Friday, April 20, 2007

Teaching From Experience

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: EarthMama

While walking along your current path, you may find yourself taking on the responsibility of guiding or teaching others. You may even be in a position that you can be trusted to shape and inform younger minds and that they may be able to benefit from the wisdom of your experience. Trust is an essential ingredient between a student and teacher, especially when we venture into the realm of life lessons or spirituality. So when one of us feels we are trustworthy and have something that can be learned from our personal experience, that is a valuable gift we have to offer. Today, and every day for that matter, you may be able to share some of your wisdom to help another, regardless of age.

Technology has enabled us to learn from others and share our wisdom through many different channels; whether writing a book, leading a seminar, posting a blog, or even just sharing your personal experience with a given situation in conversation we can share our ideas and thoughts with others. We may choose to teach professionally to make a difference in someone's life, or we can volunteer with an organization. We may be moved to campaign for a cause or for public office. If you are inspired to share your personal wealth of knowledge to help others through the challenges of life, opportunities are seeking you just as you are seeking them. When you find the situation you seek, you stand to learn as much from others as they can learn from you...remember that the best teachers remain students throughout their entire life! Following your heart to guide & help others could lead you to a place you had never even imagined, and your life will most certainly be enriched because of it.

ME Webhost

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