...read the rest of this incredible book here http://lovebook2.tripod.com/shameful-secret.shtml
Thursday, September 21, 2006
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