Friday, September 22, 2006

Thoughts Change Things

Thoughts Change Water

“What The Bleep Do We Know?” is a new spiritual film graphically illustrating the interconnectedness of all things. Part documentary, part story, fourteen mystics and scientists are interviewed as a protagonist learns how the fundamental premises in her life are not reality at all.

One short segment of the film is from a study by Masaru Emoto, showing how powerfully your thoughts can affect your physical environment. Emoto’s book, “The Message from Water” demonstrates how water will change form in response to thought.

Emoto mentally projected love to a bottle of water, which was then frozen and later the ice crystals were photographed. The crystals were beautiful, clear and symmetrical.
Next, he let the ice in the bottle melt, before directing hate to the water. Again, he froze the water and photographed the ice crystals. The crystals were misshapen, dense and ugly.
At this point in the film, a man looks directly into the camera and says, “If thoughts can do that to water, what can they do to you?”

But here is something the film did not point out. The water than shares this “memory structure,” positive or negative, with ALL living things it comes into contact with.
Thoughts can cause water to change form. The molecular structure of water is two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. The thought influences the atoms making up the molecule, and the response of the atoms creates the form. The purpose of atoms is to express life in form, and the creative vibration of thought directs the form taken by atoms.

We each experience an inner world made up of beliefs, which have been programmed by our life experiences (including past-life experiences). And these beliefs generate the thoughts and emotions that manifest all our outer experiences. Self change begins with reprogramming our beliefs, which then generate new thoughts and emotions, which in turn, create new experiences.
The goal of every mind-programming tape/CD ever created is to generate new beliefs or reprogram old beliefs.

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