Monday, April 30, 2007


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: TREYYA&trade

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

This one is for everyone who ...

a) has kids, B) had kids, c) was a kid, d) knows a kid e) is going to
Have kids

I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter was
Having a wonderful time playing on the bed.

At one point she said, "Daddy, look at this," and stuck out two of her

Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny
fingers in my mouth and said,

"Daddy's gonna eat your fingers," pretending to eat them.

I went back to packing, looked up again and my
daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a
Devastated look on her face.

I said, "What's wrong, honey?"

She replied, "What happened to my booger?"

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Human Laws

Every law that you have on your books today, whether it's a religious or a secular law, has come about because "you're" trying to "get somebody else" to do something that will make "you" feel better.


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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Thoughts Are Like Cosmic Glue

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Eternal Energy

There are around 6 billion people on this planet and every one of those people has thoughts. Scientists believe that the average person has up to 50,000 thoughts per day so when you multiply how many thoughts each individual has each day by the population of the planet, that is a lot of thoughts. It is all those trillions and trillions of thoughts that produce a kind of energy which shapes the world we see and live in. All these thoughts are like cosmic glue holding our reality in place.

Over the course of time the world changes. You will notice over the course of a decade that the world is slightly different in it’s appearance and the attitude of the people inhabiting the world in each new decade is also different. After a hundred years you will notice a much greater change in the world’s appearance and the attitude of its people. The reason the world changes is because our collective thinking changes.

What I am referring to is how we each affect each other whether we are aware of it or not. One of the most destructive devices in the modern world that causes so much death, destruction, fear and chaos is the TV. Yes the television is perhaps the most dangerous piece of equipment ever built. Many or should I say most people in the developed world watch TV everyday and give very little thought to what it is they are doing to themselves. They turn on the box and watch the news programs and listen to all the statistics on how many women die of breast cancer and how many men will develop heart disease and how terrorism is becoming a huge problem throughout many countries in the world and they believe what they hear. That is where the problem lies, they believe what they hear.

The moment you believe something your subconscious mind begins to make it happen. This is the nature of thought, thinking is this kind of cosmic glue that gets stuck all through your thoughts and begins to manifest in your life. If you don’t believe something is true or possible than it isn’t. It is only belief that turns a thought into reality. So if you and everyone else never heard about or thought about breast cancer it would never become a problem for you. What has happened is, someone has been thinking about a problem arising in their body like cancer, than that thought manifests as a disease within the body and then other people hear about it and then the media broadcasts it and then the entire world knows about it and then it becomes a statistic we believe we may succumb to.

This worldwide growing terrorism threat seems to have gotten out of hand and we the people of this planet are responsible for this through our collective thinking. No, nobody wants there to be any terrorism but we thought about the possibility of global terrorism for so long that through our thinking and our worry, we made it happen and now it’s happening so much more because we keep thinking about it, the media pushes it, the media is actually invoking it. While we keep terrorism, cancer and all those other horrible demons in our minds we will only serve to nourish them and give them life with our daily thoughts.

The moment we can clear our minds and focus only on what we want, the things that bring joy and happiness is when the world will make another change in a new positive direction and away from the fearful world we continue to build from our thoughts of today. Your thoughts, my thoughts, everyone’s collective thoughts literally create everything in the universe.

To your Bliss,
Eternal Energy

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Friday, April 27, 2007

26 Principals of Life

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: TREYYA&trade

THANX TO: Divine Love

Rules for life
Spiritual Guidance - 26 Principals of Life

1. All Are Related:
There is a Native American saying,
which translates roughly to "All are Related".
Everything in the universe is part of The Great Spirit,
from a rock, to a plant, to a fish, to a human.
The spirit flows between and within us all,
and is the building block of everything.
Since we are all part of the same whole,
we should treat the rest of the whole as if it is part of us,
i.e. with compassion and love.
We are all part of the Great Spirit,
just like all the different leaves on a tree are still part of the tree.

2. The Energy Flow:
The universe is composed of energy.
This energy flows between everything, us and within us all.
When we have internal blocks,
the energy fails to flow correctly,
causing illness, lethargy and other symptoms.
This energy can be directed consciously,
we can see it, and feel it.
How we feel affects our energy levels;
negativity drains energy, positivity creates energy.

3.We Are Beings of Both Spirit and Flesh:
We are spirits, but at the same time,
we are creatures of the flesh.
We inhabit both worlds simultaneously,
even though we are often unaware of it.
We should not shun the flesh for spirit or vice versa.
Both are equally important.
We have to walk with one foot in each of these worlds,
and pay them both attention.
Neglecting either world causes distress in the other.

4. No One Entity is Superior to Another:
No one being or creature is any better or greater than another
. We are all the same.
We are all on different paths
and have different levels of understanding,
but that does not make any one of us better than another.
Humans are not masters of nature,
nor the animals and plants.
They are our companions, and co-inhabitants of this planet.
We are not superior to them, nor do we own them.
We should treat them all with respect.

5..Belief Creates:
How we perceive the universe is shaped by our beliefs.
If we believe we are in a hurry,
then everyone else appears to be going slow.
Through belief and positive thought,
we can create virtually anything.
We should believe in our abilities and ourselves,
and we will succeed.
We can combine the power of belief
with that of visualisation to bring anything into reality.

Inside of us, a voice speaks and guides us.
It is our intuition.
We can choose to ignore it or to listen to it.
Once we are in tune with our intuition and start to listen to it,
we will be guided and will find that we can achieve
more than we thought possible.
We will begin to realize
that the Great Spirit works through us -
often in mysterious ways,
but always to our benefit - in the long term.

7. The Higher Purpose:
Everything that happens is for a reason
and for the greater good.
We have to learn to look at events in our lives
from more than just the normal human perspective.
We must see them from the perspective of the Great Spirit
and to look at what good will come from these events.
This is the old maxim of "is the glass half full or half empty".
We can look at events badly, half empty,
and our reaction will be worse.
However, should we look at events better, i.e. half full,
then we are more positive,
which means our energy is higher,
and our reaction will be better.

8. There are No Ordinary Moments:
The past only exists in our memory.
The future only exists as our expectation.
The only time that really exists is NOW.
It is a precious moment
and we should treat every single moment
as special and live it to the full.
By being in the present, we have presence.
To live in the now the conscious mind
should be quiet
and you must focus totally
on what you are doing,
not what you are going to be doing next week,
or what you are going to have for lunch.

