Thursday, February 15, 2007

Dreaming a Better World

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------


The Ability to Remember Dreams

Friends-I thought this information
was important for all to know.
And that is the ability to remember dreams
and why most people do not remember.
I'm going to write this information
in as simple explanation as I possibly can.

Your goal is to become active dreamers~
to become active dreamers
we become empowered
in all number of ways~

Dreamers who have the ability
to visualize and manifest
a better world of love & light~

The ability to remember dreams
is very important~

When you can begin to remember your dreams~
You can begin to actively play
a part in those dreams~

The human soul is eternal
and is linked to the Source of creation~

We learn to link our human brain function
into our Spiritual body~

Soul travel is a marvelous experience
that allows you to travel anywhere~

These experiences
are called Astral Projection
or Lucid dreaming
It is the ability
to wake from your dreams
and begin to actively participate

Within a new multi-dimensional reality
of time and space
You can travel
to the homes of friends
and loved ones
and you will find yourself
existing within a body of Light~

which is your soul form~
or your Spirit or light Body

Soul travel can take you
anywhere in the world
that you want to go
Be it the top of a mountain
or the bottom of the seas~
be it the healing temples
or beautiful gardens

There are places
where all Sacred knowledge,
wisdom and information is stored~
And it will be up to you~
To decode the information
that comes before
your senses of awareness~

Unfortunately, very few people
can remember their soul travel dreams~~
But there are methods available
to recall soul travel during sleep~

We live in a physical world
that revolves around
linear sequence
of time and space

And how do we become
active dreamers???
Our memory is programed from birth
to function in a linear time frame~
which means we remember things
from the starting point
to the end

Recall is ingrained to the sequence
of past, present and future~

When we awaken from a dream ~
we usually only have the flash
to remember the end events~

it is usually impossible to remember
the beginning of the dream-
thus we are not able to process
the memory in the traditional way~

The process of recall is very important~
and it involves building
the minds level of awareness~


In the early stages
of waking up from dream time~
the minds level of recall
is at its highest state of remembrance~

Many times we are able to remember
the very last part of the dream~
but we are not able to remember
much of anything else~
because the mind is not conditioned
to remember things~~
in a reversal of time~

Bits & pieces of the dream
are scattered within our thoughts~
Our thought patterns are not trained
to rerun memory backwards~

In order to start that memory process
you must learn to retrain your memory
to think in a reversal of time~
to train your mind to think
in a non-linear time frame~

This involves retraining the mind~
by taking an event
and retracing the story backwards~
Take some time
before you go to sleep at night~
and begin to relive your day
by starting at the point of laying down~

Going step by step
as if going backwards
you run the image of your day
thru a process of reversal~

(you can make it as easy
or as hard as you want)

begin with the simple things
such as evening chores, dinner,
afternoon events, breakfast-
space them out
and let the process of visualization
become real to you~

Use your senses of awareness~
Taste the food,
hear the sounds,
relive the sequence in your mind~

You can practice in daytime
by thinking of things
in a non-linear way~
a process of reversal
of actions thru the day~
By training your mind
to think in a backward sequence~
you will be amazed
at your heightened levels of awareness~

How do we become
a Lucid dreamer~
or one who takes control
over their dream events~

Remember in dreamtime~
that you have the ability
to use all your senses of awareness~
you can experience
pain, pleasure, taste, smell etc~
These senses of awareness
can trigger your awakening~
where you wake up i
nside your dreams~
Our purpose to become active dreamers~

One of the easiest triggers
is emotion and attraction~
Many times I find myself
pulled to other Souls of likeness~
but many times I find
that they hold fear or aprehension~
when they feel a roaming Spirit
enter into their private space~
And that is even if they have the awareness~
to perceive that I am even there~

So dear friends~
if you feel someone
hovering around you~
it might just be me~
looking for a playmate~
looking for someone to play with~
within the forces of creation~
I am always calling out into the night~
maybe you will evenhear
the echoes of my calling~
haunting you in your dreams~
Calling to come and play~
within the forces of creation~

Just remember
that most roaming spirits~
are not there to hurt you~
but to help you evolve~
to your highest
and greatest potential~

Beloved friends~
maybe one night
I shall see you in your
dream time~
We are actually
only a thought away~~~~~~~~

Love and Gratitude
to my Sister of Light and Wisdom: