Sunday, October 15, 2006

17th Oct .17th - Cosmic Trigger Event - Affirmation Reminders

Here's some information about intents/affirmations that will help to
get you in the most advantageous mindset to utilise the "Cosmic
Trigger Event" day of 17th October 2006.

Intention is a conscious statement of what you want to manifest into
reality. Therefore, if you want anything, intend it first, for this is
how you bring about your reality. You are living in a time when reality
is being redefined, and you are the one redefining it. (The Pleiadians
through Barbara Marciniak - From the book, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the
Living Library) -

The words "I intend" have tremendous power. (The Pleiadians
through Barbara Marciniak - From the book, Bringers of the Dawn) -

Either by clear intent or by way of beliefs, you will eventually
manifest whatever it is that you command. (The Pleiadians through
Barbara Marciniak, from the book, Path of Empowerment) -

The quality and clarity of your intent will set the frequency for what
you experience. (The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak, from the
book, Path of Empowerment) -

One oral utterance, which boldly states how you want your life to be, is
worth more than a dozen books read or lectures attended. (Catherine

You must learn a new level of respect for the power of your intentions
to condition and objectify the space around you. (The Pleiadians through
Barbara Marciniak, from the book, Path of Empowerment) -

You have said, "I am Light". And when you make that statement you give
yourself permission to be that Light and to experience fully the Light
and Love of All That Is. (Celia Fenn) -

Our minds are incredibly powerful. We put that power to work for us when
we consciously set an intention to be or do something. Get into the
practice of consciously setting an intention for every activity in which
you are involved. Your intention might support efficiency, for example,
to complete a job or project by a specific time. Your intention might
support your personal growth, e.g., to undertake a task that scares you.
Or it might support more soul connection, e.g., to see beauty in the
chaos of your day. When we make an effort to set an intention, no matter
how trivial it may appear, we are taking the time to choose what we want
for ourselves. And clearly, this is essential for our growth to
actively, thoughtfully choose what we want for ourselves. (Source) -

Blessed is the Human Being who practices pure intent in all aspects of
his or her life. For this is the one who will climb the stairs of
ascension. This is the one who will see the face of God and it will be
his or her own. (Kryon through Lee Carroll) -

Everything changes when you start to emit your own frequency rather than
absorbing the frequencies around you, when you start imprinting your
intent on the universe rather than receiving an imprint from existence.
(The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak - From the book, Family of
Light) -

An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already
so. (Shakti Gawain) -

Claiming the memory of who you truly are is a powerful practise. As you
remember, you "re-member." Some would call it soul retrieval; others
would call this alignment. It is both and more and is an often required
step of empowerment. As you allow the memory of who you are to flood and
flow through all your bodies - all your being - life takes on new
colour, depth, vibrancy, passion, excitment and a whole new set of
possibilities. (Sarrinn And the Ancients through Daniele DeVoe) -

Another point of focus we would like to bring forward to your attention
is the fact that your bodies are made up of mainly water. Yes, just like
the Earth is covered by more water than land, you have much more water
than minerals, bone, tissue and skin. Now that you have tangible proof
in your linear awareness that water responds to human intent, you will
soon understand - and fully believe - that your intent can shift your
biology! (The Brotherhood of Light through Edna G. Frankel) -

At this time of the Shift, many of you have found your power, your
ability to create miracles, your connection with the Source. It is an
exciting and powerful time for all of humanity. Because you do this, you
make it possible for everyone to do so. Each one of you is capable of
changing the course of humanity because you are affirming your divinity,
affirming yourself as a spiritual being
. This raises your vibrations
and creates a resonance that the rest of humanity can also achieve.
(Archangel Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman) -

Affirmations are wonderful because it is much better to speak positively
than to speak negatively. But the universe isn't responding to your
words; it responds to your vibration, and your vibration is being
indicated to you by the way you feel. If you don't believe what you're
saying, your vibration hasn't shifted, so nothing changes for you. The
key to affirmations is to work yourself into a place where you really
feel it. We have never talked about this before anywhere, but a very
good application of an affirmation would be to affirm your way up the
emotional scale. Start with an affirmation of where you are emotionally
then keep reaching for a better feeling thought. (Abraham through Esther
Hicks) - www.abraham-

So when you say, I AM Love, [or any other intent] feel what you are
truly saying. Feel what you are truly expressing and what you are truly
intending to represent as the truth of who you are. When you say, I AM
Love, you are making a statement that is the absolute and complete
statement of who you are. So we are simply reminding you to know that
when you say, I AM Love, know that that is truly an expression that you
intend to live and to fully embody as you arrive at the pinnacle of
consciousness where the real you is fully expressed. (Unknown)

You know how it is when you have a bad day and you're getting cut off in
traffic and you've missed an appointment - it's a snowball effect. You
can actually stop that snowball effect by prepaving how your day goes,
first thing in the morning, by setting an intention. It's very powerful.
Set an intention about how you want to feel before you leave the house
each morning. (Dr. Christiane Northrup) -

In the case of making affirmations, the disciplined soul may well be
able to make affirmations within the mind without writing them down and
having them become "real" things… However, it is well to marry, the
inner intention with the outer fact, to make from the inner dream the
outer reality. The act of writing on paper or speaking into the ether
where sound may be heard is the act of putting inner vibration into the
outer vibration and blending, or marrying, the two. You are aware, my
sister, of the old adage, "As above, so below." The idea of
externalizing these affirmations is the idea of bringing them into
reality. It is an interesting thing that it is more easy to believe in
the self when one can see the words that one has written and when one
can repeat them and hear the sound. (Q'uo through Carla L. Rueckert)

The basic concept of the I Am teachings of Saint Germain is that the
most powerful name of God in this world is the name "I Am". When Moses
climbed Mount Sinai to speak with God, and he saw the burning bush, God
said to him that his name was "I Am That I Am". Any time we use the
words "I Am", we are affirming God's name and our own. When a person
says the statement, "I am" ... going to the store. They are really
saying, I am (or God) is going to the store, without even realizing it.
Saint Germain and the other Ascended Masters suggest that whenever we
use affirmations we should use the words "I Am" to begin that
affirmation. For example I could say, "I Am the Ascended Master I wish
to be now." The affirmation becomes much more powerful if we use the
words, "I Am" to begin the affirmation. Saint Germain said that Jesus
Christ's favorite affirmation was, "I Am the resurrection and the life!"
He apparently used this affirmation often in His life in Palestine.
(Lisa Whatley) - http://www.infinity html

Do not say, 'I am angry.' This would make you one with it. (Bartholomew
through Mary-Margaret Moore, from the book, I Come As A Brother)

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