9.There are No Limits:
The only limits we have
are those we place upon ourselves,
or others place upon us.
To this end,
we should avoid being put in a pigeonhole
and labeled by others.
If someone views a dog as being vicious,
then it is more likely to be vicious.
We should hold no expectations of others,
and let them be themselves, just as we should be ourselves.

10.Action not Reaction:
If we are tickled, our reaction is to laugh.
We should be at a state
where we do not react in a situation, but act.
Reaction is unconscious, whereas Action is conscious.
We should not let past influences affect our actions,
e.g. if we were once bitten by a dog,
when we next meet a dog,
we should not let the past bite affect how we act towards it.
There are times to act, as well as times to be still.
By living in the present
and having control of the conscious mind,
we can better direct our action.

11.Positivity Rules:
Negative thoughts attract negative events and drain our energy
Positive thoughts attract positive events and increase our energy.
To this end,
we should look at our thoughts
and the events which happen to us in a positive light,
realizing negative thoughts for what they are
and releasing them in a positive way~.

12.Posture, Pose & Breathing:
Energy flows through the body,
as it flows through all things.
If the posture and pose are bad,
the energy can not flow cleanly and causes blockages,
which manifest as pain or illness.
We breathe in energy from the world around us.
Therefore, our breaths should be deep and full,
coming from the bottom of the belly, and not the chest.
This enables us to maximise our energy.
Deep breathing helps relax us.
When we are stressed, angry or afraid
our breathing changes and becomes shallow and faster.
By consciously controlling our breathing
and keeping it deep and even,
we can release the stress, anger or fear,
enabling us to act consciously in the situation.

13.Everything in Balance:
The universe exists in a state of balance, as should we.
We can do anything we wish,
but should always do it to moderation, never to excess.
Should we do things to excess,
then they can become addictive~
which drains energy and may become negative.
Being balanced allows us to act better in situations.
If we are sat on the fence, so to speak,
we can jump off either way should we desire to.

14.Intent is Action:
You can intend to do anything, and your intent is important.
However, unless the intent is followed with action,
then the intent is nothing.
As an example. I may intend to get fit,
but spend all my time sat in front of the TV
eating pizza and drinking cola.
I have my intention,
but my actions do not confirm or create the intention.
Therefore, if you intend something, do it,
don't just talk about it.
Action turns knowledge into wisdom.

15.Freedom of Choice:
We all have free will,
and can choose to do anything we wish.
There is no situation where we do not have choice.
It may appear that we do not,
but there are always options,
if we have the courage and strength to take them.
We just have to have the courage of conviction
to make the right decisions.

16.Change Happens:
Change is continuous and is always happening around us.
We can not actually perceive change,
but can see the end result of it.
Change is not a bad thing nor is it to be feared.
Through change we can grow and go forwards.

17.Taking Responsibility:
Our actions cause a reaction -
it is a law of nature.
We have to be aware of our actions
and take responsibility for them
and for the consequences of them.
It is no good doing something
and then saying you did not mean to do it.
Had you not meant to do it, you would not have done it.
By taking responsibility for our actions,
so we can take back our power and freedom to choose.
We have to accept that no one will live for us,
and that sometimes our actions will cause others,
or ourselves, a measure of discomfort.
Remember though,
that discomfort
is one way of helping us grow
and to show us where changes need to be made.

18.One Step at a Time:
To get to any goal,
break it down into a number of small steps.
If you have many small successes,
then this will lead to a big success.
If you aim for a big success straight off, you may fail.
Remember that a journey towards any destination
starts with a single step,
and then a second and a third,
and as many as required until you reach that destination.
Remember to reward and praise yourself for your successes,
however small they are.
By acknowledging them,
you increase your power and will to succeed,
strengthening your belief in yourself.

We have no right to judge another for their words,
thoughts or deeds.
They have the freedom of choice to do as they please
and act as they wish, just as we do.
We are in no position to judge anyone,
as we are imperfect ourselves.
It is easily done, for example,
you see a big man with tattoo's, a skinhead and wearing leather,
and the automatic assumption is that he is trouble.
He may be a florist for all we know.
This colours our judgement of people
and changes how we act towards them.
By having no preconceptions of other people,
we can interact better with them,
and perhaps make a new friend.

Integrity is all about how we act when no one is looking
We must live to our own standards
and should not judge others by them.
This is about living in line
with our highest vision despite urges to the contrary.

21.Air Your Doubts:
By airing your doubts, fears, and worries,
by looking at them and seeing them for what they are,
so you can conquer them and rid yourself of them forever.
By refusing to confront them,
so they gain power over you,
and become even more deeply rooted.
After you realise what they are - release them.

It is very rare for us to fail.
We only ever choose to stop trying.
That is us exercising our free will.
We can stop trying any time we wish,
but those that succeed never stop
until they get to their goal.
Success often does not come easy,
and does require work and effort from us.
You will find that most 'overnight successes'
have been working hard for that success for many years.
Failure is not something to be feared or worried about,
because we can never fail!
Everything we do,
no matter whether we view it as a success or failure
is a valuable lesson for us to learn.
By looking at a perceived failure as a valuable lesson,
it no longer feels as bad.
The only true failure is not learning the lessons
our mistakes teach us.

23.The Ongoing Journey:
Our journey of exploration through life never~
ever stops.
The destination is not the reward or the goal.
The journey to the destination is the goal itself.

24.Don't Mind:
If we take an objective view of our mind,
then we can see that lots of thoughts drift through it,
many of which we are unaware of.
A sad, angry or fearful thought may drift up
from the sub-conscious mind~
and change how we feel for no apparent reason.
We must take control of the mind
through tools such as meditation,
and become aware of these thoughts
and realise them for what they are.
Then, we can let them go and stay relaxed and centered.
By consciously focusing on our breathing,
and keeping it deep and even,
we can help to release these negative thoughts.

Emotions come and go.
They flow through us all the time,
often without us even realizing.
Many of us do not express our emotions
because we feel we have to
"Be manly" or "Be responsible" or "Be cool".
When we feel the negative emotions,
we can feel our bodies tense
If we do not express these emotions when we feel them,
the tension is stored within our bodies.
Having emotions is not to be feared and should be celebrated.
When you feel an emotion - express it!
If you are happy - smile and laugh,
if you are sad cry.
Expressing your emotions releases the tension they give,
and helps you live more fully in the here and now.
Once you have expressed an emotion,
it is gone and will not return
with the same force for that situation.
If we refuse to express them and store the emotions up,
then, like damming a fast river,
eventually the water level will rise too high
if we do not provide it with an outlet.

