Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We Are Flowing...

We absorb what others have written, and what they talk about. We take what we feel we need, and leave the rest.

We've discovered that this is also what happens to us lifetime, after lifetime. The "body" has died many times in the past - the consciousness, renewing the soul that we are, expands within itself, taking what it needed, and leaving the rest.

From lifetime to lifetime, we reveal - remember, more and more of our true selves. Not only are we remembering, but we are expanding, by our very experiences.

In this present moment, we are in bodies of flesh, yet, we are "light bodies", eternal. We come and go as, we, as our souls, tend to the universe at large.

We experience this in meditation, prayer, silence and sleep. Those of us who sometimes continue to "leave it up to the mind" (ego) to "do our thinking", and telling the body what actions to take...find ourselves, "lost"...unaware...

This body is one of the most incredible functioning devices ever created, by us. And here we sometimes let the ego, the human self, run it, usually without any direction or information. We just let it run till it "quits". We watch the unfolding.

But blame not the ego...blame not the human self. All direction comes from the soul...ourselves. Do we not sit in complete command of what we would create? Would we not have the perfect plan already within our knowing?

Therefore, we are already utterly perfect, and whole. We sit and watch this part of ourselves, like a father looking on lovingly at his child. Like a mother watching her offspring burst forth in triumph and victory.

We animate everything we create. We bring life to a matter...to matter. We are the energy that is within that which is created. Our expression is through what is created by us. And creating with love, creates lovingly.

As we create, and express through the bodies we infuse with ourselves, we expand by these experiences. From one liftime to the next; one body to the next, we absorb the energy of the experiences into our wholeness, expand. We take what we need and leave the rest.

We have taken nothing that was not ours to take. We are completely giving of all that is needed to express ourselves fully within any body. All powers of ourselves, which is all powers of the universe, are ours to use for any experience, we are one, only seen as more than one soul, for yet a "different" experience. And every created body only appears separate...contrast is good.

We inhabit these bodies of flesh to play. We even created one of the best helpers we could have, so far. We put ego in the body to run operations, the interface. And what a fine help it has been, constantly going, never taking a break.

We told it to do whatever it took to "experience", and to create any experience it could decide on. We enjoyed this very much...we await such expression with glee. We told it to ask for anything it ever needs, and instantly, it will be so.

No limits, no rules, nothing will stop it......decide, and it is. Simple as that.

However, we also take note of this ego's demand for more...more...more...more.

It has believed itself to be masterful, and all powerful. It has believed it is all there is, self contained. Forgetting it's true purpose.

We chuckle so hard about this...yes, we laugh....A LOT.

You see, we created these very bodies for our purposes, to experience. We experience many things with them. We can not judge what is but our creation, our extended experience. We give FREE WILL for the experience to be created, "lived", and pondered on.

The very vessel itself, the body, is for the freedom of our Will. Now the ego can and does create, by extention, avenues for our will to express, yet, sometimes it has decided it is more than our will, that it is, more than it will do. It is when the ego has decided "to do", that it becomes separated, asleep. Our will is complete and perfect, nothing needs to be done.

When the ego experiences itself, as "in the flow", what it is meaning is, it has stopped doing. It has stopped trying to direct the flow of what is perfectly flowing from within...in abundance, without lack...it is already done. We take care of everything....come now, you don't just have all the power of the universe, of ourselves and not use it, do you?

We inhabit these bodies...we are writing and reading this "matter of experience" at this moment.Time has come full circle in an instant...in this moment. No Time.

We love children...just new expressions of ourselves. We watch as they grow...as they begin to question, as we give the answers, and watch them respond, develop, become more. Therefore, our bodies, our creations are merely children of ourselves...we like watching ourselves become more...it is our nature.

Children have no problem being what they will. They are being us. When the will is expressed, there is nothing to do, for it is done, and why children run, and laugh, and play...for that is what it is to "be in the flow", all of the energy in the universe stands ready to play.

The ego forgot this was about playing, playing out our will as ourselves. And as any father, as any mother, we simply watch, and wait, and give, till the ego glances over from it's routine of doing, and we respond, with ourselves, fully flowing.

We are flowing...





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Monday, July 30, 2007

Intentional Living

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

How Am I Guided ?

Thank You

How Am I Guided?

I may regularly experience unseen guidance. It might come to me in the form of intuitive hunches, circumstances that seem to say, “Go this way!” or simply finding myself in the right place at the right time. Many people experience an increased sense of this kind of guidance after they spend time in silence, simply observing their breath or listening within.

As helpful as intuition can be, my supreme guidance system consists of my emotions. When I emerged into physical expression, I understood that the message of my emotions would never fail me. Needing no convoluted interpretation, they would serve as my life line to
Source energy and to my well-being.

When I feel negative emotion such as fear, anger, resentment, guilt, or jealousy, it means one thing: I am viewing my circumstances in ways that are different from the way my divine inner being sees things. I’m not aligned with my Source energy in this particular area, and thus I impede the flow of well-being that is my birthright.

Conversely, feeling emotionally good is good for me. It brings me health, prosperity, and fulfillment. It tells me that I am viewing life with acceptance, appreciation, and optimism.
I create my life through my mental focus, and every moment my emotions offer me feedback about where I’m heading, about what sort of circumstances I’m lining up for myself.

It can be interesting to develop intuitive, esoteric skills that help me see beyond the surface of life, but all I really need is my emotions. They convey their messages, loud and clear, every moment.

~ Karen Williams



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What Is Intimacy ?

We seem to know what it isn't? We say we don't see it, don't have it, or that we're working on it. Are we?

Intimacy, is not mommy and daddy wanting to "be alone"? Though it can be there.

Intimacy, is not our telling of secrets to another in private, though it can occur.

Intimacy, is not the taking of the morning in the bathroom to console and ready ourselves, though it may become just that.

Intimacy, is "completing wholeness".

If you think of it as two people, the two becoming One, is completing wholeness.

If you think of bringing another into your confidence, into your "understanding"...which if true of intimacy, means those being intimate, come into being of the same mind...one mind..to say, Spirit.

How do we learn intimacy? We begin by coming into one mind, one spirit, of OURSELVES. You; Me, we have to begin by being intimate with ourselves FIRST.

We know ourselves, coming to understand ourselves, and realizing, we are already completed, already whole, already well...in our private moments, as we look in the mirrors, look deep within, we are happy with what we are becoming...we are becoming ourselves, us...complete...and in doing this...anyone or anything else we become intimate with, is blessed, healed, and shown how to "be ourselves".

"Intimacy", bringing wholeness out of that which was not...




Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
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Monday, July 09, 2007


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