Friday, December 22, 2006

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Through The Eyes Of A Child

Some Extremely Interesting Stuff...even if you get to a point where you think you can walk away for a'd be pause if you must but don't miss anything. Give yourself the permission to just sit back and listen for now. Seems like it only gets better and more revealing every 5 to 10 minutes or so...Several surprises are found along the way. "When" you repost this you might include your comments below the videos as it'll have some believe me.

This set of videos will be the most eye opening incredible information you've received to date...without a possibility otherwise...this opens "the next door".
You might go as far as to say...this series might just be the apex of all the others you've seen till now...all of them.

Watch for the "hands on" proofs....

I almost absolutely believe this series will be reposted more than a million times...and then, I bet that's a very low projection. [ but, that's just me...]

Video 1 of 4

Video 2 of 4

[video 3 is off by a couple of minutes but intact]
Vido 3 of 4

Video 4 of 4

Thank you for allowing me to pass this one on...


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