As children, we play exuberantly.
We have fun, enjoy ourselves and have lots of energy.
Then something happens, we grow up,
and we no longer play
believing that adults have to be adult and they don't play.
Playing is one of our greatest sources of pleasure.
It takes many forms, from sport to games
to laughing and joking with friends.
Playing increases our energy and makes us more positive.
It makes those around us more positive
and generally lifts the spirits of all involved~
There are times to be serious, yes,
but there are times to play too,
and that is what we must not forget.
Author Jason Johns

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Paradox On the Path

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: lana deym campbell

The riddle of the paradox is not a on my friends...some great & stimulating stuff here. An uplifting read.

Thanks, Pear
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: pear

Paradox On the Path

You will likely have noticed that on your journey 'home' to your authentic self, the path is riddled with paradox. Paradoxes are statements which appear contradictory but hide a deeper truth e.g. the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking.

The seeing and the realisation of paradox can set us free from the constraints of what appears to be illogical thinking. It seems illogical to think that standing is more tiring than walking, but it's true. Behind what seems illogical lies a truth that if unrealised and not integrated into your life will result in the creation of tension, confusion or an imbalance, while never really knowing the reason why. For example we may be aware that our relationships are defined by a dynamic of giving and receiving at a variety of levels (things, ideas, attention, time etc) but the inherent paradox in this dynamic is that giving is receiving and receiving is giving. In order to receive you have to give, and in order to give you have to receive. At first sight this can appear illogical but behind the illogic there lies a deeper truth. At the dualistic, material level if you don't give it means you will be 'busy wanting'. It means your thoughts and your attention are trapped in what you want, and you are therefore closed to the possibility of receiving anything other than the object of your desire. The only way to open yourself to the infinite possibility of receiving is to place your attention, your thoughts and action, into giving.

At the spiritual level of giving and receiving the paradox takes a slightly different form. It is only when we give with love that we feel
the love that already lives within us. In essence, only by giving love can you know and receive the love that you are. By giving to others you are receiving from yourself. And conversely, to be fully open to receiving the love of others 'gives' them the opportunity to receive and feel and know themselves as love. No surprise then that someone once said, "Through the gates of paradox you shall find the truth". Paradox lies in wait at every turn.

Staying in the territory of relationship another paradox shows up at the level of understanding. In order to know and understand others it is first necessary to know and understand your self. Often we demonstrate our perplexity when we claim, "I just don't understand them. I thought I knew them, but now I realise I don't". What we don't realise is that the underlying cause of our inability to connect and resonate with others is our ignorance of our self. You cannot read and understand the emotions that others are feeling until you learn to fully feel and identify the emotions that you feel within yourself. The psychopath has no ability to empathise with others because they have spent their entire life avoiding their own feelings. People are like books but we cannot read them until we learn to read ourselves at all levels from intention to belief, from emotion to attitude. Which is why the best way to get to know and truly understand others is to spend a lot of time with yourself. But this has always been the way on any authentic spiritual path. Which leads into yet another paradox that further perplexes our rational, linear thinking. It is this idea of unity. To create unity in a gathering of people you have to first be completely comfortable and united within yourself. You often see in a group or community there are those who are always calling for unity. They say, "We should be united and stand as one on this". And yet they themselves are not in unity with everyone as the 'react' to the reactions of others. It means they are not united within themselves, they are not 'at one' with themselves. And this means they are not able to be a catalyst or facilitator of unity in a group. Paradoxically we are all already united, we are all already as one, but we have lost our innate awareness of that oneness.

We cannot see or feel unity and oneness in the world around us because we still 'believe' in division and separation. And that is because within our self there is fragmentation and division. When you resolve your inner fragmentation (the voices of many identities) you will see and know the underlying oneness of 'us all'!

A similar paradox exists within the intention to raise your consciousness, which is not possible unless you remain grounded! Many make the mistake of isolating themselves from the world and putting all their time and attention into mystical and meditative practices with the hope of simply 'rising above it all'. They then wonder why progress is fleeting and slow. Then one day they realise that the real lessons that need to be learned and integrated in order to 'rise above' lie in everyday places, everyday interactions with people, and the everyday practicalities of living. When people, places and practicalities are not dealt with accurately, and with love, they become a burden carried by our consciousness, a form of 'unfinished business' which weighs us down making it impossible to raise our self above the mundane. You cannot check out of the supermarket without learning the price of each item and paying the bill. Only then are the groceries fully owned by you, and only then can you choose to where and when to set them down, thus relieving yourself of the burden that keeps you grounded.

ostrich syndrome
- From Order to Chaos and Back Again !

Most of us are now familiar with the image of ostrich with its head buried in the sand as it deludes itself into believing that it cannot be seen! It is also a classic metaphor for how we avoid the reality of a changing world. 'Ostrich syndrome' is a common disease in many organizations. People become too comfortable with old ways of working and they avoid necessary change by deluding themselves with the belief that everything is fine. There is also a global example of 'head in the sand' as it seems very few of us want to see and acknowledge the second law of thermodynamics and face the reality of 'entropy'.

Thermodynamics sounds like a complicated concept but it is one of the simplest and most impressive scientific conceptions that we know. The first and second laws of thermodynamics can be stated in one sentence, "The total energy content of the universe is constant (energy cannot be created or destroyed) and the total entropy is increasing." The simplest definition of entropy is 'the movement of energy from order to chaos, from an available to an unavailable state'.

Energy can only change from one form to another. If we take a quantity of heat and change it into work, in doing so, we haven't destroyed the heat, we have only transformed it into another less concentrated energy form. Energy transformation is always from concentration to diffusion, from order into disorder. If we set fire to a table we would release the concentrated energy (sunlight hours) trapped in the form of the table into light and heat. It would take more energy than was released to get the original energy back to its original concentrated form as wood, thus creating entropy somewhere else.

Everything we see in the world around us is energy in different forms. Time goes forward because energy itself is always moving from an available to an unavailable state. Our consciousness is continually recording the entropy change in the world. This gives us our sense of time passing. We witness entropy as we watch our friends physical forms become old and die, as we sit next to a fire and watch its red hot embers turn slowly into cold white ashes and as we record the rising levels of pollution around the planet. Every time an event occurs anywhere in the world, energy is expended and the overall entropy has been increased.

Entropy is a particular characteristic of a closed system. In a closed system the amount of available concentrated energy that can be put to 'work' will run down unless a source of energy comes from outside the system and replaces and reinvigorates the energy forms within it. The universe is a closed system. The astronomers tell us that the planets and the stars are still rushing outwards and away from each other. At this macro level they are moving from concentration to dissipation. Our planet is also a closed eco/bio system made up of many energy forms ? earth, air, fire and water are the four most basic - always moving from available to unavailable states. For thousands (some say millions) of years, a source of energy from outside our closed planetary system, the sun, has assured the rate of entropy has been kept at a very slow pace. So slow as to be almost imperceptible to previous generations. But something happened which accelerated entropy to such an extent that it is almost impossible to ignore today.

We invented a machine called a clock to measure the passing of time and became conscious of the speed of events. Soon, the achievement of speed became synonymous with success and in the striving to make things happen faster we naturally accelerated the use of natures energy. The rate of entropy has accelerated so much that the sun cannot replenish the energy in the eco/bio systems fast enough. And the system itself is incapable of compensating without that energy. The increasing pollution (chaotic energy) closes the system further and the sun has even less access to reorder and replenish, while heat is trapped within the system. And, as science reminds us, the final destination of entropy in a closed system is 'heat death'.

The world around us however is only a reflection of the world within us. Behind the speed of physical change is the speeding mind, the accelerated cravings and desires of consciousness. Consciousness can also be a closed system if we choose to 'close ourselves' to others. And that is precisely what we have increasingly done. A 'closed life', or a closing of our consciousness, is signaled by various symptoms including the urge to be separate, an increase in fearful thinking, rising levels of personal stress, the habit of blaming others for our own feelings, the gradual loss of our ability to respect others and the expansion of interpersonal conflict. These are all signs that personal power (the energy of consciousness) is running down, moving from order to chaos. It is not being replenished and reordered. The entropy of consciousness is now a reality and the above symptoms can be seen in the attitudes and actions of both individuals and societies. Why? Because we close our consciousness to an energy outside our 'system of consciousness' that if allowed in could renew, restore, replenish and re-order. Whatever you call this energy it is always available. Call it eternal truth, spiritual light, the divine, some refer to it as 'the source', others call it God. While some baggage (negative associations) accompany some of these descriptions of 'the source' it has been the message of many of the sages and saints down though the ages that if we are to grow and be sustained at the level of our spirit, if we are to maintain peace, balance and harmony within our consciousness, there is a need, a necessity, to be open to the source of spiritual power.

Just as the flower needs to open and face the sun every morning in order to receive the light and warmth which are essential to its growth, strength and beauty, so too it is highly likely that we need to turn our awareness to the spiritual sun and open the 'system of our consciousness', our mind and intellect, in order to receive the light of truth and warmth of pure love. If we don't there is a good chance the chaos (fear) and the heating (anger) will grow within our consciousness and eventually explode outwards, not just as some form of cathartic relief, but as a personal and ultimately interpersonal breakdown.
Question: Why do you think an increasing number of people experience the 'entropy of consciousness' in the form of loss of mental stability/positivity and intellectual clarity/discernment today?
Reflection : Sit quietly for a moment and reflect on what you are thinking about most of the time. Where do your thoughts go most? What are your most frequent feelings? Would you say they are ordered or chaotic? What have been the patterns during the course of your life?

Action : An experiment - build a ten minute meditation into each day this week and consciously turn the 'flower of your consciousness' towards the 'sun of spirit'. Without struggling, allow your thinking to become as quiet as possible as you do this, imagining light flooding into your mind. Then watch to see if there is any difference in your energy/attitudes/feelings/responses once you return to action. (p.s. ? if you find it hard to relax your mind and concentrate your attention for ten minutes what might that say?)


Smile Cards!

Starting in September of 2003, smile cards began appearing all around the world. They are markers of a newfangled game of tag, where "you're it" because someone has done something nice for you. Then it's your turn to do something nice for someone else and, in the process, pass the card along. This is a game of pay-it-forward: anonymously make someone smile, leave behind a card asking them to keep the ripple going. It's easy and fun. Is kindness truly contagious? There's only one way to find out ...

Join in the fun!

My Smile Card Story

--posted by Richard on Mar 8, 2007

About a month ago I learned about "smile cards," which can be found at Smile cards are "an experiment in anonymous kindness," as stated on each card.

Each card, when used in the spirit intended, serves at least two immediate purposes. One, it becomes the physical marker of an event of anonymous kindness. This is important because, physically persisting, it can serve as the template for the perpetuation of the idea of itself: new acts of anonymous kindness. As an object carrying an explanation of itself, it also will serve as a reference point for the recipient of the anonymous act of kindness who, besides being grateful may well be befuddled. Anonymous acts of kindness verge on the incomprehensible to most of us in this culture. The mere idea remains a little shocking. Imagine how disorienting it might be to receive an anonymous act of kindness oneself! It could be both discombobulating and bejooberating at the same time! It's easy to see how one would need to look again at the card to double-check on what just happened. And on the back of each card, the explanation is there: "someone reached out to you with an anonymous act of kindness. Now it's your turn to do the same. Do something nice for someone, leave this card behind, and keep the spirit going."

Ten minutes after putting the card in your pocket you'd start doubting what happened. Did that really happen to me? And you'd reach in your pocket and pull out the smile card to read it again.

And so, out of the confusion, the gratitude, the disorientation any act of anonymous kindness is likely to induce, each card remains as the gentle, orienting reminder to the recipient of what happened. Thus it points toward a realignment, perhaps the beginning of a new attitude, one of greater alertness to whatever is taking place around one, especially with regard to others.

Smile cards came into my life about a month ago. The act that made me aware that the idea of the smile card had sunk in a little might seem trivial. Driving up to a stoplight, as I passed by a driver, I noticed he suddenly realized he needed to get over into my lane. But it was too late. I watched to see if he could get in behind me, but the driver behind me refused to make space. So he was stuck in the wrong lane beside me waiting at the red light. I reached out my window and made a hand signal: cross over in front of me when the light changes. He did and waved his thanks. A few minutes later, I noticed that I had a smile on my face, and I hadn't even used one of the smile cards I had in my shirt pocket!

--Richard, editor Works & Conversation

Reader Comments
sewingsphynx wrote: At all times those smile cards serve as an inspiration to do good. The ripple effect is alive and well!

sheetal wrote: dear richard
random acts of kindness have a way of becoming a way of life once practiced often...
glad its become a way for you,

tambu wrote: Thanks for passing on the love, Richard!

Join in the fun! Get your smile cards, read up on some kindness ideas, and get started!

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Freely download our designs. You can take our high-resolution Photoshop files to your local printer and get your cards made. We also have cards available in several different languages. Learn more >>

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Get some pre-printed cards. We know you will continue to do kind acts even without cards, but we are happy to ship you some to keep the kindness moving along. Simply fill out the order form below.

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
Articles of Intent Content
The Intentional One
Intentional Interactive
Knights Intent MySpace

ME Webhost

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Alternative Healing

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: self :: fullfilling :: prophecy

This is Awesome! ... Thank You
Earth Angel
Eternal Energy

The EFT Manual is a FREE Download!

Manifesting Intention
Essence of Reality
Essence of Eden
Living On Love
Articles of Intent Content
The Intentional One
Intentional Interactive
Knights Intent MySpace

ME Webhost

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's Time To Change Everything

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Richie ;)~


The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems. As you will see, The Venus Project is dedicated to confronting all of these problems by actively engaging in the research, development, and application of workable solutions. Through the use of innovative approaches to social awareness, educational incentives, and the consistent application of the best that science and technology can offer directly to the social system, The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology, and nature will be able to coexist in a long-term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.

The plans for the Venus Project offer society a broader spectrum of choices based on the scientific possibilities inherent in current technology and direct that knowledge toward a new era of peace and sustainability for all cultures. Through the implementation of a resource-based economy, and a multitude of innovative and environmentally friendly technologies directly applied to the social system, The Venus Project proposals will dramatically reduce crime, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and many other pressing problems that are common throughout the world today.

One of the cornerstones of the organization's findings is the fact that many of the dysfunctional behaviors of today's society stem directly from the dehumanizing environment inherent in the existing monetary system. Moreover, the currently utilized random implementation of automation and other technologies have resulted in a fragmented, self-defeating trend occurring throughout the manufacturing and high-tech sectors of today's global economy--namely the technological replacement of human labor by machines. The Venus Project proposes a social system in which automation and technology would be intelligently applied and integrated into an overall social design where the primary function would be to maximize the quality of life rather than profits. This project also introduces a set of workable and acceptable human values that are more appropriate and in balance with our present state of technology.


A Resource-Based Economy is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of debt or servitude. All resources become the common heritage of all of the inhabitants, not just a select few. The premise upon which this system is based is that the Earth is abundant with plentiful resource; our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counter productive to our survival.

Modern society has access to highly advanced technology and can make available food, clothing, housing and medical care; update our educational system; and develop a limitless supply of renewable, non-contaminating energy. By supplying an efficiently designed economy, everyone can enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities of a high technological society.

A resource-based economy would utilize existing resources from the land and sea, physical equipment, industrial plants, etc. to enhance the lives of the total population. In an economy based on resources rather than money, we could easily produce all of the necessities of life and provide a high standard of living for all.

Consider the following examples: At the beginning of World War II the US had a mere 600 or so first-class fighting aircraft. We rapidly overcame this short supply by turning out more than 90,000 planes a year. The question at the start of World War II was: Do we have enough funds to produce the required implements of war? The answer was No, we did not have enough money, nor did we have enough gold; but we did have more than enough resources. It was the available resources that enabled the US to achieve the high production and efficiency required to win the war. Unfortunately this is only considered in times of war.

In a resource-based economy all of the world's resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth's people, thus eventually outgrowing the need for the artificial boundaries that separate people. This is the unifying imperative.

We must emphasize that this approach to global governance has nothing whatever in common with the present aims of an elite to form a world government with themselves and large corporations at the helm, and the vast majority of the world's population subservient to them. Our vision of globalization empowers each and every person on the planet to be the best they can be, not to live in abject subjugation to a corporate governing body.

Our proposals would not only add to the well being of people, but they would also provide the necessary information that would enable them to participate in any area of their competence. The measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits rather than the acquisition of wealth, property and power.

At present, we have enough material resources to provide a very high standard of living for all of Earth's inhabitants. Only when population exceeds the carrying capacity of the land do many problems such as greed, crime and violence emerge. By overcoming scarcity, most of the crimes and even the prisons of today's society would no longer be necessary.

A resource-based world economy would also involve all-out efforts to develop new, clean, and renewable sources of energy: geothermal; controlled fusion; solar; photovoltaic; wind, wave, and tidal power; and even fuel from the oceans. We would eventually be able to have energy in unlimited quantity that could propel civilization for thousands of years. A resource-based economy must also be committed to the redesign of our cities, transportation systems, and industrial plants, allowing them to be energy efficient, clean, and conveniently serve the needs of all people.

What else would a resource-based economy mean? Technology intelligently and efficiently applied, conserves energy, reduces waste, and provides more leisure time. With automated inventory on a global scale, we can maintain a balance between production and distribution. Only nutritious and healthy food would be available and planned obsolescence would be unnecessary and non-existent in a resource-based economy.

As we outgrow the need for professions based on the monetary system, for instance lawyers, bankers, insurance agents, marketing and advertising personnel, salespersons, and stockbrokers, a considerable amount of waste will be eliminated. Considerable amounts of energy would also be saved by eliminating the duplication of competitive products such as tools, eating utensils, pots, pans and vacuum cleaners. Choice is good. But instead of hundreds of different manufacturing plants and all the paperwork and personnel required to turn out similar products, only a few of the highest quality would be needed to serve the entire population. Our only shortage is the lack of creative thought and intelligence in ourselves and our elected leaders to solve these problems. The most valuable, untapped resource today is human ingenuity.

With the elimination of debt, the fear of losing one's job will no longer be a threat This assurance, combined with education on how to relate to one another in a much more meaningful way, could considerably reduce both mental and physical stress and leave us free to explore and develop our abilities.

If the thought of eliminating money still troubles you, consider this: If a group of people with gold, diamonds and money were stranded on an island that had no resources such as food, clean air and water, their wealth would be irrelevant to their survival. It is only when resources are scarce that money can be used to control their distribution. One could not, for example, sell the air we breathe or water abundantly flowing down from a mountain stream. Although air and water are valuable, in abundance they cannot be sold.

Money is only important in a society when certain resources for survival must be rationed and the people accept money as an exchange medium for the scarce resources. Money is a social convention, an agreement if you will. It is neither a natural resource nor does it represent one. It is not necessary for survival unless we have been conditioned to accept it as such.

Designs by Jacque Fresco.

ME Webhost

The Power of Words

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: SEELOVEverywhere (Artist Nan Sea Love)

Boy do empaths need this advice! Being deaf to our psychic ablitlity is very important, some people call it shielding.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: John (aka aquaman)

The Power of Your Words...

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Indy the Puppy!!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Joseph and Matthew's Mommy

by Author Unkown

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.

The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all of their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.

The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out.

When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.

ME Webhost

Monday, April 23, 2007


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Karen~Karma*

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May ALL that you wish for, be the least you receive... as I KNOW it can be. Even while virtually everything
in our society tells us, reminds us, and insists, that we are limited, aging “creatures”, who live lives between luck and fate, in a hard, unforgiving world. The truth however, and this will likely ring bells in your heart of hearts, is that we are INFINITE and POWERFUL… fun loving gladiators of the Universe; Adventurers just being human, with eternity before us, and the power
of our thoughts to help shape it.
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That is how powerful we are… and THAT is how powerful YOU are, and to offset all the contradictory thinking of the masses, YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS KIND OF MESSAGE as often as you hear all the others.
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How POWERFUL you are,
How FAR you can reach, and
How MUCH you deserve!
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So that you can begin thriving as the giant you are,
in a kingdom where you have indeed been given dominion over all things.
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Blood, sweat and tears AREN'T what it takes to see your dreams come true, imagination, belief and expectation are what's needed...
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Then you're drawn into action, circumstances and "coincidences" that make dream manifestation INEVITABLE. This isn't wishful thinking, it's the way things have always been in time and space.
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You don't need more education, more connections,
or more lucky breaks... you just need to understand the principles and concepts that every prophet and messiah has shared since the beginning of time. Principles that have nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with the truth about who we are, why we're here, and the magic at our disposal.
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Your dreams are not yours by accident.
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You have them for a reason, many reasons, not the least of which is to make them come true. Your dreams are what's meant to be... you just have to do your part... a mighty tall order when you DON’T fully understand what your part is, nor the processes that make dreams come true, especially while the whole world wants you to believe suffering and sacrifice are the tickets! With UNDERSTANDING however… you'll find that NOTHING COULD POSSIBLY BE EASIER than the way life really works.
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There is nothing you can't do, nothing you can't have, and nothing you can't be...
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You are guided,
You do have the power,
The Universe IS conspiring on your behalf!
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Principles that are now at play in your own life, whether you know what they are or not, and principles which are ridiculously easy to use.
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By identifying, understanding and harnessing them...
you WILL access the power that literally turns wishes into reality, your wishes.
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Just look around you today at our so-called successes. Are they smarter than you? Are they more deserving than you? Have they paid greater dues than you? NO. NO. NO WAY. Whether through their intelligence, or ignorance, usually the latter but it DOESN'T matter, they're actually living in ways that ENGAGE life's principles so that the Universe begins serving them. The good news about this... is that such people are PROOF that ANYONE ELSE can do the same. But here you'll have an advantage... YOU'LL UNDERSTAND YOUR SUCCESSES and therefore won't have to live in fear that they could ever be taken away from you.
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Music Codes by

ME Webhost

Food Chart

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: vini

Thanks to


Vivid Imagination
& *MayLin*

Food Chart~

Protects your heart
prevents constipation
Blocks diarrhea
Improves lung capacity
Cushions joints
Make you smarter

Combats cancer
Controls blood pressure
Saves your eyesight
Shields against Alzheimer's
Slows aging process

Aids digestion
Lowers cholesterol
Protects your heart
Stabilizes blood sugar
Guards against liver disease

Battles diabetes
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
Controls blood pressure
Smoothes skin

Protects your heart
Quiets a cough
Strengthens bones
Controls blood pressure
Blocks diarrhea

Prevents constipation
Helps hemorrhoids
Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Stabilizes blood sugar

Controls blood pressure
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones
Protects your heart
Aids weight loss

Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Stabilizes blood sugar
Boosts memory
Prevents constipation

Strengthens bones
Saves eyesight
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure

Combats cancer
Prevents constipation
Promotes weight loss
Protects your heart
Helps hemorrhoids

Saves eyesight
Controls blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Supports immune system

Saves eyesight
Protects your heart
Prevents constipation
Combats cancer
Promotes weight loss

Protects against Prostate Cancer
Combats Breast Cancer
Strengthens bones
Banishes bruises
Guards against heart disease

Protects your heart
Combats Cancer
Ends insomnia
Slows aging process
Shields against Alzheimer's

Promotes weight loss
Protects your heart
Lowers cholesterol
Combats Cancer
Controls blood pressure

Chili peppers
Aids digestion
Soothes sore throat
Clears sinuses
Combats Cancer
Boosts immune system

Promotes weight loss
Helps stops strokes
Lowers cholesterol
Combats Cancer
Controls blood pressure

Aids digestion
Battles diabetes
Protects your heart
Improves mental health
Boosts immune system

Lowers cholesterol
Controls blood pressure
Combats cancer
kills bacteria
Fights fungus

Protects against heart attacks
Promotes Weight loss
Helps stops strokes
Combats Prostate Cancer
Lowers cholesterol

saves eyesight
Conquers kidney stones
Combats cancer
Enhances blood flow
Protects your heart

Green tea
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Helps stops strokes
Promotes Weight loss
Kills bacteria

Heals wounds
Aids digestion
Guards against ulcers
Increases energy
Fights allergies

Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure
Smoothes skin
Stops scurvy

Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Controls blood pressure
Smoothes skin
Stops scurvy

Combats cancer
Boosts memory
Regulates thyroid
aids digestion
Shields against Alzheimer's

Controls blood pressure
Lowers cholesterol
Kills bacteria
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones

Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
Battles diabetes
prevents constipation
Smoothes skin

Olive oil
Protects your heart
Promotes Weight loss
Combats cancer
Battles diabetes
Smoothes skin

Reduce risk of heart attack
Combats cancer
Kills bacteria
Lowers cholesterol
Fights fungus

Supports immune systems
Combats cancer
Protects your heart
Straightens respiration

prevents constipation
Combats cancer
Helps stops strokes
aids digestion
Helps hemorrhoids

Protects against heart disease
Promotes Weight loss
Combats Prostate Cancer
Lowers cholesterol

Strengthens bones
Relieves colds
Aids digestion
Dissolves warts
Blocks diarrhea

Slows aging process
prevents constipation
boosts memory
Lowers cholesterol
Protects against heart disease

Protects your heart
Battles diabetes
Conquers kidney stones
Combats cancer
Helps stops strokes

Combats cancer
Protects your heart
boosts memory
Calms stress

Sweet potatoes
Saves your eyesight
Lifts mood
Combats cancer
Strengthens bones

Protects prostate
Combats cancer
Lowers cholesterol
Protects your heart

Lowers cholesterol
Combats cancer
boosts memory
Lifts mood
Protects against heart disease

Promotes Weight loss
Combats cancer
Conquers kidney stones
Smoothes skin

Protects prostate
Promotes Weight loss
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
Controls blood pressure

Wheat germ
Combats Colon Cancer
prevents constipation
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
improves digestion

Wheat bran
Combats Colon Cancer
prevents constipation
Lowers cholesterol
Helps stops strokes
improves digestion


ME Webhost

Time Speeding Up

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Kenny - Lightworker

From: self :: fullfilling :: prophecy

I know i said i wouldnt do this... but this was too good to pass up. love this message.

happy earthday
blissful thoughts

Thank you masonic nation under surveillance
Eternal Energy

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More and more frequently people are suggesting that time is speeding up. We hear people saying things like “I never seem to have enough time to get everything done anymore” or “where has the time gone to”. The years are certainly flying by faster than ever and there is a scientific reason why time is speeding up. There are also a number of reasons why we are changing so rapidly and it is all related to time speeding up. Human beings are becoming more consciously aware and people are being drawn towards spirituality and personal development in greater numbers than ever before. Why is this happening?

Scientists discovered many years ago that the earth gives off a pulse. This pulse or frequency which has been likened to a heartbeat has been stable at approximately 7.8 cycles per second for thousands of years. However, since around the year 1980 the earth’s heartbeat began to speed up. It has currently been measured at 12 cycles per second but the most incredible thing is some scientists believe the earth will actually stop rotating when this pulse reaches 13 cycles per second. When the earth stops rotating on its axis it is believed that it will remain still for around 3 days and then start spinning in the other direction. This will cause a reversal in the magnetic field around the earth but what will happen after this point is unclear. At this point you are thinking one of two things. Either you are thinking this sounds pretty amazing or you simply cannot believe it. I’m kind of in the middle myself, I think it’s hard to believe but I’m prepared to keep an open mind. Since I have become interested in spirituality I have seen wonderful things happen in my life and because of this I believe anything is possible.

It is due to this increasing pulse rate that we feel as though time is speeding up. Why do we “feel” as though time is moving faster than it used to be? The reason is what we once perceived to be a period of 24 hours now feels like only 16 hours. Our clocks still move in seconds, minutes and hours and still click over a full day in 24 hours but due to the earths increased heartbeat, we perceive it to be only two thirds as long or a perception period of merely 16 hours.

As far fetched as all this may seem, a number of reports suggest that we will reach this critical mass or zero point when the earth stops rotating, very soon. It could well be in the next 5 years which happens to be at the end of the well documented and controversial Mayan Calendar which ends in the year 2012. Everything that is happening to people and our planet has been predicted in the Mayan Calendar. From my research into this phenomena and the changes I can see happening in my body and mind as well as what I see happening around the globe, I believe as do many others that we are now moving into the 4th dimension. The fourth dimension is where our thoughts will manifest almost instantly. This period of life on earth is where our good and bad energy will come back to us almost immediately. This is why so many people, although perhaps unaware as to why, are becoming consciously aware and turning towards spirituality. We are feeling the urge to not only do the right thing for our own body and mind and soul but we are more willing to help others than ever before in history.

The growth rate in awareness is off the charts. What once took years of reading, learning and watching to become more spiritually aware may now only take a year or even months. There is so much more information than ever before on spirituality available in books and on the internet that is serving to accelerate our learning and helping us move away from the darkness of fear and towards the light of love. As we feel the need to change our direction in life and release our bad habits we are starting to meet others who feel the same way and collectively we are helping each other. We are realizing that we are part of something greater than our individual self and this further accelerates our spiritual evolution.

As time continues to speed up and as we move through the 4th dimension into the 5th dimension, when the earth stops rotating, our positive or negative energy will come back to us in an instant.

We are leaving the Age of Pieces, a destructive and oppressive period and moving into the New Age period of love and peace. This is a difficult time for many people as they struggle to come to terms with what is happening around them and what is happening to their mind and feelings. The key is to let go and trust in this natural process of change and not to fight your feelings. As we move closer to the fifth dimension and as time speeds to an all time high, our thoughts, feelings and intentions will manifest into our reality in the twinkling of an eye. What this means effectively is that those of us living with thoughts of fear and trepidation, will manifest just that into their lives causing untold pain. However, those of us feeling happy and positive will manifest only love and joy into their lives. It’s all about choice, and it’s your choice to make, nobody can make it for you.

How has this information changed my life? It hasn’t really, although maybe in some ways it has. I’m usually a pretty positive person and this only serves to enforce the idea that I should remain positive at all times. I try and take more notice of the people and events around me, this has made the relationships with the people I care about even stronger. I give more of my time and money to help those less fortunate than me. I have started this myspace profile and thoroughly enjoy sharing information with others and receiving mostly positive feedback on the subjects I write. Although, I still get up and go to work each day to earn, spend and save money and I still think about my plans for the future no matter what dimension I will be in.

As we continue through this exciting period of history the entire world will change along with everyone in it. Eventually we will be forced to release our fears, there is no other way. Fear will cease to exist and the greatest causes of fear, being time and money, will no longer be a part of our existence. Can you imagine reality in a place without time and money? I must say it’s most definitely a concept I find hard to fathom. It’s an exciting period to be alive so I’m going to go with the flow and enjoy the ride, I hope you’ll join me.

To your Bliss,
Eternal Energy

ME Webhost

What Are You Grateful For?

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: ~cHaos~
I needed this!

Thank you,

With so much talk about the movie
"The Secret,"
and The law of Attraction,
I thought it might be helpful to share
a powerful method for drawing toward you
more of what you want in life.

It's about being grateful.

When you stay connected to what you feel grateful for every day, you ignite the law of attraction by programming your subconscious mind to stay focused on what you love. The question then becomes: How do you remember to do this every day?

Here are a few ways to build a daily gratitude practice into your life:

~*~ Choose one activity you already do on a regular basis and align it with a gratitude ritual. For example, when brushing your teeth, make it a point to identify three things you feel grateful for. Or, once you finish going through the mail, take a few moments to think about the people in your life who make you smile.

~*~ Keep several pages at the back of your journal as an ongoing gratitude list and just before you go to bed, list five or six things you feel grateful for. It's not only a smart way to stay connected to the abundance that already exists in your life, it's fun to review the list over time.

~*~ Make up a new gratitude game with the kids. When driving the kids to school in the morning (or making breakfast), announce that it's time to play the "Here's What I'm Grateful For" game. Ask the kids to yell out the things they appreciate. If you're willing to put up with a little eye-rolling, I'd suggest you try it with your teenagers, too. It's so important to help kids develop this habit early in life.

~*~ During each meal, go around the table and have each person share one thing he or she feels grateful for. To take the conversation to an even deeper level, you might ask each person to name a challenge that turned out to be a blessing in disguise. This ritual is a wonderful way to start a meal off on the right foot, and to create a more intimate and meaningful experience.

When I think about all I have to feel grateful for, I'm reminded of the things that can easily be taken for granted. For example, today I feel grateful for the sunshine after several cloudy days, the budding flowers in my garden that herald spring, and the wonderful emails I received today from my friends here.

What about you?

What are you grateful for today?

Let today be the start of a new gratitude ritual.

Here's an idea:

Each time you log on to MySpace, while the page is loading, stop and think of ten things you are thankful for.

You might even keep a little notebook near your computer. There's nothing like a grateful heart to get you started on each morning!

ME Webhost

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Heart Center

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Karen~Karma*

Thank You And Blessings to
The Healing Channel
Angel Warrior

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Hathor Channeling - 4/18/05

We wish to speak with you in this section concerning the generation of ecstasy through focusing on the heart. We do not speak of the heart chakra in this instance, but rather we refer to the physical heart, the heart muscle itself.
This technique involves your focus, or attention, joined with the emotion of gratitude, or appreciation—which ever you prefer to use.
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As soon as you focus your attention on the heart, you may notice a flow of subtle energy.
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From our perspective, your focus of attention operates much like the central point of an energy vortex. This is especially true within your physical body and the field surrounding your body—your energy field—what the ancients called the aura.
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Your ability to create a focus of attention is not just a cerebral, or brain, activity. It is an activity on many levels of consciousness. Wherever you place you attention within your body, or within the energy field of your body, there is an immediate flow of subtle energy to that point, or area, which has an enlivening effect upon the cells of your body, and/or the luminous light fibers that comprise your energy body.
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Your focus, indeed, creates a warping effect at the subatomic levels, what you might call quantum field effects. These field-effects create distinct flows of energy, geometry and harmonics within you.
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To alter the quantum field through the power of your focus is an important ability we urge you to master. Its applications are numerous, the cultivation of ecstasy being just one of them.
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In this method, you use this ability to hold focus or attention, joined with the emotion of appreciation or gratitude. These two emotions have a coherent effect upon your energy field and upon the rhythmic magnetic emanations of your physical heart. This combination of focus and coherent emotion can be used to generate high states of ecstasy.
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As we have said previously, the generation of ecstatic states of consciousness is an important evolutionary catalyst. We strongly suggest that you learn to create states of ecstasy throughout your day.
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We realize that, for many of you, your daily life may not be conducive to the cultivation of such states, but we urge you to find times throughout your day where you can practice attaining these states for at least a few minutes at a time. A little bit of time spent in ecstasy is better than no time at all.
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This practice will set up a harmonic or a relationship with the Earth, as a conscious living being, and with the harmonic waves of catalytic evolution that are flowing through your galaxy.
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In this technique you focus your attention on the physical heart. As you focus your attention on this area, you generate the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. It is not the thought of appreciation or gratitude—but rather the emotion. In this method, thought will not activate the subtle energies needed to generate ecstasy—only feeling is capable of activating the energy vortices within you.
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As you focus on the physical heart and generate the feeling of appreciation, or gratitude, a waveform of energy begins to flow throughout the body—carried by the magnetic fields of the heart, which emanate outward from the physical heart to encompass your entire body. As the flow of energy begins throughout the body, there is a spontaneous arising of ecstasy—cellular ecstasy.
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Experiment with this technique. Sense what happens in your body as you focus upon your heart and generate these feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Physically feel what seems to be happening at the cellular level as the one trillion (or so) cells of your body receive this coherent energy of gratitude or appreciation.
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Once you have established the ability to create ecstasy as described above, and once you are able to generate ecstasy whenever you desire it—at will—begin to experiment with your energy field—what some call the subtle energy body.
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In working with this method your attention is, again, on the heart, generating feelings of appreciation and gratitude. And as you sense ecstasy beginning to arise in your body, you shift your attention to the field around your body.
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This field of energy looks very much like a luminous egg when viewed clairvoyantly. The wide part of this luminous egg shape is up around the shoulders and the more narrow part is around the feet. There is a central line or axis that runs through the center of this field, and it happens to also run through the center of your physical body—through the top of the head and down through the perineum. This line is the central axis of the magnetic field that comprises the subtle energy body. This body, or field, extends above the head and below the feet a few inches, to a several feet, or even yards. In certain highly charged energy states, the axis and subtle energy body can expand much farther than that.
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By shifting your attention to this central axis and to the field surrounding your body, you allow the ecstasy to move out from the physical body into the field. This is very positive and creates powerful harmonic patterns that bring you into resonance with the waveforms of accelerated evolution that are flowing through your galaxy.
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Do not underestimate the power of this technique. Though it is very simple, it is profound and effective. It will bring you into a higher state of resonance and vibration. And this is, from our perspective, crucial in order to pass through the energetic portals and transformational energies that your Earth is now experiencing and will continue to experience.
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There are things we would like to say to you about your nature and your destiny, but they would, most likely, not be understood by you unless you are, at the very least, in a state of ecstasy.
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This is because the reference point for consciousness is established not only by belief, but also by one’s emotional harmonics. And without you being in a state of ecstasy, it would be like trying to describe a sunrise to a blind person who does not have the ability to directly perceive what you are talking about. To such a person it would be a make-believe world you are describing. But if suddenly this person could see, he or she could sense the sun directly and verify that your description of the world was accurate. And what was once deemed to be in the realm of myth will now be seen as real.
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And so we leave you in this moment with what may seem like a myth, but which we hold as self-evident. You are creator beings in the midst of creating your future and the future of generations yet to come. You hold within your heart a key to the Mystery of Mysteries. And the threshold, the opening into this mystery is through your capacity to enter ecstasy. Be bold and find your path, your way of living upward into this elevated state of being. Do know, however, the ecstasy is not the end of the way. It is simply the beginning.
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Try the method we have laid out for you here. Experiment with the methods we have given earlier and that we will give in the near future. Enter ecstasy whenever you can. Know that when do so, you enter into communion with all the elevated beings and masters who have served and who are serving humanity. Know that when you do so, you enter into communion with your Self.
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In joy and laughter,
The Hathors
by Tom Kenyon - Found at


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