Thursday, September 28, 2006

Excerpt from The Secret

Excerpt from The Secret
Lee Brower

"I think everyone goes through times when they say, 'Oh man, things aren't working out right or things are going bad - there are some things going on in my family...' and  I found a rock and I'm just sitting here holding this rock and you might see me carrying it around.

So I found a rock and stuck it in my pocket and I said "you know what, every time I touch this rock I'm going to think of something I'm grateful for."

And so every morning when I get up, I pick it up of the dresser and I put it in my pocket and I go through the things I'm grateful for, and at night, what do you do?  You go through, you empty your pocket and there it is again.

And I've had some different experience's with that and I've had some amazing experiences.

I had a guy from South Africa who seen me drop it and he said  'What is that?'  and so I explained it to him and he started calling it a gratitude rock.  Two weeks later I got an email from him, from South Africa and he said,  'My son is dying from a rare disease, a type of hepatitis.  Would you send me three gratitude rocks?'  They were just rocks I found off the street!  So I said sure.

I had to make sure the rocks were very special, so I went out to the stream, looked, picked out the right rocks and sent them off.  Four or five months later I get an email from him; 'My son's better, he's doing terrific, and he said 'but you need to know something.  We've sold over a thousand rocks at ten dollars a piece as gratitude rocks and we've raised all this money for charity.  Thank you very much.'

And so its very important to be in a 'attitude gratitude' as I call it."

Lee Browers website:

Gratitude stones can be purchased through Lee's website  and 'The Secret' - superstore - specialty, with money raised going to charity.

1 comment:

David Scott said...

This is from "The Secret"--that secret being simply that believing that something good will happen to you will make it happen to you.

Does ayone else see anything wrong with taking ordinary rocks and calling themn "gratitude rocks" and selling them for $10 each to people who have been tricked into believing that they are special rocks?

If you think that maybe there's a chance that the people promoting "The Secret" might actually be snake oil salesmen, then this passage should remove any doubt, and confirm that they are ripping people off.

Looking at the rest of the book and the movie, how do these experts know that what they claim to be true is true? All they give us are unconfirmed anecdotes, and no hint of how they came accross "The Secret." They never explain how they could possibly know that dead people from history like Lincoln, Einstein, and Aristotle knew "The Secret" (but never discussed it), let alone how the book's promoters confirmed that the secret was true. For every person who dreams of getting money and then gets it, how many people dream of getting money and then don't get it? Why don't we hear about their stories?

We all have had experiences where we believed we were going to get something, and we were sure it was coming, and then it didn't come. What more proof can you possibly need that "The Secret" is a made-up lie?

It can't always work--what if two people are opposing each other in a contest, and they both use the secret to win the contest? How can that work in a contest that can have only one winner? It can't. So, at best, "The Secret" works some of the time. So, what kind of secret is that? If you wish for something to be true, it might come true or it might not. That's not a secret, because everybody in the world already knows that.

Please, don't promote this hoax.

Check out this advertisement parody for "The Amazing Secret" written in 1988 and first published on the Internet in 1995. It has eerie similarities to the promotion of the book and the movie, "The Secret" almost 20 years after the parody advertisement was written: